shuchkin / simplexlsxgen

Export data to Excel. PHP XLSX generator
MIT License
941 stars 199 forks source link
php xlsx xlsxwriter


Export data to Excel XLSX file. PHP XLSX generator. No external tools and libraries.

Sergey Shuchkin 2020-2023

Hey, bro, please ★ the package for my motivation :) and donate for more motivation!

Basic Usage

$books = [
    ['ISBN', 'title', 'author', 'publisher', 'ctry' ],
    [618260307, 'The Hobbit', 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'Houghton Mifflin', 'USA'],
    [908606664, 'Slinky Malinki', 'Lynley Dodd', 'Mallinson Rendel', 'NZ']
$xlsx = Shuchkin\SimpleXLSXGen::fromArray( $books );
$xlsx->saveAs('books.xlsx'); // or downloadAs('books.xlsx') or $xlsx_content = (string) $xlsx 

XLSX screenshot


The recommended way to install this library is through Composer. New to Composer?

This will install the latest supported version:

$ composer require shuchkin/simplexlsxgen

or download class here


Use UTF-8 encoded strings.

Data types

$data = [
    ['Integer', 123],
    ['Float', 12.35],
    ['Percent', '12%'],
    ['Currency $', '$500.67'],
    ['Currency €', '200 €'],
    ['Currency ₽', '1200.30 ₽'],
    ['Currency (other)', '<style nf="&quot;£&quot;#,##0.00">500</style>'],
    ['Currency Float (other)', '<style nf="#,##0.00\ [$£-1];[Red]#,##0.00\ [$£-1]">500.250</style>'],
    ['Datetime', '2020-05-20 02:38:00'],
    ['Date', '2020-05-20'],
    ['Time', '02:38:00'],
    ['Datetime PHP', new DateTime('2021-02-06 21:07:00')],
    ['String', 'Very long UTF-8 string in autoresized column'],
    ['Formula', '<f v="135.35">SUM(B1:B2)</f>'],
    ['Hyperlink', ''],
    ['Hyperlink + Anchor', '<a href="">SimpleXLSXGen</a>'],
    ['Internal link', '<a href="!A1">Go to second page</a>'],
    ['RAW string', "\0" . '2020-10-04 16:02:00']

XLSX screenshot


$data = [
    ['Normal', '12345.67'],
    ['Bold', '<b>12345.67</b>'],
    ['Italic', '<i>12345.67</i>'],
    ['Underline', '<u>12345.67</u>'],
    ['Strike', '<s>12345.67</s>'],
    ['Bold + Italic', '<b><i>12345.67</i></b>'],
    ['Hyperlink', ''],
    ['Italic + Hyperlink + Anchor', '<i><a href="">SimpleXLSXGen</a></i>'],
    ['Green', '<style color="#00FF00">12345.67</style>'],
    ['Bold Red Text', '<b><style color="#FF0000">12345.67</style></b>'],
    ['Size 32 Font', '<style font-size="32">Big Text</style>'],
    ['Blue Text and Yellow Fill', '<style bgcolor="#FFFF00" color="#0000FF">12345.67</style>'],
    ['Border color', '<style border="#000000">Black Thin Border</style>'],
    ['<top>Border style</top>','<style border="medium"><wraptext>none, thin, medium, dashed, dotted, thick, double, hair, mediumDashed, dashDot,mediumDashDot, dashDotDot, mediumDashDotDot, slantDashDot</wraptext></style>'],
    ['Border sides', '<style border="none dotted#0000FF medium#FF0000 double">Top No + Right Dotted + Bottom medium + Left double</style>'],
    ['Left', '<left>12345.67</left>'],
    ['Center', '<center>12345.67</center>'],
    ['Right', '<right>Right Text</right>'],
    ['Center + Bold', '<center><b>Name</b></center>'],
    ['Row height', '<style height="50">Row Height = 50</style>'],
    ['Top', '<style height="50"><top>Top</top></style>'],
    ['Middle + Center', '<style height="50"><middle><center>Middle + Center</center></middle></style>'],
    ['Bottom + Right', '<style height="50"><bottom><right>Bottom + Right</right></bottom></style>'],
    ['<top>Word wrap</top>', "<wraptext>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book</wraptext>"],
    ['Linebreaks', "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3"]
    ->setDefaultFont('Courier New')
    ->setColWidth(1, 35)

XLSX screenshot

RAW Strings

Prefix #0 cell value (use double quotes) or use ::raw() method.

$PushkinDOB = '1799-07-06';
$data = [
    ['Datetime as raw string', "\0".'2023-01-09 11:16:34'],
    ['Date as raw string', "\0".$PushkinDOB],
    ['Disable type detection', "\0".'+12345'],
    ['Insert greater/less them simbols', SimpleXLSXGen::raw('20- short term: <6 month')],


More examples

// Fluid interface, output to browser for download
Shuchkin\SimpleXLSXGen::fromArray( $books )->downloadAs('table.xlsx');

// Fluid interface, multiple sheets
Shuchkin\SimpleXLSXGen::fromArray( $books, 'My books' )->addSheet( $books2 )->download();

// Alternative interface, sheet name, get xlsx content
$xlsx_cache = (string) (new Shuchkin\SimpleXLSXGen)->addSheet( $books, 'Modern style');

// Classic interface
use Shuchkin\SimpleXLSXGen;
$xlsx = new SimpleXLSXGen();
$xlsx->addSheet( $books, 'Catalog 2021' );
$xlsx->addSheet( $books2, 'Stephen King catalog');

// Empty book with title
$xlsx = SimpleXLSX::create('My books');
$xlsx->addSheet( $books );
$xlsx->save(); // ./My books.xlsx

// Hyperlinks
$xlsx = SimpleXLSX::fromArray([
    ['internal link', '<a href="\'My books 2\'!A1">Go to second sheet</a>'],
    ['http', ''], // autodetect
    ['http + hash', ''], // autodetect
    ['external anchor', '<a href="">Open XML</a>'],
    ['relative link', '<a href="">books</a>'],
    ['relative link + cell addr', '<a href="\books.xlsx#\'Sheet 2\'!A1">link to second sheet in other book</a>'],
    ['mailto', ''], // autodetect
    ['mailto 2', '<a href="">Please email me</a>'],
])->addSheet([['Second sheet']], 'My books 2')->saveAs('hyperlinks.xlsx');

// Autofilter

// Freeze rows and columns from top-left corner up to, but not including,
// the row and column of the indicated cell

// RTL mode
// Column A is on the far right, Column B is one column left of Column A, and so on.
// Also, information in cells is displayed in the Right to Left format.

// Set Meta Data Files
// this data in propertis Files and Info file in Office 
$xlsx->setAuthor('John Doe <>')
    ->setCompany('JD LLC <>')
    ->setManager('Jane Doe <>')
    ->setLastModifiedBy("John Doe <>")
    ->setTitle('My Books')
    ->setSubject('My bookshelf')
    ->setDescription('Cool books worn by time')

JS array to Excel (AJAX)

<?php // array2excel.php
if (isset($_POST['array2excel'])) {
    require __DIR__.'/simplexlsxgen/src/SimpleXLSXGen.php';
    $data = json_decode($_POST['array2excel'], false);
<html lang="en">
    <title>JS array to Excel</title>

function array2excel() {
    var books = [
        ["ISBN", "title", "author", "publisher", "ctry"],
        [618260307, "The Hobbit", "J. R. R. Tolkien", "Houghton Mifflin", "USA"],
        [908606664, "Slinky Malinki", "Lynley Dodd", "Mallinson Rendel", "NZ"]
    var json = JSON.stringify(books);

    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();

    request.onload = function () {
        if (this.status === 200) {
            var file = new Blob([this.response], {type: this.getResponseHeader('Content-Type')});
            var fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
            var filename = "", m;
            var disposition = this.getResponseHeader('Content-Disposition');
            if (disposition && (m = /"([^"]+)"/.exec(disposition)) !== null) {
                filename = m[1];
            var a = document.createElement("a");
            if (typeof === 'undefined') {
                window.location = fileURL;
            } else {
                a.href = fileURL;
       = filename;
        } else {
            alert("Error: " + this.status + "  " + this.statusText);
    }'POST', "array2excel.php");
    request.responseType = "blob";
    request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    request.send("array2excel=" + encodeURIComponent(json));
<input type="button" onclick="array2excel()" value="array2excel" />


ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL );
ini_set('display_errors', 1 );

$data = [
    ['Debug', 123]

Shuchkin\SimpleXLSXGen::fromArray( $data )->saveAs('debug.xlsx');