sholloway / agents-playground

MIT License
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v0.3.0 Epic #114

Open sholloway opened 9 months ago

sholloway commented 9 months ago

This issue represents the top level effort required to build v0.3.0.


The v0.3.0 release targets taking the graphical capabilities to the next level.


Desired Behaviors Inspired by The Pinocchio Problem


Core Engine Capabilities

Complete Item Notes
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Robust Landscape Pipeline Replace the current landscape pipeline with Dual Contours
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Mesh Tessellation Replace the FanTesselator
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Memory Optimization Profile the memory consumption and optimize as needed. Look at packages objgraph, pympler, cProfile, memory_profiler

Simulation Scenes

Complete Item Notes
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Physics Solver Integrate with an existing physics solver (e.g. Raptor)

User Experience

Complete Item Notes
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File -> Open Landscape
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File -> New Landscape
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Landscape Editor
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Sim Hot Reload Structure the simulation engine so changes can be made while a sim is running. Hot reload of the sim file, tasks, renderers, etc.

Project Maturity

Complete Item Notes
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Clean up logging.
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Get the code coverage under control.
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Get the source docs hosted.
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Start tracking code metrics.
sholloway commented 1 month ago

Possible Additions