shubhamprshr27 / NeglectedTailsVLM

This repository houses the code for the paper - "The Neglected of VLMs"
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This repository houses the code for the CVPR 2024 paper - "The Neglected of Vision Language Moodels".


20/04/2024. Analysis code has been released. Documentation being updated along with release of data and captions.

16/04/2024. Code released for REAL-Linear and REAL-prompt, analysis code is on the way.

26/02/2024. Our paper has been accepted to CVPR 2024! Thanks for your patience, please expect the code to be released in upcoming weeks!


This repository uses uses Python v3.11.4. Please create a new conda/miniconda environment using the requirements.txt file. Note that the CUDNN version used was 12.2.

Dataset Setup

Coming soon!


Analyzing LAION400M and LAION2B

After downloading LAION400M and LAION2B from huggingface, the following steps need to be done to analyze the captions.

  1. Retrieve captions containing class names. The code for doing this is in the file /analysis/laion/, for e.g. LAION400M and ImageNet analysis can be run as:

    python --database LAION400M --downstream imagenet_1k --datasource {location_of_hf_download} --max_threads 16
  2. After retrieving all the captions based on exact string matching we need to filter them using LLAMA. The code for this can be found in /analysis/laion/llama/ We use LLaMA-2-7B-chat for our analysis and the official LLaMA repo was adapted for our needs. Please refer to LLaMA's official repo to download the weights. Note for faster inference it is adviceable to increase the world size to 8, but the code should work on a single GPU machine as well.

    torchrun --dataset imagenet_1k --world_size 8 --pre_trained_corpus LAION400M

       The output of this step should be pickle files, each file is an ordered dict according to class IDs. The ordered dict contains relevant captions to the downstream concept names and filters out irrelevant ones, giving us a relevance metric which is defined as (number of captions relevant to downstream task) / (total number of captions)

  3. Now having filtered captions, we can estimate the frequency by running the file: /analysis/

    python --dataset imagenet_1k --pre_trained_corpus LAION400M
  4. If you would just like to access the frequency of a given concept in a given dataset, you can directly refer to /analysis/laion/{dataset}/metrics-{pre_trained_corpus}.json the relevant_total is the estimated frequency obtained after analyzing using LLaMA.