shvets / Etvnet.bundle

Plex Plugin for watching library of russian movies online
MIT License
0 stars 2 forks source link

Plex Plugin for watching russian movies online from Etvnet media library


Install PMS

sudo dpkg -i plexmediaserver_0.

sudo service plexmediaserer restart

locate latest pkg file.

Plex Media Server (PMS) is located in ():

Plugins for PMS are located here ():

Logs are located here:

/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Logs/PMS\ Plugin\ Logs/com.plexapp.plugins.etvnet.log /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Logs/Plex\ Media\ Server.log

OSX: ~/Library/Logs/Plex\ Media\ Server/PMS\ Plugin\ Logs/com.plexapp.plugins.etvnet.log ~/Library/Logs/Plex\ Media\ Server.log

Installing core tools

xcode-select --install

brew install pyenv

pyenv install 2.7.10
pyenv rehash

pyenv local 2.7.10

python --version
easy_install pip
pip install invoke
pip install paramiko

Building and installing plugin

invoke build

After this command folder 'build' will have '' archive.

You need to extract this archive into the :

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-ins
git clone

See how to manually install a channel here

On Ubuntu, because of plugins folder location, you have to change the directory owner (plex):

sudo -S chown -R plex /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-ins

You can build and deploy on OSX with this command:

invoke deploy

This command will also restarts plex server.

Install plugin on remote Ubuntu machine:

env USERNAME=user HOSTNAME=remote_host invoke rdeploy

Plugin Location

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