AEM Stack Manager Cloud Native Implementation
This is part of Shine Solutions Open Source AEM Solution offerings.
AEM Stack Manager provides the ability to do the following:
In addition, scheduled AEM Snapshots Purge function is also provided in a separate Lambada function, which uses AWS CloudWatch Events to trigger the execution. It provides a sensible default to start with.
For more information, please refer to: aem-stack-manager
Shine Solutions has a Java implementation of the AEM Stack Manger. This (cloud ) implementation use cloud native technologies to do the same things. The AWS services used in this implementation includes Lambda, EC2 Run Command, DynamoDB, AWS CloudWatch. Python is used as the language for the Lambda functions.
To maintain compatibility with the Java version, this cloud version uses the same SNS interface to invoke the functions. There is a separate repo: aem-stack-manager-messenger for sending the SNS messages that trigger the tasks.
the sequence of events:
SNS -> Lambda -> EC2 Run Command -> Scripts/Puppet Manifests on instances
DynamoDB is used to keep the state of the Tasks.
Snapshots Purge does not reply on this SNS interface.
Under cloudformation, it has the CloudFormation template used to create the resources: the SSM Documents, Lambda Functions, SNS Topics, DynamoDB, and necessary IAM Roles. Please take note of the Stack Manager Topic name, Backup Topic name, as those will be used with AEM Stack Manager Messenger; they have the form of AemStackMangerversion, AemOfflineBackupversion. Please also take note of the task status query Lambda Function name if you plan passing in an identifier when invoking a function, and use it to query the status of the task. It is usually in the form: AemTaskQueryversion. version is a parameter in the Cloud Formation template.
Similarly CloudFormation Template for Snapshots Purge resources can also be found under cloudformation.
Ansible is used to orchestrate the creation of the stack, such as zip up the Python code and upload them to S3, and provide the parameters used in the CloudFormation template.
Under scripts,
is used to create the CloudFormation Template for creating the SSM Documents from a set of include files,
enlist Ansible to create the CloudFormation Stacks, and
query the task status by using AWS CLI.
help sharing the SSM documents to other accounts, while
generate a AEM Stack Manager task to SSM document name mapping, to be used with AEM Stack Manager Messenger and configure the Lambda Functions.
To create the Lambda functions, DynamoDB, and other resources:
make create-stack-manager-cloud [config_path=path]
A sample yaml config file can be found under
To create Snapthos Purge related resources:
make creaet-snapshots-purge-cloud [config_path=path]
To invoke the individual tasks, please refer to aem-stack-manager-messenger. It is usually just like the following:
make deploy-artifacts
The EC2 instances are assumed to have EC2 System Manager Agent installed and properly configured. Please refer to amazon_ssm_agent for a simple, easy-to-use Puppet module that supports using a proxy.
Lambda function is stateless, while two of the tasks, offline-snapshot-full-set
, offline-compaction-snapshot-full-set
requires a few things happen in the right order and share state information between the steps. Using a combination of Lambda and DynamoDB can work, but is a less optimal choice due to AWS Step Function is not available in Sydney region when this work started.
A Step Function implementation is planed and this cloud implementation will switch to that once it is available in Sydney region.