A Splitwise clone for friends to split costs between friends and family members.
Users can record a expense split between themselves and another user, choosing who make the initial payment. The expense is recorded for both users, and a running balance is calculated and displayed. A user can view expenses and splits between another user, as well as between all their expenses and friends. Expenses can also be deleted and can only be viewed by those involved.
Schema is created in a very flexible way, which enable the uers to split with mutiple users and using defferent splits way.
column name | data type | details |
id | integer | not null, primary key |
description | text | not null |
total_amount | float | not null |
creator_id | integer | not null, indexed,foreign key |
create_date | date | not null |
group_name | string | indexed |
settled | boolean | not null |
created_at | datetime | not null |
updated_at | datetime | not null |
User can click the Add Expense button to add an expense. Input the user's email used for splitsmart, description of the expense, total amount of that expense, Group input is optional. If this expense paied by user's friend, user can enter the total amount with negative value
These are the split information from all the expenses under current user.
These are all expenses under current user. User can clict all expense link from Dashboard page.