Code examples for new features of watchOS 2.
Animate width/height, alpha and alignments.
Insert and remove animations for WKInterfaceTable.
WKInterfacePicker styles catalog.
Access to the Taptic engine using playHaptic
Record and play audio.
Coordinated Animations with WKInterfacePicker and Digital Crown.
Draw paths with Core Graphics.
Draw gradations with Core Graphics.
Access to Heart Rate data using HealthKit.
Access to Accelerometer data using CoreMotion.
Access to Gyroscope data using CoreMotion.
These APIs are available, however CMMotionManager always returns false
for gyroAvailable
. So actually it's not available for now.
Access to DeviceMotion data using CoreMotion.
These APIs are available, however CMMotionManager always returns false
for deviceMotionAvailable
. So actually it's not available for now.
Counting steps demo using CMPedometer.
Present an alert or action sheet.
Sending message to phone and receiving from phone demo with WatchConnectivity.
Play an audio file with WKAudioFilePlayer.
Need to pair a Bluetooth headset on your Apple Watch.
Open Tel or SMS app using openSystemURL: method.
Get an image data from network using NSURLSession.
works with same way. I have no idea why it doesn't work!You can check the examples for iOS 9 new features on iOS-9-Sampler!!
Shuichi Tsutsumi
iOS freelancer in Japan. Welcome works from abroad!
The icon is designed by Okazu.