shogg / edifact

Read edifact into your Go data structures.
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Edifact - specify and read arbitrary edifact document formats

A Golang module to specify edifact document formats and to read from io.Reader into user-defined data structures. Inspired by json.Unmarshal and xml.Unmarshal.


Install with go get

go get

Document specification

Document specifications are written as go source code: Msg defines a message, S a segment and SG a segment group (a loop). "UNA" is a segment tag. C and M stand for conditional or mandatory. The last number specifies maximal repetitions.

The notation is derived from here (example):

import ""

var desadv = spec.Msg("DESADV",
    spec.S("UNA", spec.C, 1),
    spec.S("UNB", spec.C, 1),
    spec.S("UNH", spec.M, 1),
    spec.S("BGM", spec.M, 1),
    spec.S("DTM", spec.C, 10),
    spec.S("ALI", spec.C, 5),
    spec.S("MEA", spec.C, 5),
    spec.S("MOA", spec.C, 5),
    spec.SG("SG1", spec.C, 10,
        spec.S("RFF", spec.M, 1),
        spec.S("DTM", spec.C, 1),

A specification must be registered. This can be done anywhere. For instance in the main function or in an init function:

func init() {

User defined data structures

Currently only struct is supported (and array, slice and pointer of struct). The tag of a struct field specifies where data is located in an edifact document. All annotated information must match to make segment data suitable (segment groups, segment tag, fixed data in elements). A question mark ? annotates the relevant data element separated by :. The type of the target value decides how to parse. Simple data types are implemented, more complex ones need to implement edifact.Marshaller. A star * annotates a composite of elements, an edifact.Marshaller is needed to parse. If no ? or * is present, the edifact.Marshaller will receive the full segment with tag and terminator.

Arrays and slices in a struct can specify a segment group path like this edifact:"SG10/SG17". Each time a segment group repeats in the edifact data a new array/slice element is inserted.

type Message struct {
    Date       time.Time `edifact:"DTM+17|18"`
    DeliveryNr string    `edifact:"SG1/RFF+VN|DQ+?"`
    OrderNr    int       `edifact:"SG1/RFF+ON+?"`
    Items      []Item    `edifact:"SG10/SG17"`
type Item struct {
    ItemNr      int    `edifact:"SG10/SG17/LIN+?"`
    Description string `edifact:"SG10/SG17/LIN+++?"`
    Quantity    int    `edifact:"SG10/SG17/QTY+12:?"`


Out of the box only simple data types (string, int, bool ... ) and time.Time are parseable. A user defined type can implement edifact.Unmarshaller to provide its own parsing.

// Unmarshaller interface for custom data type parsing.
type Unmarshaller interface {
    UnmarshalEdifact(data []byte) error

Read edifact documents

The top level API is edifact.Unmarshal. You provide an io.Reader and a pointer to your data structure to be filled. Here is a complete example. It uses the built-in document specification "DESADV" so no doc spec here:

package main

import (


var ediMessage = `
UNA:+.? '
LIN+1++product A:SA'
LIN+2++product B:SA'

type Message struct {
    Date       time.Time `edifact:"DTM+17|18"`
    DeliveryNr string    `edifact:"SG1/RFF+VN|DQ+?"`
    OrderNr    int       `edifact:"SG1/RFF+ON+?"`
    Items      []Item    `edifact:"SG10/SG17"`
type Item struct {
    ItemNr      int    `edifact:"SG10/SG17/LIN+?"`
    Description string `edifact:"SG10/SG17/LIN+++?"`
    Quantity    int    `edifact:"SG10/SG17/QTY+12:?"`

func main() {
    document := strings.NewReader(ediMessage)
    var messages []*Message
    if err := edifact.Unmarshal(document, &messages); err != nil {
    fmt.Println("number of messages", len(messages))


Contributions are welcome.