sifive / cinco

Port of Arduino environment for Freedom E 300 Dev Kit & HiFive Board
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This repository allows you to program Freedom E300 boards using the Arduino IDE. You can install this repository in two ways:

Follow the instructions below to install the Board support package.

Please see the Getting Started Guides for more information on how to install and use the tools.

Freedom E310 Arty Dev Kit Getting Started Guide

HiFive1 Getting Started Guide


Install Arduino

Download and install Arduino IDE 1.6.12 tarball from the Arduino website. Unpack it and run their installation script as directed.

Install the SiFive Boards

Use one of the following methods:

Option 1: Installing Through the Arduino IDE

This is supported for macOS and Linux.

Add the to the Additional Board URLs.

Use the Board Manager to search for and install the "SiFive" boards.

Option 2: Install this Repo Manually

This is generally not supported. You can use this technique to install on platforms that aren't supported by the Board Manager, or if you want to work on the code in this repository.

  1. Clone this Repository

    Clone this repo wherever you like. Assume that you set an environment variable CINCO to that location.

    cd $CINCO
    git clone --recursive
  2. Create a simlink from your Arduino install location.

    cd /opt/arduino-1.6.12/hardware/
    ln -s $CINCO/hardware sifive
  3. Install RISC-V Tools and OpenOCD

    If you have previously installed the Freedom E SDK, you do not need to do this step.

    Follow the instructions in the Freedom E SDK README to install the SDK. You can use the version included in this repository or download and install it separately.

  4. Add the toolchain to your path

    export PATH=$CINCO/hardware/freedom_e/freedom-e-sdk/toolchain/bin:$PATH

If you installed the Freedom E SDK some other way, use that installation location instead.

Select Your Board

Restart and launch the Arduino IDE.

Select the board (e.g. Freedom E300 Arty Dev Kit) on the Arduino Menu

Tools->Board->Freedom E 300 Dev Kit

Select Your Toolchain

If you installed the tools using the Arduino Package Manager, select Tools -> Tool Install Location -> Default.

If you compiled the Freedom E SDK manually, select Tools -> Tool Install Location -> Manual.

Select OpenOCD as the Programmer

If you installed the tools using the Arduino Package Manager, select Tools->Programmer->SiFive OpenOCD

If you installed the tools manually, select Tools->Programmer-> Manual SiFive OpenOCD

Write & Upload Your Program

Select an example program and modify it as usual.

For example, use the 'File->Examples->Basics->Blink' example, which needs no modifications.

Hit the "Verify" button to test the program compiles, then "Upload" to program to your board. The green LED should blink.