shutupflanders / moneydashboard

Python library for MoneyDashboard
MIT License
12 stars 4 forks source link


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Python library for accessing MoneyDashboard data


With Pip

pip install moneydashboard

With Source Code

You can get the source code by cloning it from Github:

git clone

or get the tarball:

curl -OJL

then either include the library into your code, or install it with:

python install


You need to first create an instance.

md = MoneyDashboard(email="", password="MyPassword123")

Once authenticated, you can start fetching data from the MoneyDashboard API. It will return data as a JSON string so you'll have to parse the result as follows:

balances = json.loads(md.get_balances())

The above request will load your accounts data, and with that response you can get your balances.

print('Net Balance: ', balances['net_balance'])