siemens / tstomp

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tStomp Build Status

This is a Stomp Implementation for Tcl coded in pure Tcl.

Current Version 0.9

Stomp stands for "Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol". This implementation is based on Stomp 1.2 specification, which can be found at For futher information about Tcl, visit their homepage at Tcl Developer Xchange.

Primary site:

Source code:

How to run tStomp

    <transportConnector name="stomp" uri="stomp://"/>
source tStomp.test.tcl
set stompServerURL=stomp://system:manager@yourBrokerHost:61613
set TCLLIBPATH="C:/yourLibPath/noarch"
cd c:\yourTclInstallation
.\tclsh.exe noarch\tstomp\tStomp.test.tcl


tStomp is a TCL implementation of the STOMP protocol. You can connect to a message broker, publish and subscribe to queues and topics.

To use tStomp, at first a connection to the Broker must be established. All information about the Broker is given by a stompUrl to tStomp. The stompUrl must have the format


or more advanced connction string for failover:


Create a tStomp object and connect to a broker:

tStomp tStomp_instance $stompUrl
tStomp_instance connect {puts "connection established to $host $port"} 

After connection is established tStomp is able to publish messages and subscribe to queues.

tStomp_instance send "/queue/exampleQueue" "best whishes!"

The send command has some optional arguments:

    -ttl <time-to-live-in-milliseconds>
    -correlationId <id>
    -replyTo <queueName>
    -persistent true|false
    -headers <name-value-list>  # The parameters ttl, correlationId, replyTo and persistent will overwrite the corresponding headers.   


tStomp_instance send -ttl 300000 -replyTo "/queue/replyToQueue" -headers [list correlationId 1 content-type String] "/queue/exampleQueue" "best whishes!"

If a option is set the header will be ignored.

tStomp_instance send -replyTo "/queue/replyToQueue" -headers [list reply-to "/queue/IgnoredQueue"] "/queue/exampleQueue" "message"

The option/header ttl is an exception. The ActiveMQ Broker does only have expires as the Expiration Time. It does not support ttl. If the header/option ttl is set a header expires will be generated. If the header expires is set, the header ttl will be ignored, the option ttl will overwrite it though. A ttl of 0 will result in an Expiration Time of 0, meaning it will not expire.

tStomp_instance send -ttl 300000 "/queue/exampleQueue" "message" -> Expiration Time 300 seconds from now
tStomp_instance send -headers [list expires 300000] "/queue/exampleQueue" "message" -> Expiration Time 300 seconds from now
tStomp_instance send -ttl 300000 -headers [list ttl 150000] "/queue/exampleQueue" "message" -> Expiration Time 300 seconds from now
tStomp_instance send -headers [list ttl 150000 expires 300000] "/queue/exampleQueue" "message" -> Expiration Time 300 seconds from now
tStomp_instance send -ttl 300000 -headers [list expires 150000] "/queue/exampleQueue" "message" -> Expiration Time 300 seconds from now

tStomp_instance send -headers [list ttl 0] "/queue/exampleQueue" "message" -> Expiration Time 0, the message will not expire
tStomp_instance send -headers [list expires 0] "/queue/exampleQueue" "message" -> Expiration Time 0, the message will not expire
tStomp_instance send -ttl 0 "/queue/exampleQueue" "message" -> Expiration Time 0, the message will not expire

it is important that the Broker and tStomp run on the same timezone or else the difference is calculated

Subscribing to a queue will enable to receive messages which are sent to that queue. Every time a message is received the callBackScript is called.

tStomp_instance subscribe "/queue/subscribeQueue" {puts "message received"}

After a broker failover, all subscribe commands will be re-executed.

The unsubscribe method unsubscribes from the given queue and erases the correlating callBackScript.

tStomp_instance unsubscribe "/queue/exampleQueue"

To disconnect the disconnect method may be called. It is possible to force the disconnect with the parameter force. If force is set the notConnected error is ignored.

tStomp_instance disconnect -> force = 0
tStomp_instance disconnect 1 -> force = 1

Heart Beat Implementation

A first step towards Stomp 1.2 compatibility is the implementation of heart beat messages. With tStomp it is possible to ask the server for sending periodic heart beats. About all heartBeatExpected (in ms) the script heartBeatScript will be called. If the connection get's lost, a reconnection is triggered.

tStomp_instance connect {puts "CONNECTED"} -heartBeatScript {puts "heart beat isConnected=$isConnected host=$host port=$port"}  -heartBeatExpected 1000

Error Handling

tStomp has 4 errors implemented:


class tStomp

    constructor {stompUrl}
        Standard Stomp URL format is possible - e.g.:

    destructor {}
        Called when objects of the class are deleted

    public connect {onConnectScript args}
        connects to given stompUrl in the constructor. 
        onConnectScript is called after connection is confirmed. 
        Optional parameters 
            -heartBeatScript <script>   # script to be called after receifing heartBeat. The local variables isConnected, host and port indicate the current connection state.
            -heartBeatExpected <heartBeatExpected> # heart beat expected every <heartBeatExpected> ms.  
            -reconnect <reconnection>   # reconnection 0|1 - use previous parameters. Default 0.
            -supervisionTime <supervisionTime>  # after a connection, no reconnect is allowed within <supervisionTime> (in sec)

    public disconnect {force 0}
        disconnects from server

    public send {dest msg args}
        publishes a message msg to destination dest. 
        Optional parameters 
            -correlationId <correlationId>
            -replyTo <queue>
            -persistent <persistent>
            -ttl <ttl>
            -headers <headerList>
        if an option and a header exists, the header will be overwritten by the option

    public subscribe {destName callbackscript}
        Command is used to register to listen to a given destination. On every received message callbackscript will be called

    public unsubscribe {destName}
        unsubscribes the given destination. correlating callbackscript will be removed

    public getStompVersion {}
        returns the current stomp version

    public getIsConnected {}
        returns if the tStomp is connected

    public setWriteSocketFile {status}
        set to enable logging. tStomp log is written in tStomp.log . if nothing is set logging is disabled

    proc setDebugCmd {script} 
        injects a custom debug output command - e.g.
        tStomp::setDebugCmd {::debug $msg $level}
        tStomp::setDebugCmd {trace $msg}

Integration Tests can be found in tStomp.test.tcl.
