shyam-s00 / ObservableCollections

A Rx based ObservableCollections implementation in Python
MIT License
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Observable Collections

A Rx based collections implementation in Python

Build Status Coveralls github

It contains following Observable collections and internally depends on RxPy

* ObservableList
* ObservableDict
* ObservableSet

These collections expose when_collection_changes() method that creates an Observable which can be subscribed.

Any changes to the ObservableList / ObservableSet / ObservableDict that modifies the collection, publishes the event either via on_next or error via on_error


Requires Python 3.5+
pip install observable-collections


from reactive.ObservableList import ObservableList

ol = ObservableList([1, 2, 3, 4])
ol.when_collection_changes() \
    .map(lambda x: x.Items) \
    .subscribe(print, print)
