shniu / do-action

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Blog awesome

1. Blockchain

1.1 steemit and steemit welcome
1.2 steemit blockchain
1.3 EthFans wiki
1.4 Ethereum Smart contract
1.5 智能合约
1.6 Hyperledger fabric
1.7 Fabric document
1.8 石墨烯技术
1.9 EOSIO/eos
1.10 blockchain referrals
1.11 区块链 - 中文资源

区块链 - 中文资源

2. Golang


这是一个关于 Golangjavascript 的技术博客,博客中尤其对 Golang 中的 Microservice 做了非常全面的实践总结;

3. 前端生态

3.1 蚂蚁数据体验技术团队的文章仓库


3.2 Javascript 数据结构和算法

Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings


4. 综合类

4.1 cloudera blog

Best practices, how-tos, use cases, and internals from Cloudera Engineering and the community

4.2 baeldung

Spring guides

4.3 微服务 容器化 devops


5. 面试

5.1 Interview-Notebook


5.2 软件工程技术面试个人指南


5.3 tech-interview-handbook

Algorithms study materials, behavioral content and tips for rocking your coding interview

5.4 interactive-coding-challenges

Interactive Python coding interview challenges (algorithms and data structures). Includes Anki flashcards.

5.5 Python版数据结构和算法


5.6 awesome-competitive-programming
5.7 awesome-java-leetcode

LeetCode of algorithms with java solution(updating).

5.8 java-algorithms-implementation

Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in Java

5.9 Machine learning basics

This repository contains implementations of basic machine learning algorithms in plain Python (Python Version 3.6+). All algorithms are implemented from scratch without using additional machine learning libraries. The intention of these notebooks is to provide a basic understanding of the algorithms and their underlying structure, not to provide the most efficient implementations.

6. Linux

6.1 命令行的艺术


6.2 netdata

Get control of your servers. Simple. Effective. Awesome!

netdata is a system for distributed real-time performance and health monitoring.

6.3 linux-insides

A book-in-progress about the linux kernel and its insides

6.4 Command Line Text Processing

Learn about various commands available for common and exotic text processing needs.

6.5 Awesome Shell


6.6 Bash-Snippets

A collection of small bash scripts for heavy terminal users

7. Docker

7.1 dockerfiles

Various Dockerfiles I use on the desktop and on servers.

7.2 Docker awesome

A curated list of Docker resources and projects

Docker applied in development, devops, testing, product management etc.

7.3 docker-cheat-sheet


7.4 Docker practice

Learn and understand Docker technologies, with real DevOps practice!

7.5 Enterprise Kubernetes Made Easy

Kubernetes is a powerful engine for running containers, and Rancher builds a world-class car around that engine to accelerate adopting containers in your organization.


8. Java

8.1 Design patterns implemented in Java

Design patterns implemented in Java

Very very good ...

8.2 Guava wiki

The Guava project contains several of Google's core libraries that we rely on in our Java-based projects: collections, caching, primitives support, concurrency libraries, common annotations, string processing, I/O, and so forth. Each of these tools really do get used every day by Googlers, in production services.

8.3 Reactor

Project Reactor reference documentation, code samples, and Javadoc. See color coding legend at end

Reactive Streams Specification for the JVM

Non-Blocking Reactive Foundation for the JVM

This repository hosts a complete workshop on Spring + Reactor.

RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.

9 Spring boot

9.1 awesome-spring-boot

收集各种Spring Boot 学习资源

9.2 hsweb-framework

hsweb (haʊs wɛb) 是一个用于快速搭建企业后台管理系统的基础项目,集成一揽子便捷功能如:通用增删改查,在线代码生成,权限管理,OAuth2.0 ,动态多数据源分布式事务,动态脚本,动态定时任务,在线数据库维护等等. 基于 spring-boot,mybaits

9.3 spring-boot-api-project-seed

一个基于Spring Boot & MyBatis的种子项目,用于快速构建中小型API、RESTful API项目~

9.4 rhwayfun专栏
