shivagss / AndroidTwitterClient

A simple Twitter client that supports viewing a Twitter timeline and composing a new tweet.
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An Android Twitter client that supports viewing a Twitter timeline, compose tweets, and many more.

Total time spent(week 2): 20 Hours

User Stories:

Demo (Week 2):

Video Walkthrough

Demo Offline mode (Week 2):

Video Walkthrough

Total time spent(week 1): 16 Hours

User Stories:

Libraries used: android-async-http-1.4.3, ActiveAndroid-3.1, codepath-oauth-0.3.0.jar, codepath-utils.jar, scribe-codepath.jar, universal-image-loader-1.8.4.jar, picasso-2.3.4.jar and android-support-v4.

Demo(Week 1):

Video Walkthrough