Biggest list of names that you'll find on the internet.
With over, 900,000 names in the names_list directory, you can make a zillion unique names to your heart's desire. Just download the repository or take whatever resources you like but at least credit this repository.
If there is any additional stuff/text/names you like to enter. Please raise an issue and then make a PR if you have a new or better solution.
Limiting Factor - names are transcribed and written in English (PRIMARY) with the additionally use of Latin, Greek, and other alphabets*. (Certain Exceptions Apply).
After a while of using and making names, I made a discovery that any word(s) can be used as a name or to make new names, which makes the list kinda pointless since there are infinite number of words that can be used to make names. This is also why I included certain words from the dictionary in this list as well.
Potential "Sources":
I would personally like to thank;