Welcome to the StorJ Dashboard client. This is the installable client module for www.storjdash.com and can be used to monitor StorJ farming nodes on as many servers as you'd like. It is provided free of charge.
Please go to the releases page for the latest Windows installer.
To get started, register for an account at StorJDash.com. You will need these credentials later.
Next, we need to check that we have a valid version of Python 3 installed. Run the following command:
python3 -V
You should see some output like:
Python 3.5.2
As long as it is above 3.5 you are okay. If it is not or the command does not run, please google about installing python 3.
Next we need to install the python 3 package manager:
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-wheel
Now it's time for the fun stuff. Time to install our StorJ Dashboard Client.
Make sure you run this with pip3 and not pip.
sudo pip3 install storjdash
It's finally time to set up the client. First, we need to make sure of a few things.
Let's configure the client. You may wonder why this requires sudo access. This is because registration writes a config file to /etc and creates a cron job to hourly submit reports.
sudo register_storjdash
If all goes well, your server will acknowledge that it has registered and schedule an hourly update for your servers.
Let's kick off your first report!
If all is working, you should see at least one output like this:
{'server_uuid': 'caf36562-2b7b-42fa-911f-19c4ea12776f', 'node_capacity': 800000000000.0, 'current_size': 306160401105, 'node_name': 'node1', 'report_uuid': 'dbdf6fb7-6ccc-41e0-a3e5-08229a603dcd', 'storj_node_id': '1438a6ea791f5996fc63b4d180ecadb7ddd1384c'}
If you don't see this output or you see an error, seek support below.
How do I upgrade the client and how often should I?
Why is the code not signed or why does it say Unknown Publisher when installing?
sudo pip3 install storjdash --upgrade
Why do you need root access when registering?
What should I do if I put in the wrong configs directory or I move them?
You can obtain support in several ways:
Supported Operating Systems:
If you enjoy StorJDash, you can support it by donating StorJ Tokens or ETH to:
And BTC to: