shreeshailaya / C-DAC-Notes

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Welcome to CDAC Notes

| Core Java | Database Technologies | Data Structure | Operating System | Web Programming | Advanced Java | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |

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:earth_asia: |

:leaves: | ------------ ## Contribute - **If you want to contribute refer to [This Page]( "This Page").** ------------ ### ☕ Core Java - [Intro, Features, JDK JRE]( - [OOPs,Major and Minor piller]( - [Data Types, Memory Management, Constructor, this]( - [Garbage Collector, Array]( - [Association Relation, Wrapper Classes]( - [Packages,IDE]( - [Inheritance,super(),Overriding, Dynamic Binding, Debug, Scanner]( - [class objects, c-o overiding]( - [Multilevel Inheritance,foreach, Abstraction, Access Specificer]( - [geter/seter,final,Interface]( - [typecast, instanceof, interface of java8]( - [Exception Handling]( ### 💾 Database Technologies - [Agenda]( - [DBMS]( - [RDBMS]( - [SQL]( - [MySQL]( - [Getting started with MySQL]( - [Database logical layout]( - [Database physical layout]( - [MySQL data types]( - [CHAR vs VARCHAR vs TEXT]( - [INSERT – DML]( - [SQL scripts]( - [SELECT – DQL]( - [SELECT – DQL – ORDER BY]( - [SELECT – DQL – WHERE]( - [UPDATE – DML]( - [DELETE – DML vs TRUNCATE – DDL vs DROP – DDL]( - [Seeking HELP]( - [DUAL table]( - [SQL functions]( - [Numeric & String functions]( - [Date-Time and Information functions]( - [Control and NULL and List functions]( - [Group functions]( - [GROUP BY clause]( - [# Transaction]( - [Row locking]( - [Entity Relations]( - [Cross Joins]( - [Inner Join]( - [Left Outer Join]( - [Right Outer Join]( - [Full Outer Join]( - [Set Operators]( - [Self Joins]( - [Multi-table Joins]( - [Sub queries]( - [Views]( - [Data Control Language]( - [Index]( ### ➿ [Data Structure]( - [Introduction]( - [Array and Linkedlist]( - [Array]( - [Linked-list]( - [Operations on Linkedlist]( - [Searching algorithms]( - [Linear-Search]( - [Binary-Search]( - [Types of Linkedlist]( - [Sorting-Linkedlist]( - [Doubly-Linkedlist]( - [Stack]( - [Basic Functions]( - [Dynamaic Stack]( - [Reverse String using Stack]( - [C2 Stack and Queue]( - [C2 Stack]( - [Queue]( - [Types of Queue]( - [Queue]( - [Dynamic Queue]( - [Circular-Queue]( - [Dqueue]( - [Types of Tree]( - [Tree]( - [AVL-Tree]( - [Binary Tree]( - [Tree Traversals]( - [Inorder]( - [Preorder]( - [Postorder]( - [Search Element from tree]( - [Delete Node from tree]( - [Graph]( - [Undirected Graph]( - [Graph Traversa]( - [Adjency List]( - [Algorithms]( - [Hash]( - [Time Complixity]( - [Kruskal-Algorithm]( - [Primes Algo]( - [AVL Tree Balanced Factor]( - [Sorting]( - [Bubble Sort]( - [Cyclic Sort]( - [Insertion Sort]( - [Selection Sort]( - [Merge Sort]( - [Shell Sort]( ### 🐧 [Operating system]( ### :earth_asia: [Web Programming]( ### :leaves: [Advanced Java]( *** Compiled by [Shreeshail Vitkar]( Feel free to fork @ [C-dac Notes]( *** Written by Human, Not by AI