sheykholeslam / P6950T3

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CMSC6950 - Group # 3 (Growing degree-day)

This is an extended assignment for the course CMSC6950. Our group formation is given below:

  1. Mohammad Hassan -
  2. Ernest -
  3. Mehrzad -
  4. Yin Zhang -
  5. Rufai Raji -
  6. Lutfor Rahman -
  7. Mohammad Sheykholeslam -



Program Execute:

Clone GitHub Repository:
# Make a clone of the repository in a local directory
$ git clone
# To call the Makefile and execute all.
$ make

# To removing all the downloaded data and complied files.
$ make clean

# To run the test case. If there is no reply, that means success.  
$ make test

# To generate files by file name (Ex. report.pdf). 
$ make report.pdf

# To generate interactive plot for Optional Task # 5.
$ bokeh serve source/ --show

Project Requirements and Tasks:

Link : Click Here

Web-based Presentation:

Link : Click Here


Base Files
MakefileMakefile for this project.
Project_Requirements.mdRequirement for this project given by Professor.
README.mdInstructions for source code usage.
Source Files
calculate_GDD.pyFunction to calculate GDD from a given data.
download_data.pyDownload the historical weather data from web.
save_data_as_csv.pySave the downloaded/modified data into CSV format.
extract_data_from_csv.pyExtract the data from downloaded CSV files.
gdd_plot.pyPlot the cumulative GDD for multiple cities.
min_max_plot.pyMin-Max temperature plot for different cities.
opTask1.pyOptional Task # 1.
opTask3.pyOptional Task # 3.
opTask4.pyOptional Task # 4.
opTask5.pyOptional Task # 5.
finalTask.pyFinal Free Choice Task
report.texLaTeX source file for the report.
gh-pages/index.htmlWeb based presentation source code.
Test File
Test_calculate_GDD.pyTesting calculate_GDD function.
Data Files
report.pdfFunction to calculate GDD from a given data.
GDD_Data.csvDownloaded CSV data file.