shopware / docker

Running Shopware in Docker for Production
MIT License
36 stars 12 forks source link
docker-image hacktoberfest

Shopware 6 Production Docker

This repository contains a base image with Alpine + PHP + Caddy, which you can use to build your docker image with your code.

[!NOTE] This docker image expects that you install all extensions using Composer. Otherwise, you will get The class X is not found errors. See docs for more information

Getting Started

Create a Dockerfile in your project like:


# pin versions
FROM as base-image
FROM as shopware-cli

# build

FROM shopware-cli as build

COPY --link . /src

RUN --mount=type=secret,id=composer_auth,dst=/src/auth.json \
    --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.composer \
    --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.npm \
    /usr/local/bin/ shopware-cli project ci /src

# build final image

FROM base-image

COPY --from=build --chown=www-data /src /var/www/html

or better run composer req shopware/docker to install the Symfony Recipe.

In the stage build we are using shopware-cli to build the Shopware files:

Refer to shopware-cli to learn more about shopware-cli project ci

Building docker image

You build your individual docker image with the source code in your CI pipeline and push it to your Container Registry. Later on can you use this image inside example docker-compose / kubernetes / etc.

Example Github Action to build the image ```yaml name: Build Docker Image on: push: branches: - main jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout Repository uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Set up Docker Buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2 - name: Login into Github Docker Registery run: echo "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" | docker login -u ${{ }} --password-stdin - name: Build and push uses: docker/build-push-action@v4 with: context: . file: ./docker/Dockerfile push: true tags:${{ github.repository_owner }}/${{ }} ```

Running the container

Example docker-compose **CAUTION** The config below does not share var/log or var/cache. For Caching you should consider to uses Redis and logs should be forwarded to stderr so they are inside the container logs. ```yaml version: "3.8" services: db: image: mysql:8.0 environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 'shopware' MYSQL_USER: shopware MYSQL_PASSWORD: shopware MYSQL_DATABASE: shopware volumes: - mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql init-perm: image: alpine volumes: - files:/var/www/html/files - theme:/var/www/html/public/theme - media:/var/www/html/public/media - thumbnail:/var/www/html/public/thumbnail - sitemap:/var/www/html/public/sitemap command: chown 82:82 /var/www/html/files /var/www/html/public/theme /var/www/html/public/media /var/www/html/public/thumbnail /var/www/html/public/sitemap init: image: local build: context: . env_file: .app.env entrypoint: /setup volumes: - files:/var/www/html/files - theme:/var/www/html/public/theme - media:/var/www/html/public/media - thumbnail:/var/www/html/public/thumbnail - sitemap:/var/www/html/public/sitemap depends_on: db: condition: service_started init-perm: condition: service_completed_successfully web: image: local build: context: . volumes: - files:/var/www/html/files - theme:/var/www/html/public/theme - media:/var/www/html/public/media - thumbnail:/var/www/html/public/thumbnail - sitemap:/var/www/html/public/sitemap depends_on: init: condition: service_completed_successfully env_file: .app.env ports: - 8000:8000 worker: image: local restart: unless-stopped build: context: . volumes: - files:/var/www/html/files - theme:/var/www/html/public/theme - media:/var/www/html/public/media - thumbnail:/var/www/html/public/thumbnail - sitemap:/var/www/html/public/sitemap depends_on: init: condition: service_completed_successfully env_file: .app.env entrypoint: [ "php", "bin/console", "messenger:consume", "async", "low_priority", "--time-limit=300", "--memory-limit=512M" ] deploy: replicas: 3 scheduler: image: local restart: unless-stopped build: context: . volumes: - files:/var/www/html/files - theme:/var/www/html/public/theme - media:/var/www/html/public/media - thumbnail:/var/www/html/public/thumbnail - sitemap:/var/www/html/public/sitemap depends_on: init: condition: service_completed_successfully env_file: .app.env entrypoint: [ "php", "bin/console", "scheduled-task:run" ] volumes: mysql-data: files: theme: media: thumbnail: sitemap: ```

In your setup you should have always an "init" container which does basic stuff like extension updates, theme compile etc with entrypoint /setup. When this container exits, you can start your actual app / worker containers. See docker-compose example above for details.

Environment variables

Variable Default Value Description
APP_ENV prod Environment
APP_SECRET (empty) Can be generated with openssl rand -hex 32
INSTANCE_ID (empty) Unique Identifier for the Store: Can be generated with openssl rand -hex 32
JWT_PRIVATE_KEY (empty) Can be generated with shopware-cli project generate-jwt --env
JWT_PUBLIC_KEY (empty) Can be generated with shopware-cli project generate-jwt --env
LOCK_DSN flock DSN for Symfony locking
APP_URL (empty) Where Shopware will be accessible
DATABASE_HOST (empty) Host of MySQL (needed for for checking is MySQL alive)
DATABASE_PORT 3306 Host of MySQL (needed for for checking is MySQL alive)
BLUE_GREEN_DEPLOYMENT 0 This needs super priviledge to create trigger
DATABASE_URL (empty) MySQL credentials as DSN
DATABASE_SSL_CA (empty) Path to SSL CA file (needs to be readable for uid 512)
DATABASE_SSL_CERT (empty) Path to SSL Cert file (needs to be readable for uid 512)
DATABASE_SSL_KEY (empty) Path to SSL Key file (needs to be readable for uid 512)
DATABASE_SSL_DONT_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT (empty) Disables verification of the server certificate (1 disables it)
MAILER_DSN null://localhost Mailer DSN (Admin Configuration overwrites this)
OPENSEARCH_URL (empty) OpenSearch Hosts
SHOPWARE_ES_ENABLED 0 OpenSearch Support Enabled?
SHOPWARE_ES_INDEXING_ENABLED 0 OpenSearch Indexing Enabled?
SHOPWARE_ES_INDEX_PREFIX (empty) OpenSearch Index Prefix
COMPOSER_HOME /tmp/composer Caching for the Plugin Manager
SHOPWARE_HTTP_DEFAULT_TTL 7200 Default TTL for Http Cache
MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN (empty) DSN for default async queue (example: amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2f/default
MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_LOW_PRIORITY_DSN (empty) DSN for low priority queue (example: amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2f/low_prio
MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_FAILURE_DSN (empty) DSN for failed messages queue (example: amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2f/failure
COMPOSER_PLUGIN_LOADER 1 When enabled, disables dynamic plugin loading all plugins needs to be installed with Composer
INSTALL_LOCALE en-GB Default locale for the Shop
INSTALL_CURRENCY EUR Default currency for the Shop
INSTALL_ADMIN_USERNAME admin Default admin username
INSTALL_ADMIN_PASSWORD shopware Default admin password
PHP_SESSION_HANDLER files Set to redis for redis session
PHP_SESSION_SAVE_PATH (empty) Set to tcp://redis:6379 for redis session
PHP_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE 128m See PHP documentation
PHP_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME 300 See PHP documentation
PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT 512m See PHP documentation
FPM_PM dynamic See PHP FPM documentation
FPM_PM_MAX_CHILDREN 5 See PHP FPM documentation
FPM_PM_START_SERVERS 2 See PHP FPM documentation


In a very basic setup when all files are stored locally you need 5 volumes:

Usage Path
invoices/private files /var/www/html/files
theme files /var/www/html/public/theme
images /var/www/html/public/media
image thumbnails /var/www/html/public/thumbnail
generated sitemap /var/www/html/public/sitemap

It is recommanded to use an external storage provider when possible to store the files. With an external storage provider you won't need any mounts. Refer to official Shopware docs for setup.


Use Redis for sessions You can set `PHP_SESSION_HANDLER` to `redis` and `PHP_SESSION_SAVE_PATH` to any redis path like `tcp://redis:6379`

Known issues

Assets are stored locally, but asset-manifest.json tries to write to external location Override the filesystem of asset-manifest.json to temporary filesystem: ```yaml # config/packages/prod/asset-overwrite.yaml services: Shopware\Core\Framework\Plugin\Util\AssetService: arguments: - '@shopware.filesystem.asset' - '@shopware.filesystem.temp' - '@kernel' - '@Shopware\Core\Framework\Plugin\KernelPluginLoader\KernelPluginLoader' - '@Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Cache\CacheInvalidator' - '@Shopware\Core\Framework\App\Lifecycle\AppLoader' - '@parameter_bag' ```