shibli-mueed / PyThinAir

Create videos out of thin air, It automatically fetch internet stories and create videos out of it with awesome background music and voiceover
MIT License
8 stars 0 forks source link

💗 the concept! (and the screenshot in your readme) #1

Open PySimpleGUI opened 2 years ago

PySimpleGUI commented 2 years ago

Quite a novel idea you've made!


Thank you for taking the time to put a screenshot in your readme.

Your button cracked me up.... I often use Go as a button but maybe should consider Do this sh*t now! in the future.

PySimpleGUI commented 2 years ago

For your JSON file, you may be interested in the PySimpleGUI User Settings APIs... they make saving and using user settings pretty close to trivial. 1 line of code to read, another line of code to write. The file is automatically saved when you make a change. The filename is even auto-named for you f you want.


No biggie.... just thought it may be interesting....any time I see json in a PySimpleGUI program, it makes me think of the User Settings APIs since that's why they were made.

In my Reddit search Demo Program, I used the User Settings to store the praw credentials. In that one, I used the "object interface". I normally use the function all interface to User Settings (basically laziness)