shower / cli

Command line interface for Shower
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cli shower

Shower CLI

Shower logo

Command line interface for Shower

npm Build Status License

Quick Creating Slides

npx @shower/cli create my-slides

(npx comes with npm 5.2+ and higher)


Install ShowerCLI using npm:

$ npm install --global @shower/cli

or via yarn:

$ yarn global add @shower/cli

The minimum supported Node version is v8.0.0 by default.

Note: For easy creation of slides for one command, we recommend installing the @shower/cli globally. After the presentation is created, ShowerCLI is added as dev-dependencies by default


shower [--version] [--help] [<command> [<args>]]

  --cwd          working directory to use               [string] [default: $PWD]
  -h, --help     Show help                                             [boolean]
  -v, --version  Show version number                                   [boolean]

$ shower create [<directory>] - Create a new project

  directory                                                  [default: "slides"]

  --yes, -y                                           [boolean] [default: false]

$ shower serve - Serve the presentation in development mode

  --open, -o     Open browser                                   [default: false]
  --port, -p     Listening Port                         [number] [default: 8080]
  --ui           Whether to run BrowserSync UI                  [default: false]
  --notify       Whether to show BrowserSync notifications      [default: false]

$ shower bundle - Gather the necessary files in a separate folder

  --output, -o   In which folder will the bundled presentation be written
                                                  [string] [default: "bundled"]
  --files, -f    List of files that will get the build                   [array]

$ shower archive - Create an archive of the bundled presentation

  --output, -o   Archive name             [string] [default: ""]
  --files, -f    List of files that will get the build                   [array]

$ shower pdf - Converts the presentation to PDF

The browser that implements the Chrome Debugging Protocol is required. If you installed Chrome / Chromium to the custom path or use another browser, set PUPPETEER_EXECUTABLE_PATH environment variable.

  --output, -o   File name                       [string] [default: "index.pdf"]

$ shower publish - Publish presentation with GitHub Pages

  --files, -f    List of files that will get the build                   [array]

Licensed under MIT License.