shinokada / kaimonokago2.0

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Kaimonokago 2.1.0

Please try a newer version kaimonokago3

Multi-Languages Shopping Cart on CodeIgniter 2.1.0 and BackendPro 0.6.7 PHP 5.3 compatible



The following folders and files must be writable or chmod 777. After installation please don’t forget checking and changing some of files, especially files in config directory, to 644.


Visit http://localhost/kaimonokago2.0

To log-in go to http://localhost/kaimonokago2.0/index.php/auth and change your username, email and password.

login email:
password: admin

Add password to the ajaxfilemanager assets/js/plugins/ajaxfilemanager/inc/config.base.php

define('CONFIG_LOGIN_PASSWORD', 'admin');

Open application/config/config.php and change encryption key.

$config['encryption_key'] = "yourkey here";

For your Encryption Key, visit "": or "": to generate at least 32 characters long code. After doing this you need to register a new user and change the group field to 2 in be_users in the database. Then try to login.

Configure Your website

Go to System->Settings and add necessary information for your website. The Settings include followings.

How to switch to Multi-language in the frontend.

After logged in, go to System->Settings->Website Configuration. Select 'Yes' in Multiple Languages for Frontend.

How to add translation

How to change the front-end slideshow

How to hide/show module menus in the back-end

How to delete a menu/page/product etc

How to use Access Control

How to customize the template