shnarazk / mios

A SAT solver written in Haskell.
GNU General Public License v3.0
39 stars 3 forks source link
haskell sat-solver

Mios -- Minisat-based Implementation and Optimization Study

Mios is yet another minisat-based SAT solver implementation in Haskell, as a part of my research theme.

> Features

benchmark results

Cactus plot with Mios-1.6.1: SAT Competition 2017 main

> Install

git clone
stack init --resolver lts-11.X  # for ghc-8.2.X
stack install

Mios is registered in hackage now.

cabal install mios

> Usage

* As a standalone program
$ mios a.cnf
an assignment :: [Int]

$ mios --help
mios 1.6.1
Usage: mios [OPTIONS] target.cnf
  -d 0.95   --variable-decay-rate=0.95  [solver] variable activity decay rate (0.0 - 1.0)
  -c 0.999  --clause-decay-rate=0.999   [solver] clause activity decay rate (0.0 - 1.0)
            --Rb=1.2                    [solver] expansion rate for blocking restart (>= 1.0)
            --Rf=1.01                   [solver] expansion rate for forcing restart (>= 1.0)
            --Rs=100.0                  [solver] a fixed number of conflicts between restarts
  -:        --validate-assignment       [solver] read an assignment from STDIN and validate it
            --validate                  [solver] self-check (satisfiable) assignment
  -o file   --output=file               [option] filename to store result
  -v        --verbose                   [option] display misc information
  -X        --hide-solution             [option] hide solution
            --benchmark=-1/0/N          [devel] No/Exhaustive/N-second timeout benchmark
            --sequence=NUM              [devel] set 2nd field of a CSV generated by benchmark
            --dump=0                    [devel] dump level; 1:solved, 2:reduction, 3:restart
  -h        --help                      [misc] display this message
            --version                   [misc] display program ID

If you have GNU parallel, Mios works well with it:

parallel "mios --benchmark=0 --sequence={#} -o {.cnf}.result {}" ::: *.cnf
* In Haskell
module Main where -- this is sample.hs in app/
import SAT.Mios (CNFDescription (..), solveSAT)

clauses = [[1, 2], [1, 3], [-1, -2], [1, -2, 3], [-3]] :: [[Int]]
desc = CNFDescription 3 5 Nothing    -- #vars, #clauses, Just pathname or Nothing

main = do
  asg <- solveSAT desc clauses    -- solveSAT :: Traversable m => CNFDescription -> m [Int] -> IO [Int]
  putStrLn $ if null asg then "unsatisfiable" else show asg
$ stack ghc app/sample.hs
$ app/sample

Of course, you can use Mios in ghci similarly.

$ stack ghci