shingarov / Pharo-ArchC

Generate binutils from formal spec
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link

ArchC for Smalltalk

How to load

...into Pharo

Metacello new
  baseline: 'ArchC';
  repository: 'github://shingarov/Pharo-ArchC:pure-z3';

To create fresh image for development:

Either use shortcut:

 git clone ArchC
 cd ArchC/pharo
 pharo-ui ArchC.image

...or do it by hand:

  1. Clone the repository

     git clone ArchC
  2. Get PDLs:

     cd ArchC

    Alternatively, you may symlink pdl directory wherever you keep your PDLs

  3. Download Pharo

     mkdir ArchC/pharo
     cd ArchC/pharo
     # Be carefull, running a script downloaded from internet is not advisable!
     curl | bash
  4. Load code into Pharo image:

     ./pharo Pharo.image save archc
     ./pharo archc.image metacello install tonel://../src BaselineOfArchC
     ./pharo archc.image eval --save "(IceRepositoryCreator new location: '..' asFileReference; createRepository) register"

    ...into Smalltalk/X

NOTE: Following instruction assume you recent Smalltalk/X jv-branch , i.e., version newer than 2020-09-15 (older versions might not have Tonel support built).

  1. Install MachineArithmetic. Follow instructions in

  2. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  3. In Smalltalk/X, execute:

    "/ Tell Smalltalk/X where to look for MachineArithmetic packages
    Smalltalk packagePath add: '/where/you/cloned/it/MachineArithmetic'.
    "/ Tell Smalltalk/X where to look for ArchC packages
    Smalltalk packagePath add: '/where/you/cloned/it/Pharo-ArchC/src'.
    Smalltalk loadPackage: 'BaselineOfArchC'.