through StorIOCodeGenUnderStorIO generates entity classes (with annotations) needed to work StorIO, as well as the supporting metadata classes that contain static information describing the tables of the database.
The project will be useful for those users of StorIO, who is developing its database in any visual editor that can generate queries to create tables. And will help you to save time when you describe а developed database schema in Android project by generating the required java classes of the tables description.
Available arguments in the order they appear:
See there. To run codegen use
And don't forget look at their code to see the arguments.
For those who have not decided with a visual editor database structure, it is proposed to use Visual Paradigm Community Edition. In this editor was generated schema used in the example.
To run the source codes of the project will need to specify dependencies from third party libraries:
The project is inspired by the plugin AutoGenerator for which separate him thanks. There are also plans to assembly from this project a plugin for IDE, but when... who knows. So, if you like the project and you have time to create a plugin from it, I will gladly accept your pull-requsts : )
Created by @Shivan