shtoshni / learning-chess-blindfolded

AAAI 2022 Paper: Bet even Beth Harmon couldn't learn chess like that :)
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Learning Chess Blindfolded: Evaluating Language Models on World State Tracking

Chess as a testbed for evaluating language models on world state tracking.

Pretrained model released via Huggingface model hub. Colab notebook to interact with the pretrained model.


Step 1

git clone
cd learning-chess-blindfolded/

Step 2: Install packages. The following are the core pacakage which can be separately installed.


Or just do:

pip install -r requirements.txt


cd src/

Data Preparation

The processed data is available here. UCI-based language models can be trained using just this data. To train models which require piece type/board state, extract this additional information via steps described below.

Next we described the steps used processing the data.

cd ../data output_dir="lm_chess/uci" mkdir -p ${output_dir}

head -n 500000 ${src_file} > ${output_dir}/train.txt

tail -n 30000 ${src_file} | head -n 15000 > ${output_dir}/dev.txt tail -n 15000 ${src_file} > ${output_dir}/test.txt

Cloze task data

tail -n 130000 ${src_file} | head -n 50000 > ${output_dir}/other_eval.txt

cd ../src DATA_DIR="../data/lm_chess"

Train-S, Train-M, and Train-L correspond to the first 15K, 50K, and 200K games respectively of 
the 500K training set.

- Create vocabulary

python data_processing/ --vocab_dir $DATA_DIR/vocab --source_file $DATA_DIR/uci/train.txt

- Querying data stats (average length of games etc.):

python data_processing/ --data_dir $DATA_DIR --vocab_dir $DATA_DIR/vocab/

- Create Cloze tasks (Ending Square and Starting Square)

python data_processing/ --data_dir $DATA_DIR

### Additional Board State
Tne next two steps create additional information regarding the world state.
- This step extracts piecetype information as a numpy file for all the language modeling data splits.

python data_processing/ --data_dir $DATA_DIR

- This step extracts the board state from the [FEN notation](
  and stores it as a numpy file for different splits. This can be used to train multiview models (not supported in commits since Feb 2021).

python data_processing/ --data_dir $DATA_DIR python data_processing/ --data_dir $DATA_DIR

## Training

Default settings:
- Train-L i.e. 200K games for training
- GPT2-small configurations i.e. n_layer=12, n_head=12, n_embd=768
- Notation UCI

Here are the commands to train the various models. <br/>

Baseline UCI model

python --data_dir $DATA_DIR


python --rap_prob 0.15 --data_dir $DATA_DIR


python --oracle --data_dir $DATA_DIR

Custom training size, number of layers, context size, and other model configurations can be specified as follows:

python --train_size 15_000 --n_layer 16 --window_size 50 --data_dir $DATA_DIR

RNN models can be trained via:

python --model_type rnn --n_layer 3 --rnn_dropout 0.2 --data_dir $DATA_DIR

Reformer models can be trained via:

python --model_type reformer --n_head 12 --n_layer 12 --train_size 200_000

Peformer models have the following options:

python --model_type performer --local_attn_heads 0 --generalized_attention --feature_redraw 100 --n_head 12 --n_layer 12 --train_size 50_000 --precision 32 --data_dir $DATA_DIR

## Analysis
_Random Legal Move Baseline_: Baseline where a random legal move is chosen
as the predicted move. Performance of this baseline gives a sense of
complexity of the task even if the exact board state is available.

python analysis/ --data_dir $DATA_DIR

_Error Analysis for Ending Squares_: Classifies the error made by the model among
four categories, namely unreachable, syntactic, pseudo legal, and path obstruction.

python analysis/ --model_dir $MODEL_DIR

## Citation

@article{toshniwal2021chess, title = {{Learning Chess Blindfolded: Evaluating Language Models on State Tracking}}, author = "Shubham Toshniwal and Sam Wiseman and Karen Livescu and Kevin Gimpel", year={2021}, eprint={2102.13249}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, }