shoutem / cli

Shoutem CLI is a tool which helps you build Shoutem extensions faster
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Shoutem CLI

Shoutem CLI is a command line tool which helps you build Shoutem extensions.

You can read more about CLI in our documentation

Local Development

For local development there are three ways of approaching this:

1. Compiling and running from the repository

  1. Run npm i inside repository
  2. Run node path/to/build/shoutem.js <command>, where <command> is the command you're testing

After making changes to the code, you can run rm -rf build && npm run build to recompile and then continue using step 2 described above.

2. Editing global node_modules

While messy and harder to keep track of changes (since you can't see the diff directly), this has proven effective. You can make changes in your global node_modules directory on your machine in the src directory, then re-build the CLI using npm run build within the cli directory (where the package.json is).

3. Installing via git commit hash


You can see the changes you've made with your code and how they affect the CLI by using npm i -g shoutem/cli#<commit_hash>, e.g.: npm i -g shoutem/cli#6874qbr

This can also be used for testing before release, unlike the other two methods.

NOTE: Once a release is ready, make sure to turn the preinstall script back into a prepare script as users may not have babel-cli installed.