shift-org / shift-docs

Website + calendar for the shift organization
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The purpose of the Shift/Pedalpalooza Calendar is to empower citizens to create and view bike events and to spread bike fun.

You can see the production site here:


The calendar is split into two main parts: a frontend, and a backend. The frontend is what most people think of the as the Shift website: it includes all of the webpages and static content. The backend holds all of the user submitted rides, and sends emails to users when they create new rides.

The frontend uses:

The backend uses:


Frontend development with Netlify

While creating a pull request does automatically deploy a preview of the frontend to Netlify, you can also create previews manually: this could help you do things like theme development in your own repository before submitting your pr.

  1. fork repo
  2. read the comments in the netlify.toml file around changing the build command in the [context.production] section and make changes if needed.
  3. deploy on Netlify by linking your forked repo. Included configuration file netlify.toml should mean 0 additional configuration required to get the site running. If you get a build failure around access denied for ssh, you probably need the advice in step 2 just above this!

If you have trouble with it please file an issue to let us know what you tried and what happened when you did.

Local development with Docker

The production backend is run in several docker containers; including nginx, mysql, and the node server.

The docker configuration also supports running your own frontend and backend server locally. The following steps assume a Linux, or MacOs development environment. On Windows, you'll need something like the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

  1. Install Docker:
  2. Download source code: git clone
  3. Start shift site: cd shift-docs ; ./shift up
  4. If you're standing up the site for the first time, add database tables with the setup script: ./shift mysql-pipe < services/db/seed/setup.sql.
  5. Visit https://localhost:4443/ . If this leads to an SSL error in chrome, you may try flipping this flag: chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost

Note that no changes to the filesystems inside the container should ever be needed; they read from your local filesystem so updating the local FS will show up in the container (perhaps after a restart). Updating, changing branches, etc can be done with git commands outside of the container (git checkout otherbranch or git pull).

So - now you can hopefully access the site. But a real end-toend test of yoursetup, would be creating an event:

  1. visit https://localhost:4443/addevent/
  2. fill out all required fields (ones marked with an asterisk), for a date a day or two in the future.
  3. save the event (fix any validation errors around missing fields to ensure it saves)
  4. In production, we send you an email with a link to confirm the ride listing; we also write a copy of that email to the file services/node/shift-mail.log. For local development, we don't actually send the email, so get the confirmation link from that mail log, visit it, and hit publish event
  5. hopefully see your event on the https://localhost:4443/calendar page!

Important Project Files

Shift subcommands of interest

Docker Daemon commands of interest

Local development with Node.js

You can also do local development with node. These steps will setup a local node server which, by default, acts as both frontend and backend.

After cloning the repo, install node (currently Node.js v20.11.1). Then, open a command prompt or terminal window, change to some useful directory for development, and do the following:

  1. cd shift-docs
  2. npm install
  3. optionally, create some placeholder events with: npm run -w tools make-fake-events
  4. npm run dev
  5. browse to http://localhost:3080, and you should see the site running locally.

When you new create events, the link for activating those events will be written to the terminal. ( In this mode, Sqlite is used instead of MySQL. )

Node tests

If you are writing javascript code in the node backend, you can test everything is working as expected using npm test.

Local previews using production data

As an alternative to npm run dev, you can preview a local frontend with the actual production backend by using: npm run -w tools preview.

NOTE: any events you create while previewing this way will be seen by the world!

Ethereal email

Before executing npm run dev, you can configure email debugging using npm run -w tools new-ethereal-cfg. It will generate a shift-email.cfg file in your bin directory which will be used when adding new events. Use the username and password listed in that file to check for emails here:

No actual emails are sent when running this way.