siddhantprateek / tractionx

TractionX is a sample real estate transaction platform that uses the Hyperledger Fabric Raft protocol for secure and efficient property transactions.
MIT License
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go hyperledger-fabric kubernetes monitoring


TractionX is a sample real estate transaction platform that uses the Hyperledger Fabric Raft protocol for secure and efficient property transactions.

Tech Stack

Setting up the Development Environment

Before you can start working on the Tractionx project, ensure that you have the following tools installed in your development environment:

Follow these steps to set up your development environment:

Install Required Tools

brew install kubectl jq
brew install gettext  # This includes envsubst
brew install kind

Create a KIND Cluster

Navigate to the project's test-network-k8s directory and run the following commands to set up a KIND cluster:

cd test-network-k8s
./network kind
./network cluster init

Launch the Network and Create a Channel

Launch the network and create a channel using the provided scripts:

./network up
./network channel create
peer lifecycle chaincode package <chaincode-package-name>.tgz \
--path ./path/to/chaincode --lang golang --label <chaincode-package-label>

peer lifecycle chaincode install <chaincode-package-name>.tgz

# or
peer lifecycle chaincode package property.tgz \ 
--path ./contracts/ --lang golang --label property_1

peer lifecycle chaincode install property.tgz

Setting Up a Hyperledger Fabric Network with Microfab

Configure Microfab

Create a file named microfab-config.json and define your network configuration:

  "port": 8080,
  "endorsing_organizations": [
      "name": "ProducersOrg"
      "name": "SellersOrg"
  "channels": [
      "name": "property-channel",
      "endorsing_organizations": [

Start Microfab

Run the following commands to start Microfab using Docker Compose:

docker-compose up -d
docker run -e MICROFAB_CONFIG -p 8080:8080 -d ibmcom/ibp-microfab

Set Up Weft

Run the following command to retrieve component information from Microfab and configure Weft:

curl -s | weft microfab -w ./_wallets -p ./_gateways -m ./_msp -f

Download Hyperledger Fabric

Run the following command to download the Hyperledger Fabric binaries:

curl -sSL | bash -s -- binary

Add Fabric binaries to your PATH and set the configuration path:

export PATH=$PATH:${PWD}/bin
export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=${PWD}/config

Set Environment Variables

Set environment variables for your peer organization:

export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=${PWD}/_msp/ProducersOrg/producersorgadmin/msp
./test-network-k8s/network up createChannel -c propertyChannel -ca

# or

./test-network/ up createChannel -c propertych -ca

Deploying Chaincode

 ./test-network-k8s/network chaincode deploy property-transfer ./contracts

#  or
./test-network/ deployCC -ccn property -ccp \
"/Users/siddhantprateek/Documents/projects/tractionx" -ccl go

./test-network/ deployCC -ccn propertych -c propertych \  
-ccp $PWD/contracts -ccl go

-ccn: chaincode name
-c: channel name
-ccl: chaincode language 
-ccp: chaincode package
./test-network-k8s/network chaincode invoke property-transfer '{"function":"CreateProperty", "Args": ["1", "125", "Martin", "Jeff", "50000", "55000"]}'

export PAYLOAD='{
  "function": "CreateProperty",
  "Args": [


This project was authored by Siddhant Prateek Mahanayak. You can find more about the author on their GitHub profile.

Feel free to explore, contribute, and collaborate on the Tractionx project. If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to the author.

Happy coding!