shirou / gopsutil

psutil for golang
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go golang system-information

gopsutil: psutil for golang

Test Coverage Status Go Reference Go Documentation Calendar Versioning

This is a port of psutil ( The challenge is porting all psutil functions on some architectures.


v4 migration

There are some breaking changes. Please see v4 release note.

Tag semantics

gopsutil tag policy is almost same as Semantic Versioning, but automatically increases like Ubuntu versioning.

For example, v4.24.04 means

gopsutil aims to keep backwards compatibility until major version change.

Tagged at every end of month, but if there are only a few commits, it can be skipped.

Available Architectures

These have partial support:

All works are implemented without cgo by porting C structs to golang structs.


package main

import (


func main() {
    v, _ := mem.VirtualMemory()

    // almost every return value is a struct
    fmt.Printf("Total: %v, Free:%v, UsedPercent:%f%%\n", v.Total, v.Free, v.UsedPercent)

    // convert to JSON. String() is also implemented

The output is below.

Total: 3179569152, Free:284233728, UsedPercent:84.508194%
{"total":3179569152,"available":492572672,"used":2895335424,"usedPercent":84.50819439828305, (snip...)}

You can set an alternative location to /proc by setting the HOST_PROC environment variable.

You can set an alternative location to /sys by setting the HOST_SYS environment variable.

You can set an alternative location to /etc by setting the HOST_ETC environment variable.

You can set an alternative location to /var by setting the HOST_VAR environment variable.

You can set an alternative location to /run by setting the HOST_RUN environment variable.

You can set an alternative location to /dev by setting the HOST_DEV environment variable.

You can set an alternative location to / by setting the HOST_ROOT environment variable.

You can set an alternative location to /proc/N/mountinfo by setting the HOST_PROC_MOUNTINFO environment variable.

Adding settings using context (from v3.23.6)

As of v3.23.6, it is now possible to pass a path location using context: import "" and pass a context with common.EnvMap set to common.EnvKey, and the location will be used within each function.

    ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), 
        common.EnvKey, common.EnvMap{common.HostProcEnvKey: "/myproc"},
    v, err := mem.VirtualMemoryWithContext(ctx)

First priority is given to the value set in context, then the value from the environment variable, and finally the default location.


As of v3.24.1, it is now possible to cached some values. These values default to false, not cached.

Be very careful that enabling the cache may cause inconsistencies. For example, if you enable caching of boottime on Linux, be aware that unintended values may be returned if the boottime is changed by NTP after booted.

Ex struct (from v4.24.5)

gopsutil is designed to work across multiple platforms. However, there are differences in the information available on different platforms, such as memory information that exists on Linux but not on Windows.

As of v4.24.5, to access this platform-specific information, gopsutil provides functions named Ex within the package. Currently, these functions are available in the mem and sensor packages.

The Ex structs are specific to each platform. For example, on Linux, there is an ExLinux struct, which can be obtained using the mem.NewExLinux() function. On Windows, it's mem.ExWindows(). These Ex structs provide platform-specific information.

ex := NewExWindows()
v, err := ex.VirtualMemory()
if err != nil {


// Output:
// 140731958648832
// 140737488224256

gopsutil aims to minimize platform differences by offering common functions. However, there are many requests to obtain unique information for each platform. The Ex structs are designed to meet those requests. Additional functionalities might be added in the future. The use of these structures makes it clear that the information they provide is specific to each platform, which is why they have been designed in this way.


See or


More Info

Several methods have been added which are not present in psutil, but will provide useful information.

Some code is ported from Ohai. Many thanks.

Current Status

name Linux FreeBSD OpenBSD macOS Windows Solaris Plan 9 AIX
cpu_times x x x x x b x
cpu_count x x x x x x x
cpu_percent x x x x x x
cpu_times_percent x x x x x x
virtual_memory x x x x x b x x
swap_memory x x x x x X
disk_partitions x x x x x x
disk_io_counters x x x
disk_usage x x x x x x
net_io_counters x x x b x
boot_time x x x x x X
users x x x x x x
pids x x x x x
pid_exists x x x x x
net_connections x x x x x
net_protocols x x
net_if_addrs x
net_if_stats x
netfilter_conntrack x

Process class

name Linux FreeBSD OpenBSD macOS Windows
pid x x x x x
ppid x x x x x
name x x x x x
cmdline x x x x
create_time x x x
status x x x x
cwd x x x
exe x x x x
uids x x x x
gids x x x x
terminal x x x
io_counters x x x x
nice x x x x x
num_fds x
num_ctx_switches x
num_threads x x x x x
cpu_times x x
memory_info x x x x x
memory_info_ex x
memory_maps x
open_files x
send_signal x x x x
suspend x x x x
resume x x x x
terminate x x x x x
kill x x x x
username x x x x x
rlimit x
threads x
cpu_percent x x x x
memory_percent x x
parent x x x x
children x x x x x
connections x x x
page_faults x

Original Metrics

item Linux FreeBSD OpenBSD macOS Windows Solaris AIX
hostname x x x x x x X
uptime x x x x x x
process x x x x
os x x x x x x x
platform x x x x x x
platformfamily x x x x x x
virtualization x
VendorID x x x x x x x
Family x x x x x x x
Model x x x x x x x
Stepping x x x x x x
PhysicalID x x
CoreID x x
Cores x x x x
ModelName x x x x x x x
Microcode x x
Load1 x x x x x
Load5 x x x x x
Load15 x x x x x
container id x no no no no
user x no no no no
system x no no no no
various x no no no no


New BSD License (same as psutil)

Related Works

I have been influenced by the following great works:

How to Contribute

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

English is not my native language, so PRs correcting grammar or spelling are welcome and appreciated.