sifive / wake

The SiFive wake build tool
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What is this?

Wake is a build orchestration tool and language. If you have a build whose steps cannot be adequately expressed in make/tup/bazel/etc, you probably need wake. If you don't want to waste time rebuilding things that don't need it, or that your colleagues already built, you might appreciate wake.

Wake features:

Installing dependencies

On Debian/Ubuntu (wheezy or later):

sudo apt-get install makedev fuse libfuse-dev libsqlite3-dev libgmp-dev libncurses5-dev pkg-config git g++ gcc libre2-dev dash

On Redhat (6.6 or later):

sudo yum install epel-release epel-release centos-release-scl
# On RHEL6: sudo yum install devtoolset-6-gcc devtoolset-6-gcc-c++
sudo yum install makedev fuse fuse-devel sqlite-devel gmp-devel ncurses-devel pkgconfig git gcc gcc-c++ re2-devel dash

On FreeBSD (12 or later):

pkg install gmake pkgconf gmp re2 sqlite3 fusefs-libs dash
echo 'fuse_load="YES"' >> /boot/loader.conf
echo 'vfs.usermount=1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
pw groupmod operator -m YOUR-NON-ROOT-USER

On Alpine Linux (3.14.0 or later):

apk add g++ make pkgconf git gmp-dev re2-dev sqlite-dev fuse-dev ncurses-dev dash

Alpine releases as old as 3.11.5 may work depending on the use case, but due to a limitation in older musl versions some jobs may be rebuilt unnecessarily.

On Mac OS with Mac Ports installed:

sudo port install osxfuse sqlite3 gmp re2 ncurses pkgconfig dash

On Mac OS with Home Brew installed:

brew install gmp re2 pkgconfig dash

Fuse is slightly more complicated, it requires permissions.

brew tap homebrew/cask
brew cask install osxfuse

You should see something like the following, and MacOS may ask for your password.

You must reboot for the installation of osxfuse to take effect.

System Extension Blocked
"The system extension required for mounting FUSE volumes could not be loaded.
Please open the Security & Privacy System Preferences pane, go to the General preferences and allow loading system software from developer "Benjamin Fleischer".

Then try mounting the volume again."

Give FUSE permission to run as stated in the instructions and you should be good to go.

Building wake

git clone
cd wake
git tag                 # See what versions exist
#git checkout master    # Use development branch (e.g. recent bug fix)
#git checkout v0.24     # Check out a specific version, like v0.24
./bin/wake install $HOME/stuff # or wherever
Name Version License
External dependencies
c++ 11 >= 4.7 GPLv3
dash >= 0.5 BSD 3-clause
sqlite3-dev >= 3.6 public domain
libgmp-dev >= 4.3 LGPL v3
libfuse-dev >= 2.8 LGPL v2.1
libre2-dev >= 2013 BSD 3-clause
libncurses5-dev >= 5.7 MIT
m4 >= 1.4 GPLv3
Optional dependencies
re2c >= 1.0 public domain
utf8proc >= 2.0 MIT
Internal dependencies
lemon 2021-09 public domain
gopt 10.0 TFL
SipHash 2017-02 CC0
BLAKE2 2018-07 CC0
whereami 2018-09 WTFPLV2

Configuring wake

Certain characteristics of wake execution can be configured for all invocations of the wake tool. For example, the repo may set the minimum wake version or a user may set the verbosity of a log message. This is achieved via two config files: .wakeroot and the user config. The user config overrides .wakeroot if two values conflict. Certain values may only be specified in a specific location. For example, min version may only be set in the .wakeroot. Both files contain JSON5 source where the root object may contain the following keys.

Key Description Required Type .wakeroot user config Default
version SemVer compatible with the repo No SemVer string Yes No ""
user_config Path to user config for this repo. Allows a different config for each repo. No shell expandable path string Yes No $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/wake.json if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME set, $HOME/.config/wake.json otherwise
log_header A string containing $stream and $source that will prepend every line of a jobs output No An interpolated string Yes Yes '[$stream] $source: '
log_header_source_width An integer that specifies the width of the $source variable in log_header No Positive Integer Yes Yes 25
log_header_align A boolean that specifies whether or not to align log header output No Boolean Yes Yes False
max_cache_size The number of bytes after which the shared cache will start a collection No Integer Yes Yes 25GB
low_cache_size The number of bytes that the cache tries to reach during a collection No Integer Yes Yes 15 GB
cache_miss_on_failure if true shared cache will report a cache miss instead of terminating when something goes wrong No Boolean Yes Yes False

Below is a full example

// .wakeroot
  "version": "0.31.0",
  "user_config": "~/.config/wake.myrepo.json"

// ~/.config/wake.myrepo.json
  // Right now there are no implemented user keys so this file is always empty
  // This will be updated once log verbosity or another user key is implemented

While there are many sources that a config option might come from, the following priority is always observed from lowest to highest: 1) .wakeroot 2) user config 3) environment variables 4) command line options

So a command line option overides anything, an environment variable overrides user config and wakeroot, user config overrides wakeroot, and wakeroot overrides nothing


Documentation for wake can be found in share/doc/wake.