shukriadams / discord-giveawaybot

A Discord bot that gives games away. Written in NodeJS.
MIT License
30 stars 22 forks source link
bot discord discord-bot discordjs game giveaway nodejs


This project is no longer under active developement.

Build Status

A Discord bot that does automated game giveaways. Built-in integration for Steam titles, but can handle anything connected to a URL. Heavily inspired by, differs from the original with :

(Bot is limited to non-admin functions, I can't auto-assign admin rights to users. I'm not active on this Discord channel, it's for demo purposes, if you need help or found a bug, please use Github).


If you're hosting on Windows :

Create your bot on Discord first

Host your bot

PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY - most setup issues are caused by incorrect folder structure.

There are several ways to fetch the bot's code. Regardless of which you use, you need to :

  1. Create a root folder for your bot.

    mkdir myBot

    This is where you'll put either docker-compose.yml, or the code from this project if you downloaded the bot code from github directly. If the latter, you should see package.json in this folder.

  2. In the root folder create a work folder called "discord-giveawaybot"

    mkdir myBot/discord-giveawaybot

    This is where the bot writes its own volatile files.

  3. In the work folder, create a settings file. If you're on Linux, you can use

    touch myBot/discord-giveawaybot/settings.json

    The bot will write to this file too.

  4. In the root of this Github project you'll find exampleSettings.json, copy its contents to the settings file from the step above, and replace "ADD YOUR BOT TOKEN HERE" with the Discord bot token you copied in "Create your bot on Discord first" above. Remember to use the token, not the client id.

Getting the bot code

You can get the bot code in three different ways.

1) From Docker image

This is the recommended method because it's easiest to setup and update. Create a docker-compose.yml file in your bot root folder and add the following to it

version: "2"
    container_name: discordgiveawaybot
    image: shukriadams/discord-giveawaybot:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
    command: npm start
    - ./discord-giveawaybot/:/usr/giveawaybot/discord-giveawaybot/:rw

In the root folder run

docker-compose up -d

These settings can of course be tweaked to suite your host setup, only npm start and the volume map are required. Bot state is in ./discord-giveawaybot, back this up if desired.

2) From NPM


    npm install discord-giveawaybot --save

Run npm start

3) From source

Clone this repo, then run

    npm install
    npm start


If you're not hosting with Docker, you need to restart the bot process when it unexpectedly exits. [pm2] ( is an excellent option.

You can also set the bot up as a service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/npm start

You can use whatever you prefer, just as long as you handle exits, as the bot will exit periodically.

Add your bot to your Discord server

Additional config

By default, only admins can create and manage giveaways. If you want to delegate giveaway responsibilities to non-admins

Your bot should always have the permission Manage Messages. It gets assigned this by default, so you don't have to set it, but do not disable it.

Response Emoji

When a giveaway starts, the bot will publish a message in the giveaway channel, along with an emote. Users should click the emote to join the giveaway. The emote is set in settings.json as the "joinGiveawayResponseCharacter" property. This value must be a valid emote that Discord supports. You can get a list of emotes at any site that lists them, one example is

Note that emotes are single ASCII emoji characters, so the emoji for smile must be "🎉", and not ":fanfare:" (or whatever that emoji is called)


One of the major differences between this bot and jagrosh's giveawaybot is that this bot uses direct communication - you don't talk to it in public chat.


Price brackets let you limit how often users can win a game within a price range. If you register a bracket of $0-100, and a user wins a game that costs $50, that user will automatically be prevented, for seven days, from entering another giveaway for any game costing between 0 and 100 USD. Brackets are optional - you can register none, one, or as many as you like.

brackets -b 0-20-50-100

sets 3 brackets, 1-20, 20-50 and 50-100. If a game costs 20 USD, it falls in the first bracket that it fits in, 0-20 in this case. You can start and brackets at any price range. For example

brackets -b 20-30

sets one bracket, and will catch only games that fall in its range, and a user will be allowed unlimited entry in games below 20USD or above 30USD.

Prices are always in USD.

For a list of current brackets, use



Admins or the creator of a giveaway can cancel that giveaway if it hasn't started yet, or is in progress.


This is the only bot command done in public chat. It registers the channel from which it is sent as the channel in which giveaways will be broadcast.


Gets a list of commands from the bot.


Lists all ongoing giveaways.

list all

Shows ongoing and complete and cancelled giveaways.

Additionally, admins and users with giveaway rolls will be able to see pending giveaways.


Tell a user if they're on cooldown for a given bracket if they recently won a game in that bracket.


Creates a giveaway to be started at some time in the future. Requires admin or giveaway roll. A game activation code can optionally be added to this command - the winner will receive this code in a private message.


An admin or user with giveaway role can reroll a winner on a finished giveaway if they so wish. Note this obviously doesn't have much meaning if the activation code is attached to the giveaway, as the previous winner will already have received the code, so use common sense.


Simple rules text can be found using


To set rules text, admin pemission is required. Use

rules Your text here ...


Immediately starts a giveaway.


This command is currently disabled.


The bot automatically cleans out completed/cancelled competitions after 14 days.

Get participate emoji characters at

Known issues


If you expose your bot process to HTTP traffic, it will reply to /status queries with an integer indicating how responsive/overloaded the daemon is. A healthy bot should return 0, if this number is greater than 0 your bot is in trouble.

HTTP traffic is disabled by default, to enable it add the following to settings.json

"enableHealthMonitor" : true

The default port the bot listens on is 8080, set some other port with

"healthMonitorPort" : 3000

So using the settings above and assuming your bot is hosted at, the status call would be


See the setup procedure for standard deployment above to get your dev bot running - you'll need to create a /discord-giveawaybot work folder and settings.json file in that, get a valid discord bot user access token etc.

The bot is basically two processes

All other files are helpers for the above. Other stuff :

If you use Vagrant, the included vagrant script will start an Ubuntu VM ready to run the bot (for development or testing).

cd /vagrant
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Then in the VM run

yarn --no-bin-links (flag needed only if your host machine is Windows)
node start (or npm start)

If you want to run the bot directly on your host system without yarn

npm install
node start (or npm start)


npm test

or if you want to test with a debugger (Webstorm, VSCode etc), point your debugger to /tests/test.js and

cd /tests
node test