shermozle / beaconWatch

Use node.js to load web pages and parse out the analytics beacons of interest
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 2 forks source link


Use node.js to load web pages and parse out the analytics beacons of interest.

What is does is open a browser via Selenium, spin up a proxy server and tell Selenium to use it, then browse to your URL. The proxy parses out the URLs of beacons according to some basic rules.

Block diagram of beaconWatch

Currently just a proof of concept. Aim is to have something that will drive Saucelabs browsers to check in all browsers and to be build into some kind of unit test framework. Also doesn't handle HTTPS so the Facebook beacons don't work and it won't work with secure sites.

It's very rough, but I want to get the concept out there and hopefully better developers than I can help me make it suck less!



Requires these npm modules:


You also need to have a locally running version of the Selenium server like: Version 2.41.0

Run it with: java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.41.0.jar