sid027 / dt1-23

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DT1 2023 : Enabling Technologies, Assignment 1

The assignment description and requirements are on Moodle.


The small flask application presented here is a proxy that we use to interact with Huggingface Inference API. Your job is to deploy and interact with Huggingface API using this proxy. The interface will be built using no-code Bubble.

This assignment covers the first four learning cycles:

Different aspects of the assignment covers of all four cycles. Please go back to the lecture materials in case there is something you don't understand. In addition, we provide materials here that we believe will act as further hints for successfully completing the assignment.

NOTE: The code has been developed and tested on Ubuntu (Debian). This is the OS you will be using on the Google Cloud Platform. For local testing, you might need to find the appropriate information, if needed.


Supplementary Materials

Software Architecture