shoniko / abpcrawler_hc

A Web crawler using headless Chrome and Adblock Plus extension to log ads
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Adblock Plus crawler

This is a Web crawler, which uses Headless Chrome Crawler to load Adblock Plus extension, crawl a list of provided URLs with any given depth and log filter hit results.

This requires a small change in adblockpluschrome to expose the HitLogger class. In the end of the file just add this line: ext.HitLogger = HitLogger;

Running a crawl manually

Checkout the repository and then run:

npm install

When that is done, launch the crawl with

npm start -- -p ./ -u ./

This will run the crawl and store results into filterhits.log file in current directory.

Settings file

There are two ways of providing parameters to a crawler. First - through the command line, which has the highest priority. Second - through a config file settings.json, which looks like this:

    // path to a file which specifies a list of URLs to crawl
    // path to Adblock Plus
    // Crawling depth
    "depth": 0,
    // Output folder
    "output": "/path/to/output/folder",
    // enable taking screenshots
    "screenshots": true,
    // time to wait before making a screenshot
    "screenshotsDelay": 5000

Input URLs file structure

Input URLs should be provided in a .csv file, where URLs are a second column. Something like this:


Running a Docker container

Checkout the repository and then run:

docker build -t abp-crawler .

This will build a container image based on the Dockerfile and name it abp-crawler. To run a crawl it is better to mount a volume with a settings file and input URLs. Also to get results it's better to mount a separate volume for results folder. So, create a settings folder and create settings.json file there and then create a result folder and mount them like so:

docker run -v ~/settings:/home/crawler/settings -v ~/result:/home/crawlresult abp-crawler

Log file structure

Log file is a list of lines, where each line is a JSON object.

Both blocked and non-blocked requests are logged. Non-blocked requests have a filter parameter set to `null.


Blocked requests have filter set to actual filter that triggered the blocking:


Element hiding filters are also logged, when they are being hit:



Screenshots are stored in the output folder in a screenshots directory.