shohysie / BG2MODS

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Diablo2 Kit Pack Series v1.0

A mod for Baldur's Gate I & II EE, classical ToB, Baldur's Gate Trilogy and EET

Including: D2ama v0.9, D2asn v0.4, D2bar v1.3, D2dru v0.5, D2nec v0.8, D2pal v1.1, D2sor v0.4

**Original Author:** Shohy **Discussion in Forum:** Diablo2 Kit Pack Series

## Overview This mod adds 7 kits which gain skills in Diablo2 yet loss most of original skills of BG.

Kit for Class: Amazon - Ranger, Assassin - Thief, Barbarian - Fighter, Druid - Druid, Necromancer - Cleric, Paladin - Paladin, Sorcerer - Sorcerer. It took me 13 years to finish all those 7 kits. Hope you guys (and girls) enjoy it.

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## Amazon Diablo2 Kit Pack - The Amazon Ver 0.9
>----------ATTENTIONS---------- It is a Ranger kit for BG2, BGT and EE series. Only one Amazon is suggested in your team, as high-level skills (e.g. Valkyrie) of multiple Amazons will be in conflict. Amazon gains one "Skill Point" each level until 3,000,000 exp, player can get one skill that you like to learn by consuming each "Skill Point". *If you do press a "Skill Point" at skill table but then close the arisen skills table without making a choice, the "Skill Point" does nothing by get wasted! Some skills do not appear at low level. Maybe you'd store the "Skill Points" up to high level to purchase powerful skills. Decoys and Valkyries do not occupy the limited quantity of summoned units, but when there're already five summoned units, they can't be summoned. When the Valkyrie is imprisoned or petrified, a reverse magic is required to free her, or else she can't be summoned again. While on selection, Valkyrie switches to a Defensive mode by press D, and returns to Normal mode by press N. In the defensive mode, she'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Valkyrie voluntarily takes one step away from the Amazon when they get too close, in order to avoid getting jammed when traveling across different areas. Skill that increases attack rate, e.g. Jab, Fend and Pierce, begins to take effect only when melee (Jab, Fend) or ranged (Pierce) attacks hit. Dodge, Avoid, and Evade give a huge glowing white wiffle ball animation, so there's an extra component to turns off the animation. (This component comes from the Ease of Use Mod Pack, which also turns off the animation for Spell Trap spell and Cloak of Mirroring.) >----------KNOWN BUGS---------- Do Not choose the high-level skill Pierce if your Amazon's ranged attack rate has already reached 5 times per round, or the Pierce skill will cause a decrease of attack rate to 4.5 per round. Amazon's combat skills may meet problems in case that MOD items which have immunity from "Removal: Remove Secondary Type" are equipped. This bug does not exist in EE games. >----------DETAILED DESCRIPTION---------- Amazon This powerful woman warrior belongs to nomadic bands who roam the plains near the South Sea. The wandering of these groups often brings them into conflict with other peoples, so the Amazon is accustomed to fighting to defend her own. This lifestyle has made her fiercely independent and able to weather severe hardship and travel. While her skill with the bow rivals that of the Rogues, the Amazon is also adept in the use of spears and other throwing weapons, as well as in hand to hand combat. The Amazon is much sought after as a mercenary, in which type of service she will be loyal as long as her own ends are also served. Advantages: - Has three skill trees: Javelin and Spear Skills, Passive and Magic Skills, Bow and Crossbow Skills. - Can be grand master on spear, bow and crossbow. - Get bonus of +1 to dexterity on character creation. Disadvantages: - Only be female. - May not wear full plate or plate mail armors. - May not learn Divine Spells and high-level skills of original Rangers. - May not Charm Animal and be Stealthy. - Only can be proficient on all weapons except spear, bow and crossbow. - Unable to dual class. Javelin and Spear Skills Jab Hunting in the dense rain forests of the Amazon Islands is fraught with many obstacles. Confining overgrowth and fierce indigenous animals conspire to make combat difficult, if not impossible. Early in training, Amazon spear-women must learn to overcome these conditions. By honing their hunting techniques to the point where they are able to deliver many powerful spear thrusts in rapid succession, they learn to finish off one opponent before turning to slay another. The Jab is the most basic of the skills designed to accomplish this tactic. This skill provides multiple attacks within the time span of a normal attack. 3 attacks per round in 4 rounds. Can be learned at LV1. LV1: +1 bonus to melee attack, -2 to damage; LV5: +2 bonus to melee attack; LV10: +3 bonus to melee attack, +2 to damage; LV15: +4 bonus to melee attack, +4 to damage. Power Strike Zerae is the bride of Hefaetrus, and her dominion is vengeance and storms. If an Amazon warrior is on a mission to right a great wrong and has proven herself worthy, the goddess will empower her with the ability to add the electrical power of the mighty hurricanes of the Southern Seas to her stabbing spear attacks. This skill adds lightning damage to melee attacks. Successfully saving vs. breath will reduce the lightning damage to half. Skill duration: 4 rounds. Can be learned at LV5. LV5: +2 bonus to melee attack, +1d8 lightning damage; LV10: +3 bonus to melee attack, +1d12 lightning damage; LV10: +4 bonus to melee attack, +1d16 lightning damage; LV10: +5 bonus to melee attack, +1d20 lightning damage. Poison Javelin Amazon healers have long since ascertained the potent toxicity of their native flora. Any Amazon warrior devoted to this study is able to recognize particularly lethal strains of plant life, even while traveling in foreign lands. This knowledge allows her to create weapons from particularly virulent woods. This skill launches a javelin that causes poison to enemies on the whole traverse route, targets must save vs. death or be poisoned for 1 damage per second. A next skill can be casted immediately after Poison Javelin lauches. Can be learned at LV5. LV5: 1d8+2 piercing damage, target must save vs. death with -1 penalty or suffer poison for 2 rounds; LV10: 1d8+4 piercing damage, target must save vs. death with -2 penalty or suffer poison for 3 rounds; LV15: 1d8+6 piercing damage, target must save vs. death with -3 penalty or suffer poison for 4 rounds; LV20: 1d8+8 piercing damage, target must save vs. death with -4 penalty or suffer poison for 5 rounds. Impale Although deftness and superior hand-eye coordination are the hallmarks of the Amazon warrior, they are also well known for the ferocity of their attacks. An experienced warrior is able to focus her fury and deliver blows so powerful that they have been known to shatter their weapon in the process. This skill causes powerful but slow attacks with melee weapon, Amazon losts about 30% of attacks of each round. Skill duration: 4 rounds. Can be learned at LV10. LV10: +4 bonus to melee attack, +6 to damage; LV15: +6 bonus to melee attack, +8 to damage; LV20: +8 bonus to melee attack, +10 to damage; LV25: +10 bonus to melee attack, +12 to damage. Lightning Bolt If an Amazon warrior has proven herself worthy, the goddess Zerae can empower her with the ability to strike down enemies by hurling javelins charged with power as if she had snatched lighting from the heavens. This skill launches a trail of lightning and does lightning damage to enemies on the whole traverse route. Successfully saving vs. breath will reduce the lightning damage to half. A next skill can be casted immediately after Lightning Bolt lauches. Can be learned at LV10. LV10: 1d8+2 piercing damage, plus 4d8 lightning damage; LV15: 1d8+4 piercing damage, plus 4d10 lightning damage; LV20: 1d8+6 piercing damage, plus 4d12 lightning damage; LV25: 1d8+8 piercing damage, plus 4d14 lightning damage. Charged Strike An Amazon devoted to the path of Zerae will be able to harness the forces of vengeance and storms. During Rites of Vengeance, Zerae will confer to the Amazon attacks that unleash a wild burst of electrical energy, striking down nearby enemies. A grizzled veteran of the Time of Troubles once said: Spear-women walking the 'Path of Zerae' are best given wide berth, for they can be as violent and indiscriminant as the storms on the Twin Seas. This skill enhances your melee weapons with lightning attacks that releases charged bolts. Successfully saving vs. breath will reduce the chance of hit by more bolts. Skill duration: 4 rounds. Can be learned at LV10. LV10: A nearby enemy may be hit by 4 charged bolts, each bolt does 1d3 lightning damage; LV15: A nearby enemy may be hit by 5 charged bolts, each bolt does 1d4 lightning damage; LV20: A nearby enemy may be hit by 6 charged bolts, each bolt does 1d5 lightning damage; LV25: A nearby enemy may be hit by 7 charged bolts, each bolt does 1d6 lightning damage. Plague Javelin Practiced and cunning warriors are able to incorporate poisonous vegetation into the organs of wildlife, creating highly infectious and deadly bladders that the Amazons affix to their javelins. These javelins strike a target and explode into noxious and putrescent clouds. Entire armies of creatures and of men have been slaughtered by the ingenious use of these biological agents. The choking cloud created by a plague javelin will incapacitate even the strongest foes. This skill launches a javelin that causes a cloud of expanding poison of 15' radius and 4 rounds' duration. Enemies in cloud may save vs. death to reduce posion damage by half. A next skill can be casted immediately after Plague Javelin lauches. Can be learned at LV15. LV15: 2d8+2 piercing damage, poison damage 5d8 per round, enemies must save with -1 penalty; LV20: 2d8+4 piercing damage, poison damage 6d8 per round, enemies must save with -2 penalty; LV25: 2d8+6 piercing damage, poison damage 7d8 per round, enemies must save with -3 penalty; LV30: 2d8+8 piercing damage, poison damage 8d8 per round, enemies must save with -4 penalty. Fend Once an Amazon warrior has attained mastery over the spear, she can engage and destroy multiple enemies in close quarter battle. Many of those enemies will be lucky to be alive after the vicious onslaughts of these attacks have ended. Grand Mistress Celestia was able to demonstrate this ability to the Initiates of Athulua by striking down a dozen experienced warriors in the space of an arrow's flight. With this skill an Amazon can rapidly strike close targets, her number of attacks per round is set to 10 for 1 round. High-level skill. LV1: +1 bonus to melee attack and damage; LV25: +2 bonus to melee attack and damage; LV30: +3 bonus to melee attack and damage; LV35: +4 bonus to melee attack and damage; LV40: +5 bonus to melee attack and damage. Lightning Strike Through focus and intense devotion to Zerae, an experienced warrior can harness Zerae's gift of lighting to great effect. Such a warrior is able to call upon the Goddess' might to destroy her enemies, unleashing a bolt of lighting that arcs from foe to foe. This skill releases chain lightning from target on melee attacks. Successfully saving vs. breath will reduce the lightning damage to half. Skill duration: 4 rounds. Can be learned at LV15. LV15: chain lightning with 2d8 damage per hit; LV20: chain lightning with 2d12 damage per hit; LV25: chain lightning with 2d16 damage per hit; LV30: chain lightning with 2d20 damage per hit. Lightning Fury Possibly the most devastating, and certainly the most spectacular, of all the techniques learned by an Amazon warrior is Lightning Fury. The High Priestess of Zerae will teach select Amazons the secret of focusing the power of the goddess, consecrating a javelin to become the ultimate weapon of vengeance. The energy contained within the javelin is so powerful that its electrical energy explodes from its stricken target, releasing bolts of lightning that strike down hapless foes nearby. Swift and powerful is the justice administered by an eminent Amazon. This skill creates a powerful lightning bolt that releases multiple lightning bolts from target. Successfully saving vs. breath will reduce the lightning damage to half. A next skill can be casted immediately after Lightning Fury lauches. High-level skill. LV1: 2d8+2 piercing damage to target, and 2d12 lightning damage per bolt; LV25: 2d8+4 piercing damage to target, and 2d14 lightning damage per bolt; LV30: 2d8+6 piercing damage to target, and 2d16 lightning damage per bolt; LV35: 2d8+8 piercing damage to target, and 2d18 lightning damage per bolt; LV40: 2d8+10 piercing damage to target, and 2d20 lightning damage per bolt. Passive and Magic Skills Inner Sight The lush canopy of trees covering the Amazon homeland allows little sunlight to reach the ground. To better adapt to their environment, the Amazons have developed a technique whereby they can attune themselves to the life forces in the surrounding area and transfer these energies into a source of luminescence. This enables the Amazon and her companions to see her enemies in shadow and darkness. This skill illuminates monsters and decreases their ability to defend themselves. This skill has a larger effective area than insight. Can be learned in LV1. LV1: -1 to enemy AC for 4 rounds; LV5: -2 to enemy AC for 6 rounds; LV10: -3 to enemy AC for 8 rounds; LV15: -4 to enemy AC for 10 rounds. Critical Strike Among the arsenal of techniques employed by the Amazon warrior is her ability to study opponents carefully and detect any weaknesses. She can then use these deficiencies in her adversary to strike at precisely those areas that will cause the greatest injuries. This skill permanently grants a chance to do double physical damage with your attacks. Passive skill, learned at LV1, LV5, LV10 and LV15. LV1: Set critical strike chance to 10%; LV5: Set critical strike chance to 15%; LV10: Set critical strike chance to 20%; LV15: Set critical strike chance to 25%. Dodge To anyone familiar with their natural agility, it should came as no surprise that the training regimen of an Amazon warrior includes exercises specifically designed to avoid potentially devastating blows in combat. This skill grants a chance to move out of the way of a melee attack. Permanently +2 bonus to AC against melee weapons and +8% chance to stay out of all physical attacks. Passive skill, learned at LV5, LV10, LV15 and LV20. Slow Missiles Through strict martial discipline and focus, an Amazon warrior can attune herself to her environment and the dangers around her, allowing her to react to these hazards with superhuman agility. One aspect of this ability is her knack for avoiding missile fire. Just as the Amazon must master the bow and javelin, she must also learn to defend herself from these same weapons. When an Amazon uses this ability, incoming projectiles appear to move slower than normal, enabling her to avoid them. This skill slows down all speed of ranged attack and spell casting of enemies insight. Skill duration: 4 rounds. Can be learned at LV5. Avoid This ability hones the natural defensive ability of an Amazon. If she stands still, she can predict incoming missile attacks and elude them before they reach her. Most Amazon people can do this if all of their thoughts to the task, but only a warrior trained in this skill can do this even whilst caught unaware. This skill grants a chance to move out of the way of a missile attack. Permanently +2 bonus to AC against melee weapons and +9% chance to stay out of all spells of offensive damage. Passive skill, learned at LV10, LV15, LV20 and LV25. Penetrate The warriors of the Amazon Islands are legendary for their ability to strike their mark. Warriors with this skill are more likely to hit targets. This skill provides additional chance to hit. Permanently +2 bonus to all attacks of Amamzon. Passive skill, learned at LV15, LV20, LV25 and LV30. Decoy Amazons derive another benefit while learning to fight in the rainforests of their homeland. They learn, through misdirection and deception, to fool attacking forces into thinking there is another Amazon nearby. This subterfuge causes enemies to waste time and energy hunting down false prey while the Amazon moves in for the kill. This skill creates a duplicate image to distract enemies until destroyed or time exhausts. The decoy's health point increases with level of the summoner, and gains bonuses equal to the summoner in Dodge, Avoid, and Evade. Can be learned at LV15. LV15: a 15HD decoy for 4 rounds; LV20: a 20HD decoy for 6 rounds; LV25: a 25HD decoy for 8 rounds; LV30: a 30HD decoy for 10 rounds. Evade A warrior skilled in Dodge and Avoid may eventually learn this additional ability. Once an Amazon has sharpened her defensive concentration to this level, she will eventually be able to moves out of the way of harmful area attacks or avoid the wrath of an enraged wizard! This skill keeps the Amazon away from the effects of harmful magics. Passive skill, high-level skill. Permanently grants 10% chance at each learning to stay out of all spells of magic attack, battle ground and disabling. Valkyrie When a warrior has proven her devotion to Athulua through her brave deeds and exceptional skill in battle, the Goddess shows her favor by granting a spiritual emissary to aid the Amazon. These emissaries of Athulua are called Valkyrie, and they are the spirits of the greatest heroes from the Amazon people. The power to summon a Valkyrie is the greatest honor that an Amazon warrior can receive. It is believed this gift is a sign that your place beside the Goddess is assured when you pass from this world-perhaps even as a Valkyrie. This skill summons a powerful Valkyrie warrior to fight by your side. High-level skill. Valkyrie is a fighter who has the same (or slightly less) level as her summoner. Her ability and equipments improve with her level (+3 equipments at level 20 and up to +5 at level 40), she also gains bonuses in Critical Strike, Dodge, Avoid, and Evade at an equal degree with the summoner. The Valkyrie can follow the summoner across different areas and attack any enemy. She will remain under the caster's control until destroyed in combat or when party rests. The Valkyrie doesn't occupy the limited quantity of summoned units. While on selection, Valkyrie switches to a Defensive mode by press D, and returns to Normal mode by press N. In the defensive mode, she'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Talk with the Valkyrie and you can send her back. Pierce After long hours of training, an Amazon warrior's bow arm can develop tremendous amounts of strength. With this strength, and some additional training, the Amazon is able to maximize the power of her bow, enabling her to penetrate multiple targets with a single arrow. This skill permanently grants one more chance to attack per round when attack with ranged weapons. Passive skill, high-level skill. Bow and Crossbow Skills Magic Arrow Far in the ancient past, Amazons found their glorious arboreal city of Tran Athulua under siege by the pirates of the Twin Seas. These cut-throats were determined to turn the Amazon Islands into their base of operations. The conflict lasted many months as the pirates laid in for a long siege. During the battle, supplies ran short, and the Amazon archers found themselves without ammunition. Realizing that their defense rested solely upon the ability of the archers to keep the corsairs at bay, the priests of the city prayed to Athulua to aid them. In answer, Athula infused the minds of the Amazons with the power to harness their natural spiritual energies. One by one the archers melded their determination and will into shards of physical force that they then unleashed from their bows by the thousands, firmly routing the corsairs back to sea. This skill enchants arrows with magic, converts some physical damage to a more powerful magic damage. Skill duration: 4 rounds. Can be learned at LV1. LV1: +1 bonus to ranged attack, -1 to physical damage but +2 to magic damage; LV5: +2 bonus to ranged attack, -2 to physical damage but +4 to magic damage; LV10: +3 bonus to ranged attack, -3 to physical damage but +6 to magic damage; LV15: +4 bonus to ranged attack, -4 to physical damage but +8 to magic damage. Fire Arrow Hefaetrus is the Amazonian god of fire and rebirth who lives deep within the great volcano, Mount Arnazeus, on the island of Philios. Although primarily the patron deity of farmers, from time to time he bestows his favors upon the warriors of the Islands, so they may keep safe his congregation. Through proper prayer and the sacrifice of many fierce enemies, an especially brave Amazon can attain the power to imbue her shots with the destructive power of fire, allowing her to rake blazing missiles from her bow. This skill enchants arrows with fire, converts some physical damage to a more powerful fire damage. Skill duration: 4 rounds. Can be learned at LV1. LV1: +1 bonus to ranged attack, -1 to physical damage but +1d4 to fire damage; LV5: +2 bonus to ranged attack, -2 to physical damage but +2d4 to fire damage; LV10: +3 bonus to ranged attack, -3 to physical damage but +3d4 to fire damage; LV15: +4 bonus to ranged attack, -4 to physical damage but +4d4 to fire damage. Cold Arrow Although winter never seems to find its way to the ever-balmy Amazon Islands, cold climates are not unheard of. The summit of Mount Karcheus on the island of Philios is covered with snow all year long. Deep within an icy cave secluded amongst its towering peaks, is the Great Hall of Mirrors where mighty Karcheus the Watcher sits upon his throne. Ever vigilant, Karcheus keeps watch over the people of the Amazons. Warriors who have trained within his temple are able to instill their shots with the power of a freezing wind. This skill enchants arrows with ice, converts some physical damage to a more powerful cold damage. Target must save vs. death with or be slowed for a short while. Skill duration: 4 rounds. Can be learned at LV5. LV5: +1 bonus to ranged attack, -1 to physical damage but +1d3 to cold damage, target must save with -1 penalty or be slowed for 3 seconds; LV10: +2 bonus to ranged attack, -2 to physical damage but +2d3 to cold damage, target must save with -2 penalty or be slowed for 4 seconds; LV15: +3 bonus to ranged attack, -3 to physical damage but +3d3 to cold damage, target must save with -3 penalty or be slowed for 5 seconds; LV20: +4 bonus to ranged attack, -4 to physical damage but +4d3 to cold damage, target must save with -4 penalty or be slowed for 6 seconds. Multiple Shot Legend has it that the fabled Amazon archer, Palashia, bragged in her youth that she could best the combined skills of all her greatest rivals. Taking umbrage, her rivals gathered to challenge her outrageous boast, arranging a contest to decide the question. To preserve her honor, Palashia was to strike the targets of all her rivals before they could land a single arrow. When dawn arose on the day of the contest, Palashia stood ready with her bow. At the signal, her rivals nocked their arrows and loosed a volley towards their targets. Palashia gathered her energies, and let fly with her own, single arrow. To the amazement of onlookers, her arrow split into many, cleaving the arrows of her rivals, and moving on to strike every target directly in their centers. This mysterious technique quickly became a martial secret that only the finest archers are able to master. This skill launches arrows that splited into several to attack enemies in a cone-shaped area of 120 degrees in angle. May hit enemies that out of sight range. A next skill can be casted immediately after Multiple Shot lauches. Can be learned at LV5. LV5: 1d6+2 damage per arrow, 100% chance to shoot one arrow at each of the enemies in effctive area,and a 50% chance to shoot one more arrow at each of the enemies; LV10: 1d6+3 damage per arrow, 100% chance to shoot two arrows at each of the enemies in effctive area; LV15: 1d6+4 damage per arrow, 100% chance to shoot two arrows at each of the enemies in effctive area,and a 50% chance to shoot one more arrow at each of the enemies; LV20: 1d6+5 damage per arrow, shoot three arrows at all enemies in effctive area. Exploding Arrow Another gift of Hefaetrus, an Amazon warrior practiced in this skill can imbue the arrows that she fires with the ability to explode upon impact. The resulting detonation not only allows her to damage her intended target, but also anything caught within the explosive blast. The sight of a full battalion of Amazon archers firing a volley of such arrows is eerily beautiful. Many warriors, having witnessed good friends consumed by the flames of these arrows, vow never to fight against Amazon warriors ever again. This skill adds fire damage to normal arrows and explodes on impact. Successfully saving vs. breath will reduce the fire damage to half. Skill duration: 3 rounds. Can be learned at LV10. LV10: +1 bonus to ranged attack, the explosion grants 3d6 damage; LV15: +2 bonus to ranged attack, the explosion grants 4d6 damage; LV20: +3 bonus to ranged attack, the explosion grants 4d6 damage; LV25: +4 bonus to ranged attack, the explosion grants 6d6 damage. Ice Arrow The second of the prizes Karcheus bestows to a true warrior, this skill enables the Amazon to instill her arrows with the glacial force of a fierce blizzard. Enemies struck by this power not only feel the icy sting of the enchanted shaft, but also the force of a chilling arctic wind that, mysteriously, they alone can feel. With this skill the Amazon can fire arrows with additional cold damage and can momentarily freeze the target unless it saves vs. breath. Skill duration: 3 rounds. Can be learned at LV15. LV15: +1 bonus to ranged attack, +3d4 cold damage, target must save with -1 penalty or be freezed for 1 second; LV20: +2 bonus to ranged attack, +4d4 cold damage, target must save with -2 penalty or be freezed for 2 seconds; LV25: +3 bonus to ranged attack, +5d4 cold damage, target must save with -3 penalty or be freezed for 3 seconds; LV30: +4 bonus to ranged attack, +6d4 cold damage, target must save with -4 penalty or be freezed for 4 seconds. Guided Arrow Hunting and fighting during the night and in the deepest darkness is a necessary skill to any daughter of the Amazon islands. Devoted disciples of Athulua can, with great difficulty and strict discipline, train themselves to fire their arrows at targets blindly, as if the hand of Athulua herself guided the arrows. As might be imagined, this is an art that the Sisters of the Sightless Eye have long envied and yet have never replicated. This skill imbues an arrow with the ability to seek its nearest target in 30 ft. The arrow may seek back and attack again when it pierces the target, and totally gives 3-6 hits. A next skill can be casted immediately after Guided Arrow lauches. Can be learned at LV10. LV10: 1d8+6 damage per hit; LV15: 1d8+7 damage per hit; LV20: 1d8+8 damage per hit; LV25: 1d8+9 damage per hit. Immolation Arrow Hefaetrus will sometimes bestow this ability to his greatest champions. These fire-instilled arrows burn with such a fierce intensity that the very earth surrounding where they impact ignites into flame. Although the fires last but a few moments, some say the effect is as if the pillars of the mighty kingdom of Hefaetrus were reaching up through the ground to strike down the enemies who linger nearby. This skill enchants arrows to explode on impact, which leaves a patch of fire on the ground for 4 seconds. Enemies passing through the flames take additional damage. Successfully saving vs. breath will reduce the fire damage to half. Skill duration: 2 rounds. High-level skill. LV1: +2 bonus to ranged attack, immediate fire damage of 4d8, and burning damage of 1d8+2 per second; LV25: +3 bonus to ranged attack, immediate fire damage of 5d8, and burning damage of 1d8+4 per second; LV30: +4 bonus to ranged attack, immediate fire damage of 6d8, and burning damage of 1d8+6 per second; LV35: +5 bonus to ranged attack, immediate fire damage of 7d8, and burning damage of 1d8+8 per second; LV40: +6 bonus to ranged attack, immediate fire damage of 8d8, and burning damage of 1d8+10 per second. Strafe Once a warrior has attained this facility, she can fire a volley of arrows with amazing speed and precision, striking one target after another. Veteran mercenaries often tell a tale of a new recruit who was nearly struck down in battle because he was too distracted when first seeing an Amazon use this ability. Do not doubt his word, as he is probably referring to himself. Just smile and buy him another tankard of ale. With this skill the Amazon can fire a volley of arrows at multiple targets in 30 ft. Skill duration: 1 round. High-level skill. LV1: 1d6+6 damage per arrow; LV25: 1d6+7 damage per arrow; LV30: 1d6+8 damage per arrow; LV35: 1d6+9 damage per arrow; LV40: 1d6+10 damage per arrow. Freezing Arrow The greatest of the powers attained by those dedicated to Karcheus is the skill to imbue their arrows with the freezing power of a devastating avalanche. Enemies within the impact of a freezing arrow are frozen in their tracks and feel crushing pain, as if a mass of magical ice had toppled onto them. This skill enchants arrows to deliver cold damage that freezes any enemies near the point of impact unless they save vs. breath. Successfully saving vs. breath also reduces the cold damage to half. Skill duration: 2 rounds. High-level skill. LV1: +2 bonus to ranged attack, cold damage of 4d6, enemies must save vs. breath with -1 penalty or be freezed for 2 second; LV25: +3 bonus to ranged attack, cold damage of 5d6, enemies must save vs. breath with -2 penalty or be freezed for 3 seconds; LV30: +4 bonus to ranged attack, cold damage of 6d6, enemies must save vs. breath with -3 penalty or be freezed for 4 seconds; LV35: +5 bonus to ranged attack, cold damage of 7d6, enemies must save vs. breath with -4 penalty or be freezed for 5 seconds; LV40: +6 bonus to ranged attack, cold damage of 8d6, enemies must save vs. breath with -5 penalty or be freezed for 6 seconds. *Spear, Bow and Crossbow Skills with durations can not take effect together with each other. Each of them will directly replace a pre-casted one. >----------VERSION HISTORY---------- V0.9 New mechanism for Dodge, Avoid, and Evade, no longer needs any script. Fixed the problem that some High-level skills have wrong effective areas after LV40. Party rest no longer sends the Valkyrie back, but a talk with her does. Adjusted the compatibility with other Diablo2 kits for no EE games. V0.8 Fixed the problem that Black Pit game may run unsmoothy with Amazon in team. Another skill can be casted immediately after a Javelin skill. Inner Sight now lightens enemies shortly in certain range. Poison Javelin and Lightning Bolt now affect enemies on the whole traverse route but with less damage. Impale now reduces about 30% of attacks of each round. Fixed the problem that Valkyrie does not interact with Amazon after game saving and loading. Some high-level skills get one more enhancement at LV40. Some skills are too powerful so a saving vs. breath that reduces skill effects is imposed. V0.7 Now Valkyrie only follows her summoner across different areas, and no longer overlaps any party member (she will voluntarily take one step away). A little damage decrease of Cold Arrow and Freezing Arrow. Decoy is no longer selectable. AOE skills now ignore the protection of Mirror Image spell (EE only). More detailed descriptions of skills from original Diablo2. V0.6 Supports IWDEE. Fixed the game crash when summoning Valkyrie. Added some animations from Diablo2. A little increase of probability of Dodge and Avoid. Increased Lightning Fury, the denser the enemy crowds, the more damage it does. Detailed descriptions of skills are shown in EE games now. V0.5 Fixed some details to fit EE games. Fixed the BUG that Penetrate can not be learned. A Valkyrie strictly follows the summoner (not other teammates) across different areas. Multiple Shot can only shoot once now, while its performance is enhanced. Another skill can be casted immediately after Guided Arrow and Multiple Shot. Passive skills are learned automatically with Visual Effects under feet instead of learned by clicking skill buttons. V0.4 Amazon can wear chain mail armor, but not full plate or plate mail armors. Fixed the problem that a Decoy with Dodge and Avoid level is unable to stay out of physical and magic attacks. Removed Valkyrie's magic resistance. Faster HP Regeneration of Decoy and Valkyrie. Decoy and Valkyrie are immune to Horror, Charm, Confusion, Feeblemindedness and Unconsciousness. Decreased the chance that a Valkyrie stuck with other creatures that follow the team across different areas. Fixed the problem that Pierce never disappears once learned. When selected, Valkyrie can enter an inactive mode by press "C", and quit the mode by press "C" again. In the inactive mode, she'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get close and attacked by them. There's no more casting time or casting interval for passive spells which allow the Amazon to enter an offensive mode, e.g. Jab and Magic Arrow. V0.3 Supports EE and original BG2. Unsuperposable Amazon skills in EE is treated as official spells: the later casted spell directly replace the previous one; while in original BG2, a later spell can only be wasted before the expiring of a previous one. Fixed the problem of missing chances to learn Dodge and Avoid when starting game directly at TOB. Dodge grants 6% chance at each learning to stay out of all physical attacks. Avoid grants 8% chance at each learning to stay out of all spells of offensive damage. Evade nolonger increases your Magic Resistance, yet grants 10% chance at each learning to stay out of all spells of magic attack, battle ground and disabling. Yet the new Avoid and Evade give a huge glowing white wiffle ball animation, so a new component for choosing is added to turns off the animation. (This component comes from the Ease of Use Mod Pack, which also turns off the animation for Spell Trap spell and Cloak of Mirroring.) Decoy gains a slightly longer duration (2 rounds). V0.2 The bug that Immolation Arrow, Strafe and Freezing Arrow can't be learned is fixed. Valkyrie's Level, HP and equipments grow faster. On level 40 the Amazon will get a max-level Valkyrie with +5 equipments. Immolation Arrow will burn on ground instead of on enemies. Damage and max hits of Guided Arrow are increased by 1. V0.1 Finished the Amazon kit.
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## Assassin Diablo2 Kit Pack - The Assassin Ver 0.4
>----------ATTENTIONS---------- It is a Thief kit for BG2, BGT and EE series. Only one Assassin is suggested in a whole game, or their skills will be in conflict. In order that key characters not be killed by Death Sentry (which makes Quests uncompletable), Shadow Warrior and Shadow Master switch to a defensive mode by press D, and return to normal mode by press N while on selection. In the defensive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Shadow Warrior and Shadow Master do not occupy the limited quantity of summoned units, but when there're already five summoned units, they can't be summoned. If a shadow is imprisoned or petrified, a reverse magic is required to free it, or else it can't be summoned again. Assassin gains one 'Skill Point' each level until 3,000,000 exp, player can get one skill that you like to learn by consuming each 'Skill Point'. *If you do press a 'Skill Point' at skill table but then close the arisen skills table without making a choice, the 'Skill Point' does nothing by get wasted! Some skills do not appear at low level. Maybe you'd store the 'Skill Points' up to high level to purchase powerful skills. For Charge-up Skills in Martial Arts, extra prompts e.g. pause or display string on head, can be triggered for the condition that accumulated charges are ready. Press S when Party AI On to switch among those prompts. Weapon Block gives a huge glowing white wiffle ball animation, so there's an extra component to turns off the animation. (This component comes from the Ease of Use Mod Pack, which also turns off the animation for Spell Trap spell and Cloak of Mirroring.) A component is also added to extend level limits of corpse explosion of Death Sentry to LV.32 for players of Legacy of Bhaal mode. >----------KNOWN BUGS---------- Strange problems may occur on Charge-up Skills, a rest can restore all of them. Assassin's skills may be conflict with MOD items which have immunity from 'Removal: Remove Secondary Type'. Such problem does not exist in EE games. >----------DETAILED DESCRIPTION---------- Assassin The Assassins are an ancient order originally founded by the Vizjerei to hunt down and eliminate rogue mages within their own ranks. Employing secret disciplines to combat and resist the magical abilities of their elusive quarry, the Assassin's bag of tricks includes traps and other infernal devices, martial arts, and powerful mental abilities. Common people know nothing of the Assassins, but they are widely feared and respected by all who employ the magic arts. Advantages: - Has three skill trees: Martial Arts, Shadow Disciplines, and Traps. (For Charge-up Skills in Martial Arts, extra prompts e.g. pause or display string on head, can be active for the condition that accumulated charges are ready. Press S when Party AI On to switch among those prompts.) - +25% bonus to Open Locks and Hide in Shadows at start. - Immune to fear, charm and domination. - +0.5 attak per round at level 1 and level 15. - Setting traps will surely succeed no matter how many points are put on Trap Setting. - Can specialize in any melee weapon that a thief can use. - Automaticly get 2 slots on Two Weapon Style at start. Disadvantages: - No backstab multiplier. - May not learn high-level skills of original Theives except Use Any Item. - Unable to dual class. Martial Arts Tiger Strike (Charge-up Skill): Through extensive training in human, animal, and demonic anatomies, Assassins have developed the ability to perceive natural points of weakness in their foes and target these locations for especially devastating attacks. Charges of Tiger Strike will increase the physical damage of release attack. Can be learned after LV1. LV1: +8 melee damage for each successful charge; LV5: +14 melee damage for each successful charge; LV10: +20 melee damage for each successful charge; LV15: +26 melee damage for each successful charge; LV20: +32 melee damage for each successful charge. Dragon Talon (Finishing Move): An Assassin is taught to utilize his entire body as a weapon-using this skill, he lets loose a powerful kick to send his opponents flying. This skill increases melee attacks for 4 rounds. Can be learned after LV1. LV1: attack 2 times per round, +2 to melee attack, +1 to melee damage; LV5: attack 3 times per round, +4 to melee attack, +2 to melee damage; LV10: attack 4 times per round, +6 to melee attack, +3 to melee damage; LV15: attack 5 times per round, +8 to melee attack, +4 to melee damage. Fists of Fire (Charge-up Skill): Combining his powerful Martial Arts abilities with his psychic training, an Assassin can charge his own fists with pyrokinetic energies, scorching his opponents when the charge is released. One charge of Fists of Fire will add fire damage to release attack; two charges will cause an explosion of 10' radius on release attack; three charges will raise an fire wall of 10' radius for 4 seconds on release attack. Can be learned after LV5. LV5: 4d8 fire damage; LV10: 6d8 fire damage; LV15: 8d8 fire damage; LV20: 10d8 fire damage. Dragon Claw (Finishing Move): This skill allows the Assassin to try to finish his opponent off with a rending double claw attack. In 4 rounds the Assassin's melee attack frequency is doubled. Can be learned after LV5. LV5: +3 to melee attack, +2 to melee damage; LV10: +4 to melee attack, +3 to melee damage; LV15: +5 to melee attack, +4 to melee damage; LV20: +6 to melee attack, +5 to melee damage. Cobra Strike (Charge-up Skill): A properly trained Assassin can focus his mind to draw upon the ambient energies surrounding her. Using this skill, he can drain his adversary of life and spiritual essence. Charges of Cobra Strike will give ability to recover HP and chance to restore all skills on release attack. Can be learned after LV10. LV10: 2d8 HP and 2% chance to restore skills per charge; LV15: 4d8 HP and 4% chance to restore skills per charge; LV20: 6d8 HP and 6% chance to restore skills per charge; LV25: 8d8 HP and 8% chance to restore skills per charge. Claws of Thunder (Charge-up Skill): Using his weapon's metal blades as conductors, an Assassin charges the ions surrounding him and delivers a devastating lightning attack to any who dare challenge her. One charge of Claws of Thunder will add electricity damage to release attack; two charges will cause a nova of 30' radius on release attack; three charges will spread multiple charge bolts on release attack. Can be learned after LV15. LV15: 2d20 electricity damage; LV20: 3d20 electricity damage; LV25: 4d20 electricity damage; LV30: 5d20 electricity damage. Blades of Ice (Charge-up Skill): Charging the ether around his claw blades, the trained Assassin can chill opponents with a vicious rake of his razors. One charge of Blades of Ice will add cold damage to release attack which also slows the enemy; two charges will damage and slow enemies in 10' radius on release attack; three charges will damage and freeze enemies in 10' radius on release attack. Can be learned after LV20. LV20: 4d4 cold damage, slow or freeze for 1 second; LV25: 6d4 cold damage, slow or freeze for 2 seconds; LV30: 8d4 cold damage, slow or freeze for 3 seconds; LV35: 10d4 cold damage, slow or freeze for 4 seconds. Dragon Tail (Finishing Move): The experienced Assassin can deliver a strike so powerful it actually causes an explosion on impact, sending any nearby victims sprawling. In 4 rounds each successful melee attack will cause an explosion of 10' radius. The victim(s) may make a save vs. death to take only half damage. Can be learned after LV15. LV15: +3 to melee attack, 10-14 fire damage; LV20: +4 to melee attack, 14-18 fire damage; LV25: +5 to melee attack, 18-22 fire damage; LV30: +6 to melee attack, 22-26 fire damage. Dragon Flight (Finishing Move): After years of disciplined physical conditioning, an Assassin can develop the ability to move faster than the eye can follow in one quick burst. Using this skill, he lunges at his target and delivers a devastating strike. The victim may make a save vs. death in order to take only half damage. Can be learned after LV20. LV20: 6d10 crushing damage; LV25: 8d10 crushing damage; LV30: 10d10 crushing damage; LV35: 12d10 crushing damage. Phoenix Strike (Charge-up Skill): This mighty skill allows the Assassin trained in its arts to prepare an attack that gives off powerful elemental energies. One charge of Phoenix Strike will call a meteor on release attack which continues burning on ground for 4 seconds; two charges will caster chain lightning on release attack; three charges will spread chaos ice bolts, which freeze enemies in 30' radius for 3 seconds on release attack. High-level skill. Before LV30: 7d8 fire damage by meteor and burns for 1d4 fire damage per second, 3d20 electricity damage for chain lightning, 7d6 cold damage for chaos ice bolt; LV30: 8d8 fire damage by meteor and burns for 1d6 fire damage per second, 4d20 electricity damage for chain lightning, 8d6 cold damage for chaos ice bolt; LV35: 9d8 fire damage by meteor and burns for 1d8 fire damage per second, 5d20 electricity damage for chain lightning, 9d6 cold damage for chaos ice bolt; LV40: 10d8 fire damage by meteor and burns for 1d10 fire damage per second, 6d20 electricity damage for chain lightning, 10d6 cold damage for chaos ice bolt. *A Charge-up Skill is an attack that adds a 'charge' for each successive hit within 9 seconds. While each Charge-up attack deals normal damage, the charges continue to accumulate, up to 3 charges for each Charge-up Skill. A Charge-up Skill finishes when the 9 seconds exhaust or a Finishing Move is casted, at this time an Assassination effect icon is shown on the Assassin's portrait, which means the accumulated charges are ready to be triggered by a melee attack (each successful charge will +1 to hit on this attack only). The accumulated charges disappear immediately after being triggered, or disappear after 4 rounds if no successful melee attack is done. By casting another Charge-up Skill before a previous one exhausts, Assassins can build up a succession of different Charge-up Skills and generate a potent combination of effects. While a Charge-up Skill is active, a Contingency effect icon is shown on the Assassin's portrait. This icon disappears just 1 second before the Charge-up Skill expires, which reminds that the Charge-up Skill will exhaust, and it's time to cast another Charge-up Skill or trigger the accumulated charges at a worthy enemy. Extra prompts e.g. pause or display string on head, can be active for the condition that accumulated charges are ready. Press S when Party AI On to switch among those prompts. A Finishing Move doesn't just stop Charge-up Skills or make the Assassin able to trigger the accumulated charges, it also adds a powerful effect of its own. Yet its effect disappears immediately while another Charge-up Skill is casted. Different Finishing Moves can not take effect together with each other, each of them will directly replace a pre-casted one. Different Charge-up Skills will also replace a pre-casted one, although the accumulated charges are kept. Shadow Disciplines Claw Mastery: Well-disciplined training in this skill improves the artistry with which an Assassin wields his melee weapons. Assassin can gain +1 to melee attack and damage at every 5 levels. Psychic Hammer: By utilizing his intense mental prowess, an Assassin creates a powerful force of mental energies and directs it towards a hostile creature, blasting it backwards. And another skill can be casted immediately after a Psychic Hammer. LV1: 1D4 magic damage; LV5: 2D4 magic damage; LV10: 3D4 magic damage; LV15: 4D4 magic damage. Burst of Speed: Increases attack and movement speed for a period of time, as with the spell Haste. Can be learned after LV5. LV5: duration 2 turns. LV10: duration 3 turns. LV15: duration 4 turns. LV20: duration 5 turns. Cloak of Shadows: Moving through the darkness, unseen by his foes, the enshrouded Assassin can steal past opponents or ambush his unsuspecting victims with devastating attacks. Cloak of Shadows make the Assassin invisibile and offers some AC bonus. This skill also gives some AC penalty to all enemies nearby and force them to save vs. death to avoid becoming blind. Can be learned after LV10. LV10: +2 AC to the Assassin and -2 AC to enemies nearby, requires saving with -1 penalty to avoid becoming blind, all effects have a duration of 2 rounds; LV15: +3 AC to the Assassin and -3 AC to enemies, requires saving with -2 penalty, duration 3 rounds; LV20: +4 AC to the Assassin and -4 AC to enemies, requires saving with -3 penalty, duration 4 rounds; LV25: +5 AC to the Assassin and -5 AC to enemies, requires saving with -4 penalty, duration 5 rounds. Weapon Block: After developing this skill, an Assassin wielding two Claw-class weapons can use his blades to deflect incoming attacks, thus giving herself a defensive edge without using a shield. While equipping two weapons, the Assassin get +2 AC to all 4 types of weapons (Crushing, Missile, Piercing and Slashing) and +6% chance per skill level to block physical attacks and spells of offensive damage. Can be learned for 6 times. High-level skill. Fade: An Assassin can will his physical being to shift partially into the astral planes. As his body becomes less substantial, he becomes less susceptible to the effects of elemental attacks and immune to poison and cursed equipments. Magicial curses such as Doom and Greater Malison are also resisted. Can be learned after LV15. LV15: +20% resistances to elemental damage, +5% resistance to physical damage, duration 2 turns; LV20: +30% resistances to elemental damage, +10% resistance to physical damage, duration 3 turns; LV25: +40% resistances to elemental damage, +15% resistance to physical damage, duration 4 turns; LV30: +50% resistances to elemental damage, +20% resistance to physical damage, duration 5 turns. Shadow Warrior: The Assassin trained in this discipline has the ability to project a 'shadow' of herself. The Shadow Warrior only makes use of physical attack and Martial Arts. It gains the same level as its summoner, and is equipped with +2 enchanted short sword which gain +1 enchantment when reaches level 20, 25 and 30. Shadow Warrior gains bonuses equal to the summoner in Claw Mastery and Weapon Block. The Shadow can follow the summoner across different areas and attack any enemy. it remains under the caster's control until destroyed in combat or when party rests. Only one Shadow can exist, the pre-summoned one will disappear when another on is summoned. The Shadow does not occupy the limited quantity of summoned units, but when there're already five summoned units, it can't be summoned. Can be learned after LV15. Shadow Warrior switches to a defensive mode by press D, and returns to normal mode by press N while on selection. In the defensive mode, it'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Talk with the Shadow and you can send it back. Mind Blast: Focusing his anima, an Assassin using this potent ability can crush the will of a group of enemies, stunning them for 2 seconds and confusing the feebleminded into attacking their comrades. Can be learned after LV20. LV20: 2d6 damage, 20% chance to convert; LV25: 3d6 damage, 25% chance to convert; LV30: 4d6 damage, 30% chance to convert; LV35: 5d6 damage, 35% chance to convert. Venom: Poison use is another technique an Assassin has to help even the odds when battling demons and their ilk. An Assassin who has mastered this skill secretly coats his weapons with vile toxins. This skill lasts for 1 turn, during which all sufferers hit by the Assassin are posioned for 1 round. This skill also works on strikes of Blade Sentinel, Blade Fury and Blade Shield. High-level skill. Before LV30: 3 poison damage per second; LV30: 4 poison damage per second; LV35: 5 poison damage per second; LV40: 6 poison damage per second. Shadow Master: This discipline allows an Assassin to project an even more powerful shadow avatar. The Shadow Master has access to all of the Assassin skills, also skills you don't have yet. It gains the same level as its summoner, and is equipped with +3 enchanted short sword which gain +1 enchantment when reaches level 30, 35 and 40. Shadow Master gains bonuses equal to the summoner in Claw Mastery and Weapon Block. The Shadow can follow the summoner across different areas and attack any enemy. It will remain under the caster's control until destroyed in combat or when party rests. Only one Shadow can exist, the pre-summoned one will disappear when another on is summoned. The Shadow does not occupy the limited quantity of summoned units, but when there're already five summoned units, it can't be summoned. High-level skill. Shadow Master switches to a defensive mode by press D, and returns to normal mode by press N while on selection. In the defensive mode, he'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Talk with the Shadow and you can send it back. *Burst of Speed and Fade can not take effect together with each other, each of them will directly replace a pre-casted one. *Only one of Shadow Warrior and Shadow Master can exist. The pre-summoned one will disappear when another on is summoned. Traps Fire Blast: This skill gives an Assassin the ability to manufacture and throw a small incendiary device. This ordinance explodes when an enemy approaches, damaging any foe within a small blast radius of 8'. The fire damage increases at 1d8 per caster level until LV20. The victim(s) may make a save vs. death in order to take only half damage. LV1: requires saving with -1 penalty; LV5: requires saving with -2 penalty; LV10: requires saving with -3 penalty; LV15: requires saving with -4 penalty; LV20: requires saving with -5 penalty. Shock Web: These traps comprise a collection of small conductive components that arc electricity between one another, damaging any opponents who tread upon them. The arc jumps for 3 seconds, strikes enemies in 10' for 1d4 electric damage per second per caster level until LV20. The victim(s) may make a save vs. death in order to take only half damage. This trap does not occupy the limited quantity of active traps. Can be casted after LV5. LV5: requires saving with -1 penalty; LV10: requires saving with -2 penalty; LV15: requires saving with -3 penalty; LV20: requires saving with -4 penalty. Blade Sentinel: This skill allows the Assassin to create a razor-sharp device that bounces when intersects with a wall and damages all enemies on its road. 40 blades with a basic damage of 1D4 are created in the weapon slot and exist for 10 turns. Can be learned after LV5. LV5: +1 blade, the Assassin is regarded to have two proficiency slots on this weapon; LV10: +2 blade, three proficiency slots; LV15: +3 blade, four proficiency slots; LV20: +4 blade, five proficiency slots. Charged Bolt Sentry: This small device, once cast upon the ground, emits charges of electricity that shock any adversary who strays too close. Each victim in the area may be hit by 1-3 charge bolts at the same time. The victim(s) may make a save vs. death in order to take only half damage. This sentry will vanish after 5 attacks or 60 seconds. Can be casted after LV10. LV10: 2D6 electricity damage for each charge bolt, requires saving with -1 penalty; LV15: 2D8 electricity damage, requires saving with -2 penalty; LV20: 2D10 electricity damage, requires saving with -3 penalty; LV25: 2D12 electricity damage, requires saving with -4 penalty. Wake of Fire: Once erected, this trap releases waves of flame that incinerate any opponents within its path. The victim(s) may make a save vs. death in order to take only half damage. This sentry will vanish after 5 attacks or 60 seconds. Can be casted after LV10. LV10: 4D6 fire damage, requires saving with -1 penalty; LV15: 5D6 fire damage, requires saving with -2 penalty; LV20: 6D6 fire damage, requires saving with -3 penalty; LV25: 7D6 fire damage, requires saving with -4 penalty. Blade Fury: Using this skill, the Assassin throws split blades, each straight hit on the opponent will launch an additional blade, shredding all his enemies on the flying trail. A total of 40 blades with a basic damage of 1D4 are created in the weapon slot and exist for 10 turns. Can be learned after LV15. LV15: +2 blade, the Assassin is regarded to have two proficiency slots on this weapon; LV20: +3 blade, three proficiency slots; LV25: +4 blade, four proficiency slots; LV30: +5 blade, five proficiency slots. Lightning Sentry: This device discharges great bolts of electricity, frying assailants when they come near. The victim(s) may make a save vs. death in order to take only half damage. This sentry will vanish after 8 attacks or 60 seconds. Can be casted after LV20. LV20: 4D6 electricity damage, requires saving with -1 penalty; LV25: 4D8 electricity damage, requires saving with -2 penalty; LV30: 4D10 electricity damage, requires saving with -3 penalty; LV35: 4D12 electricity damage, requires saving with -4 penalty. Wake Of Inferno: Once an Assassin throws it to the ground, this trap expels a large spout of fire at any opponent who moves within its range. The victim(s) may make a save vs. death in order to take only half damage. This sentry will vanish after 8 attacks or 60 seconds. Can be casted after LV20. LV20: 3D8 fire damage, requires saving with -1 penalty; LV25: 4D8 fire damage, requires saving with -2 penalty; LV30: 5D8 fire damage, requires saving with -3 penalty; LV35: 6D8 fire damage, requires saving with -4 penalty. Death Sentry: This trap emits projectiles laden with a potent chemical catalyst, detonating the exposed cadavers of enemies. The victim must save vs. spell with -2 penalty or dies and gives an explosion of 12 feet in radius. All hostile creatures in the area of explosion will suffer 1d8 damage (8d8 at least, half in fire and half in crushing, save vs. death for half damage) per hit dice of the victim. Corpse explosion affects undead and construct creatures as well, but can't affect targets beyond level 20. This sentry also releases lightning bolts to attack enemies (no save is need). This sentry will vanish after 5 attacks or 60 seconds. Can be casted after LV25. LV25: 2D6 electricity damage for the lightning bolt; LV30: 2D8 electricity damage; LV35: 2D10 electricity damage; LV40: 2D12 electricity damage. Blade Shield: This contrivance releases several small razors and uses magnetic forces to set them spinning about the Assassin, inflicting grievous wounds on any foe who approaches him too closely. The victim(s) may make a save vs. death in order to take only half damage. High-level skill. Before LV30: 6D6 slashing damage, requires saving with -1 penalty, last for 6 rounds; LV30: 6D8 slashing damage, requires saving with -2 penalty, last for 8 rounds; LV35: 6D10 slashing damage, requires saving with -3 penalty, last for 10 rounds; LV40: 6D12 slashing damage, requires saving with -4 penalty, last for 12 rounds. *No matter how you choose from Charged Bolt Sentry, Wake of Fire, Lightning Sentry, Wake Of Inferno and Death Sentry, there's a total limit of five active traps. The first trap will be destroyed when a sixth trap is set. >----------VERSION HISTORY---------- V0.4 For Charge-up Skills in Martial Arts, extra prompts e.g. pause or display string on head, can be active for the condition that accumulated charges are ready. Press S when Party AI On to switch among those prompts. Hot keys of Shadow Warrior and Shadow Master are set to D (Defence) and N (Normalize). Fix the problem that mechanism of Charge-up Skill may be out of order in case that no attack is made before a Charge-up Skill expires or a Finishing Move is casted before a Charge-up Skill. If there're still some accidental problems, a party rest can solve all of them. Blade Sentinel and Blade Fury can hurt all enemies on their flight path on the premise that the blade hits a target. When Blade Sentinel intersects with a wall it will bounce and keep offensive. Weapon Block boosts the defense against all 4 types of weapons (Crushing, Missile, Piercing and Slashing) so that AC bonus can continue accumulating when base AC reaches limit of -20. In order to avoid getting jammed when traveling across different areas, a Shadow voluntarily takes one step away from the Assassin when they get too close. Solved the problem that Weapon Block do not keep current levels when character is exported and imported or enter a TOB game from SOA. The lower limit of corpse explosion of Death Sentry is set to 8D8, as some enemies in the game don't have correct class levels. There'd be an animation of leeching mana when a Cobra Strike restore Assassin's skills successfully. Resolved the possible conflict in no EE games between this kit and the Diablo2 Druid kit. The Assassin no longer keeps invisible on casting traps and other hostile skills. A Shock Web can give 3 attacks in 3 seconds, but with a less attack range. Total Amout of Extra Skill Points in High-level skills reduced to 5 from 10. Venom works on strikes of Blade Sentinel, Blade Fury and Blade Shield. AOE skills now ignore the protection of Mirror Image spell (EE only). Party rest no longer sends a Shadow back, but a talk with him does. New mechanism for Charge-up Skills, less burden for global script. Shadow Warrior and Shadow Master no longer bring potions. Fixed the faulty skills of Shadow Warrior and Shadow Master. Fixed transparency of some animations for no EE games. Adjusted the values and save penalty of many skills. Active traps can be triggered by invisible enemies. Immune to fear, charm and domination at start. Fixed the limit of active traps from six to five. Removed the noise of Blade Shield. V0.3 Fixed a lot of BUGs on Charge-up Skills. The Assassin is no longer forced to stop all actions when Charges are ready. Now the Contingency effect icon on the Assassin's portrait disappears just 1 second before the Charge-up Skill expires, which reminds that the Charge-up Skill will exhaust. Fixed the problem that Claws of Thunder can't be learned. Changed the icons of Blade Sentinel and Blade Fury. Added some animations and sounds from Diablo2. When the Assassin learns a new Weapon Block skill level, an animation appears under his feed to reduce icons appearing on skill table. A trap is gained on every 4 levels instead of 3. Mind Blast can be caster on the ground now. The Shadow Master now set a trap on every 2 rounds instead of 1. The Shadow Warrior or Shadow Master now only follows the summoner instead of other teammates. Meteor of Phoenix Strike now delays 2 seconds before hitting the ground. BUG of missing fire wall of a meteor is fixed. Weapon Block can be learned for 6 times now. Fire Blast can be set on ground just like other traps. Its Damage type is also fixed. Another skill now can be casted immediately after a Psychic Hammer. The Assassin now becomes transparent with the Fade skill. Detailed descriptions of skills are shown in EE games now. V0.2 Optimised for EE. Shadow Master will no longer cast a lot of traps. In order that key characters will not killed by Death Sentry (which makes the quests uncompletable), Shadow Warrior and Shadow Master can enter an inactive mode by press C and quit the mode by press C again when selected. In the inactive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get close and attacked by them. Fixed the problem that Extra Skill Points in High-level skills lost their icons. V0.1 Finished the Assassin kit.
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## Barbarian Diablo2 Kit Pack - The Barbarian Ver 1.3
>----------ATTENTIONS---------- It is a Fighter kit for BG2, BGT and EE series. Barbarian gains one 'Skill Point' each level until 3,000,000 exp, player can get one skill that you like to learn by consuming each 'Skill Point'. *If you do press a 'Skill Point' at skill table but then close the arisen skills table without making a choice, the 'Skill Point' does nothing by get wasted! Many powerful skills do not appear at low level. Maybe you'd store the 'Skill Points' up to high level to purchase much powerful skills. There's an extra component 'Allow the Barbarian(D2) to use a Two-handed Sword with one hand' which is adviced to be installed after all MODs that bring new weapons. Reinstall of such component alone also provides support for new 2-handed swords added later, but is not recommended. Equip the two-handed sword in hand and then click on Mode Switching button at skill table, the sword switches to one-handed mode, its Proficiency Type also changes to Bastard Sword. The switched sword can only be used by a Diablo2 Barbaian. With a sword that switched to one-handed mode in hand, cast Mode Switching again and the two-handed sword comes back. (In no EE games, in order to avoid game crushing, such switching is ineffective when there's something in offhand.) >----------KNOWN BUGS---------- Barbarian's combat skills may get problems in case that MOD items which have immunity from 'Removal: Remove Secondary Type' are equipped. This bug does not exist in EE games. If there're several Diablo2 Barbarians in your team, and they're all equiped with switchable swords, Mode Switching skill only works on the first Barbarian. You can give the switched sword to other Barbarians. >----------DETAILED DESCRIPTION---------- Barbarian The Barbarian, a member of any of several tribes on the fringes of civilization, rebuffs the influence of those he sees as soft and weak. Ceaseless clan warfare and the constant struggle to survive in the hostile wilderness are evident in the Barbarian's sturdy and powerful frame. Though perhaps lacking the sophistication of his civilized contemporaries, the Barbarian has an acute awareness of his surroundings. Because of his shamanistic belief in the animal powers with whom he identifies, the Barbarian is sometimes associated with stories of lycanthropy. In fact, he believes that he can improve his superb battle tactics by calling upon the totemic animal spirits to infuse him with supernormal strengths and abilities. Advantages: - Has a D12 Hit Die instead of D10. - Get bonus of +1 to strength and vitality on character creation. - Can use a Two-handed Sword with one hand through a mode switching skill. - Three skill trees: Warcries, Combat Masteries and Combat Skills. Disadvantages: - Get penalty of -2 to intelligence and charisma on character creation. - May not learn high-level skills of original fighters. - Only can be proficient in bow and crossbow. - Only can be master in weapons except bow and crossbow. - Unable to dual class. Warcries Howl A Barbarian warrior in battle is a fearsome enough sight. They cover their bodies with strange markings and the fire in their eyes can be seen from across a battlefield. Early in his training a warrior must learn how to tap the primal energies around him and utter a howl in battle-a bellow so fierce that it will send even the battalions of the Burning Hells running in fear. This skill makes enemies in 30' radius run in fear, requires saving vs. breath. Enemies over Level 20 will not be affected. Can be learned at LV1. LV1: save with -1 penalty, 2 rounds; LV5: save with -2 penalty, 4 rounds; LV10: save with -3 penalty, 6 rounds; LV15: save with -4 penalty, 8 rounds. Find Potion When a warrior is injured while out in the field, he must find ways to effectively heal wounds. By picking among the glands and entrails of the recently dead, a Barbarian warrior can sometimes scavenge enough ingredients to make a powerful healing elixir. Some Barbarians are skillful and fortunate enough to find ingredients for a potion that restores not only their health but their spirit as well. This skill increases chance of finding potions after kill each enemy. Duration: 1 round. Can be learned at LV1. LV1: potion of healing/antidote/potion of defense/other potions; LV5: potion of healing/antidote/potion of stone form/potion of heroism/other potions; LV10: potion of extra healing/elixir of health/potion of invulnerability/potion of heroism/other potions; LV15: potion of super healing/elixir of health/potion of invulnerability/potion of power/other potions. *Find Potion and Find Item can not take effect at the same time. Shout Barbarian warriors are born to command in battle. When a warrior learns this skill he can raise his voice above the din of combat to shout warnings of impending blows to his comrades in arms. This will alert them in time to allow them to guard against the incoming attack. This skill gives an AC bonus to friendly creatures in 30' radius. Can be learned at LV5. LV5: +3 AC bonus, duration: 1 turn; LV10: +4 AC bonus, duration: 2 turns; LV15: +5 AC bonus, duration: 3 turns; LV20: +6 AC bonus, duration: 4 turns. Taunt Pinpointing an opponent's physical weakness is not the only talent a warrior of the Steppes possesses. He can often ascertain what emotional weakness might allow the barbarian to goad an opponent into a fight. A Barbarian taunting an opponent into a blind rage hopes to capitalize on the mistakes enemies may make while so angered. It is this ability that causes Barbarians to have a poor reputation as drinking partners. This skill defiances an emeny, who temporarily forgets his spells and skills, to fight you with melee attack. Requires saving with spells. Enemies over Level 20 will not be affected. Duration: 4 rounds. Can be learned at LV5. LV5: -2 penalty to enemy's THAC0 and damage, requires saving with +1 bounce; LV10: -4 penalty to enemy's THAC0 and damage, requires saving with no bounce or penalty; LV15: -6 penalty to enemy's THAC0 and damage, requires saving with -1 penalty; LV20: -8 penalty to enemy's THAC0 and damage, requires saving with -2 penalty. *Do NOT cast this skill on friendly creatures. Find Item To most people, searching the bodies of the recently slain is a distasteful chore. Quite happy with procuring whatever items are readily visible and moving on, most people often miss useful items. The Barbarian people have never had the luxury of abundance, and their harsh existence has taught them to scavenge every part of the dead for the items they need to survive. What use do the dead have of gold? This skill increases chance of finding items after kill each enemy. Duration: 1 round. Can be learned at LV10. LV10: normal equipments/100 gold/cheap gems; LV15: +1 equipments/200 gold/lower gems; LV20: +2 equipments/400 gold/gems; LV25: +3 equipments/800 gold/costly gems. *Find Potion and Find Item can not take effect at the same time. Battle Cry Gifted Barbarian warriors can benefit from their connection to their totem animals to exploit the primal fears of their opponents. Once a Barbarian unleashes the Battle Cry, even the legions of the dead will become so distracted that they falter in their quest for victory. This permits the warrior an easy kill. This skill lowers enemy's defense and damage in 30' radius. Can be learned at LV15. LV15: -4 bouns to AC and damage, duration: 4 rounds; LV20: -5 bouns to AC and damage, duration: 6 rounds; LV25: -6 bouns to AC and damage, duration: 8 rounds; LV30: -7 bouns to AC and damage, duration: 10 rounds. Battle Orders Although skillful in single combat, the Barbarian warrior also has a talent for group tactics. It is this ability that makes him a natural leader in combat. An experienced warrior can use this skill to better array his forces in battle, enhancing their ability to overcome the enemy. This skill increases maximum HP of friendly creatures in 30' radius. High-level skill. Before LV25: +40% max HP, duration: 2 turns; LV25: +50% max HP, duration: 3 turns; LV30: +60% max HP, duration: 4 turns; LV35: +70% max HP, duration: 5 turns; LV40: +80% max HP, duration: 6 turns. Grim Ward This skill allows the Barbarian to fashion a totem out of the carcass of his slain enemies. The resulting talisman serves as a grave warning to all of the minions of the Prime Evils. The mere sight of the Totem causes monsters to flee in terror. With additional training the warrior can increase the potency of the ward. This skill summons a fetish that will frighten enemies to 30' radius away, duration: 30 seconds. High-level skill. War Cry Summoning the ancient powers known to his people, a Barbarian warrior can call on his spirit animal and lash out at his enemies with a cry that halts them in their tracks-a powerful anguish rising to burn the depths of their being. It is this skill that gives rise to the legends of Barbarians being able to sap the life from a creature with a single word. This skill damages and stuns your enemies in 20' Radius, successfully saving vs. breath will reduce the damage and stunned length to half. High-level skill. Before LV25: 2D4 damage, stuns for 2 seconds; LV25: 2D6 damage, stuns for 3 seconds; LV30: 2D8 damage, stuns for 4 seconds; LV35: 2D10 damage, stuns for 5 seconds; LV40: 2D12 damage, stuns for 6 seconds. Battle Command Using this skill a Barbarian can examine the abilities of his companions and, during battle, determine how best the group should apply their various skills. It is this skill as well as their natural abilities as leaders that are gradually shedding the long held stereotype that the Barbarian people are merely ignorant savages. This skill increase all saves, THAC0, AC, damage, casting speed and attack speed by 1 for friendly creatures in 30' Radius. High-level skill. Before LV25: 2 turns; LV25: 3 turns; LV30: 4 turns; LV35: 5 turns; LV40: 6 turns. Combat Masteries Increased Stamina The tribes of the northern Barbarians are a nomadic people, roaming the vast open plains of the Northern Steppes. Being raised in this environment has strengthened the Barbarian people. Simply by looking at a member of the northern clans, you can tell that they are more hale and hearty than the average person. Such is their vigor! Through strict conditioning, the Barbarian warriors can train their bodies to endure tremendous physical exertions, and at a moments notice can be ready for battle. With this skill, Barbarian will infrequently get tired. He will also be immune to negative effect of spells such as Haste and Restoration. Gets in LV10. Increased Speed It is a fatal assumption that the Barbarian warrior is slow and ponderous. His great bulk belies a very agile individual. A lifetime of patrolling the vast plains of his native soil, where it is often necessary to cover great distances in very little time, has empowered the Barbarian warriors with the ability to walk and run at surprising rates of speed. This skill Permanently increases Barbarian's walk speeds, +1 bonus on start, then in LV5, LV10, LV15 and LV20. Iron Skin The harsh grasslands of their homeland offer the Barbarian people little refuge from the elements. Constant prolonged exposure to the sun, wind, rain and other elements has toughened their skin to the resilience of natural leather. This skill permanently gives +2 bonus to AC and 10% resistance to physical damage in LV15, LV20, LV25 and LV30. Sword Mastery Although there are many gifts from the Great and Ancient King Bul-Kathos, the greatest of these is the secret of steel. Raw iron is hardened and made resilient, forged into weapons of honor and power. Most mortal swords are patterned after the blade first wielded by Bul-Kathos himself. Balancing offense with defense, it is the perfect weapon for the defense of Mount Arreat in the coming apocalypse. All Barbarian warriors learn the secrets of steel at an early age, yet few truly master the deadly elegance of the sword. Those few who do often disdain all other weapons. This skill provides maximum proficiency (5 points) in sword (short sword, long sword, bastard sword and two handed sword) style. High-level skill. Axe Mastery Barbarian warriors of the Shadow Wolf Tribe are masters of the axe. Through the axe, they sought to match the swiping claws and the biting teeth of the wolves with which they lived and fought beside. These first axes were but crude stones mounted on wooden hafts, and after learning the secret of steel and swords from Bul-Kathos, the axe soon fell into disfavor. Recently, however, warriors and smiths from the Steppes have perfected the axe as a weapon equal to or greater than the sword. The Wolf Tribe once again teaches the swift and terrible power of the axe to those who wish to learn how to cull the weak from the herd and to protect their pack from the legions of Hell. This skill provides maximum proficiency (5 points) in axe style. High-level skill. Mace Mastery Barbarians who have quested with the mighty Bear Tribe are masters of the Mace. From simple wooden clubs to the contemporary, armor-defeating flanged mace, warrior masters wield these weapons to devastating effect. As the Bear shaman, Koth, said to those who favor the sword and axe, 'When you are beset by hordes of the walking dead, do not come weeping to me if you have turned away from the wisdom of Bear.' This skill provides maximum proficiency (5 points) in mace (mace, war hammer, flail and club) style. High-level skill. Polearm Mastery Members of the Crane Tribe value distance, grace and a single overwhelming blow over the close grappling form advocated by the Bear Tribe. Though the two clans were wary of one another for many generations, recently the nomadic peoples have commingled and now share their powerful techniques with all that would learn. Crane warriors evolved their pole arm technique from dealing with mounted raiders and fighting in the shallow river waters found in the steppe. A master of the pole arm avoids physical contact with his opponent until he can land a single killing blow. This skill provides maximum proficiency (5 points) in polearm (halberd, spear and staff) style. High-level skill. Throwing Mastery Although not as well known for their use of bows and other such ranged weapons, hunters from the Steppes have practiced the use of thrown weapons since earliest times. The open grasslands of their native soil are well suited for taking down game with swift and accurate blows from a hurled blade. It seems a natural evolution and a simple matter for them to have transferred this skill to combat. This skill provides maximum proficiency (5 points) in throwing (dart and sling) style. High-level skill. Blade Mastery Warriors of the Tiger Tribe like to imitate the way tigers use their claws in battle. They are good at wielding their blades to unleash swift and violent attacks, causing fatal damage to their enemies. This skill provides maximum proficiency (5 points) in blade (dagger, scimitar and katana) style. High-level skill. Natural Resistance In order to survive the unforgiving lands of the north, the people of the Barbarian tribes have developed hardy resistances to the common elements. Heat and cold alike are something they endure often. Since food is scarce while foraging, they have learned to consume species of plants that would slay normal men. Through additional training, a warrior can further fortify himself against these dangers, allowing him to better survive while traveling to unfamiliar lands and battling unknown foes. This skill increases resistances to elemental damage by 15%, and make Barbarian immune to poison. Can be chosen for 4 times. High-level skill. Combat Skills Bash The immense physical strength of the Barbarian people is widely known, so it should come as no surprise that this is one of the first skills that they develop as a warrior. Summoning up their renowned brute strength a Barbarian can deliver a powerful and painful blow that staggers an enemy from its feet, knocking them back. This skill provides a powerful smashing blow (melee only) that knocks the target back, requires saving vs. death. Duration: 4 rounds. Can be learned at LV1. LV1: +1 to melee damage, +1 to melee THAC0, knock back with -1 save penalty; LV5: +2 to melee damage, +2 to melee THAC0, knock back with -2 save penalty; LV10: +3 to melee damage, +3 to melee THAC0, knock back with -3 save penalty; LV15: +4 to melee damage, +4 to melee THAC0, knock back with -4 save penalty. Double Swing A Barbarian warrior learns to fight with a weapon in each hand, for after all, are not two weapons better than one? A young Barbarian learns to use both hands independently of each other, striking simultaneous blows at separate targets. As his talent grows in this skill, he attacks with increasing control and accuracy. This skill enhances two weapon fighting in 4 rounds, and will automatically repeat casting itself in battle, until losting target for 4 rounds, or another combat skill, which can no work together with Double Swing, is casted. Can be learned at LV5. LV5: temporarily get 2 points proficiency in two weapon fighting style, +1 to melee THAC0 and +1 extra THAC0 with off hand; LV10: temporarily get 3 points in two weapon fighting style, +2 to melee THAC0 and +1 extra THAC0 with off hand; LV15: temporarily get 3 points in two weapon fighting style, +3 to melee THAC0 and +2 extra THAC0 with off hand; LV20: temporarily get 3 points in two weapon fighting style, +4 to melee THAC0 and +2 extra THAC0 with off hand. Leap Because of his great strength, a trained barbarian warrior is able to perform great leaps. These jumps are noteworthy, enabling the Barbarian to spring free of dangerous swarms of enemies, and landing with an impact that sends them reeling. This skill makes a leap (teleportation) landing with an impact. Can be learned at LV5. LV5: 20' leap distance, 10' radius impact; LV10: 30' leap distance, 20' radius impact; LV15: 40' leap distance, 30' radius impact; LV20: 50' leap distance (equivalent to range of visibility), 40' radius impact. Double Throw To a Barbarian, fighting with two weapons is considered a fairly simple feat. Not so simple is mastering the art of throwing two weapons simultaneously and accurately. Many young Barbarians are eager to learn this skill, for they will tell you it is concrete proof that they have risen to greatness as a warrior. In truth, they use this skill in tavern games almost as often as they do in battle, winning wagers from unsuspecting drunkards. This skill provides +1 attack per round while using ranged weapons (triggered on hitting). Duration: 4 rounds. Can be learned at LV10. LV10: +2 to range THAC0; LV10: +4 to range THAC0; LV15: +6 to range THAC0; LV20: +8 to range THAC0. Stun An experienced Barbarian can learn to strike an opponent in areas that promote the maximum effect. By putting enough strength behind a well-placed blow, he can leave an opponent dazed and unable to strike back or flee. This skill makes melee attacks able to stun an enemy, requires saving vs. death. Duration: 4 rounds. Can be learned at LV10. LV10: +1 to melee THAC0, stuns for 1 seconds with -1 save penalty; LV10: +2 to melee THAC0, stuns for 2 seconds with -2 save penalty; LV15: +3 to melee THAC0, stuns for 3 seconds with -3 save penalty; LV20: +4 to melee THAC0, stuns for 4 seconds with -4 save penalty. Leap Attack A young treasure hunter once sought his fortune in a raid for Barbarian gold on Mount Arreat. Hearing tales of the Barbarian people's expertise in close combat, he hired a phalanx of mercenary spearmen to accompany him, thinking their long spears would force the Barbarian warriors to fight from a distance. He soon learned his mistake as a single Barbarian warrior was enough to slaughter his entire party. Ambushing the raiding party from a patch of scrub grass, the Barbarian leapt over them, slaying one whilst airborne, and skewering two more as he landed. Before the would-be thief could draw a single breath, all of his hired lancers had been dispatched. It was a long walk home. This skill makes a leap (teleport) onto a target with an attack on landing. The victim may make a save vs. death in order to take only half damage. Can be learned at LV15. LV15: 6D10 damage; LV20: 8D10 damage; LV25: 10D10 damage; LV30: 12D10 damage. Concentrate Sometimes a series of blows is not nearly as effective as a single, concentrated strike. A Barbarian trained in this skill learns how to focus his strength into a single blow that cuts through the guard of an enemy and slices through their armor. This technique also puts the warrior in a superior defensive position. This skill ensures an uninterruptible attack, which temporarily improves your defense and gives you immunity to threatening influences such as charm, stun, fear, sleep and confusion. Duration: 4 rounds. Can be learned at LV15. LV15: +2 to damage and AC bonus, +3 to hit; LV20: +3 to damage and AC bonus, +4 to hit; LV25: +4 to damage and AC bonus, +5 to hit; LV30: +5 to damage and AC bonus, +6 to hit. Frenzy Although a Barbarian is capable of calculated blows and tactical fighting techniques, it is his fierce passion for battle that distinguishes him in battle. While using this skill, a Barbarian drives more and more force into each successive blow as his anger and bloodlust mounts. In the 1 round's skill duration, each successful attack brings Improved Haste to the Barbarian, and improves his attack frequency and movement rate (up to 10 attacks per round and +10 to movement rate) as well. While Frenzy expires, the state of increased attack frequency and movement rate remains for 1-2 rounds, which may work with other Combat Skills. High-level skill. LV20: +2 to hit, +2 to damage; LV25: +3 to hit, +3 to damage; LV30: +4 to hit, +4 to damage; LV35: +5 to hit, +5 to damage; LV40: +6 to hit, +6 to damage. Whirlwind Of the Barbarian people, the Tribe of Thunder was the first to draw upon the primal forces of the weather. Tornadoes would ravage their plains as summer turned to the harvest season. The shaman of the tribe would interpret the tornadoes as an omen of evil during times of peace, and as a harbinger of great victory during wartime. Observing the strength of the whirlwind, these Barbarians learned to emulate the swirling melange of the cyclone in their attacks. As time went on and the tribes intermingled, the ability to attack in the manner of the whirlwind was passed down to all of the Barbarian people. This skill makes multiple attacks while spinning through enemies, the victim(s) may make a save vs. death in order to take only half damage. Duration: 6 seconds, attack radius: 10'. High-level skill. LV20: 12D4 damage per second; LV25: 12D4+6 damage per second; LV30: 12D4+12 damage per second; LV35: 12D4+18 damage per second; LV40: 12D4+24 damage per second. Berserk There is a fine line between passion and rage, something the Barbarian warrior knows well. A Barbarian must learn to tread this line while separating one from the other and drawing strength from both. One of the most powerful combat skills a Barbarian can learn is to cross that line into rage, expending the sum of his energy and slaying everything without regard for consequences. When you have slain all of your enemies, what is left to fear? This skill provides a powerful attack that leaves the Barbarian more vulnerable, with a AC penalty of 20. Duration: 1 round, may take effect together with other Combat Skills. High-level skill. LV20: +4 to hit, adds 4D8 magic damage; LV25: +5 to hit, adds 5D8 magic damage; LV30: +6 to hit, adds 6D8 magic damage; LV35: +7 to hit, adds 7D8 magic damage; LV40: +8 to hit, adds 8D8 magic damage. *Bash, Double Swing, Double Throw, Stun, Concentrate and Frenzy can not take effect together with each other. Each of them will directly replace a pre-casted one. >----------VERSION HISTORY---------- V1.3 An extra component gives the Barbarian ability to use a Two-handed Sword with only one hand. The component is adviced to be installed after all MODs that bring new weapons. Reinstall of such component alone also provides support for new 2-handed swords added later, but is not recommended. Fixed the problem that Shout, Battle Commands and Battle Command give strange words. V1.2 Fixed the problem that the Barbaian can keep invisible on casting some attack skills. More stunned duration of War Cry but requires save. with breath. More kinds of items can be found with Find Item, including magic scrolls and some unique items. V1.1 Fixed animation bugs of Warcries. All the casting time of Warcries is set to 2. Some skills now have sounds and animations. Corrected the level restrictions of Howl and Taunt, such restrictions can be extended to LV32 with an extra component. Rebuild the Frenzy skill to fix all the problems. Improved the damage Dice of Berserk from d8 to d10. Barbaian's AOE skills now ignore the protection of Mirror Image spell (EE only). No more free moving and attacking on casting Whirlwind. Passive skills such as Increased Stamina, Increased Speed and Iron Skin are directly applied to Barbaian at proper levels, rather than getting new skill buttons. Added skill descriptions from original Diablo2. V1.0 Increased Speed only +1 bonus to walk speed per skill level. Find Potion can create Small Rejuvenation Potions and Full Rejuvenation Potions with a chance of less than 1%. Small Rejuvenation Potion recover 35% HP and recall 1 spells per spell level, Full Rejuvenation Potion recover 100% HP and recall all spells and skills. Cancelled the level limit of Howl. Iron Skin provides +2 AC bonus per level. Fixed the bug that Double Swing does not automatically repeat casting itself. Blade Mastery also gives proficiency in dagger. V0.9 Spear Mastery is replaced by Blade Mastery, which gives proficiency in blade style including scimitar and katana. Proficiency in spear is integrated into Polearm Mastery. Find Potion can create some other potions. V0.8 Supports EE and original BG2. Unsuperposable Barbaian skills in EE is treated as official spells: the later casted spell directly replace the previous one; while in original BG2, a later spell can only be wasted before the expiring of a previous one. Can wear plate and full plate armor now, but nolonger immune to backstab. The bug of several buttons of 'Increased Speed' vanish with one click when starting game in TOB, is fixed. Effects and save penalties of some skills are adjusted. Warcries, Leap and Leap Attack become slower. Leap has a distance limit at low level. Howl and Taunt now work on enemies with higher level than the barbarian, but still has a limit of level 20. A component of no level limit is supplied for players of difficult MODs. The bug of Frenzy cause a decline of attacks per round after 5 attacks is fixed. It's also enhanced to a easy achieving of 10 attacks per round. Some skills that can stun enemies also gain ability of pause enemies, which may affect enemies that immune to stun. V0.7 The problem that some skills disappear with Ctrl+R is fixed. Adjusted damage of Leap Attack, Whirlwind and Berserk. Adjusted Max HP of Battle Orders. The Barbaian now can be master in weapons except bow and crossbow. Five Skill Point can be obtained after 3,000,000 exp from interface of choosing High-Level skills. V0.6 Effects of Howl and Taunt get a little advance, yet the skills also get level restrictions. V0.5 Remaked all skill icons. V0.4 Weakened the Taunt skill, enhanced the Double Swing skill. Traditional Chinese version added. V0.3 Fixed the mode of getting and casting skills: gain one 'Skill Point' each level until 20, player can gain one skill that you like to learn by consuming each 'Skill Point'. V0.2 Tried to challenge a perfect mode of getting and casting skills, but failed. Unreleased version. V0.1 Finished the Barbaian kit.
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## Druid Diablo2 Kit Pack - The Druid Ver 0.5
>----------ATTENTIONS---------- It is a Druid kit for BG2, BGT and EE series. Only one Druid(D2) is suggested in a whole game, as multiple Druids' high-level skills and animals will be in conflict. While on selection, vines, wolves and grizzly switch to a defensive mode by press D, and return to normal mode by press N. In the defensive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Vines, spirits and grizzly do not occupy the limited quantity of summoned units, but when there're already five summoned units, they can't be summoned. If they are imprisoned or petrified, a reverse magic is required to free them, or else they can't be summoned again. Summoned creatures may lose some ability bonus when game is saved and loaded at the instant that summoning spell is just casted successfully. >----------KNOWN BUGS---------- On entering some special areas, e.g. the third level of Watcher's Keep, summoned creatures that can follow the summoner across different areas may be lost behind. Try entering again to bring them along. Molten Boulder, Twister and Tornado always appear on top-left of the caster, its flying road will be blocked by the caster's body when casted towards down-right. You can manipulate the character to move and leave a road for them. As the Infinity Engine has some problem on Level Modifiering, some of the summoned creatures do not have correct levels, which may cause a few incorrect attributes. Some skills and spells may be conflict with MOD items which have immunity from 'Removal: Remove Secondary Type'. Such problem does not exist in EE games. >----------DETAILED DESCRIPTION---------- Druid The Druids are a race of nomadic warrior-poet-kings. Driven from their homelands long ago by their Barbarian brothers,the Druid tribes live primarily in the northern forests. Using mystic secrets passed down through the generations,they summon the elements of fire and wind to do their bidding,and command the creatures of the forest to aid them in battle. Shifting from their human forms into that of wild beasts,gives them abilities far beyond those of other mortals. Advantages: - New druid spells and high-level skills: Elemental Spells, Shape Shifting and Summoning. - Get bonus of +1 to wisdom on character creation. Disadvantages: - May not learn spells and high-level skills of original druids. - Cannot cast Elemental Spells except the Armageddon while in Werewolf or Werebear form. - Unable to dual class. Elemental Spells Firestorm (Invocation) Level: 1 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 30' cone with 90-deg. arc Saving Throw: Half Wielding this spell, the Druid projects waves of molten earth that spread outward and burn a wide swath of destruction through his foes. It causes 1d4 points of fire damage per 2 levels of experience of the Druid and up to 10d4. All enemies in the area of effect must save vs. spell for half damage. Molten Boulder (Invocation) Level: 3 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Half By virtue of this talent, a Druid can summon forth a huge, rolling mass of magma, bowling over smaller enemies in its path before bursting into fiery shards. The boulder pushes emenies away on its route and hurts them (1d6 fire and 1d6 crushing damage per 4 levels of experience of the Druid, up to 5d6 + 5d6). The boulder also leave a burning tail which lasts for 3 seconds and causes fire damage (1d6 fire damage per 4 levels of experience of the Druid per second, up to 5d6) on emenies who dare to step foot in. A successful Saving Throw vs. spell reduces the fire damage to half. Arctic Blast (Invocation) Level: 2 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Half Aided by the will of the North Winds, the Druid conjures up a chilling torrent of frost that incapacitates all caught within the frozen blast. It affects continuously in a short duration and deals damage for several times, which makes 1d4 points of cold damage per second per 4 levels of experience of the caster (up to 5d4) each time and slow the enemy for 1 second + 1 second per 4 levels of the caster (up to 6 seconds). Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the cold damage and length to half. Fissure (Invocation) Level: 4 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 15' Saving Throw: Half Sending his plea to the very core of the earth, the Druid rends the earth's very crust, tearing open volcanic vents beneath the feet of his adversaries, charring them to the bone. The lava causes 1d8 points of fire damage per second per 4 levels of experience of the caster (up to 5d8), yet enemies in the effective area have 50% chance to avoid each hit. Successfully saving vs. spell will also reduce the fire damage to half. Cyclone Armor (Invocation) Level: 5 Range: 0 Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None This spell allows the Druid to sheath himself in a swirling mass of charged particles that absorbs damage from all element attacks. All resistance of the caster will be set to 75%. This spell ignores Dispel Magic but can be breached by magic attack spells such as Pierce Shield. Twister (Invocation) Level: 4 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Half Calling to the winds, the Druid sends small whirlwinds advancing into the midst of his enemies, buffeting and stunning them as they go. Each whirlwind causes 1d4 points of crushing damage per 4 levels of experience of the caster (up to 5d4) and stun enemies for 1 second. Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the damage to half and avoid being stunned. Volcano (Invocation) Level: 6 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 2 rounds Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 30' Saving Throw: Half A Druid trained in this ability possesses the power to summon from the bowels of the earth a violent eruption, raining molten rock down upon all nearby foes. Volcano causes 1d6 points of fire damage per 2 seconds per 4 levels of experience of the caster (up to 5d6) and the same crushing damage, yet enemies in the effective area have 50% chance to avoid each hit. Successfully saving vs. spell will also reduce the damage to half. Tornado (Invocation) Level: 5 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Half Manipulating the great winds into a fearsome cyclone, the Druid sends this force of destruction into a throng of opponents, crushing into them and leaving devastation in its wake. Tornado causes 1d12 points of crushing damage per 4 levels of experience of the caster (up to 5d12). Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the damage to half. Hurricane (Invocation) Level: 7 Range: 0 Duration: 10 seconds + 2 seconds / 2 levels Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 15' Saving Throw: Half Particularly talented Druids can summon this most potent gale of devastation. A fierce storm wreaks havoc around him, while the Druid stays cradled within the gentle calm of its eye. Hurricane strikes every 2 seconds, each attack causes 1d4 points of cold damage per 4 levels of experience of the caster (up to 5d4) and slows enemies for 2 seconds. Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the damage and slowed duration to half. Hurricane and Armageddon do not work together. Armageddon (Invocation) Level: 7 Range: 0 Duration: 10 seconds + 2 seconds / 2 levels Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Half This terrible force of nature's vengeance rains down flaming stones around the Druid who cast it, pummeling any opponents foolish enough to be caught in its fury. Each meteor causes 1d6 fire damage per 2 levels of experience of the caster (up to 10d6) and 1d10 points of crushing damage. Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the damage to half. Armageddon can be casted while in Werewolf or Werebear form. Hurricane and Armageddon do not work together. *The Druid spells have -1 save penalty when caster reaches level 10, and for every 10 levels a -1 to saves will be imposed until level 50. Shape Shifting Werewolf (Transmutation) Level: 1 Range: 0 Duration: 1 turn / level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None This ability allows an enlightened Druid to take on the form of a wolf, imparting to him quicker reflexes and heightened combat facilities. The caser temporarily gains +2 to maximum HP per level (up to +30 to maximum HP at level 15). He also obtains +2 bonus to melee THAC0 and +0.5 attack per round, which is a repeatable bonus to obtain on each 5 levels (up to +8 bonus to melee THAC0 and +2 attacks per round at level 15). Lycanthropy Changing shape is quite a taxing ordeal for a Druid, and he can only assume animal forms for a limited time. This skill enhances his constitution while in animal form, thereby increasing the amount of time he can remain transformed. This skill provides extra 5 turns and 15 maximum HP bonus for all animal forms. It also provides 1 extra bonus to melee THAC0 for Werewolf, 1 extra bonus to AC as well as melee damage for WereBear. Can be learned for 6 times, each choice will replace existing Werewolf and Werebear in spellbook with more powerfull spells, which must be stored to spell memorization before working. High-level skill. Werebear (Transmutation) Level: 3 Range: 0 Duration: 1 turn / level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None This spell empowers the Druid with the capacity to assume the form of a savage bear, granting him great strength and fortitude. The caser temporarily gains +6 to maximum HP per level (up to +90 to maximum HP at level 15). He also obtains +2 bonus to AC, +2 to melee damage, and +0.5 attack per round, which is a repeatable bonus to obtain on each 5 levels (up to +6 bonus to to AC and melee damage and +1.5 attacks per round at level 15). Maul A Druid in Werebear form uses his mighty paws to rend brutal gashes in the flesh of his enemies. Using this ability, the fury of his assault increases with every opponent he kills. This skill lasts for 4 rounds, each successful melee attack in skill duration can stun an opponent if he fails his save vs. death, the attack aslo adds a 'charge' which brings a shinning ball (lasts for 4 rounds) around the Druid. When each charge is obtained, the Druid gains +2 to melee damage (up to +10) and the skill duration is recounted at the beginning. Such recounting is stopped when a full state of 5 charges is reached. If another attack skill is casted while the shinning ball exists, the effects of stunning and improved melee damage can retain before the ball exhausts, but new charges will no further be obtained. Below LV10: +2 to melee THAC0, stuns an enemy for 1 second, the enemy must save vs. death with -1 penalty; LV10: +3 to melee THAC0, stuns an enemy for 2 seconds, the enemy must save vs. death with -2 penalty; LV15: +4 to melee THAC0, stuns an enemy for 3 seconds, the enemy must save vs. death with -3 penalty; LV20: +5 to melee THAC0, stuns an enemy for 4 seconds, the enemy must save vs. death with -4 penalty. Feral Rage When in wolf form, the Druid using this ability enters a frenzied rage, viciously tearing into foes and becoming heartier with each consecutive attack. This skill lasts for 4 rounds, each successful melee attack in skill duration can add a 'charge' which brings a shinning ball (lasts for 4 rounds) around the Druid. When each charge is obtained, the Druid gains ability of leeching 4 HP on melee attacks and +1 to move speed, at the same time the skill duration is recounted at the beginning. Such recounting is stopped when a full state of 5 charges is reached. If another attack skill is casted while the shinning ball exists, the effects of leeching and improved move speed can retain before the ball exhausts, but new charges will no further be obtained. Below LV10: +2 to melee THAC0, +1 to melee damage; LV10: +3 to melee THAC0, +2 to melee damage; LV15: +4 to melee THAC0, +3 to melee damage; LV20: +5 to melee THAC0, +4 to melee damage. Fire Claws While in his animal form, a Druid can use his affinity with the natural elements in order to supplement his attacks with a blazing assault. Duration: 4 rounds. Can be casted at LV10. LV10: +3 to melee THAC0, +5d4 fire damage; LV15: +4 to melee THAC0, +5d6 fire damage; LV15: +5 to melee THAC0, +5d8 fire damage; LV20: +6 to melee THAC0, +5d10 fire damage. Rabies When a Druid in wolf form utilizes this ability, he toxifies his own saliva and attacks his enemies with a vicious bite, spreading a contagious disease that wracks the flesh of his infected opponents. An infected enemy passes the disease to other enemies nearby, but never affects the caster's teammates. Duration: 4 rounds. Can be casted at LV10. LV10: +2 to melee THAC0, infect each victim for 6 seconds and does 3 poison damage per second; LV15: +3 to melee THAC0, infect each victim for 8 seconds and does 4 poison damage per second; LV20: +4 to melee THAC0, infect each victim for 10 seconds and does 5 poison damage per second; LV25: +5 to melee THAC0, infect each victim for 12 seconds and does 6 poison damage per second. Shock Wave With a tremendous roar, the Druid shakes the earth, stunning any enemies in the surrounding area with the resultant tremor. This spell stuns enemies in a range of 30' cone with 120-deg. arc and causes crushing damage. Successfully saving vs. death will reduce the damage and stunning time to half. Can be casted at LV20. LV20: 2d4 damage, stun for 2 seconds; LV25: 2d6 damage, stun for 3 seconds; LV30: 2d8 damage, stun for 4 seconds; LV35: 2d10 damage, stun for 5 seconds; LV40: 2d12 damage, stun for 6 seconds. Hunger Nature gives life, but it can also snatch it back. When a Druid using this ability bites an opponent, he drains some of his victim's vital essence, replenishing his own. This skill lasts for 4 rounds, during which the Durid obtains a state of improved haste, but all his attacks only deal minimum damage. Each successful melee attack in skill duration aslo drains some life and restores a casted divine spell to memory. Can be casted at LV15. LV15: +2 to melee THAC0, leeches 1d8 HP, restores a spell of LV1-3; LV20: +3 to melee THAC0, leeches 2d8 HP, restores a spell of LV1-5; LV25: +4 to melee THAC0, leeches 3d8 HP, restores a spell of LV1-6; LV30: +5 to melee THAC0, leeches 4d8 HP, restores a spell of LV1-7. Fury The use of this skill drives the Druid into a bloodthirsty frenzy, attacking many foes with a raging fervor. The Druid in Werewolf form obtains 5 attacks per round and improved melee attacks. Duration: 4 rounds. Can be casted at LV20. LV20: +4 to melee THAC0, +6 to melee damage; LV25: +5 to melee THAC0, +7 to melee damage; LV30: +6 to melee THAC0, +8 to melee damage; LV35: +7 to melee THAC0, +9 to melee damage; LV40: +8 to melee THAC0, +10 to melee damage. *Maul, Feral Rage, Fire Claws, Rabies, Hunger, Shock Wave and Fury can only be casted in animal form. In which Fire Claws, Rabies, Hunger and Fury can not take effect together with each other, each of them will directly replace a pre-casted one. Only the effects of Maul and Feral Rage can persist and work with another skill as long as a shinning ball exists. *When a Druid transformes, a button of Attack Skill is granted on his Special Ability, by pressing which the skills above (Maul, Feral Rage, Fire Claws...) can be chosen to cast. Such ability is obtained on level 3, 6, 9 and 12, more ability amounts requires learning of High-level skills. Summoning Raven (Conjuration) Level: 1 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 5 turns Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None Summon Ravens to peck out the eyes of your enemies. Ravens follow the summoner and attack nearby enemies (in 10') once per round, which causes 1d2 damage and blind enemies if they fail to save vs. breath. One raven totally attack 5 + 1 times / 4 casting levels, it'll disappear after total attack limit or summoning duration exhausts. A raven does not occupy the limited quantity of summoned units, but when there're already five summoned units, it can't be summoned. Poison Creeper (Conjuration) Level: 2 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None A subtle ally, these intelligent vines travel through the ground and use their cruel thorns to poison any opponents they contact. The vine attacks once per round, which causes a poison state of 6 seconds with 1 poison damage per second / 4 Druid levels. The vine attains half of the level of the caster's and has HD of d6 per level. Vines stay invisible under the ground and only become briefly visible on attacking. Vines can follow the Druid across different areas unless killed or party rest. Only one vine can be summoned at a time. Vines don't occupy the limited quantity of summoned units, but when there're already five summoned units, they can't be summoned. While on selection, vines switch to a defensive mode by press D, and return to normal mode by press N. In the defensive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Oak Sage (Conjuration) Level: 2 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None The Druid uses this ability to call upon a helpful spirit of Nature to enhance his well-being, as well as the health of his companions. The spirit doesn't attack but can provide an aura that increases Maximum HP for 12 points / 2 Druid levels (up to 120). The spirit attains half of the level of the caster's and has HD of d4 per level. Spirits of Nature can follow the Druid across different areas unless killed or party rest. Only one spirit can be summoned at a time. Spirits of Nature don't occupy the limited quantity of summoned units, but when there're already five summoned units, they can't be summoned. Summon Spirit Wolf (Conjuration) Level: 3 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 1 turn / level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None This gift of Nature allows the Druid to conjure forth one or more wolf allies who, with their mystical powers, provide the Druid a potent and ferocious colleague. A spirit wolf possesses strength, dexterity and constitution of 15, and gains +1 to dexterity and THAC0 at each 2 levels of the summoner. A spirit wolf is regarded to has a melee weapon of 1d6 base damage, which equals to a +1 enchanted weapon when the summoner is less than level 10, it gains +1 enchantment with every 10 levels of the Druid and become a maximum +3 enchanted when the the Druid reaches level 20. Spirit wolves attain half of the level of the caster's and have HD of d4 per level. While on selection, wolves switch to a defensive mode by press D, and return to normal mode by press N. In the defensive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Carrion Vine (Conjuration) Level: 4 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None The sentient plant summoned by this spell draws your enemies into the ground, where it rapidly decomposes their bodies, giving their life energies to the Druid who summoned it. The vine attacks once per round, which drains 1d6 hp / 2 Druid levels, one half of the drained hp is provided to the Druid, another half is drawn by the vine itself. The vine attains half of the level of the caster's and has HD of d6 per level. Vines stay invisible under the ground and only become briefly visible on attacking. Vines can follow the Druid across different areas unless killed or party rest. Only one vine can be summoned at a time. Vines don't occupy the limited quantity of summoned units, but when there're already five summoned units, they can't be summoned. While on selection, vines switch to a defensive mode by press D, and return to normal mode by press N. In the defensive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Heart of Wolverine (Conjuration) Level: 4 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None This ability grants the Druid the knowledge needed to summon into being a spirit that increases his skill in battle, as well as that of his party. The spirit doesn't attack but can provide an aura that give bonus to THAC0 and damage for +1 / 2 Druid levels (up to +10). The spirit attains half of the level of the caster's and has HD of d8 per level. Spirits of Nature can follow the Druid across different areas unless killed or party rest. Only one spirit can be summoned at a time. Spirits of Nature don't occupy the limited quantity of summoned units, but when there're already five summoned units, they can't be summoned. Summon Dire Wolf (Conjuration) Level: 5 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 1 turn / level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None This blessing from Nature imparts to the Druid the ability to summon several great wolves. Though the wolf is already fierce in combat, its savagery becomes greatly inflamed as it consumes the corpses of fallen foes. A dire wolf possesses strength, dexterity and constitution of 15, and gains +1 to constitution at each 2 levels of the summoner. A dire wolf is regarded to has a melee weapon of 1d8 base damage, which equals to a +2 enchanted weapon when the summoner is less than level 10, it gains +1 enchantment with every 10 levels of the Druid and become a maximum +4 enchanted when the the Druid reaches level 20. On battle the wolf has a chance of 15% to drain 1d8 HP and go berserk, which brings +6 to melee damage for 4 rounds. Dire wolves attain half of the level of the caster's and have HD of d6 per level. While on selection, wolves switch to a defensive mode by press D, and return to normal mode by press N. In the defensive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Solar Creeper (Conjuration) Level: 6 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None This skill conjures forth an intelligent plant that draws the enemy's body into the earth, where it drains their spiritual essences and bestows them upon the Druid who summoned it. The vine attacks once per round, which drains 1d6 hp / 2 Druid levels, one half of the drained hp is turned to magic energy to restore a casted spell for the Druid, another half is drawn by the vine itself. The vine attains half of the level of the caster's and has HD of d8 per level. Vines stay invisible under the ground and only become briefly visible on attacking. Vines can follow the Druid across different areas unless killed or party rest. Only one vine can be summoned at a time. Vines don't occupy the limited quantity of summoned units, but when there're already five summoned units, they can't be summoned. While on selection, vines switch to a defensive mode by press D, and return to normal mode by press N. In the defensive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Spirit of Barbs (Conjuration) Level: 6 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None The spirit invoked by this skill bestows upon the Druid and his company the mystical ability to reflect damage back at any opponents who injure them. The spirit doesn't attack but can provide an aura that reflects piercing damage (1d4 / 2 Druid levels, up to 10d4) to melee attackers. The spirit attains half of the level of the caster's and has HD of d12 per level. Spirits of Nature can follow the Druid across different areas unless killed or party rest. Only one spirit can be summoned at a time. Spirits of Nature don't occupy the limited quantity of summoned units, but when there're already five summoned units, they can't be summoned. Summon Grizzly (Conjuration) Level: 7 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None This boon grants the Druid the aid of a tremendous wild bear with huge claws and great fangs that fights ferociously alongside him with terrible strength and unmatched fury. A grizzly bear possesses strength, dexterity and constitution of 15, and gains +1 to strength at each 2 levels of the summoner. A grizzly bear is regarded to has a melee weapon of 1d10 base damage with+4 enchanted, which becomes +5 enchanted when the the Druid reaches level 20. On battle the bear has a chance of 25% to stun enemies for 2-3 seconds (save vs. breath to avoid being stunned). Grizzly bear attains half of the level of the caster's and have HD of d12 per level. A grizzly bear can follow the Druid across different areas unless killed or party rest. Only one bear can be summoned at a time. It doesn't occupy the limited quantity of summoned units, but when there're already five summoned units, it can't be summoned. While on selection, the grizzly switches to a defensive mode by press D, and returns to normal mode by press N. In the defensive mode, it'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. *Druid's summonings are immune to fear and charm. Other High-level skills Transformed Feats While in animal form, this skill adds one more Attack Skill for the Druid to cast in Special Ability. Can be learned for 6 times. Nature Agility This skill provides +2 bonus to THAC0 and AC for Druid's wolves and bears. Can be learned for 8 times. Nature Vitality This skill provides +2 hit dices and +1 bonus to all saves for Druid's wolves and bears. Can be learned for 8 times. Nature Might This skill provides +2 to melee damage for Druid's wolves and bears. Can be learned for 8 times. >----------VERSION HISTORY---------- V0.5 Adjusted the compatibility with other Diablo2 kits for no EE games. Fixed the problem that Shock Wave has a wrong area of effect after LV40. New mechanism for Transformed Feats, less burden for global script. V0.4 Fixed the problem that the Druid can keep invisible on casting hostile spells. Fixed the problem that saving and loading games on the moment of summoned creatures' appearing may bring them some ability loss. Reduced the immunity for summoned creatures, they're no longer immune to chaos, imprisonment and petrification. (If a creature that only one can exist at the same time is imprisoned or petrified, the same creature can't be summoned again. Try resting or casting reverse spell in such a case.) Fixed the overly damage rate of Arctic Blast when casted on multiple targets. Fixed (?) the problem of increasing amount of Attack Skill in animal form. Fixed the problem that Vines can keep invisible on attacking. Fixed the overly rapid rate of HP regeneration of summoned creatures. Fixed the damage of Poison Creeper. Spirits run away when come near to a enemy. Growing of some skills is extended to LV40. Less stunned duration of Shock Wave. V0.3 Hot keys of animals are set to D (Defence) and N (Normalize). Fixed all kinds of strange problems of summoned creatures. Fixed the problem that ravens attack once less time than described. And ravens' existence time grows up to 5 minutes. Fixed the problem that animals do not interact with the Druid after saving and loading games. Fixed the problem that high-level skills have noting to do with wolves and bears. Fixed the problem that animals sometimes don't attack an enemy but stay still. Fixed the problem that damage of Molten Boulder, Twister, Tornado and Armageddon do not increase with caster's level, and the problem that enemies killed by above spells do not count as Druid's killings. Twister and Shock Wave now show animation of stunning. AOE skills now ignore the protection of Mirror Image spell (EE only). Fixed the problem that the Rabies skill does not appear at LV10. Learning of the high-level skill Lycanthropy will replace existing Werewolf and Werebear in spellbook with more powerfull spells, which must be stored to spell memorization before working. Attack Skills in animal form can be gained more frequently on lower level but no more after level 15. More ability amounts requires learning of High-level skills. V0.2 Fixed the bug that animals don't follow the Druid across different areas after saving and loading. Fixed the bug that Druid be unable to cast Elemental Spells in human form after shape shifting. Removed unexpect skills in human form after shape shifting. Fixed the problem that animals attack a target without judging whether it is hostile or not when it hurts the Druid. Vines, spirits and grizzlies voluntarily take one step away when they overlaps each other or be very close to othe Druid. Cyclone Armor can be casted in animal form. Animation of leeching life and mana appears when attack with Hunger. A little decline of auras of Oak Sage and Heart of Wolverine. Fixed some mistakes of icons and text. Fixed transparency of some animations for their bad behaviour in no EE games. V0.1 Finished the Druid kit.
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## Necromancer Diablo2 Kit Pack - The Necromancer Ver 0.8
>----------ATTENTIONS---------- It is a Cleric kit for BG2, BGT and EE series. Only one Necromancer(D2) is suggested in a whole game, as multiple Necromancers' high-level skills and summonings will be in conflict. While on selection, skeletons, golems and revived creatures switch to a defensive mode by press D, and return to normal mode by press N. In the defensive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Manually operating a Skeleton Mage to cast spell on an enemy will give him a mark, and all Skeleton Mages will focus on the enemy within four rounds. Golems and Bone Walls do not occupy the limited quantity of summoned units, but when there're already five summoned units, they can't be summoned. If one golem is imprisoned or petrified, a reverse magic is required to free it, or else another golem can't be summoned. Two extra components, the first one extends level limits of Corpse Explosion, Poison Explosion and Revive to LV.32 for players of Legacy of Bhaal mode; the second one makes all revived creatures able to follow the summoner across different areas, but may cause lags and bigger non-EE games save files, which is not recommended when some amount of other MOD has been installed. >----------KNOWN BUGS---------- On entering some special areas, e.g. the third level of Watcher's Keep, summoned creatures that can follow the summoner across different areas may be lost behind. Try entering again to bring them along. Some skills and spells may be conflict with MOD items which have immunity from 'Removal: Remove Secondary Type'. Such problem does not exist in EE games. >----------DETAILED DESCRIPTION---------- Necromancer From the steamy recesses of the southern swamps comes a figure cloaked in mystery. The Necromancer, as his name implies, is an unseemly form of sorcerer whose spells deal with the raising of the dead and the summoning and control of various creatures for his purposes. Though his goals are often aligned with those of the forces of Light, some do not think that these ends can justify his foul means. Long hours of study in dank mausolea have made his skin pale and corpselike, his figure, skeletal. Most people shun him for his peculiar looks and ways, but none doubt the power of the Necromancer, for it is the stuff of nightmares. Advantages: - New divine spells and high-level skills: Summoning Spells, Poison and Bone Spells, Curses. - Get bonus of +1 to intelligence and wisdom on character creation. Disadvantages: - May not learn divine spells and high-level skills of original clerics. - May not be good alignments. - May not turn endead. - Get penalty of -2 to vitality and charisma on character creation. - Unable to dual class. Summoning Spells Raise Skeleton (Necromancy) Level: 1 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 8 hours Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None This spell creates a skeleton with a melee weapon and a shield. The skeleton can follow the summoner, remain in an area and attack any enemy. It remain animated until it's destroyed in combat, 8 hours pass, or turned. The skeletons gain a fighter's class and half the class level (up to 10) of their summoner. When a skeleton's class level increases, its abilities such as HP, THAC0 and save ability, also increase. The skeletons equip normal weapons at the beginning, their equipments gain +1 enchantment with every 5 levels of the summoner, and become a maximum +4 enchanted when the summoner reaches level 20. While on selection, skeletons switch to a defensive mode by press D, and return to normal mode by press N. In the defensive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Clay Golem (Necromancy) Level: 2 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None This spell creates a clay golem. The golem can follow the summoner across different areas and attack any enemy. It will remain under the caster's control until it's destroyed in combat, unsummoned, or rest. The golem gain a fighter's class and the same class level (up to 20) of its summoner. When a golem's class level increases, its abilities such as HP, THAC0 and save ability, also increase. The golem's fist equals to +1 enchanted weapon at the begging, the fist gains +1 enchantment with every 5 levels of the summoner, and becomes a maximum +5 enchanted when the summoner reaches level 20. Clay golem slows the enemy for 2 rounds on striking and being struck. The enemy needs to save vs. breath to avoid the effect. The slowing degree and the save penalty increases with its level. Besides this, it gains +1 to THAC0 for each 2 levels of itself. The Necromancer can control only one golem at a time. The golem will not occupy the limited quantity of summoned units. While on selection, golems switch to a defensive mode by press D, and return to normal mode by press N. In the defensive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Skeletal Mage (Necromancy) Level: 3 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 8 hours Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None This spell creates a skeleton mage with ranged elemental attack spell. When a skeleton mage is summoned, it randomly gains one type of element attack ability from fire, cold, electricity, acid and poison. The skeleton mage can follow the caster, remain in an area and attack any enemy. It remain animated until it's destroyed in combat, 8 hours pass, or turned. The skeleton mages gain a wizard's class and a class level (up to 12) of +2 to half of their summoner. When a skeleton mage's class level increases, its abilities such as HP, spell level and save ability, also increase. Spells casted by the skeleton mages are considered as 3rd-level arcane spells, which deal damage of 1D4 per 2 levels of the skeleton mages (such damage can be increased by high-level skills). Casting frequency of skeleton mages may increase when they're affected by spells and skills that increase the number of attacks, such as haste and aura of Fanaticism. While on selection, skeleton mages switch to a defensive mode by press D, and return to normal mode by press N. In the defensive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Manually operating a Skeleton Mage to cast spell on an enemy will give him a mark, and all Skeleton Mages will focus on the enemy within four rounds. Blood Golem (Necromancy) Level: 5 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None This spell creates a blood golem. The golem can follow the summoner across different areas and attack any enemy. It will remain under the caster's control until it's destroyed in combat, unsummoned, or rest. The golem gain a fighter's class and the same class level (up to 20) of its summoner. When a golem's class level increases, its abilities such as HP, THAC0 and save ability, also increase. The golem's fist equals to +1 enchanted weapon at the begging, the fist gains +1 enchantment with every 5 levels of the summoner, and becomes a maximum +5 enchanted when the summoner reaches level 20. Blood golem has ability of draining life on attack, the amount of health points drained also increases with its level. Besides this, it gains +10 to max HP for each 2 levels of itself. The Necromancer can control only one golem at a time. The golem will not occupy the limited quantity of summoned units. While on selection, golems switch to a defensive mode by press D, and return to normal mode by press N. In the defensive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Iron Golem (Necromancy) Level: 6 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None This spell creates a iron golem. The golem can follow the summoner across different areas and attack any enemy. It will remain under the caster's control until it's destroyed in combat, unsummoned, or rest. The golem gain a fighter's class and the same class level (up to 20) of its summoner. When a golem's class level increases, its abilities such as HP, THAC0 and save ability, also increase. The golem's fist equals to +1 enchanted weapon at the begging, the fist gains +1 enchantment with every 5 levels of the summoner, and becomes a maximum +5 enchanted when the summoner reaches level 20. Iron golem has ability of return damage when hit by melee attack, and the amount of damage returned increases with its level. Besides this, it gains +1 to AC against all 4 types of weapons (Crushing, Missile, Piercing and Slashing) for each 2 levels of itself. The Necromancer can control only one golem at a time. The golem will not occupy the limited quantity of summoned units. While on selection, golems switch to a defensive mode by press D, and return to normal mode by press N. In the defensive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Fire Golem (Necromancy) Level: 7 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None This spell creates a fire golem. The golem can follow the summoner across different areas and attack any enemy. It will remain under the caster's control until it's destroyed in combat, unsummoned, or rest. The golem gain a fighter's class and the same class level (up to 20) of its summoner. When a golem's class level increases, its abilities such as HP, THAC0 and save ability, also increase. The golem's fist equals to +1 enchanted weapon at the begging, the fist gains +1 enchantment with every 5 levels of the summoner, and becomes a maximum +5 enchanted when the summoner reaches level 20. Fire golem appear with a Holy Fire aura, which adds fire damage on attack, and damages enemies in sight each round. Tho golem is immune to normal weapons and fire, and even restore some life when hit by fire attacks. When destroyed or unsummoned, it gives a small explosion which also damages nearby enemies. Besides this, it gains +1 to melee damage for each 2 levels of itself. The Necromancer can control only one golem at a time. The golem will not occupy the limited quantity of summoned units. While on selection, golems switch to a defensive mode by press D, and return to normal mode by press N. In the defensive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Revive (Necromancy) Level: 7 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 3 turns Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 Creature Saving Throw: Special This spell applies a powerful curse to a creature. The target creature must save vs. spell or dies and be revived to undead. Category of revived creature is determined by its original race, some revived creatures even retain their spell ability and special ability. Revived creatures will remain under the caster's control and attack any enemy until it's destroyed in combat, unsummoned, or duration expires. This spell affects undead and construct creatures as well, but can't affect targets beyond level 20. Creatures beyond level 20 or successfully save vs. spell will get part of the curse and lose 2 levels of experience. While on selection, revived creatures switch to a defensive mode by press D, and return to normal mode by press N. In the defensive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. Unsummon (Necromancy) Level: 1 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 Creature Saving Throw: None The spell releases control of summoned creatures, makes them return to the places where they come from. The spell affects summoned creatures regardless of their alignment, but are not effective to planetars, devas and devils. Poison and Bone Spells Teeth (Necromancy) Level: 1 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 30' cone with 120-deg. arc Saving Throw: Half When this spell is cast, it causes a cone-shaped area of teeth, originating at the wizard's hand and extending outward in a cone. It causes 1d4 points of damage per 2 levels of experience of the Necromancer and up to 10d4. With the increasing of caster's level, the density of dragon teeth also increases so that the enemy has more chance to be hit by several teeth (up to 3 hits) at the same time. A successful saving throw vs. spell reduces the damage to half. Bone Armor (Necromancy) Level: 2 Range: 0 Duration: 12 hours Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None When a Necromancer casts this spell upon himself, some pieces of bone armors circles around his body. The effect of bone armor is to protect the Necromancer from physical attacks. Bone armor will stop 3 physical attacks, and for each 5 levels of Necromancer, there're 3 more blocking chance (up to 15 at level 20). The armors will remain on the Necromancer until he is affected by a dispel magic, all of the armors are removed due to physical attacks or the spell duration expires. Poison Dagger (Necromancy) Level: 2 Range: 0 Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None Any melee weapon on the caster's hand is poisoned when this spell is casted. Successful hits will inject the poison into the target, dealing out 2 damage every 2 levels per round, which lasts for 4 rounds. A saving throw vs. death with -2 penalty reduces the damage for half. The caster also gains a bonus of +1 to melee attack for every 2 levels (up to +10). Multiple casting of this spell are not cumulative. Corpse Explosion (Necromancy) Level: 3 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 Creature Saving Throw: Special This spell applies a powerful curse to a creature. The victim must save vs. spell or dies and gives an explosion of 15 feet in radius. All hostile creatures in the area of explosion will suffer 1d12 damage (half in fire and half in crushing, save vs. death for only 1d8 damage) per hit dice of the victim (5 hit dices at least). This spell affects undead and construct creatures as well, but can't affect targets beyond level 20. Creatures beyond level 20 or successfully save vs. spell will get part of the curse and -2 to all saves in 1 turn. Bone Wall (Necromancy) Level: 4 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 1 round/2 levels Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None This spell creates a pile of bones to block enemies. The bone wall persists in duration until it's destroyed. The wall gains 1 hit dice for each level of the Necromancer, and up to 20 hit dices. Poison Explosion (Necromancy) Level: 5 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 Creature Saving Throw: Special This spell applies a powerful curse to a creature. The victim must save vs. spell, or dies and gives an explosion, which creates a toxic cloud of 15 feet in radius, lasts for 4 rounds. All hostile creatures in the area will suffer 1d12 poison damage (save vs. death for half) for every 2 levels of the caster (up to 10D12) per round. This spell affects undead and construct creatures as well, but can't affect targets beyond level 20. Creatures beyond level 20 or successfully save vs. spell will get part of the curse and suffer 1d6 poison damage for every 2 levels of the caster. Bone Spear (Necromancy) Level: 4 Range: 30 Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Half Upon casting this spell, the Necromancer releases a bone spear that inflicts 1d12 points of magical damage per level of the spellcaster (maximum damage of 10d12) to each enemy within its area of effect. A successful saving throw vs. spell reduces this damage to half. Bone Prison (Necromancy) Level: 5 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 4 rounds Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 Creature Saving Throw: None This spell applies a bone prison to trap enemy within its circumference. Imprisoned within a cage of bone, the captives suffer -5 penalty to attack and damage, 25% chance of spell failure, and are unable to move. Target's magic resistance will not interfere this spell. Poison Nova (Necromancy) Level: 6 Range: 0 Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 30' radius Saving Throw: Half This spell generates a toxic cloud to poison hostile creatures within 30-foot radius. The victims lose 1 hit point per second for each 2 level of the caster (up to 10 hp per second) in 2 rounds. A successful saving throw vs. spell reduces this damage to half. Bone Spirit (Necromancy) Level: 7 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 Creature Saving Throw: None Upon casting this spell, the Necromancer releases a bone spirit that inflicts 1d20 points of magical damage per 2 levels of the spellcaster (maximum damage of 10d20) to target. No save is need for this spell. Curses Amplify Damage (Necromancy) Level: 1 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/ 2 levels Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 30' radius Saving Throw: Neg. The spell allows the caster to adversely affect all the physical resistance of enemies. The effect is applied to all hostile creatures within the area of effect. Opponents under the influence of this spell make resistance of crushing, slashing, piercing and missile at a penalty of 50%. Multiple castings of this curse are not cumulative. This curse will also be overwritten when other curses are applied. Dim Vision (Necromancy) Level: 3 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 1 round/ 2 levels Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 30' radius Saving Throw: Neg. When a Dim Vision spell is cast, hostile creatures within the area of effect become sightless. All of the effects of blindness apply to the victims such as a penalty to hit and to AC. The visibility range of the afflicted character is decreased as well. A successful saving throw vs. spell enables the creature to avoid the effect. This curse will be overwritten when other curses are applied. Weaken (Necromancy) Level: 3 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/ 2 levels Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 30' radius Saving Throw: Neg. By means of this spell, a Necromancer weakens his opponents, reducing their Strength and thereby the attacks that rely upon it. The victims' strength will decrease 33% for the duration of the spell, unless a save vs. spell is made. The target receives all of the penalties for a lower strength such as attack and damage penalties as well as lower weight allowance. Multiple castings of this curse are not cumulative. This curse will also be overwritten when other curses are applied. Iron Maiden (Necromancy) Level: 4 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/ 2 levels Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 10' radius Saving Throw: Neg. When a Iron Maiden spell is cast on melee enemies, any damage they made will be reflected back to themselves. The damage monsters receive back increases for 1d6 piercing damage every 2 levels of the caster, up to 10d6. Multiple castings of this curse are not cumulative. This curse will also be overwritten when other curses are applied. Terror (Necromancy) Level: 2 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 1 round/ 2 levels Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 10' radius Saving Throw: Neg. Terror empowers the caster to radiate a aura of fear out to a 10-foot radius. Hostile creatures within this aura must roll successful saving throws vs. spell or run away in panic. Affected individuals may even drop items. This curse will be overwritten when other curses are applied. Confuse (Necromancy) Level: 5 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 1 round/ 2 levels Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 30' radius Saving Throw: Neg. This spell causes confusion in hostile creatures within the area, creating indecision and the inability to take effective action. Those who fail their saving throws will either go berserk, stand confused or wander about for the duration of the spell. This curse will be overwritten when other curses are applied. Life Tap (Necromancy) Level: 4 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/ 2 levels Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 30' radius Saving Throw: Neg. This spell allows the Necromancer's allies to literally suck the life from their victims. A cursed creature gives health point of 1d6 / 2 caster levels to the attacker when struck, up to a maximum of 10d6. Multiple castings of this curse are not cumulative. This curse will also be overwritten when other curses are applied. Attract (Necromancy) Level: 6 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 4 rounds Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 Creature Saving Throw: Neg. This spell causes hostile creatures in 30' radius to target one victim. They'll forget their previous purpose and attack the victim for 4 rounds if he fails saving vs. spell. This curse will be overwritten when other curses are applied. This spell will not affect enemies beyond level 20. Decrepify (Necromancy) Level: 6 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 4 rounds Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 10' radius Saving Throw: Neg. This curse gives the victim a glimpse of his own mortality, briefly aging the victim. Imagining itself with an infirm body of advanced age, the afflicted believes it is no longer capable of youthful exertions. Decrepify slows the speed, reduces the damage by 5 and makes enemies more susceptibile to physical damage by 25%. Multiple castings of this curse are not cumulative. This curse will also be overwritten when other curses are applied. Lower Resist (Necromancy) Level: 7 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 1 round/ 2 levels Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 30' radius Saving Throw: Neg. The spell allows the caster to adversely affect all the elemental resistance of enemies. The effect is applied to all hostile creatures within the area of effect. Opponents under the influence of this spell make resistance of fire, cold, electricity, acid and posion at a penalty of 10% + 1% per caster level (up to a maximum of 30% at level 20). For no EE games, the posion resistance is just set to zero. Multiple castings of this curse are not cumulative. This curse will also be overwritten when other curses are applied. *All spells that require Saving Throws have no penalty when cast by the Necromancer under level 10, yet for every 10 levels a -1 penalty to saves will be imposed. So when the Necromancer arrives LV50, his opponents should make save vs. spell with -5 penalty. High-level skills Skeleton Mastery Enhance skeletons and skeletal magi with 1 HD and +1 bonus to AC, THAC0, damage and save ability. Can be selected 10 times in total. Golem Mastery Enhance golems with 2 HD and +1 bonus to AC, THAC0, damage and save ability. Can be selected 10 times in total. Summon Resist Give 10% elemental resistances of fire, cold, electricity, acid and poison to all summoned units of Necromancer. Can be selected five times in total. Revival Mastery Enhance revived creatures with 2 HD and +1 bonus to AC, THAC0, damage and save ability, and give them an extra existing duration of 30 seconds. Can be selected 10 times in total. >----------VERSION HISTORY---------- V0.8 A component is added for player to make choice whether a revived creature can follow the Necromancer across different areas, as the following ability may cause lags and bigger non-EE games save files, which is not recommended when some amount of other MOD has been installed. Hot keys of summoned creatures are set to D (Defence) and N (Normalize). Manually operating a Skeleton Mage to cast spell on an enemy will give him a mark, and all Skeleton Mages will focus on the enemy within four rounds. Skeletals and Skeletal Mages are no longer immune to some spells that cause instant death to summoned creatures, e.g. Cloud Kill and Death Spell. Golems and revived creatures are no longer immune to stun. Some summoned creatures voluntarily take one step away from the Necromancer when they get too close, in order to avoid getting jammed when traveling across different areas. Casting frequency of skeleton mages may increase when they're affected by spells and skills that increase the number of attacks, such as haste and aura of Fanaticism. All Curses now require Saving Throws, while some of them are given more powerful effects, such as Amplify Damage, Decrepify and Lower Resist. Bone Spear becomes a level 4 spell, while Poison Explosion becomes level 5. Adjusted damage and casting time of some Poison and Bone Spells. The lower limit of Corpse Explosion is set to 5D12, as some enemies in the game don't have correct class levels. Increased amout of high-level skills that avoids the problem of superfluous high-level skill points. Saving penalties of most spells are set to -1 per 10 levels of the Necromancer, up to -5 at LV50. Clay golem is able to slow the enemy (need to save vs. breath) on striking and being struck. All spells casted by the skeleton mages are considered as 3rd-level arcane spells. Adjustment of class levels and high-level skills of summoned creatures. AOE spells now ignore the protection of Mirror Image spell (EE only). Revival Mastery provides extra existing duration for revived creatures. No more Divine Spells in BG can be casted by the Necromancer. Fixed the wrong area of effect of Poison Explosion at high level. Fixed transparency of some animations for no EE games. Some spells now have corresponding animations. Fixed some mistakes of displayed text. Remaked all skill icons. Interactable with 'Jamella's Diablo2 Item Store' V2.0 or later, allowing to summon an Iron Golem with an Aura from one of the runeword weapons. Note that the Aura no longer appears when the Iron Golem dies or replaced by other golems, except that disappearing of the Iron Golem due to party rest does not mean a death and have no influnece on the Aura. V0.7 A component is added to make the Necromancer able to cast Divine Spells in BG. Fix the problem that some summoned units are given worng names in BGEE. Summoned units are nolonger in a Level Drain state. Bone Walls are immune to Wing Buffet and Teleport Field. Skeleton and Skeletal Mage will nolonger be directly killed by Death Spell. Iron Maiden becomes a no-save spell. +1 enchantment to weapons of golems and skeletons. Faster HP Regeneration of summoned units. Revival Mastery give 2 class levels' enhancement each time instead of 1 class level. When selected, Golems, Skeletons and Skeletal Mages can enter an inactive mode by press C, and quit the mode by press C again. In the inactive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked by them. V0.6 Supports EE and original BG2. Unsuperposable Necromancer spells in EE is treated as official spells: the later casted spell directly replace the previous one; while in original BG2, a later spell can only be wasted before the expiring of a previous one. A component is added to extend level limits of Revive, Corpse Explosion, Poison Explosion and Attract to LV.32 for players of Legacy of Bhaal mode. Necromancer's minions are immune to poison and poison damage. Revive will drain 2 levels of experience for creatures beyond level limit or successfully save vs. spell. Attract will bring a penalty of -2 AC for creatures beyond level limit or successfully save vs. spell. Corpse Explosion will bring a penalty of -2 to saves for creatures beyond level limit or successfully save vs. spell. Each piece of Bone Armor gain one more blocking chance for each 5 levels of Necromancer. Save penalty of some spells will be enhanced as Necromancer's level increases. V0.5 Fixed the problem that Fire Golem damages party members continuously after death. Enhanced Revive, Corpse Explosion and Posion Explosion: some effects for creatures beyond level 20 or successfully save vs. spell. V0.4 Fixed the problem of wrong summoning of skeleton mage at low and high level. V0.3 Fixed the problem of game crash when summoning Fire Golem at high level. Skeleton Mastery and Golem Mastery enhances creatures with 2 level per choice. Priest spell slots penalties are cancelled because they may cause some problem. Give another 3D Effect to Dim Vision because the old one often displays as half of a full graphic. V0.2 Fixed the AI problem of summoned creatures caused by conflict with some tactics MODs on using of extra weapon proficiency. Bone Wall becomes three piles of bones, each of them has less HP than before. V0.1 Finished the Necromancer kit.
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## Paladin Diablo2 Kit Pack - The Paladin Ver 1.1
>----------ATTENTIONS---------- It is a Paladin kit for BG2, BGT and EE series. Paladin gains various auras at different levels. The auras, which take effect each round, can be switched freely. Auras against the enemy need to be actually triggered by an enemy in the Paladin's sight. Auras for the whole team take effect on the Paladin himself instantly when activated, but the area effect needs to be triggered by anyone within 50' of the Paladin. Exceptions: Meditation, Redemption and Thorns actually work on battle, they only give visual effects in normal times, because the former two Auras are too powerful, and the last Aura may cause problems on cutscenes, etc. Paladin gains one 'Skill Point' each level until 3,000,000 exp, player can get one Combat Skill that you like to learn by consuming each 'Skill Point'. *If you do press a 'Skill Point' at skill table but then close the arisen skills table without making a choice, the 'Skill Point' does nothing by get wasted! Some skills do not appear at low level. Maybe you'd store the 'Skill Points' up to high level to purchase powerful skills. Holy Shield gives a huge glowing white wiffle ball animation, so there's an extra component to turns off the animation. (This component comes from the Ease of Use Mod Pack, which also turns off the animation for Spell Trap spell and Cloak of Mirroring.) >----------KNOWN BUGS---------- Paladin's skills may get problems in case that MOD items which have immunity from 'Removal: Remove Secondary Type' are equipped. This bug does not exist in EE games. If you enter the Character sheet without pausing the game, auras may temporarily work wrong (a BUG of the game itself). >----------DETAILED DESCRIPTION---------- Paladin The Knights of Westmarch who felled the armies of mighty Leoric are pure at heart and closely follow the teachings of Zakarum, the Religion of the Light. A battle-ready warrior for whom faith is a shield, the Paladin fights for what he believes to be right. His steadfastness gives him powers to bestow blessings to his friends and wreak cruel justice on foes. There are those who call the Paladin an overwrought zealot, but others recognize in him the strength and goodness of the Light. Advantages: - Has three skill trees: Defensive Auras, Offensive Auras and Combat Skills. - Automaticly get two slots on sword and shield class at start. Disadvantages: - May not use 'lay on hands' ability. - May not cast priest spells. - May not turn Undead. - Only can put one slot on single weapon, two weapon and two handed class. - Only can be proficient in two-handed weapons and ranged weapons. - May not learn high-level skills of original Paladins. Defensive Auras Prayer With this aura the Paladin basks himself and all he deems faithful in a warm, healing light. His prayers for salvation carry him through the direst situations, allowing him to heal even the deepest wounds in time. This aura gives all party members ability of regeneration. Required Level: 1 LV1: regenerates 2 HP/round; LV5: regenerates 4 HP/round; LV10: regenerates 6 HP/round; LV15: regenerates 8 HP/round. Resist Fire Shrouding himself in his devotions, the fervent servant of the Light can walk a lake of fire and feel only the comforting warmth of his convictions. A Paladin can withstand the might of a fierce conflagration if his piety is strong enough. This aura increases the fire resistance of all party members. Required Level: 1 LV1: +45% Fire resistance; LV5: +60% Fire resistance; LV10: +75% Fire resistance; LV15: +90% Fire resistance. Resist Cold The splendor of absolute devotion is all the warmth and comfort a Paladin requires. Embraced deep within the shelter of this aura, the faithful need never fear the frost. This aura increases the cold resistance of all party members. Required Level: 5 LV5: +45% Cold resistance; LV10: +60% Cold resistance; LV15: +75% Cold resistance; LV20: +90% Cold resistance. Resist Lightning Even the elements of nature must yield before the glory of the Light. When a knight of Zakarum has manifested this aura, he and his allies undergo a lessening of their body's natural conductivity, protecting them from attacks empowered by electricity. This aura increases the lightning resistance of all party members. Required Level: 10 LV10: +45% Lightning resistance; LV15: +60% Lightning resistance; LV20: +75% Lightning resistance; LV25: +90% Lightning resistance. Defiance Shielding himself and nearby companions within a glow of holy light, the Paladin girds himself to face the unjust in combat. By standing resolute and earnest in the face of opposition, his faith is his shield against harm. This aura boosts the defense against all 4 types of weapons (Crushing, Missile, Piercing and Slashing) for all party members. Required Level: 5 LV5: +4 Bonus to all AC types; LV10: +5 Bonus to all AC types; LV15: +6 Bonus to all AC types; LV20: +7 Bonus to all AC types. Cleansing Chaste is the Paladin in the face of all temptations. Pure in body and spirit, he trusts to the splendor of the Light to rid him of all impurities. A Knight of the Faith shall neither be tainted, nor corrupted. This aura can cure poison, remove cursed items and increase acid resistance of all party members. Required Level: 10 LV10: +45% Acid resistance; LV15: +60% Acid resistance; LV20: +75% Acid resistance; LV25: +90% Acid resistance. Vigor A noble knight of Zakarum feels the rapture of his salvation at all times. In his need, the weight of the world lifts from his shoulders, allowing him to march forth without heed to the lamentations of his body. This aura increases speed and reduces fatigue of all party members. Required Level: 15 LV15: +5 to Speed; LV20: +6 to Speed; LV25: +7 to Speed; LV30: +8 to Speed. Meditation With the observance of this aura, the Paladin supplicates himself to the Light with silent utterances of prayers. It is in these times of silent worship that the Paladin is rejuvenated in spirit. This aura restores a casted spell per round for all party members, and also gives ability of regeneration as Prayer casted by a Paladin with a half level of the caster. Required Level: 20 LV20: spell of level 1-3; LV25: spell of level 1-5; LV30: priest spell of level 1-6, wizard spell of level 1-7; LV35: priest spell of level 1-7, wizard spell of level 1-9. Redemption A Paladin must be true to his duty and belief that all souls are worthy of attempted salvation. With this aura, the Paladin shares the glory of the Light with his vanquished enemies. With each administration of these final rites, the Paladin is redeemed physically as well as spiritually. With this aura, the Paladin redeems one soul per round in battle to restore a certain amount of health points, and has a chance to redeem both souls at the same time to restore all of his casted skills. High-Level skill. Before LV25: 4D8 HP each round, 6% chance to recover skills; LV25: 5D8 HP each round, 8% chance to recover skills; LV30: 6D8 HP each round, 10% chance to recover skills; LV35: 7D8 HP each round, 12% chance to recover skills; LV40: 8D8 HP each round, 14% chance to recover skills. Salvation Trust in the glory of the Light, for its authority supercedes all power in the mortal world. With this aura, the Paladin calls upon the Light to protect his allies from elemental attacks. This aura increases all Elemental resistances for all party members. High-Level skill. Before LV25: Increases all Elemental resistance by 35%; LV25: Increases all Elemental resistance by 45%; LV30: Increases all Elemental resistance by 55%; LV35: Increases all Elemental resistance by 65%; LV40: Increases all Elemental resistance by 75%. Offensive Auras Might Caught up in the fervor of battle, the Paladin calls upon the power of righteousness and the strength of justice to add force to the attacks of his party. What would be glancing blows now strike their mark, and otherwise deflected strikes rend through armor to bite flesh. This aura increases damage dealt by party members. Required Level: 1 LV1: +3 damage; LV5: +4 damage; LV10: +5 damage; LV10: +6 damage. Holy Fire With a hint of brimstone in the air, the noble Paladin strides into battle encased in this holy aura. All those within its range are burnt with the fires of divine virtue. Beware, Beasts of Hell! The fire of purification is upon you! This aura periodically does Fire damage to nearby enemies, and also attaches Fire damage on Paladin's weapon. Required Level: 5 LV5: 1-2 fire damage to nearby enemies and 2-3 fire damage on weapon; LV10: 1-3 fire damage to nearby enemies and 4-5 fire damage on weapon; LV15: 1-4 fire damage to nearby enemies and 6-7 fire damage on weapon; LV20: 1-5 fire damage to nearby enemies and 8-9 fire damage on weapon. Thorns An eye for an eye is sometimes not enough. Those who would strike the emissaries of the Light had best take warning, for retribution shall be swift and certain. The might of your blows shall be felt a hundred fold unto you! This aura causes enemies to take piercing damage when they cause melee damage to party members. Required Level: 5 LV5: 2D6 damage; LV10: 4D6 damage; LV15: 6D6 damage; LV20: 8D6 damage. Blessed Aim The spirits of the Light are ever vigilant, and in times of great need, have been known to aid their loyal disciples in subtle ways. When this aura is enabled, these spirits work to guide the hand of the Paladin and his companions, striking true where blows would normally miss. This aura brings bonus to THAC0. Required Level: 10 LV10: +4 bonus to THAC0; LV15: +6 bonus to THAC0; LV20: +8 bonus to THAC0; LV25: +10 bonus to THAC0. Concentration Those within the sphere of influence of this skill gain the gift of clarity. A serene sense of lucidity eases the minds of those within, giving them the freedom to focus on individual tasks despite the chaos and distractions of battle. This sense of tranquility allows the Paladin and his comrades to strike calculated and devastating blows. This aura increases attack damage and has chance to make party members immune to various negative states that interrupt their actions. Required Level: 15 LV15: +4 damage, 20% chance of immunity; LV20: +6 damage, 30% chance of immunity; LV25: +8 damage, 40% chance of immunity; LV30: +10 damage, 50% chance of immunity. Holy Freeze Using this aura, the Paladin causes the temperature of the air around him to drop drastically, freezing the flesh of his enemies. Those so affected will find their movement drastically hindered and are easily dispatched back to the Hells from whence they spawned. This aura periodically damages and slows enemies nearby, and also attaches Cold damage on Paladin's weapon. Required Level: 15 LV15: 1-2 cold damage to nearby enemies and 4 cold damage on weapon; LV20: 2-3 cold damage to nearby enemies and 6 cold damage on weapon; LV25: 3-4 cold damage to nearby enemies and 8 cold damage on weapon; LV30: 4-5 cold damage to nearby enemies and 10 cold damage on weapon. Holy Shock A Paladin blessed with the power of this aura calls upon the power of the Light to strike forth at all enemies surrounding him. Divine bolts spring from the earth to smite the Paladin's enemies. This aura periodically does Lightning damage to enemies within a radius, and also attaches Lightning damage on Paladin's weapon. Required Level: 20 LV20: 1-8 Lightning damage to nearby enemies and 1-18 Lightning damage on weapon; LV25: 1-10 Lightning damage to nearby enemies and 1-21 Lightning damage on weapon; LV30: 1-12 Lightning damage to nearby enemies and 1-24 Lightning damage on weapon; LV35: 1-14 Lightning damage to nearby enemies and 1-27 Lightning damage on weapon. Sanctuary This aura causes the Paladin to shine with an inner, holy light. This light is an anathema to the undead, summoned as they are through the machinations of the Prime Evils. The aura carries with it the essence of life and the strength and purity of the Paladin's convictions. This aura damages and does knockback to the hostile Undead, and also enhances Paladin's attacks vs. Undead. Required Level: 20 LV20: 2D4 damage to nearby Undead, and +9 damage vs. Undead; LV25: 2D6 damage to nearby Undead, and +12 damage vs. Undead; LV30: 2D8 damage to nearby Undead, and +15 damage vs. Undead; LV35: 2D10 damage to nearby Undead, and +18 damage vs. Undead. Fanaticism True faith can cause its believers to perform fantastic feats. With this aura the Paladin, and all those allied with his cause, carry themselves with a zealous fervor, allowing them to strike down their foes as swiftly as the scythe reaps the harvest. This aura increases attack rate and brings bonus to THAC0 and damage for all party members. And more damage increasing for Paladin himself. High-Level skill. Before LV25: +1 attack per round, +2 bonus to THAC0 and +3 to damage for party member, +6 damage to the Paladin; LV25: +1 attack per round, +3 bonus to THAC0 and +4 to damage for party member, +8 damage to the Paladin; LV30: +1 attack per round, +4 bonus to THAC0 and +5 to damage for party member, +10 damage to the Paladin; LV35: +1 attack per round, +5 bonus to THAC0 and +6 to damage for party member, +12 damage to the Paladin; LV40: +1 attack per round, +6 bonus to THAC0 and +7 to damage for party member, +14 damage to the Paladin. Conviction It is fearsome enough to behold the power of a Paladin, let alone a Paladin aglow with the aura of Conviction. This halo of righteousness demonstrates, with force, the grim determination of those who shine within its brilliance. Any who stand against the Paladin and his allies will understand the meaning of folly. This aura reduces Defense and the Resistances of enemies. High-Level skill. Before LV25: -4 penalty to AC, -15% to all resistances; LV25: -6 penalty to AC, -20% to all resistances; LV30: -8 penalty to AC, -25% to all resistances; LV35: -10 penalty to AC, -30% to all resistances; LV40: -12 penalty to AC, -35% to all resistances. *There's only one active aura on Paladin. When switching to another aura, the pre-casted aura is canceled. Combat Skills Sacrifice At what price glory? By sanctifying his weapon with some of his own blood, a Paladin of Zakarum is able to increase his efficiency in combat by forfeiting a portion of his own physical essence. This sacrifice is a symbol of faith that even the lowliest Paladin must submit before the Light, in order that he may prove himself worthy of victory. This skill increases damage at the cost of 8% health on each hit. Required Level: 1 LV1: +9 damage, +3 bonus to THAC0; LV5: +12 damage, +4 bonus to THAC0; LV10: +15 damage, +5 bonus to THAC0; LV15: +18 damage, +6 bonus to THAC0; LV20: +21 damage, +7 bonus to THAC0. Smite The sword of a Paladin represents the might of righteousness and his shield symbolizes the strength of his faith. Both are tools he uses to mete out justice. Just as righteousness can give his spirit the fortitude to overcome the attacks of the unjust, so too can faith be a weapon to strike back at those who work to defeat him. To this end, the Paladin has developed several combat techniques that use the shield not only for defense, but also as an offensive weapon. This skill brings shield bash that does damage and stunning, allowing the Paladin to pursue immediately wtih a next skill. Required Level: 1 LV1: 2D6 damage, stun for 1 second; LV5: 2D8 damage, stun for 1 seconds; LV10: 2D10 damage, stun for 2 seconds; LV15: 2D12 damage, stun for 2 seconds. Holy Bolt The Paladin can learn to summon bolts formed of pure, righteous energies. These projectiles are vessels of life, bane to the undead and demons, and succor to the faithful. At the battle of Taelohn Bridge, the villagers feared the day was lost when an army of the walking dead besieged them. Just as the battered militia was about to be overwhelmed, a small band of Paladins appeared. Wading through the rotting carcasses of the living dead and hurling spheres of pure Light that expelled the evil controlling the battling corpses while renewing the strength of the remaining villagers. This skill launches bolt of energy that damages hostile Undead and Demons, or heals friendly units with HP as half of damages. Required Level: 5 LV5: 4D6 damage; LV10: 6D6 damage; LV15: 8D6 damage; LV20: 10D6 damage. Zeal A noble Paladin, fervent in his dedication to righteousness, can draw upon the spirit of that dedication to perform seemingly impossible tasks. When surrounded by his enemies, a Paladin versed in this skill sets upon his adversaries with the zealous fervor of many times his number. This skill provides quick attacks on adjacent enemies. Required Level: 10 LV10: Attack twice per round, +1 melee damage, +2 bonus to melee THAC0; LV15: Attack 3 times per round, +2 melee damage, +3 bonus to melee THAC0; LV20: Attack 4 times per round, +3 melee damage, +4 bonus to melee THAC0; LV25: Attack 5 times per round, +4 melee damage, +5 bonus to melee THAC0. Charge In showing fear, a Paladin displays his lack of faith, and a faithless Paladin is less than a man - let alone a knight. This is vital in that when all else fails, it is faith that will carry the Paladin through to victory. Warriors of faith never shirk from combat, but rush forward with heads down and shields up, allowing their glory to carry them into the thick of battle to deliver the first blow. This ability causes the Paladin to close the distance with an enemy, delivering a bash on contact. The enemy is knocked back, which makes it easy for the Paladin to pursue with another skill immediately. The victim(s) may make a save vs. death in order to take only half damage. Required Level: 10 LV10: 6D10 damage; LV15: 8D10 damage; LV20: 10D10 damage; LV25: 12D10 damage. Vengeance When a Paladin undertakes a crusade to banish evil, he is permitted to call upon the just souls of past crusades. Thus summoned, the spirits of the honorably vanquished manifest themselves and lend their energies to the weapons of the Paladin. This skill adds Elemental (Fire, Lightning, Cold and Acid) damage to all melee attacks. Required Level: 15 LV15: 1D4 each elemental damage, +2 bonus to THAC0; LV20: 1D6 each elemental damage, +3 bonus to THAC0; LV25: 1D8 each elemental damage, +4 bonus to THAC0; LV25: 1D10 each elemental damage, +5 bonus to THAC0. Blessed Hammer The Visions of Akarat tell of a hopeless battle. Legions of the undead had laid siege to a small convent of nuns who were the keepers of a sacred relic, the Hammer of Ghrab Thaar. Suspended over a fiery chasm within the convent, the sisters knew the Hammer to be a powerful vessel of the Light and vowed never to allow it to fall into the hands of evil. With no weapons of their own, and no one to defend them, the nuns sacrificed themselves to destroy the hammer. Rather than let the undead despoil the church and the relic, they took the hammer and plunged themselves into the fiery chasm. At that moment, a powerful force of Light washed over the undead legion, striking them down where they stood. Since that time a well-trained Paladin is able to tap the remnants of this released energy, whirling a magical hammer to strike down his adversaries, especially the forces of the walking dead. This skill summons a hammer composed of magic power to fly towards the enemy, dealing considerable damage. Demons and undead take 50% extra damage, furthermore, the Undead must save vs. death with a certain penalty or be destroyed. Required Level: 15 LV15: 6D6 damage, no save penalty; LV20: 6D8 damage, -2 save penalty; LV25: 6D10 damage, -4 save penalty; LV30: 6D12 damage, -6 save penalty. Conversion Through force of will and strength of steel, a noble Paladin with this skill is able to blind his enemies with the glory of the Light. After trading blows with the Paladin and facing the fire of righteousness burning in his eyes, an enemy will sometimes be struck with a divine epiphany and momentarily repent his past undertakings. So complete is the transformation, that the converted will turn to slay its former comrades. With this skill, a successful attack has a chance to convert the target to fight evil. Convert for 16 Seconds. High-Level skill. Before LV25: 30% chance; LV25: 35% chance; LV30: 40% chance; LV35: 45% chance; LV40: 50% chance. Holy Shield To a Paladin, the shield is a symbol of his faith. Particularly devout Paladins can channel their faith into their shields, bolstering its defensive value with holy energy. The purer his faith, the greater his defense. This skill magically enhances shield to give defense bonuses and block physical attacks as well as spells of offensive damage. A shield must be equipped for activing this skill. High-Level skill. Before LV25: +4 bonus to AC, 30% chance to block with a shield, duration 30 seconds; LV25: +5 bonus to AC, 35% chance to block with a shield, duration 60 seconds; LV30: +6 bonus to AC, 40% chance to block with a shield, duration 90 seconds; LV35: +7 bonus to AC, 45% chance to block with a shield, duration 120 seconds; LV40: +8 bonus to AC, 50% chance to block with a shield, duration 150 seconds. Fist of the Heavens This spell allows the Paladin to summon the power of holy vengeance. Manifesting as lightning from the heavens, these bolts rain down from the sky, exploding into a thousand shafts of light that radiate outwards to banish the evil from the battlefield. This skill calls lightning attack from the sky that releases Holy Bolts (equivalent to Holy Bolts released by a Paladin with a half level of the caster). The victim(s) may make a save vs. death in order to take only half lightning damage. High-Level skill. Before LV25: 8D12 damage; LV25: 10D12 damage; LV30: 12D12 damage; LV35: 14D12 damage; LV40: 16D12 damage. *Sacrifice, Zeal, Vengeance and Conversion do not take effect at the same time. Each of them will directly replace a pre-casted one. *After casting of Holy Bolt, Smite and Charge, another skill can be casted immediately. >----------VERSION HISTORY---------- V1.1 Fixed some invalid skills of V1.0. Greatly increased all effect ranges of Auras that enhance party members, and made them easy to be triggered in EE games. Meditation now gives ability of regeneration as Prayer casted by a Paladin with a half level of the caster. Chance of immunity of Concentration increases with character level. Fixed the problem that Thorns does not create animations on allies. Fixed transparency of some animations for no EE games. Fixed some misplaced descriptions of high-level auras. Holy Bolt now damages demons as well as undead. Increased chance of blocking of Holy Shield by 5%. Increased element resistance of some Auras. Simplified the script for Holy Shield. Increased effect of Sacrifice. Defiance boosts the defense against all 4 types of weapons (Crushing, Missile, Piercing and Slashing) so that AC bonus can continue accumulating when base AC reaches limit of -20. V1.0 Reconstructed all the aura skills with a new mode, which allows auras to take effect immediately on the Paladin after switching (even in SOLO games), yet require a few seconds to start affecting allies or enemies (similar to original Diablo2). Aura effects no longer pile up when several Paladins start the same aura. Many skills now have corresponding sounds and animations, and characters are no longer required to glow as a mark for auras. With active Redemption, a rising soul implies successful restoration of health points. Two souls rising at the same time implies successful restoration of skills. Prayer heals with a regenerating process instead of immediately healing. Ajusted skill values of Blessed Hammer, Vigor, Meditation, Concentration and Conviction. After casting of Holy Bolt, another skill can be casted immediately. AOE skills (e.g. Holy Fire) now ignore the protection of Mirror Image spell (EE only). Add skill descriptions from original Diablo2. V0.9 Fixed the bug that Holy Shield may not take effect. Get aura of Defiance at LV5 and Resist Lightning in LV10. Conviction and Salvation becomes High-Level skills. Conversion is not necessary when Learning some of the High-Level skills. Increased the damage of Vengeance. There's no more casting time or casting interval for passive spells which allow the Paladin to enter an offensive mode, e.g. Vengeance and Conversion. V0.8 Supports EE and original BG2. Unsuperposable Paladin skills in EE is treated as official spells: the later casted spell directly replace the previous one; while in original BG2, a later spell can only be wasted before the expiring of a previous one. Rapidly switching between auras of direct attack will no longer deals reduplicative damages. Added 10% chance to Conversion. Holy Shield no longer presents magic resistance, but generates chance to block physical attacks and spells of offensive damage. Yet the new Holy Shield gives a huge glowing white wiffle ball animation, so a new component for choosing is added to turns off the animation. (This component comes from the Ease of Use Mod Pack, which also turns off the animation for Spell Trap spell and Cloak of Mirroring.) Fixed auras' effecting modes to: 1. Auras of enhancing abilities (Resist Fire, Resist Cold, Resist Lightning, Defiance, Vigor, Salvation, Might, Blessed Aim, Concentration, Fanaticism): Take effect immediately and keep active while any creature is nearby. 2. Auras of direct attack (Holy Fire, Holy Freeze, Holy Shock, Sanctuary): Immediately attack once when being chosen, then only take effect when enemies are insight. 3. Auras of regeneration (Meditation, Redemption): After being chosen, only take effect when enemies are insight. 4. Auras of long term curing (Prayer): Take effect while any creature is nearby. 5. Auras of curing negative states (Cleansing): The same as 1. 6. Auras of weakening abilities (Conviction):The same as 2. 7. Auras of indirect attack (Thorns):The same as 3. V0.7 The problem that some skills disappear with Ctrl+R is fixed. Some overpowered skills are weaken. Adjusted damage of some skills. Five Skill Point can be obtained after 3,000,000 exp from interface of choosing High-Level skills. V0.6 Auras' swithing no longer takes an extra round. Effecting mode of Conviction become the same as auras of regeneration. V0.5 Sacrifice now increases damage at the cost of 8% health on hit, and no longer kill character on rest. V0.4 Fixed auras' temporary noneffective to friendly creatures. V0.3 Improved the effect of Prayer. Fixed auras' effecting modes to: 1. Auras of enhancing abilities (Resist Fire, Resist Cold, Resist Lightning, Defiance, Vigor, Salvation, Might, Blessed Aim, Concentration, Fanaticism): Take effect any time after being chosen. 2. Auras of regeneration (Prayer, Meditation, Redemption): After being chosen, only take effect when enemies are insight. 3. Auras of direct attack (Holy Fire, Holy Freeze, Holy Shock, Sanctuary): Immediately attack once when being chosen, then only take effect when enemies are insight. 4. Auras of curing negative states (Cleansing): The same as 1. 5. Auras of indirect attack (Thorns):The same as 2. 6. Auras of weakening abilities (Conviction):The same as 2. V0.2 Fixed the start bonus. Fixed some details in Readme. V0.1 Finished the Paladin kit.
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## Sorcerer Diablo2 Kit Pack - The Sorcerer Ver 0.4
>----------ATTENTIONS---------- It is a Sorcerer kit for EE games only, not for original BG series. The Sorcerer is able to select wizard spells on level up, but immediately forgets them, with only Diablo2 spells left. Only one Sorcerer(D2) is suggested in a whole game, as multiple Sorcerers' skills and hirelings are in conflict. When selected, a hireling switches to a Defencive mode by press D, and returns to Normal mode by press N. In the defencive mode, he'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. A hireling voluntarily takes one step away from the Sorcerer when they get too close, in order to avoid getting jammed when traveling across different areas. You can speak with a hireling and give him some potion to drink. Hirelings do not occupy the limited quantity of summoned units, but when there're already five summoned units, they can't be summoned. If one hireling is imprisoned or petrified, a reverse magic is required to free him, or other hirelings can't be summoned. >----------KNOWN BUGS---------- Frozen Orb always appears on top-left of the caster, its flying road will be blocked by the caster's body when casted towards down-right. You can manipulate the character to move and leave a road for it. As the Infinity Engine has some problem on Level Modifiering, sometimes hirelings do not have correct levels, yet their attributes can grow up correctly. >----------DETAILED DESCRIPTION---------- Sorcerer The Sorcerer is an expert in mystical creation ex nihilo. Though somewhat lacking in the skills of hand-to-hand combat, he compensates for this weakness with fierce combative magic for both offense and defense. Solitary and reclusive, the Sorcerer acts based on motives and ethics inscrutable to most, and sometimes seems capricious and even spiteful. In reality, he understands the struggle between Order and Chaos all too clearly, as well as his role as a warrior in this battle. Advantages: - New spells and high-level skills: Cold, Lightning and Fire Spells. - No interval between spells. - Constantly restoring spells to memory with the skill Warmth. Disadvantages: - May not learn spells and high-level skills of original sorcerer. Cold Spells Ice Bolt (Evocation) Level: 2 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 Creature Saving Throw: Half This spell shoots a bolt of ice that damages and slows your victim. It causes 1d4 points of damage per 2 levels of the caster (up to 10d4) and slow the enemy for 2 seconds per 4 levels of the caster (up to 12 seconds). Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the cold damage and length to half. Frozen Armor (Evocation) Level: 1 Range: 0 Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special This spell gives 2 bonus to AC at level 1, then gains 2 + 1 / 5 levels of the caster (up to +6) bonus to AC, and freezes any melee attacker that hits you for 1 + 1 second / 10 levels of the caster (up to 3 seconds). Frozen Armor, Shiver Armor and Chilling Armor can not take effect together with each other. Each of them will directly replace a pre-casted one. Frost Nova (Evocation) Level: 4 Range: 0 Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 30' radius Saving Throw: Half This spell creates an expanding ring of ice and frost that damages and slows enemies. It causes 1d4 points of damage per 2 levels of experience of the caster (up to 10d4) and slow the enemy for 2 + 2 seconds / 4 levels of the caster (up to 12 seconds). Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the cold damage and length to half. Ice Blast (Evocation) Level: 3 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 Creature Saving Throw: Half This spell creates a bolt of ice that completely freezes a target. It causes 1d6 points of damage per 2 levels of experience of the caster (up to 10d6) and freezes the enemy for 4 + 1 second / 10 levels of the caster (up to 6 seconds). Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the cold damage and length to half. Shiver Armor (Evocation) Level: 5 Range: 0 Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special This spell gives 3 bonus to AC at level 1, then gains +1 bonus to AC for every 5 levels (up to +7). Any melee attacker that attacks the caster will take damage and be slowed. The armor causes 1d4 points of damage per 2 levels of experience of the caster (up to 10d4) and slow enemies for 4 seconds. Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the cold damage and length to half. Frozen Armor, Shiver Armor and Chilling Armor can not take effect together with each other. Each of them will directly replace a pre-casted one. Glacial Spike (Evocation) Level: 6 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 10' radius Saving Throw: Half This spell launches a shard of ice that inflicts massive cold damage and explodes to freeze enemies in 10' radius. It causes 1d6 points of damage per 2 levels of experience of the caster (up to 10d6) and freezes enemies for 4 seconds. Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the cold damage and length to half. Blizzard (Evocation) Level: 9 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: 2 Rounds Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: 20' radius Saving Throw: Half This spell summons an ice storm to rain cold death onto your enemies, which causes 1d10 points of cold damage per 2 levels of the caster (up to 10d10) and slow enemies for 4 seconds when hit. The ice storm totally make 6 hits in 2 rounds, yet enemies in the effective area have 50% chance to avoid each hit. Successfully saving vs. spell will also reduce the cold damage and length to half. Chilling Armor (Evocation) Level: 7 Range: 0 Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special This spell gives 3 bonus to AC at level 1, then gains +1 bonus to AC for every 5 levels (up to +7). The armor launches an ice bolt against each melee and ranged attacker, causes 1d4 points of damage per 2 levels of experience of the caster (up to 10d4) and slow enemies for 4 seconds. Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the cold damage and length to half. Frozen Armor, Shiver Armor and Chilling Armor can not take effect together with each other. Each of them will directly replace a pre-casted one. Frozen Orb (Evocation) Level: 8 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Half This spell launches a pulsating orb that shreds an area with ice bolts. Each ice bolt causes 1d4 points of damage per 4 levels of experience of the caster (up to 5d4). Enemies hit by the spell is also slowed for 2 seconds per 4 levels of the caster (up to 12 seconds). Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the cold damage and length to half. Cold Mastery Decreases enemies's cold resistance by 5%. Can be learned for 10 times. High-level skills. Lightning Spells Charged Bolt (Evocation) Level: 1 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 90° sector with 10' radius Saving Throw: Half When this spell is cast, it causes a cone-shaped area of bolts of electricity, originating at the caster's hand and extending outward in a cone. Each bolt causes 1d4 points of damage per 2 levels of experience of the caster and up to 10d4. Enemies in effective area may be hit by 1-3 bolts, and chance of hitting by more than one bolt increses with level of the caster. Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the electricity damage to half. Telekinesis (Transmutation) Level: 2 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 Creature Saving Throw: Half With this skill a Sorcerer can reach out with his mind and manipulate distant objects. This spell can be used to open a lock or a box, or to impact an enemy at a distance. It can stun an enemy for 2 seconds, and cause 1D4 electricity damage. Enemies that successfully save vs. spell will be stunned for only 1 second. Static Field (Evocation) Level: 3 Range: 0 Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None When this spell is cast, every enemy around you lose 25% of their current health. It affects a radius of 5' + 3' / 4 levels of the caster (up to 20' at lv20). Lightning (Evocation) Level: 4 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Half Upon casting this spell, the caster releases a powerful stroke of electrical energy that inflicts 1d20 points of damage per 2 levels of the spellcaster (maximum damage of 10d20) to each creature within its area of effect. A successful saving throw vs. spell reduces this damage to half. Nova (Evocation) Level: 5 Range: 0 Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 30' radius Saving Throw: Half This spell creates an expanding ring of electricity that does massive damage. It causes 1d10 points of damage per 2 levels of experience of the caster (up to 10d10). Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the electricity damage to half. Chain Lightning (Evocation) Level: 6 Range: Visual range of caster Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Half When the caster casts Chain Lightning, arcs of electrical energy burst from his fingertips. These brilliant arcs of lightning leap at enemies near the caster, burning them with electrical damage. The lightning causes 1d12 points of damage for every 2 levels of the caster (maximum damage of 10d12), then jumps to the next nearest enemy, losing a small amount of energy with each additional strike until it is expended. Each jump the bolt makes reduces the damage by 1d12. If the target of the lightning saves against spells only half damage is inflicted. Teleport (Transmutation) Level: 7 Range: Visual range of caster Duration: Instant Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None This spell instantly transports the caster between two points. Thunder Storm (Evocation) Level: 9 Range: 0 Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: 30' radius Saving Throw: Half This spell summons a thunderstorm that periodically blasts a nearby enemy with a bolt of lightning. The caster can call down one bolt per round. Each bolt causes 1d4 points of electrical damage for each of the caster's experience levels (maximum damage of 20d4). Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the electricity damage to half. Energy Shield (Abjuration) Level: 8 Range: 0 Duration: 8 hours Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None This spell absorbs damage to memorized spells instead of hit points. All resistance of the caster will be set to 15% + 4%/level (up to 95%), yet lose one spell of highest level in memory with each successful strike from enemy. Lightning Mastery Increases the damage of lightning spells by 9%. Can be learned for 10 times. High-level skills. Fire Spells Fire Bolt (Evocation) Level: 1 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 Creature Saving Throw: Half This spell creates a bolt of fire that damages your victim. It causes 1d6 points of damage per 2 levels of experience of the caster (up to 10d6). Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the fire damage to half. Warmth Constantly restoring spells to memory. Gained at LV1, and can be automatically improved on level 6, 10, 14 and 18. LV1: Restore a spell up to LV2 in every 10 rounds. LV6: Restore a spell up to LV2 in every 9 rounds, a spell up to LV4 in every 10 rounds. LV10: Restore a spell up to LV2 in every 8 rounds, a spell up to LV4 in every 9 rounds, a spell up to LV6 in every 10 rounds. LV14: Restore a spell up to LV2 in every 7 rounds, a spell up to LV4 in every 8 rounds, a spell up to LV6 in every 9 rounds, a spell up to LV8 in every 10 rounds. LV18: Restore a spell up to LV2 in every 6 rounds, a spell up to LV4 in every 7 rounds, a spell up to LV6 in every 8 rounds, a spell up to LV8 in every 9 rounds, a spell up to LV9 in every 10 rounds. Extra improvement of Warmth is also available in high-level skills, which reduce time cost of all level by 1 round on each selection. 1st selection: Restore a spell up to LV2 in every 5 rounds, a spell up to LV4 in every 6 rounds, a spell up to LV6 in every 7 rounds, a spell up to LV8 in every 8 rounds, a spell up to LV9 in every 9 rounds. 2nd selection: Restore a spell up to LV2 in every 4 rounds, a spell up to LV4 in every 5 rounds, a spell up to LV6 in every 6 rounds, a spell up to LV8 in every 7 rounds, a spell up to LV9 in every 8 rounds. 3rd selection: Restore a spell up to LV2 in every 3 rounds, a spell up to LV4 in every 4 rounds, a spell up to LV6 in every 5 rounds, a spell up to LV8 in every 6 rounds, a spell up to LV9 in every 7 rounds. 4th selection: Restore a spell up to LV2 in every 2 rounds, a spell up to LV4 in every 3 rounds, a spell up to LV6 in every 4 rounds, a spell up to LV8 in every 5 rounds, a spell up to LV9 in every 6 rounds. 5th selection: Restore a spell up to LV2 in every round, a spell up to LV4 in every 2 rounds, a spell up to LV6 in every 3 rounds, a spell up to LV8 in every 4 rounds, a spell up to LV9 in every 5 rounds. Inferno (Evocation) Level: 2 Range: Visual sight of caster Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Half This spell creates a spout of flame that keep burning your enemies . It causes 1d6 points of damage per second per 2 levels of experience of the caster (up to 10d4) on each hit. Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the fire damage to half. Blaze (Evocation) Level: 4 Range: 0 Duration: 3 + 1 second/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Half Leave a wall of fire in your footsteps. The fire wall exists for 6 seconds and causes 1d6 points of damage per second per 2 levels of experience of the caster (up to 10d8) per round. Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the fire damage to half. Fireball (Evocation) Level: 3 Range: Visual range of caster Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 10' radius Saving Throw: Half This spell creates a ball of fire that explodes on impact, which delivers damage proportional to the level of the caster who cast it - 1d8 points of damage for each level of experience of the spellcaster (up to a maximum of 10d8). Those who roll successful saving throws manage to dodge, fall flat, or roll aside, each receiving half. Fire Wall (Evocation) Level: 7 Range: Visual range of caster Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Half This spell creates a wall of fire. Any enemy unwitting enough to attempt to cross the wall will feel the full force of these flames as they advance to their ruin. The fire wall causes 1d10 points of damage per second per 2 levels of experience of the caster (up to 10d10). Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the fire damage to half. Enchant (Enchantment) Level: 5 Range: Visual range of caster Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: One Creature Saving Throw: None This spell temporarily adds Fire damage to a weapon. User of the enchanted weapon will get +1 attack bouns and 1d3 fire damage per 2 levels of the caster (up to +10 attack bouns and +10d3 fire damage). Only half of the fire damage is added to a ranged weapon. Meteor (Evocation) Level: 8 Range: Visual range of caster Duration: Special Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 20' radius Saving Throw: Half This spell draws down a meteor from the heavens to smash your enemies. The comet does 1d12 fire damage for each 2 levels of experience of the spellcaster (up to a maximum of 10d12) and continues burning on ground for 4 seconds, hurts enemies with 2d6 + 1 fire damage per 2 levels (up to a maximum of 2d6 + 10) per second. Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the fire damage to half. Fire Mastery Increases the damage done by your fire spells by 7%. Can be learned for 10 times. High-level skills. Hydra (Conjuration) Level: 9 Range: Visual range of caster Duration: 2 rounds Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special This spell creates a multi-headed beast that attacks your enemies with bolts of fire. The Hydra has only half the level of the caster and up to LV10. Each bolt causes 1d4 points of damage per 2 levels of experience of the Hydra (up to 5d4). Successfully saving vs. spell will reduce the fire damage to half. *All offensive spells have no save penalty when cast by the Sorcerer under level 10, yet for every 10 levels a -1 penalty to saves will be imposed. So when the Sorcerer arrives lv50, his opponents should make save vs. spell with -5 penalty. Other Spells Summon Hirelings (Conjuration) Level: 6 Range: 0 Duration: Special Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None This spell open a portal that traverse a large distance, from which a hireling of specific class can bse chosen and summoned from Elly the archer, Azrael the paladin, Jarulf the mage and Khan the barbarian. A cost of 100 gold is required for each level of the hireling. A hireling has an same level with the caster, and gains level up with the caster. All hirelings, except the mage, have a +3 enchanted weapons when they reach level 10, and gain +1 enchantment with every 5 levels, maximum +5 enchanted will be reached at level 20. Hirelings also have more chance to cast battle skills on level growth. The archer casts Inner Sight and chooses one from Fire Arrow or Ice Arrow, the paladin casts Jab and Holy Freeze Aura, the mage casts Frozen Armor and chooses spells of one element from fire, cold and lightning (fire: Fireball + Inferno, cold: Ice Blast + Glacial Spike, lightning: Charged Bolt + Lightning, in which Fireball, Ice Blast and Charged Bolt are regarded as LV3 spells, Inferno, Glacial Spike and Lightning are regarded as LV6 spells, while all spells are casted only as half level of the mage. The mage do not actively cast spells at enemies with some spell protections. Try manually casting a Marking spell on one enemy, the mage will only focus on him within four rounds), the barbarian casts Bash and Stun. A hireling is immune to charm, control, and morale break. He will stand along with the summoner unless killed or dismissed. Only one hireling can be summoned at a time. He will not occupy the limited quantity of summoned units. When selected, a hireling switches to a Defencive mode by press D, and returns to Normal mode by press N. In the defencive mode, he'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get closed and attacked. >----------VERSION HISTORY---------- V0.4 Fixed the damage of Charged Bolt. Fixed the problem that Hydra may not appear. Fixed the burning area of Meteor on high level. Improved the damage Dice of Blaze from d6 to d8. Lightning bolt no longer bounces on wall or damage allies. Fixed AC bonus of Frozen Armor, Shiver Armor and Chilling Armor. Damage increasing of Lightning Mastery changed to 9% per skill level. Fixed the problem that the Sorcerer can keep invisible on casting hostile spells. Reduced the immunity for Hirelings, they only keep immune to charm, control and morale break. Fixed the problem that saving and loading games on the moment of Hirelings' appearing may bring them some ability loss. You can now speak with Hirelings to give them some potion to drink. V0.3 Fixed the problem that hirelings of low level do not interact with the Sorcerer after saving and loading. In order to avoid getting jammed when traveling across different areas, a hireling voluntarily takes one step away from the Sorcerer when they get too close. Adjusted the restoring speed and spell levels of Warmth. Fixed the BUG that Warmth didn't work completely on certain level. Fixed the BUG that some Sorcerer spells ignore magic resistance. Fixed the problem that Cold Mastery causes lags and may not take effect in some areas. Solved the problem that high-level skills do not keep current levels when character is exported and imported or enter a TOB game from SOA. V0.2 Hot keys of hirelings are set to D (Defence) and N (Normalize). Fixed the bug that Inferno gives too many attacks, its D4 damage dice grows to D6 as a compensation. Meteor can be casted on any area instead of a creature. Missing of meteor animation in some game versions is also fixed. Cold Mastery now decreases enemies's cold resistance, but it may not take effect on some areas that don't require gathering your party before venturing forth. Hirelings no longer disappear on rest. They even gain level up with level growth of the Sorcerer now. Fixed the bug that hirelings don't teleport with the Sorcerer after saving and loading. Hirelings use battle skills more frequently with level growth. Spell Schools of Enchant and Energy Shield became Enchantment and Abjuration respectively. AOE skills now ignore the protection of Mirror Image spell. Shooting range of Frozen Orb decreases to 15'. Remade all spell icons. Some spells now have corresponding animations. Increased affect range of Lightning. Can interact with 'Jamella's Diablo2 Item Store' V2.0 or later, allowing hirelings to choose one runeword weapon. V0.1 Finished the Sorcerer kit.
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