shweta-kumaran / CastNXTfall24

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Fall 2024 Information

Fall 2024 FashioNXT-CastNXT Heroku deployment information:

Fall 2024 FashioNXT-CastNXT Code Climate Report:

Fall 2024 FashionNXT-CastNXT Github Projects:

NOTIFICATION(!): All the debugging report, issue report, erratum report for the found and reported mistakes, issues, bugs and many other related issues will be reported in the corresponding debugging_report.txt file.

Fall 2024 CastNXT Team

Team Working Agreement

Developer Guide


Steps for Local:

Prerequisites: mongodb: \ create a mongodb admin user

>use admin;
    user: "root",
    pwd: "example",
    roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]
// The username and password should match the definition in `config/mongoid.yml` 

Clone -> Go to directory with CASTNXT project

/bin/bash --login
rvm install “ruby-2.6.6”
bundle install
npm install -g npm@8.5.4
nvm install --lts
npm install -g yarn
bundle exec rails webpacker:install

Then Run your mongodb service (Different platform has different cmd lines)


rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
rails s -p $PORT -b $IP

Steps for Heroku:

Heroku Build takes a lot of space right now. Upgrade volume to >=15GB.

Clone -> Go to directory with CASTNXT project

Create heroku project (unnecessary)

heroku login -i
heroku container:login
heroku create castnxtfall24

Build repo into container and deploy to heroku

heroku container:login
heroku container:push web -a castnxtfall24
heroku container:release web -a castnxtfall24

Tail the logs:

heroku logs --tail -a castnxtfall24

Note: If you notice that your app run into an Application Error.

  1. Check your Gemfile.
    Check if your Gemfile has gem "pg"
  1. Run,

    bundle install
  2. Now, navigate to your app from the heroku dashboard

  3. Click on "More" (Top-Right corner, next to 'Open App')

  4. Click on "Run console"

  5. On the command prompt, run the command:

    rails db:migrate
  6. Now, try opening the app.

Common Errors:

Problem: Webpacker::Manifest::MissingEntryError

Solution: bundle exec rake assets

Problem: Your Ruby version is X, but your Gemfile specified Y

Solution: rvm use Y

Problem: Warning! PATH is not properly set up, /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.1.2/bin is not at first place.

rvm implode reinstall rvm using