shinate / gulp-version-number

Add version number to js/css/image in HTML
MIT License
24 stars 19 forks source link


Add version number to js/css/image in HTML

NPM version


var version = require('gulp-version-number');

        ... configuration ...




     * Global version value
     * default: %MDS%
    'value' : '%MDS%',

     * eg:
     *    'keyword'
     *    /regexp/ig
     *    ['keyword']
     *    [/regexp/ig, '%MD5%']]
    'replaces' : [

         * {String|Regexp} Replace Keyword/Rules to global value (config.value)

         * {Array}
         * Replace keyword to custom value
         * if just have keyword, the value will use the global value (config.value).
        [/#{VERSION_REPlACE}#/g, '%TS%']

     * Can coexist and replace, after execution to replace
    'append' : {

         * Parameter
        'key' : '_v',

         * Whether to overwrite the existing parameters
         * default: 0 (don't overwrite)
         * If the parameter already exists, as a "custom", covering not executed.
         * If you need to cover, please set to 1
        'cover' : 0,

         * Appended to the position (specify type)
         * {String|Array|Object}
         * If you set to 'all', will apply to all type, rules will use the global setting.
         * If an array or object, will use your custom rules.
         * others will passing.
         * eg:
         *     'js'
         *     ['js']
         *     {type:'js'}
         *     ['css', '%DATE%']
        'to' : [

             * {String} Specify type, the value is the global value

             * {Array}
             * Specify type, keyword and cover rules will use the global 
             * setting, If you need more details, please use the object 
             * configure.
             * argument 0 necessary, otherwise passing.
             * argument 1 optional, the value will use the global value
              ['image', '%TS%'],

             * {Object}
             * Use detailed custom rules to replace, missing items will 
             * be taken in setting the global completion

             * type is necessary, otherwise passing.
                'type'  : 'js',
                'attr'  : ['src', 'custom-src'] // String or Array, undefined this will use default. css: "href", js: ...
                'key'   : '_v',
                'value' : '%DATE%',
                'cover' : 1,
                'files': ['build.js', /dependency.js/] // Array [{String|Regex}] of explicit files to append to

     * Output to config file
    'output' : {
        'file' : 'version.json'

Priority - Covering relations


Version types

Change log

= 0.2.0 =
= 0.1.4 =
= 0.1.3 =
= 0.1.2 =
= 0.1.1 =
= 0.1.0 =

I was born