siemah / nodejs-password

nodejs functions helpers to hash passwords like password_hash and password_verify on PHP
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A library tools help you to hash passwords, based on javascript promises not callback convention like most nodejs modules and functions.

If You Are Submitting Bugs or Issues

Verify that the node version you are using is a stable version; it has an even major release number. Unstable versions are currently not supported and issues created while using an unstable version will be closed.

If you are on a stable version of node, please provide a sufficient code snippet or log files for installation issues. The code snippet does not require you to include confidential information. However, it must provide enough information such that the problem can be replicable. Issues which are closed without resolution often lack required information for replication.

Security Issues And Concerns

As should be the case with any security tool, this library should be scrutinized by anyone using it. If you find or suspect an issue with the code, please bring it to my attention and I'll spend some time trying to make sure that this tool is as secure as possible.


Install via NPM

npm install nodejs-password

Install via YARN

yarn add nodejs-password


const { passwordHash, passwordVerify, } = require('nodejs-password');
// generating salt it possible via helpers function see salt section below
const salt = 'salt';
const password = 'user-password';

To hash a password:

passwordHash function accept 3 params:

Technique 1 (hash password):

passwordHash(password, salt)
    .then(hash => {
      // Store hash in your password DB.
    .catch(error => console.log(error));

Technique 2 (password hashing using async/await):

try {
  let hash = await passwordHash(password, salt);
  // Store hash in your password DB.
} catch (error) {
  // handle errors

Generate a salt using helpers functions:

Technique 3 (hash password by generating salt):

const { generateSalt } = require('nodejs-password/lib/helpers');

// not forget to surround with sync function to use await keywords
try {
  const salt = await generateSalt(16);//
  const hash = await passwordHash(password, salt);
  // Store hash in your password DB.
} catch(error) {
  // handle errors

generateSalt helper function accept 2 params:

const { generateSalt, HASH_ALGO } = require('nodejs-password/lib/helpers');

// not forget to surround with sync function to use await keywords
try {
  const salt = await generateSalt(16, HASH_ALGO.SHA512);
  const hash = await passwordHash(password, salt);
  // Store hash in your password DB.
} catch(error) {
  // handle errors

Note that both techniques achieve the same end-result.

To check a password:

// Load hash from your password DB.
const samePassword = await passwordVerify(password, hash, salt);// return true
const notSamePassword = await passwordVerify(otherPassword, hash, salt);// return false not the same password

passwordVerify accept 4 params:

Note: when use the 3th param of passwordHash then it must use it with passwordVerify too

const opts = { length: 16, };
const hash = await passwordHash(password, salt, opts);
const samePassword = await passwordVerify(password, hash, salt, opts);// return true

Hashing password without salt(generated internaly)

In this case nodejs-password package generate salt internaly and the same for both functions password_hash and password_verify, otherwise, nodejs-password package handle the part of salt

const { password_hash, } = require('nodejs-password');
// your are not need salt
const password = 'user-password';
  .then(hash => {
      // Store hash in your password DB.
    .catch(error => console.log(error));

password_hash accept 2 param:

Note: password_hash is different from passwordHash

Check matching without salt

To verify if the password match the hashed value without salt(because it handled internaly) use password_verify(see below):

const { password_verify, } = require('nodejs-password');

password_verify(password, hash)
  .then(isMatch => {
      // see if password match or not
    .catch(error => console.log(error));

password_hash accept 2 param:

Note: password_verify is different from passwordVerify. If you pass options params to password_hash it must pass to password_verify to work correctly. HASH_ALGO imported from helpers.

A Note on Rounds

A note about the cost. When you are hashing your data the module will go through a series of rounds to give you a secure hash. The value you submit there is not just the number of rounds that the module will go through to hash your data. The module will use the value you enter and go through 2^rounds iterations of processing.


If you create a pull request, tests better pass :)

npm install
npm test

yarn test
