shrink / commitmoji

🚧 Reimagining of gitmoji... stricter. Archived as of 2021 in favour of conventional commits.
MIT License
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$ git commitmoji :clipboard:

Gitmoji is an initiative to standardize and explain the use of emojis on GitHub commit messages.

commitmoji takes the gitmoji concept and introduces strict rules that simplify the standard so that it can be used as part of a mature git workflow. How to Write a Git Commit Message describes a set of seven rules for writing commit messages, commitmoji provides a standard that works alongside these rules.

If applied, this commit will... :memo: Include last activity timestamp in user metadata \ If applied, this commit will... :wrench: Load hostname from environment \ If applied, this commit will... :bug: Generate cache key with user identifier \ If applied, this commit will... :family: List @example as a Gold sponsor


A commit message should describe the change that is to be applied to the project: an emoji is used to identify the area of change, leaving the remainder of the subject free to describe the specifics. Each type should apply consistently across all types of project whether it's the source code for a mobile application, a developer's environment configuration files or law.

Less is more. A simple consistent set of emojis enable quick recognition and recall across all projects. Any change to the substance of the standard is considered breaking and requires a new major release.


:construction: commitmoji is currently in pre-release, feedback is encouraged.

Type Emoji Example Commit
Feature :sparkles: :sparkles: :sparkles: Allow user to authenticate with Google OAuth
Development Environment :construction_worker: :construction_worker: :construction_worker: Mount shared volume for service dependencies
Format :art: :art: :art: Replace tabs with spaces in Javascript
Performance :zap: :zap: :zap: Cache result of profile photo resizing
Bug :bug: :bug: :bug: Generate cache key with user identifier
Hotfix :ambulance: :ambulance: :ambulance: Replace user avatar with generic icon
Documentation :book: :book: :book: Describe supported colours for template
Configuration :wrench: :wrench: :wrench: Load hostname from environment
User Interface :computer: :computer: :computer: Emphasise selected project filters
Security :lock: :lock: :lock: Escape HTML entities in Post titles
Refactor :recycle: :recycle: :recycle: Simplify domain parsing regular expression
Accessibility :door: :door: :door: Label registration form inputs
Continuous Integration :traffic_light: :traffic_light: :traffic_light: Publish release to GitHub Package Registry
Log :memo: :memo: :memo: Include last activity timestamp in user metadata
People :family: :family: :family: List @example as a Gold sponsor


commitmoji is licensed under the MIT License.