sholloway / agents-playground

MIT License
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The Agents Playground

Hello. You've stumbled onto my little hobby project. The codebase is a 2D game engine of sorts. It's not designed to build games with but rather a rapid prototyping environment for experimenting with autonomous agents. This is something I'm building for fun and isn't intended for general use. That said, it's open source and if you find a use for it feel free to use the code. If you're interested in this sort of thing, I'm journaling my work on my blog.

Project Status and Roadmap

Status: Initial Development
The codebase is useable but is currently in the initial development phase as the core features are currently being flushed out. The intention is to eventual build an installable Python Wheel and have versioned releases. At the moment, since I'm just working on this for me, the application is run using the project's Makefile.

GitHub Issues and Projects are used for tracking the ongoing work. A features file is used to summarize the usable features.

Getting Started

The project is bootstrapped using the Nix package manager. Nix is responsible for installing Python 3.11 and Pip. Once that is bootstrapped then the project's Makefile is used to create a virtual environment. In the virtual environment, Poetry is installed. Poetry is then used to install the various 3rd party dependencies and is used by the Makefile for all application life cycle activities.

Note: You don't have to use Nix to work with the code base. If you have Python 3.11 and Pip installed already you can just use the Makefile to do the additional setup steps.

Project Setup

  1. Install the Nix Package Manager (optional)

  2. Clone the repo.

    git clone
  3. If using Nix, create a Nix shell. This will install Python and Pip. Note: If you're on a Mac you'll need to install the Xcode Command Line Tools first.

    make nix
  4. Create the Python Virtual Environment for the Project. Note: If you're using Nix, on some M1 based Macs I've run into an issue with installing one of the dev dependencies due to Nix getting confused about where MacOS puts the C libraries. My work around is to run make setup and then exit out of the Nix shell, activate the virtual env source .venv/bin/activate, and run pip install -r requirements.txt a second time.

    make setup
  5. Now you should have Poetry bootstrapped into the virtual environment. Use poetry to install the project dependencies.

    make init

Running the Application

The application can be run in production mode or dev mode.

# Production Mode (faster)
make run

# Development Mode (enables logging and asserts but runs slower)
make dev

Development Tools

There are additional Make targets to help simplify development activities. They are listed in the table below. They're all run with the pattern make <target name>.

Target Description
test Run the unit tests.
check Perform static type checking on the project.
debug Launches pudb debugger in the terminal if there are any breakpoints. You can also use the VSCode debugger. ;)
flame Launch's py-spy profiler and generates an interactive flame graph.
top Display a running list of the top most expensive functions while the app is running.
shell Launches an instance of the bpython shell with the application loaded.
cov Calculates code coverage.
doc Generates the code documentation.
profile_function Use line-profiler to profile a function. To profile a function, it must be annotated with the @profile decorator.
size Run cloc to measure the size of the project.

Performance Monitoring

The application has real-time hardware monitoring baked in. This is accessible through the UI by clicking the utility button on the toolbar while a simulation is loaded.

A limitation on MacOS prevents some of the hardware sensors from being accessed unless run as the root user. To do this launch the app as root.

sudo make run

Additional Documentation