si2-urssi / software-credit

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Software metrics, credit and citation workshop

January 23-24, 2019, Santa Barbara, CA

Welcome to the repository for the Software metrics and credit workshop of the US Research Software Sustainability Institute conceptualization. The schedule and plan for the workshop is still in early planning stages but please watch the repo for changes and discussions.


Tentative schedule


Time Activity
830-9 Coffee and set up
9-12 Talks and discussions (Theme: TBA)
12:1-30 Lunch
1:30-5 Talks and discussions (Theme: TBA). Break for 20 minutes at 3


Time Activity
830-9 Coffee
9-12 Talks and discussions (Theme: TBA)
12:1-30 Lunch
1:30-5 Talks and discussions (Theme: TBA) Break for 20 minutes at 3

Confirmed participants