shortorigin / soop

Short Origin Operating Procedures 🥣
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Soop 🥣

Short Origin Operating Procedures

An SOP, or a standard operating procedure, is a document that tells you how to do something step by step. It is like a recipe for work, but instead of ingredients, you need materials, tools, and instructions. To create an SOP, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Identify the process or task that needs an SOP. Think about what you want to achieve, why it is important, and who will be involved.
  2. Choose a format and template for your SOP. You can use a simple list, a hierarchical list, or a flowchart, depending on the complexity and variability of the process. You can also use a free SOP template online to help you get started.
  3. Write the title, purpose, scope, and overview of your SOP. The title should be clear and descriptive, the purpose should explain why the SOP is needed, the scope should define the boundaries and limitations of the SOP, and the overview should give a brief summary of the main steps and expected outcomes.
  4. List the materials, tools, and resources needed for the SOP. Include everything that is required to complete the process, such as equipment, software, documents, safety gear, etc. You can also provide links or references to where to find them.
  5. Write the step-by-step instructions for the SOP. Be clear, concise, and specific, and use action verbs, bullet points, and numbers. Explain what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and who should do it. You can also add diagrams, images, or screenshots to illustrate the steps.
  6. Review, test, and revise your SOP. Check your SOP for accuracy, completeness, clarity, and consistency. Ask someone else to read it and give you feedback. Try to follow your SOP and see if it works as intended. Make any changes or improvements as needed.
  7. Approve, publish, and distribute your SOP. Get the approval from the relevant authority or department before you finalize your SOP. Publish your SOP in a format that is easy to access and use, such as a PDF, a web page, or a knowledge base. Distribute your SOP to the people who need it and train them on how to use it.