sideeffect-io / AsyncExtensions

AsyncExtensions aims to mimic Swift Combine operators for async sequences.
MIT License
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async asyncsequence concurrency swift


Build Status AsyncExtensions supports Swift Package Manager (SPM) **AsyncExtensions** provides a collection of operators that intends to ease the creation and combination of `AsyncSequences`. **AsyncExtensions** can be seen as a companion to Apple [swift-async-algorithms]( For now there is an overlap between both libraries, but when **swift-async-algorithms** becomes stable the overlapping operators while be deprecated in **AsyncExtensions**. Nevertheless **AsyncExtensions** will continue to provide the operators that the community needs and are not provided by Apple. ## Adding AsyncExtensions as a Dependency To use the `AsyncExtensions` library in a SwiftPM project, add the following line to the dependencies in your `Package.swift` file: ```swift .package(url: ""), ``` Include `"AsyncExtensions"` as a dependency for your executable target: ```swift .target(name: "", dependencies: ["AsyncExtensions"]), ``` Finally, add `import AsyncExtensions` to your source code. ## Features ### Channels * [AsyncBufferedChannel](./Sources/AsyncChannels/AsyncBufferedChannel.swift): Buffered communication channel between tasks. The elements are not shared and will be spread across consumers (same as AsyncStream) * [AsyncThrowingBufferedChannel](./Sources/AsyncChannels/AsyncThrowingBufferedChannel.swift): Throwing buffered communication channel between tasks ### Subjects * [AsyncPassthroughSubject](./Sources/AsyncSubjects/AsyncPassthroughSubject.swift): Subject with a shared output * [AsyncThrowingPassthroughSubject](./Sources/AsyncSubjects/AsyncThrowingPassthroughSubject.swift): Throwing subject with a shared output * [AsyncCurrentValueSubject](./Sources/AsyncSubjects/AsyncCurrentValueSubject.swift): Subject with a shared output. Maintain an replays its current value * [AsyncThrowingCurrentValueSubject](./Sources/AsyncSubjects/AsyncThrowingCurrentValueSubject.swift): Throwing subject with a shared output. Maintain an replays its current value * [AsyncReplaySubject](./Sources/AsyncSubjects/AsyncReplaySubject.swift): Subject with a shared output. Maintain an replays a buffered amount of values * [AsyncThrowingReplaySubject](./Sources/AsyncSubjects/AsyncThrowingReplaySubject.swift): Throwing subject with a shared output. Maintain an replays a buffered amount of values ### Combiners * [`zip(_:_:)`](./Sources/Combiners/Zip/AsyncZip2Sequence.swift): Zips two `AsyncSequence` into an AsyncSequence of tuple of elements * [`zip(_:_:_:)`](./Sources/Combiners/Zip/AsyncZip3Sequence.swift): Zips three `AsyncSequence` into an AsyncSequence of tuple of elements * [`zip(_:)`](./Sources/Combiners/Zip/AsyncZipSequence.swift): Zips any async sequences into an array of elements * [`merge(_:_:)`](./Sources/Combiners/Merge/AsyncMerge2Sequence.swift): Merges two `AsyncSequence` into an AsyncSequence of elements * [`merge(_:_:_:)`](./Sources/Combiners/Merge/AsyncMerge3Sequence.swift): Merges three `AsyncSequence` into an AsyncSequence of elements * [`merge(_:)`](./Sources/Combiners/Merge/AsyncMergeSequence.swift): Merges any `AsyncSequence` into an AsyncSequence of elements * [`withLatest(_:)`](./Sources/Combiners/WithLatestFrom/AsyncWithLatestFromSequence.swift): Combines elements from self with the last known element from an other `AsyncSequence` * [`withLatest(_:_:)`](./Sources/Combiners/WithLatestFrom/AsyncWithLatestFrom2Sequence.swift): Combines elements from self with the last known elements from two other async sequences ### Creators * [AsyncEmptySequence](./Sources/Creators/AsyncEmptySequence.swift): Creates an `AsyncSequence` that immediately finishes * [AsyncFailSequence](./Sources/Creators/AsyncFailSequence.swift): Creates an `AsyncSequence` that immediately fails * [AsyncJustSequence](./Sources/Creators/AsyncJustSequence.swift): Creates an `AsyncSequence` that emits an element an finishes * [AsyncThrowingJustSequence](./Sources/Creators/AsyncThrowingJustSequence.swift): Creates an `AsyncSequence` that emits an elements and finishes bases on a throwing closure * [AsyncLazySequence](./Sources/Creators/AsyncLazySequence.swift): Creates an `AsyncSequence` of the elements from the base sequence * [AsyncTimerSequence](./Sources/Creators/AsyncTimerSequence.swift): Creates an `AsyncSequence` that emits a date value periodically * [AsyncStream Pipe](./Sources/Creators/AsyncStream+Pipe.swift): Creates an AsyncStream and returns a tuple standing for its inputs and outputs ### Operators * [`handleEvents()`](./Sources/Operators/AsyncHandleEventsSequence.swift): Executes closures during the lifecycle of the self * [`mapToResult()`](./Sources/Operators/AsyncMapToResultSequence.swift): Maps elements and failure from self to a `Result` type * [`prepend(_:)`](./Sources/Operators/AsyncPrependSequence.swift): Prepends an element to self * [`scan(_:_:)`](./Sources/Operators/AsyncScanSequence.swift): Transforms elements from self by providing the current element to a closure along with the last value returned by the closure * [`assign(_:)`](./Sources/Operators/AsyncSequence+Assign.swift): Assigns elements from self to a property * [`collect(_:)`](./Sources/Operators/AsyncSequence+Collect.swift): Iterate over elements from self and execute a closure * [`eraseToAnyAsyncSequence()`](./Sources/Operators/AsyncSequence+EraseToAnyAsyncSequence.swift): Erases to AnyAsyncSequence * [`flatMapLatest(_:)`](./Sources/Operators/AsyncSequence+FlatMapLatest.swift): Transforms elements from self into a `AsyncSequence` and republishes elements sent by the most recently received `AsyncSequence` when self is an `AsyncSequence` of `AsyncSequence` * [`multicast(_:)`](./Sources/Operators/AsyncMulticastSequence.swift): Shares values from self to several consumers thanks to a provided Subject * [`share()`](./Sources/Operators/AsyncSequence+Share.swift): Shares values from self to several consumers * [`switchToLatest()`](./Sources/Operators/AsyncSwitchToLatestSequence.swift): Republishes elements sent by the most recently received `AsyncSequence` when self is an `AsyncSequence` of `AsyncSequence` More operators and extensions are to come. Pull requests are of course welcome.