sidarragac / JobJourney

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Welcome to JobJourney. Let's walk through this guide for a fast introduction to our project.

Table of contents


JobJourney is a web application developed by Santiago Idárraga, Mateo García and Juan José Botero as the project for the "Integrator Project I" taguth by professor Paola Vallejo.

About JobJourney

JobJourney is for those who dont have an idea of how to start their professional career or how to continue it to reach their dream job. Our scope is to guide individuals in their professional development by providing personalized, structured career roadmaps build with AI.

How to install

To keep a copy of our project, you can follow the next steps:

  1. (Optional) Fork the repository.
  2. Clone the repository.
    git clone
    • Make sure you are in the folder:
      cd ./JobJourney
  3. Create a Python virtual environment.
    python -m venv venv
  4. Activate the virtual environment.
  5. Install the required libraries, using the requirements.txt file.
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Get your OpenAI API KEY[^1], and save it on a .env file located on the project root folder, with the following structure: OPENAI_API_KEY = <YOUR OPENAI API KEY>.
    • Up to this point, your folder should look like this:
  7. Make the database migrations.
    python migrate
    • This step will create db.sqlite3 file. This is the database with all the required tables and relationships.
  8. Run the development server.
    python runserver


Copyright 2024, Santiago Idárraga, Juan José Botero, Mateo García. All rights reserved JobJourney.

[^1]: To know more about the OpenAI API, please visit the OpenAI website. Please be aware that a $5 fee is required to get access to one key.