shibli-mueed / PyThinAir

Create videos out of thin air, It automatically fetch internet stories and create videos out of it with awesome background music and voiceover
MIT License
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Create videos out of thin air, It automatically fetch internet stories and create videos out of it with awesome background music and voiceover. View sample videos on youtube





It uses praw, so you need to register your app on reddit in order to fetch the post. Regiter your app here After registering yourself paste the client_id, client_secret and user_agent in the machine/res/reddit.json


The sequence of the voiceover is intro -> para1 -> para2 -> title of the post -> content of the post -> para3 -> outro. You can edit the file machine/res/res.json and paste the phrases for Intro, Outro and Middle Paragraphs.

How it works

Major Libraries PRAW, gTTS, MoviePy, PySimpleGUI