sholloway / agents-playground

MIT License
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v0.2.0 Epic #111

Open sholloway opened 9 months ago

sholloway commented 9 months ago

v0.2.0 Epic

This issue represents the top level effort required to build v0.2.0.


The v0.2.0 release targets establishing a custom graphics engine and replacing the UI framework with wxPython.

Core Engine Capabilities

Complete Item Notes
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wxPython UI
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WebGPU Integration

Simulation Scenes

Complete Item Notes
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Scene Files Rewrite
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Landscape JSON Files
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Agent JSON Files
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OBJ Importer
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glTF Importer
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3D Simulation Loop

User Experience

Complete Item Notes
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UI Replacement Completely migrate from DearPyGUI to wxPython
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File -> Open Simulation
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File -> New Simulation
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HUD Rendering Pipeline
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3D Camera Controls
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View -> Edges Menu Control for toggling drawing mesh edges.
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View -> Landscape Menu Control for toggling drawing the landscape in a sim.
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View -> Agents Menu Control for toggling drawing the agents in a sim.
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2D WebGPU Rendered Performance Charts Replace the DearPyGUI Charts

Project Maturity

Complete Item Notes
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Python 3.12
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Release Wheel Produce a release wheel that is available on GitHub.
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Image Output Tests Look at using the NRMSE metric to compare images. Here is SciKit's doc for example.
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Performance Benchmark Tests
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Adopt a change log Track changes when merging to Main.