This Dockerfile provides an easy way to build and deploy Mapzen's Valhalla. This image does not contain any map or tile data. To build and run the Docker image:
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd valhalla-docker
docker build -t valhalla . # needs >2GB memory
Example with the tyr/test/data/liechtenstein-latest.osm.pbf
file. Get other map extracts from Place the extracts in a directory and store the location of this directory in the environment variable DATA_OSM
. Preprocess OSM data:
# docker run -it -v ${DATA_OSM}:/valhalla/maps -v $PWD/data_valhalla:/data/valhalla valhalla pbfadminbuilder -c conf/valhalla.json maps/liechtenstein-latest.osm.pbf
docker run -it -v ${DATA_OSM}:/valhalla/maps -v $PWD/data_valhalla:/data/valhalla valhalla pbfgraphbuilder -c conf/valhalla.json maps/liechtenstein-latest.osm.pbf
Run the routing server:
docker run -d -p 8002:8002 --name valhalla -v ${DATA_OSM}:/valhalla/maps -v $PWD/data_valhalla:/data/valhalla valhalla:latest tools/tyr_simple_service conf/valhalla.json
# test
curl localhost:8002 # might have to replace 'localhost' with ip of virtual docker machine
# which returns "Try any of: '/locate' '/route' '/one_to_many' '/many_to_one' '/many_to_many'"
# test route in Liechtenstein
curl 'http://localhost:8002/route?json=\{"locations":\[\{"lat":47.14530,"lon":9.51976\},\{"lat":47.17051,"lon":9.51703\}\],"costing":"auto"\}'
# test route in California
curl 'http://localhost:8002/route?json=\{"locations":\[\{"lat":37.78052,"lon":-122.40820\},\{"lat":37.72188,"lon":-122.38933\}\],"costing":"auto"\}'
# test route in New York
curl 'http://localhost:8002/route?json=\{"locations":\[\{"lat":40.7532,"lon":-73.9765\},\{"lat":40.70361,"lon":-74.01614\}\],"costing":"auto"\}'
# to debug (with the demonized docker container above running)
docker exec -it valhalla bash
docker logs valhalla